Available Book Reviews Listed by Principal Author's Last Name
(Blue text indicates fiction; yellow highlight indicates the latest review.)
I provide this list for the convenience of those looking for an author by name. The fields are: Author name; Title; Topic. Fiction titles have the author's name in blue. Topics are in red for distinctiveness.
Titles are linked to reviews. Where a book is listed under two topics, the link goes to the one I think best represents the content of the work. In one case, the publisher and year are listed to identify this particular edition, which differs in content from the first edition. For my own convenience, I highlight the latest reviews of factual and fiction works I've done. These highlights are light yellow and light blue, respectively.
NOTE: Reviews of films and television shows are not included in this list.
- Achenbach, Joel | Captured by Aliens | Anthropology
- Acosta, Jim | The Enemy of the People | Politics
- Adams, Douglas | Last Chance To See | Environment
- Agin, Dan | Junk Science | Science
- Aldrin, Buzz | Encounter with Tiber | Science Fiction
- Allen, Paul | Idea Man | Memoirs
- Alterman, Eric | The Book on Bush | Politics
- Amato, John | Over the Cliff | Politics
- Anderson, Carol | One Person, No Vote | Politics
- Anderson, Chester | Ten Years To Doomsday | Science Fiction
- Anderson, Poul | Genesis | Science Fiction
- Anderson, Poul | Tau Zero | Science Fiction
- Anderson, Ray C. | Confessions of a Radical Industrialist | Memoirs
- Anonymous | A Warning | Politics
- Anthony, Patricia | Brother Termite | Science Fiction
- Anthony, Patricia | Cradle of Splendor | Science Fiction
- Anthony, Piers | Isle of Woman | Science Fiction
- Anthony, Piers | Macroscope | Science Fiction
- Archer, David | The Climate Crisis | Environment
- Ashby, Darren | Electrical Engineering 101 | Electronics
- Ashford, David | Spaceflight Revolution | Space
- Asimov, Eric | How to Love Wine | Memoirs
- Asimov, Stanley (ed.) | Yours, Isaac Asimov | Memoirs
- Asner, Ed | The Grouchy Historian | Politics
- Barley, Stephen R. | Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies | Anthropology
- Barnosky, Anthony | Tipping Point for Planet Earth | Environment
- Bauerlein, Mark | The Dumbest Generation | Learning
- Bear, Greg | Eon | Science fiction
- Belfiore, Michael | Rocketeers | Space
- Bender, Michael C. | "Frankly, We Did Win this Election" | Politics
- Benecke, Mark | The Dream of Eternal Life | History
- Benjamin, Marina | Rocket Dreams | History
- Berezow, Alex B. | Science Left Behind | Politics
- Bergaust, Erik | Murder on Pad 34 | History
- Berinstein, Paula | Making Space Happen | History
- Berry, Adrian | The Giant Leap | Space
- Bhutto, Benazir | Reconciliation | Religion
- Bickerton, Derek | Adam's Tongue | Anthropology
- Biggers, Jeff | Reckoning at Eagle Creek | Environment
- Biggle, Lloyd | The Chronocide Mission | Science Fiction
- Bloodworth, Dennis | An Eye for the Dragon | History
- Bloomberg, Michael | Climate of Hope | Politics
- Bodmer, Walter | The Book of Man | Medicine
- Borsook, Paulina | Cyberselfish | Anthropology
- Bova, Ben | Immortality | Medicine
- Bova, Ben | Faint Echoes, Distant Stars | Astronomy
- Bowen, Mark | Censoring Science | Science
- Bowen, Mark | Thin Ice | Science
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Heritage and Exile | Science Fiction
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Ruins of Isis | Science Fiction
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Web of Light | Science Fiction
- Bradley, Raymond S. | Global Warming and Political Intimidation | Politics
- Broecker, Wallace | Fixing Climate | Science
- Brown, Julian | Minds, Machines, and the Multiverse | Technology
- Bruni, Frank | Ambling into History | Politics
- Brunner, John | Quicksand | Science Fiction
- Brunner, John | The Sheep Look Up | Science Fiction
- Bryant, Nick | When America Stopped Being Great | Politics
- Bryce, Robert | Pipe Dreams | Business
- Buffett, Jimmy | A Salty Piece of Land | Mainstream Fiction
- Burton, Levar | Aftermath | Science Fiction
- Cabbage, Michael | Comm Check... | History
- Caldicott, Helen | Crisis Without End | Environment
- Card, Orson Scott | Ender's War | Science Fiction
- Carlson, Delbert G. | Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook | Biology
- Carr, Nicholas | The Shallows | Anthropology
- Carson, Rachel | Silent Spring | Biology / Environment
- Carville, James | Take it Back | Politics
- Chandrasekaran, Rajiv | Imperial Life in the Emerald City | Politics
- Chapman, Clark R. | Cosmic Catastrophes | Astronomy
- Chayes, Sarah | Thieves of State | Politics
- Cherryh, C. J. | Downbelow Station | Science Fiction
- Cherryh, C. J. | Rimrunners | Science Fiction
- Chown, Marcus | The Magic Furnace | Astronomy
- Chown, Marcus | The Matchbox that Ate a Forty-Ton Truck | Science
- Clark, Walter Van Tilburg | The Ox-Bow Incident | Mainstream Fiction
- Clarke, Arthur C. | Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! | Memoirs
- Clarke, Arthur C. | Rama II | Science Fiction
- Clarke, Arthur C. | The Garden of Rama | Science Fiction
- Clarke, Arthur C. | Rama Revealed | Science Fiction
- Clarke, Richard A. | Against All Enemies | Politics
- Clavell, James | The Children's Story | Learning
- Clavell, James | Shogun | Mainstream Fiction
- Clement, Hal | The Nitrogen Fix | Science Fiction
- Clement-Davies, David | Fire Bringer | Fantasy Fiction
- Clinton, Hillary Rodham | What Happened | Memoirs
- Collins, Judy | Sweet Judy Blue Eyes | Memoirs
- Collins, Michael | Mission to Mars | Space
- Collis, John | John Denver | Memoirs
- Comey, James | A Higher Loyalty | Memoirs
- Conason, Joe | Big Lies | Politics
- Cook, Gene | Stars' End | Science Fiction
- Cook, Nick | The Hunt for Zero Point | History
- Cooke, Stephanie | In Mortal Hands | History
- Coombs, Charles | Aerospace Pilot | Space
- Cooper, Edmund | The Overman Culture | Science Fiction
- Corson, William R. | The Betrayal | History
- Courland, Robert | Concrete Planet | Technology
- Cousteau, Jacques-Yves | The Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus | Environment
- Cox, John D. | Climate Crash | Science
- Cravens, Gwyneth | Power to Save the World | Technology
- Crichton, Michael | State of Fear | Science Fiction
- Crichton, Michael | Sphere | Science Fiction
- Crier, Catherine | Contempt | Politics
- Crier, Catherine | Patriot Acts | Politics
- Crier, Catherine | The Case against Lawyers | Politics
- Critser, Greg | Eternity Soup | Medicine
- Cullen, Heidi | Weather of the Future | Environment
- Cuttle, Christopher | Lighting by Design | Technology
- Daniels, Stormy | Full Disclosure | Memoirs
- Davidson, Osha Gray | Under Fire | Politics
- Davies, Paul | The Eerie Silence | Science
- Davis, Frederick Rowe | Banned | Science
- Dawkins, Richard | Outgrowing God | Religion
- Dawson, Ashley | Extreme Cities | Politics
- de Camp, L. Sprague | Lands Beyond | History
- de Waal, Franz | Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are? | Biology
- DeCandido, Keith R. A. | Articles of the Federation | Science Fiction
- DeCandido, Keith R. A. | Resident Evil: Extinction | Science Fiction
- Dean, John | Worse than Watergate | Politics
- Dean, John | Conservatives without Conscience | Politics
- Del Rey, Lester | Pstalemate | Science Fiction
- Denworth, Lydia | Toxic Truth | Medicine
- Dickens, Charles | Hard Times | Mainstream Fiction
- Dickson, Gordon R. | Soldier, Ask Not | Science Fiction
- Donnelly, Joseph P. | Wilderness Kingdom | History
- Dorsey, Gary | Silicon Sky | Business
- Draper, Robert | Do Not Ask What Good We Do | Politics
- Draper, Robert | Weapons of Mass Delusion | Politics
- Dubbs, Chris | Realizing Tomorrow | Technology
- Dunlap, Thomas R. | DDT | Environment
- Dyer, Gwynne | Climate Wars | Environment
- Dyson, George | Project Orion | Space
- Eberhart, Russell C. | Neural Network PC Tools | Computers
- Elias, George Henry | Breakout into Space | Space
- Eldredge, Niles | Dominion | Anthropology
- Elert, Emily | Global Weirdness | Science
- Eller, Ronald D. | Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers | History
- Englander, John | High Tide on Main Street | Environment
- Epstein, Paul R. | Changing Planet, Changing Health | Environment
- Erickson, Erick | You Will Be Made to Care | Religion
- Estrich, Susan | Soulless | Politics
- Falk, Dan | Universe on a T-Shirt | Physics
- Fallaci, Oriana | A Man (Un Uomo) | Mainstream Fiction
- Fallaci, Oriana | If the Sun Dies | History
- Fallaci, Oriana | Interview with History | History
- Fallaci, Oriana | Letter to a Child Never Born | Mainstream Fiction
- Faris, Stephan | Forecast | Environment
- Fein, Ron | The Constitution Demands It | Politics
- Ferguson, Eugene S. | Engineering and the Mind's Eye | Technology
- Findley, Paul | Silent No More | Religion
- Fitzgerald, A. Ernest | The Pentagonists | History
- Flannery, Tim | Atmosphere of Hope | Environment
- Flannery, Tim | Now or Never | Environment
- Flewelling, Lynn | The Bone Doll's Twin | Fantasy Fiction
- Flynn, Michael | Firestar | Science Fiction
- Flynn, Michael | Rogue Star | Science Fiction
- Flynn, Michael | Lodestar | Science Fiction
- Flynn, Michael | Falling Stars | Science Fiction
- Fogg, Martyn | Terraforming | Technology
- Foster, Alan Dean | Bloodhype | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | Cachalot | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | The End of the Matter | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | Flinx's Folly | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | For Love of Mother-Not | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | The Howling Stones | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | Mid-Flinx | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | Orphan Star | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | Sentenced to Prism | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | The Spoils of War | Science Fiction
- Foster, Alan Dean | The Tar-Aiym Krang | Science Fiction
- Frank, Adam | Light of the Stars | Science
- Frank, Thomas | Listen, Liberal | Politics
- Frank, Thomas | Pity the Billionaire | Politics
- Frank, Thomas | Rendezvous with Oblivion | Politics
- Frank, Thomas | What's the Matter with Kansas? | Politics
- Franken, Al | Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell them | Politics
- Franken, Al | The Truth (with Jokes) | Politics
- Freddoso, David | The Case Against Barack Obama | Politics
- Freeman, S. David | All-Electric America | Technology
- Freeman, Marsha | Challenges of Human Space Exploration | Space
- Frenkel, Sheera | An Ugly Truth | Business
- Frum, David | Trumpocracy | Politics
- Fuller, John G. | We Almost Lost Detroit | Technology
- Galuszka, Peter A. | Thunder on the Mountain | Environment
- Garver, Lori | Escaping Gravity | Memoirs
- Garwin, Richard L. | Megawatts and Megatons | Physics
- Gelernter, David | Drawing Life | Anthropology
- Gershwin, Lisa-ann | Stung! | Biology
- Gibney, Bruce | A Generation of Sociopaths | Politics
- Gibson, James William | A Reenchanted World | Environment
- Gibson, William | Neuromancer | Science Fiction
- Gingrich, Newt | Winning the Future | Politics
- Gipe, Paul | Wind Energy Comes of Age | Technology
- Gladstone, Brooke | The Trouble with Reality | Politics
- Goldberg, Bernard | 100 People who are Screwing up America | Politics
- Goldsmith, Donald | Exoplanets | Astronom
- Goldstein, Joshua | A Bright Future | Technology
- Goodell, Jeff | Big Coal | Technology
- Goodell, Jeff | How to Cool the Planet | Technology
- Goodell, Jeff | The Heat Will Kill You First | Environment
- Goodell, Jeff | The Water Will Come | Environment
- Gordon, Stuart | Time Story | Science Fiction
- Gordon, Rebecca | American Nuremberg | Politics
- Gore, Al | Our Choice | Environment
- Goreham, Steve | Climatism! | Politics
- Graedon, Joe | Top Screwups Doctors Make and How To Avoid Them | Medicine
- Gray, Mike | Angle of Attack | History
- Grazier, Kevin R. (ed.) | The Science of Michael Crichton | Science
- Grinspoon, David | Lonely Planets | Biology
- Guay, Mary | Climate Change | Environment
- Gutsch, William A. | The Search for Extraterrestrial Life | Astronom
- Hacker, Jacob S. | Off Center | Politics
- Hall, Stephen S. | Merchants of Immortality | Medicine
- Hamilton, Clive | Earthmasters | Technology
- Hammond, Allen | Which World? | Anthropology
- Hanes, Stephanie | White Man's Game | Environment
- Hansen, James | Storms of My Grandchildren | Environment
- Hapgood, Fred | Up The Infinite Corridor | Technology
- Harbury, Jennifer K. | Truth, Torture, and the American Way | Politics
- Harding, Luke | Collusion | Politics
- Harrison, Albert A. | After Contact | Anthropology
- Harvey, Hal | The Big Fix | Environment
- Hassoun, M. Nadim | Structural Concrete | Technology
- Hawking, Stephen W. | A Brief History of Time | Astronomy
- Hawking, Stephen W. | A Briefer History of Time | Astronomy
- Hedges, Chris | The World As It Is | Politics
- Heinlein, Robert A. | For Us, the Living | Science Fiction
- Heinlein, Robert A. | Podkayne of Mars | Science Fiction
- Heinlein, Robert A. | Revolt in 2100 | Science Fiction
- Heintze, Carl | Search Among the Stars | Astronomy
- Heos, Bridget | It's Getting Hot in Here | Environment
- Hersey, John | Hiroshima | History
- Hersh, Seymour | Chain of Command | Politics
- Hertsgaard, Mark | Bravehearts | Politics
- Hessley, Rita K. | Coal Science | Technology
- Hewitt, William F. | A Newer World | Environment
- Hickam, Homer H. | Back to the Moon | Science Fiction
- Hickman, Joseph | Murder at Camp Delta | Politics
- Hirsch, E. D. | The Schools We Need | Learning
- Hogan, James P. | Code of the Lifemaker | Science Fiction
- Hogan, James P. | The Genesis Machine | Science Fiction
- Hogan, James P. | Giants' Star | Science Fiction
- Hogan, James P. | Inherit the Stars | Science Fiction
- Hogan, James P. | Mission to Minerva | Science Fiction
- Hoggan, James | Climate Cover-Up | Politics
- Holtzman, Elizabeth | The Case for Impeaching Trump | Politics
- Horner, Christopher | The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming | Politics
- Horwitz, Jeff | Broken Code | Politics
- Hoyle, Fred | October the First Is Too Late | Science Fiction
- Hujsak, Edward | The Future of U.S. Rocketry | Space
- Huskey, Kristine | Justice at Guantanamo | Politics
- Impey, Chris | Beyond | Space
- Impey, Chris | How It Ends | Science
- Impey, Chris | The Living Cosmos | Astronomy
- Isikoff, Michael | Russian Roulette | Politics
- Isikoff, Michael | Find Me the Votes | Politics
- Ivins, Molly | Shrub | Politics
- Ivins, Molly | Bushwhacked | Politics
- Jackson, Maggie | Distracted | Anthropology
- Jaczko, Gregory B. | Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator | Technology
- Jain, Pramod | Wind Energy Engineering | Technology
- Jamail, Dahr | The End of Ice | Environment
- Jamieson, Kathleen Hall | Cyberwar | Politics
- Jefferson, Alan | The Complete Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Guide | Visual Media
- Jensen, Derrick | Bright Green Lies | Environment
- Johnston, David Cay | Perfectly Legal | Politics
- Johnston, David Cay | It's Even Worse than You Think | Politics
- Jones, Matt | Mitch, Please! | Politics
- Kelly, Marjorie | The Divine Right of Capital | Business
- Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. | Crimes Against Nature | Environment
- Kendzior, Sarah | Hiding in Plain Sight | Politics
- Kershenbaum, Arik | The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy | Science
- King, Betty | Women of the Future | Science Fiction
- Kintisch, Eli | Hack the Planet | Technology
- Kitchin, C. R. | Journeys to the Ends of the Universe | Astronomy
- Klein, Naomi | The Battle for Paradise | Environment
- Klein, Naomi | On Fire | Environment
- Klein, Naomi | This Changes Everything | Environment
- Klerkx, Greg | Lost in Space | History
- Kolata, Gina | Ultimate Fitness | Anthropology
- Kolbert, Elizabeth | Field Notes from a Catastrophe | Environment
- Kolbert, Elizabeth | The Sixth Extinction | Environment
- Kolbert, Elizabeth | Under a White Sky | Environment
- Koppel, Ted | Lights Out | Technology
- Kovalik, Dan | The Case for Palestine | Politics
- Krantzler, Mel | Down and Out in Silicon Valley | Business
- Krauss, Lawrence M. | The Physics of Star Trek | Physics
- Krupp, Fred | Earth: The Sequel | Technology
- Kunstler, James Howard | The Long Emergency | Politics
- Kunstler, James Howard | Too Much Magic | Politics
- Kurland, Michael | Pluribus | Science Fiction
- Kuttner, Robert | A Presidency in Peril |
- Ladies_Home | 100 Most Important Women of the 20th Century | Memoirs
- Lambright, W. Henry | Powering Apollo | History
- Lancaster, Don | The CMOS Cookbook | Electronics | Howard W. Sams, 1988
- Lapham, Lewis | Pretensions to Empire | Politics
- Larbalestier, Justine | The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction | Anthropology
- Lardner, James | Inequality Matters | Politics
- Laughlin, Robert | The Crime of Reason | Economics
- Laumer, Keith | The Long Twilight | Science Fiction
- Launius, Roger | Imagining Space | Space
- Lederer, William | The Ugly American | Mainstream Fiction
- Lederer, William | Our Own Worst Enemy | History
- Lee, Bandy | The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump | Politics
- Lee, Harper | To Kill a Mockingbird | Mainstream Fiction
- LeGuin, Ursula | The Dispossessed | Science Fiction
- Lehman, Milton | This High Man | Memoirs
- Leiber, Fritz | The Big Time | Science Fiction
- Leonnig, Carol | I Alone Can Fix It | Politics
- Leslie, Ian | Curious | Learning
- Levitan, Dave | Not a Scientist | Politics
- Levitt, Steven D. | Freakonomics | Anthropology
- Lewis, John S. | Mining the Sky | Space
- Lewis, John S. | Rain of Iron and Ice | Space
- Lewis, John S. | Worlds Without End | Astronomy
- Lewis, Michael | The Fifth Risk | Politics
- Lewis, Michael | The Premonition | Politics
- Lichtman, Allan J. | The Case for Impeachment | Politics
- Linden, Eugene | The Winds of Change | Environment
- Loeb, Penny | Moving Mountains | Environment
- Loesch, Dana | Flyover Nation | Politics
- Loewenstein, Anthony | The Palestine Laboratory | Politics
- Loewenstein, Werner R. | The Touchstone of Life | Biology
- Loomis, Erik | Out of Sight | Business
- Lord, M. G. | Astro Turf | History
- Luce, Edward | Time to Start Thinking | Politics
- Lustgarten, Abraham | Run To Failure | Technology
- Lustgarten, Abraham | On the Move | Environment
- Lynas, Mark | Nuclear 2.0 | Technology
- Lynn, Barry W. | Piety and Politics | Religion
- MacDonald, John D. | Time and Tomorrow | Science Fiction
- MacLean, Nancy | Democracy in Chains | Politics
- MacLeod, Ken | The Sky Road | Science Fiction
- Maddow, Rachel | Blowout | Politics
- Magary, Drew | The Postmortal | Science Fiction
- Magner, Mike | Poisoned Legacy | Technology
- Maguire, Joe | Brainless | Politics
- Mahaffey, James | Atomic Accidents | Technology
- Mallaby, Sebastian | The World's Banker | Politics
- Mandel, Thomas | Rules of the Net | Computers
- Mann, Charles C. | Noah's Choice | Environment
- Mann, Michael E. | The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars | Politics
- Mann, Michael E. | The Madhouse Effect | Politics
- Mann, Michael E. | The New Climate War | Politics
- Mann, Michael E. | Our Fragile Moment | Politics
- Margulies, Joseph | Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power | Politics
- Marques, Nadedja | Born Subversive | Memoirs
- Martin, Gerard (ed.) | Wind Turbines | Technology
- Martin, Richard | SuperFuel | Technology
- Mason, Douglas R. | Eight Against Utopia | Science Fiction
- Mayer, Jane | Dark Money | Politics
- McCabe, Andrew G. | The Threat | Politics
- McCaffrey, Anne | Decision at Doona | Science Fiction
- McClellan, Scott | What Happened | Politics
- McConnell, Brian | Beyond Contact | Science
- McKibben, Bill | Eaarth | Environment
- McKibben, Bill | Falter | Environment
- McKibben, Bill | The Global Warming Reader | Environment
- McPhee, John | The Curve of Binding Energy | Physics
- McPherson, William | Tales of a Hot Planet | Science Fiction
- Meyer, Eric | Eric Meyer on CSS | Computers
- Michaels, Patrick J. | Shattered Consensus | Sciences
- Miles, Kathryn | Quakeland | Sciences
- Miller, Greg | The Apprentice | Politics
- Miller, Todd | Storming the Wall | Politics
- Miller Jr, Walter M. | A Canticle for Leibowitz | Science Fiction
- Mishkin, Andrew | Sojourner | Space
- Monbiot, George | Heat | Technology
- Moon, Sun Myung | As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen | Memoirs
- Mooney, Chris | The Republican Brain | Anthropology
- Mooney, Chris | The Republican War on Science | Politics
- Mooney, Chris | Storm World | Science
- Mooney, Chris | Unscientific America | Learning
- Morgan, George D. | Rocket Girl | Memoirs
- Morone, Joseph G. | The Demise of Nuclear Energy? | Technology
- Morris, Charles R. | The Sages | Business
- Morton, Oliver | Mapping Mars | Space
- Morton, Oliver | Eating the Sun | Science
- Morton, Oliver | The Planet Remade | Technology
- Mulgrew, Kate | Born with Teeth | Memoirs
- Mullane, Mike | Riding Rockets | Memoirs
- Mykel, A. W. | The Salamandra Glass | Mainstream Fiction
- Nadeau, Robert L. | The Environmental Endgame | Economics
- Nader, Ralph | The Good Fight | Politics
- Nader, Ralph | To the Ramparts | Politics
- Nader, Ralph | Whistle Blowing | Politics
- Nardo, Don | Climate Crisis | Environment
- Nesbit, Jeff | Poison Tea | Politics
- Nim, P. S. | Double Mobius Sphere | Science Fiction
- Niven, Larry | Footfall | Science Fiction
- Nordhaus, William D | The Climate Casino | Economics
- Norton, Andre | Time Traders II | Science Fiction
- O'Hanlon, Michael | Neither Star Wars nor Sanctuary | Politics
- O'Neill, Dan | The Firecracker Boys | History
- O'Neill, Gerard K. | The High Frontier | Space
- O'Rourke, P. J. | How the Hell Did this Happen? | Politics
- Obama, Michelle | Becoming | Memoirs
- Oliphant, Thomas | Utter Incompetents | Politics
- Oreskes, Naomi | The Collapse of Western Civilization | Science Fiction
- Oreskes, Naomi | Merchants of Doubt | Politics
- Orlova, Marina | Hot for Words | Inglish
- Orwell, George | The Road to Wigan Pier | History
- Outside Magazine | Out of the Noösphere | Environment
- Pangborn, Edward | A Mirror for Observers | Science Fiction
- Partanen, Rauli | Climate Gamble | Technology
- Pearce, Fred | With Speed and Violence | Science
- Pearson, Richard | Driven To Extinction | Biology
- Pendle, George | Strange Angel | Memoirs
- Perkins, John | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man | Memoirs
- Perkowitz, Sidney | Hollywood Science | Visual Media
- Petersen, Carolyn C. | Hubble Vision | Space
- Peterson, Ivars | Newton's Clock | Astronomy
- Petroski, Henry | The Essential Engineer | Technology
- Phillips, Ken | Bad Money | Economics
- Pinker, Susan | The Sexual Paradox | Anthropology
- Piper, H. Beam | First Cycle | Science Fiction
- Plait, Philip | Death from the Skies! | Astronomy
- Pohl, Frederik | Chernobyl | Mainstream Fiction
- Pohl, Frederik | The Singers of Time | Science Fiction
- Pohl, Frederik | The Starchild Trilogy | Science Fiction
- Pomerantsev, Peter | Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible | Politics
- Pooley, Eric | The Climate War | Politics
- Pope, Carl | Strategic Ignorance | Politics
- Postrel, Virginia | The Future and its Enemies | Anthropology
- Powell, James Lawrence | The Inquisition of Climate Science | Science
- Press, Bill | Toxic Talk | Politics
- Press, Bill | Train Wreck | History - Politics
- Press, Bill | Trump Must Go | Politics
- Preston, James F. | EPA Certification Guide | Technology
- Pyle, Rod | Space 2.0 | Space
- Rasor, Dina | The Pentagon Underground | History
- Ravitch, Diane | The Death and Life of the Great American School System | Learning
- Ravitch, Diane | The Language Police | Learning
- Ravitch, Diane | Left Back | Learning
- Ray, Paul H. | The Cultural Creatives | Anthropology
- Reece, Erik | Lost Mountain | Environment
- Reed, R. Dale | Wingless Flight | Space
- Rees, Martin | Our Cosmic Habitat | Astronomy
- Reeves-Stevens, Judith | Prime Directive | Science Fiction
- Regis, Ed | Great Mambo Chicken | Science
- Reich, Robert B. | Supercapitalism | Economics
- Reich, Robert B. | Saving Capitalism | Economics
- Reiss, Bob | The Eskimo and the Oil Man | Environment
- Rhodes, Richard | Nuclear Renewal | Technology
- Rhodes, Richard | Visions of Technology | History - Technology
- Rich, Nathaniel | Losing Earth | Politics
- Richardson, Heather Cox | Democracy Awakening | Politics
- Ricks, Thomas E. | Fiasco | Politics
- Ride, Sally | To Space and Back | Space
- Riemen, Rob | To Fight Against this Age | Politics
- Rifkin, Jeremy | The European Dream | Anthropology
- Robinson, George S. | Envoys of Mankind | Space
- Rohde, David | Beyond War | Politics
- Romm, Joseph J. | Hell and High Water | Environment
- Romm, Joseph J. | The Hype About Hydrogen | Technology
- Rose, David | Guantánamo | Politics
- Rotter, Andrew J. | Hiroshima: The World's Bomb | History
- Rucker, Philip | A Very Stable Genius | Politics
- Ruddiman, William F. | Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum | Science
- Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan | Warning: Nonsense is Destroying America | Anthropology
- Rushkoff, Douglas | Life Inc. | Politics
- Russell, Eric Frank | The Mindwarpers | Science Fiction
- Sagan, Carl | The Demon-Haunted World | Anthropology
- Sagan, Carl | The Dragons of Eden | Anthropology
- Sagan, Carl | Pale Blue Dot | Space
- Sagan, Carl | Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors | Anthropology
- Sanders, Bernie | It's OK To Be Angry about Capitalism | Politics
- Sands, Philippe | Lawless World | Politics
- Savage, Marshall T. | The Millennial Project | Space
- Scammell, Henry | Giantkillers | Politics
- Schell, Orville | Mandate of Heaven | History
- Schmitz, James H. | The Demon Breed | Science Fiction
- Schmitz, James H. | The Witches of Karres | Science Fiction
- Schneider, Stephen H. | Science as a Contact Sport | Memoirs
- Schoen, Douglas | Pat | Memoirs
- Schulman, Daniel | Sons of Wichita | Memoirs
- Seidl, Amy | Early Spring | Environment
- Shah, Sonia | The Fever | Medicine
- Shapiro, Robert | Planetary Dreams | Science
- Sharlet, Jeff | The Undertow | Politics
- Sheffield, Charles | Summertide | Science Fiction
- Shenkman, Rick | Just How Stupid Are We? | Politics
- Sherman, Paul | Look Away | Politics
- Shirley, Donna | Managing Martians | Space
- Shnayerson, Michael | Coal River | Environment
- Shostak, Seth | Confessions of an Alien Hunter | Science
- Shulman, Seth | Undermining Science | Science
- Shute, Nevil | A Town Like Alice | Mainstream Fiction
- Shute, Nevil | On the Beach | Mainstream Fiction
- Shute, Nevil | Beyond the Black Stump | Mainstream Fiction
- Silverberg, Robert | To Open the Sky | Science Fiction
- Silvey, Anita | Let Your Voice Be Heard | Memoirs
- Simon, Charlie May | Faith Has Need of All the Truth | Memoirs
- Singer, S. Fred | Unstoppable Global Warming | Politics
- Smith, Clive Stafford | Eight O'Clock Ferry to the Windward Side | Politics
- Smith, Cordwainer | Norstrilia | Science Fiction
- Smith, E. E. | Imperial Stars | Science Fiction
- Snell, Tristan | Taking Down Trump | Politics
- Solomon, Norman | War Made Easy | Politics
- Specter, Michael | Denialism | Science
- Spudis, Paul D. | The Once and Future Moon | Space
- Stableford, Brian | Journey to the Center | Science Fiction
- Steel, Duncan | Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets | Astronomy
- Stern, Gerald M. | The Scotia Widows | History
- Stern, Nicholas | The Global Deal | Environment
- Stern, Nicholas | Why Are We Waiting? | Environment
- Stevens, Stuart | It Was All a Lie | Politics
- Stevens, Stuart | The Conspiracy To End America | Politics
- Stine, G. Harry | Halfway to Anywhere | Space
- Stipp, David | The Youth Pill | Medicine
- Stoiko, Michael | Soviet Rocketry | Space
- Stoll, Clifford | The Cuckoo's Egg | Computers
- Stoll, Clifford | High Tech Heretic | Computers
- Stone, Irving | The Origin | Mainstream fiction
- Stone, Roger D. | The Mightier Hudson | Environment
- Street, Paul | Barack Obama | Politics
- Strong, Douglas H. | Dreamers & Defenders | Environment
- Sturgeon, Theodore | More than Human | Science Fiction
- Sturgeon, Theodore | A Touch of Strange | Science Fiction
- Suskind, Ron | The Price of Loyalty | Politics
- Suskind, Ron | The One Percent Doctrine | Politics
- Sussman, Brian | Climategate | Politics
- Sweet, William | Kicking the Carbon Habit | Technology
- Sykes, Bryan | Adam's Curse | Biology
- Takei, George | To The Stars | Memoirs
- Teilhard du Chardin, Pierre | The Phenomenon of Man | Anthropology
- Thunberg, Greta | The Climate Book | Environment
- Trefil, James | Why Science? | Learning
- Trump, Mary L. | The Reckoning | Politics
- Trump, Mary L. | Too Much and Never Enough | Memoirs
- Truss, Lynn | Eats, Shoots and Leaves | Inglish
- Tubb, Edwin C. | Jondelle | Science Fiction
- Tucker, Todd | Atomic America | Technology
- Unger, Craig | House of Trump, House of Putin | Politics
- Vance, Ashlee | Elon Musk | Memoirs
- Vacca, John | The World's 20 Greatest Unsolved Problems | Science
- Vajk, J. Peter | Doomsday Has Been Cancelled | Space
- Vance, Ashlee | Elon Musk | Memoirs
- Vonnegut, Kurt | Galápagos | Science Fiction
- Wagner, Gernot | Climate Shock | Economics
- Wakatsuki, Jeanne | Farewell to Manzanar | Memoirs
- Waldman, Michael | The Fight To Vote | Politics
- Wallace, Mike | Between You and Me | Memoirs
- Wallace-Wells, David | The Uninhabitable Earth | Environment
- Warburg, Philip | Harvest the Wind | Technology
- Ward, Peter D. | The Flooded Earth | Science
- Ward, Peter D. | The Life and Death of Planet Earth | Science
- Ward, Peter D. | Life As We Do Not Know It | Biology
- Ward, Peter D. | Out of Thin Air | Science
- Ward, Peter D. | Rare Earth | Biology
- Ward, Peter D. | Under a Green Sky | Science
- Washington, Haydn | Climate Change Denial | Science
- Waterman, Jonathan | Where Mountains Are Nameless | Environment
- Watson, William H. | Made in America? | Mainstream Fiction
- Webb, Stephen | Where is Everybody? | Astronomy
- Weeks, David | Eccentrics | Anthropology
- Weil, Elizabeth | They All Laughed at Christopher Columbus | Space
- Weiner, Jonathan | Long for this World | Medicine
- Weiner, Jonathan | The Next One Hundred Years | Environment
- Weir, Alison | Against Our Better Judgment | History
- Weissman, Dick | Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution | Anthropology
- West, Wallace | The Bird of Time | Science Fiction
- West, Wallace | Lords of Atlantis | Science Fiction
- West, Wallace | The Memory Bank | Science Fiction
- White, James | Double Contact | Science Fiction
- White, James | Hospital Station | Science Fiction
- White, James | The Watch Below | Science Fiction
- Whitfield, Stephen E. | The Making of Star Trek | Memoirs
- Wilczek, Frank | Longing for the Harmonies | Physics
- Williams, Joy | Ill Nature | Anthropology
- Williamson, Jack | The Humanoids | Science Fiction
- Williamson, Jack | Lifeburst | Science Fiction
- Williamson, Jack | Mazeway | Science Fiction
- Williamson, Jack | Manseed | Science Fiction
- Wilson, Edward O. | A Window on Eternity | Environment
- Wilson, Edward O. | Half-Earth | Environment
- Wilson, Joseph | The Politics of Truth | Memoirs
- Wilson, Rick | Everything Trump Touches Dies | Politics
- Wilson, Rick | Running Against the Devil | Politics
- Wilson, Valerie Plame | Fair Game | Memoirs
- Wilson, Ward | Five Myths about Nuclear Weapons | Politics
- Winkler, Adam | Gun Fight | Politics
- Winkler, Allan M. | Life Under a Cloud | History
- Wohlforth, Charles | Beyond Earth | Space
- Wolfson, Richard | Nuclear Choices | Technology
- Woodward, Bob | Fear | Politics
- Woodward, Bob | Rage | Politics
- Worth, Katie | Miseducation | Learning
- Wylie, Philip | Generation of Vipers | Anthropology
- Wyndham, John | Re-Birth | Science Fiction
- Zubrin, Robert | The Case for Mars | Space
- Zubrin, Robert | Merchants of Despair | Politics
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This page was last modified on 29 December 2024.