Available Book Reviews Listed by Principal Author's Last Name

(Blue text indicates fiction; yellow highlight indicates the latest review.)

I provide this list for the convenience of those looking for an author by name. The fields are: Author name; Title; Topic. Fiction titles have the author's name in blue. Topics are in red for distinctiveness.

Titles are linked to reviews. Where a book is listed under two topics, the link goes to the one I think best represents the content of the work. In one case, the publisher and year are listed to identify this particular edition, which differs in content from the first edition. For my own convenience, I highlight the latest reviews of factual and fiction works I've done. These highlights are light yellow and light blue, respectively.

NOTE: Reviews of films and television shows are not included in this list.

  1. Achenbach, Joel | Captured by Aliens | Anthropology
  2. Acosta, Jim | The Enemy of the People | Politics
  3. Adams, Douglas | Last Chance To See | Environment
  4. Agin, Dan | Junk Science | Science
  5. Aldrin, Buzz | Encounter with Tiber | Science Fiction
  6. Allen, Paul | Idea Man | Memoirs
  7. Alterman, Eric | The Book on Bush | Politics
  8. Amato, John | Over the Cliff | Politics
  9. Anderson, Carol | One Person, No Vote | Politics
  10. Anderson, Chester | Ten Years To Doomsday | Science Fiction
  11. Anderson, Poul | Genesis | Science Fiction
  12. Anderson, Poul | Tau Zero | Science Fiction
  13. Anderson, Ray C. | Confessions of a Radical Industrialist | Memoirs
  14. Anonymous | A Warning | Politics
  15. Anthony, Patricia | Brother Termite | Science Fiction
  16. Anthony, Patricia | Cradle of Splendor | Science Fiction
  17. Anthony, Piers | Isle of Woman | Science Fiction
  18. Anthony, Piers | Macroscope | Science Fiction
  19. Archer, David | The Climate Crisis | Environment
  20. Ashby, Darren | Electrical Engineering 101 | Electronics
  21. Ashford, David | Spaceflight Revolution | Space
  22. Asimov, Eric | How to Love Wine | Memoirs
  23. Asimov, Stanley (ed.) | Yours, Isaac Asimov | Memoirs
  24. Asner, Ed | The Grouchy Historian | Politics
  25. Barley, Stephen R. | Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies | Anthropology
  26. Barnosky, Anthony | Tipping Point for Planet Earth | Environment
  27. Bauerlein, Mark | The Dumbest Generation | Learning
  28. Bear, Greg | Eon | Science fiction
  29. Belfiore, Michael | Rocketeers | Space
  30. Bender, Michael C. | "Frankly, We Did Win this Election" | Politics
  31. Benecke, Mark | The Dream of Eternal Life | History
  32. Benjamin, Marina | Rocket Dreams | History
  33. Berezow, Alex B. | Science Left Behind | Politics
  34. Bergaust, Erik | Murder on Pad 34 | History
  35. Berinstein, Paula | Making Space Happen | History
  36. Berry, Adrian | The Giant Leap | Space
  37. Bhutto, Benazir | Reconciliation | Religion
  38. Bickerton, Derek | Adam's Tongue | Anthropology
  39. Biggers, Jeff | Reckoning at Eagle Creek | Environment
  40. Biggle, Lloyd | The Chronocide Mission | Science Fiction
  41. Bloodworth, Dennis | An Eye for the Dragon | History
  42. Bloomberg, Michael | Climate of Hope | Politics
  43. Bodmer, Walter | The Book of Man | Medicine
  44. Borsook, Paulina | Cyberselfish | Anthropology
  45. Bova, Ben | Immortality | Medicine
  46. Bova, Ben | Faint Echoes, Distant Stars | Astronomy
  47. Bowen, Mark | Censoring Science | Science
  48. Bowen, Mark | Thin Ice | Science
  49. Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Heritage and Exile | Science Fiction
  50. Bradley, Marion Zimmer | The Ruins of Isis | Science Fiction
  51. Bradley, Marion Zimmer | Web of Light | Science Fiction
  52. Bradley, Raymond S. | Global Warming and Political Intimidation | Politics
  53. Broecker, Wallace | Fixing Climate | Science
  54. Brown, Julian | Minds, Machines, and the Multiverse | Technology
  55. Bruni, Frank | Ambling into History | Politics
  56. Brunner, John | Quicksand | Science Fiction
  57. Brunner, John | The Sheep Look Up | Science Fiction
  58. Bryant, Nick | When America Stopped Being Great | Politics
  59. Bryce, Robert | Pipe Dreams | Business
  60. Buffett, Jimmy | A Salty Piece of Land | Mainstream Fiction
  61. Burton, Levar | Aftermath | Science Fiction
  62. Cabbage, Michael | Comm Check... | History
  63. Caldicott, Helen | Crisis Without End | Environment
  64. Card, Orson Scott | Ender's War | Science Fiction
  65. Carlson, Delbert G. | Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook | Biology
  66. Carr, Nicholas | The Shallows | Anthropology
  67. Carson, Rachel | Silent Spring | Biology / Environment
  68. Carville, James | Take it Back | Politics
  69. Chandrasekaran, Rajiv | Imperial Life in the Emerald City | Politics
  70. Chapman, Clark R. | Cosmic Catastrophes | Astronomy
  71. Chayes, Sarah | Thieves of State | Politics
  72. Cherryh, C. J. | Downbelow Station | Science Fiction
  73. Cherryh, C. J. | Rimrunners | Science Fiction
  74. Chown, Marcus | The Magic Furnace | Astronomy
  75. Chown, Marcus | The Matchbox that Ate a Forty-Ton Truck | Science
  76. Clark, Walter Van Tilburg | The Ox-Bow Incident | Mainstream Fiction
  77. Clarke, Arthur C. | Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! | Memoirs
  78. Clarke, Arthur C. | Rama II | Science Fiction
  79. Clarke, Arthur C. | The Garden of Rama | Science Fiction
  80. Clarke, Arthur C. | Rama Revealed | Science Fiction
  81. Clarke, Richard A. | Against All Enemies | Politics
  82. Clavell, James | The Children's Story | Learning
  83. Clavell, James | Shogun | Mainstream Fiction
  84. Clement, Hal | The Nitrogen Fix | Science Fiction
  85. Clement-Davies, David | Fire Bringer | Fantasy Fiction
  86. Clinton, Hillary Rodham | What Happened | Memoirs
  87. Collins, Judy | Sweet Judy Blue Eyes | Memoirs
  88. Collins, Michael | Mission to Mars | Space
  89. Collis, John | John Denver | Memoirs
  90. Comey, James | A Higher Loyalty | Memoirs
  91. Conason, Joe | Big Lies | Politics
  92. Cook, Gene | Stars' End | Science Fiction
  93. Cook, Nick | The Hunt for Zero Point | History
  94. Cooke, Stephanie | In Mortal Hands | History
  95. Coombs, Charles | Aerospace Pilot | Space
  96. Cooper, Edmund | The Overman Culture | Science Fiction
  97. Corson, William R. | The Betrayal | History
  98. Courland, Robert | Concrete Planet | Technology
  99. Cousteau, Jacques-Yves | The Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus | Environment
  100. Cox, John D. | Climate Crash | Science
  101. Cravens, Gwyneth | Power to Save the World | Technology
  102. Crichton, Michael | State of Fear | Science Fiction
  103. Crichton, Michael | Sphere | Science Fiction
  104. Crier, Catherine | Contempt | Politics
  105. Crier, Catherine | Patriot Acts | Politics
  106. Crier, Catherine | The Case against Lawyers | Politics
  107. Critser, Greg | Eternity Soup | Medicine
  108. Cullen, Heidi | Weather of the Future | Environment
  109. Cuttle, Christopher | Lighting by Design | Technology
  110. Daniels, Stormy | Full Disclosure | Memoirs
  111. Davidson, Osha Gray | Under Fire | Politics
  112. Davies, Paul | The Eerie Silence | Science
  113. Davis, Frederick Rowe | Banned | Science
  114. Dawkins, Richard | Outgrowing God | Religion
  115. Dawson, Ashley | Extreme Cities | Politics
  116. de Camp, L. Sprague | Lands Beyond | History
  117. de Waal, Franz | Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are? | Biology
  118. DeCandido, Keith R. A. | Articles of the Federation | Science Fiction
  119. DeCandido, Keith R. A. | Resident Evil: Extinction | Science Fiction
  120. Dean, John | Worse than Watergate | Politics
  121. Dean, John | Conservatives without Conscience | Politics
  122. Del Rey, Lester | Pstalemate | Science Fiction
  123. Denworth, Lydia | Toxic Truth | Medicine
  124. Dickens, Charles | Hard Times | Mainstream Fiction
  125. Dickson, Gordon R. | Soldier, Ask Not | Science Fiction
  126. Donnelly, Joseph P. | Wilderness Kingdom | History
  127. Dorsey, Gary | Silicon Sky | Business
  128. Draper, Robert | Do Not Ask What Good We Do | Politics
  129. Draper, Robert | Weapons of Mass Delusion | Politics
  130. Dubbs, Chris | Realizing Tomorrow | Technology
  131. Dunlap, Thomas R. | DDT | Environment
  132. Dyer, Gwynne | Climate Wars | Environment
  133. Dyson, George | Project Orion | Space
  134. Eberhart, Russell C. | Neural Network PC Tools | Computers
  135. Elias, George Henry | Breakout into Space | Space
  136. Eldredge, Niles | Dominion | Anthropology
  137. Elert, Emily | Global Weirdness | Science
  138. Eller, Ronald D. | Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers | History
  139. Englander, John | High Tide on Main Street | Environment
  140. Epstein, Paul R. | Changing Planet, Changing Health | Environment
  141. Erickson, Erick | You Will Be Made to Care | Religion
  142. Estrich, Susan | Soulless | Politics
  143. Falk, Dan | Universe on a T-Shirt | Physics
  144. Fallaci, Oriana | A Man (Un Uomo) | Mainstream Fiction
  145. Fallaci, Oriana | If the Sun Dies | History
  146. Fallaci, Oriana | Interview with History | History
  147. Fallaci, Oriana | Letter to a Child Never Born | Mainstream Fiction
  148. Faris, Stephan | Forecast | Environment
  149. Fein, Ron | The Constitution Demands It | Politics
  150. Ferguson, Eugene S. | Engineering and the Mind's Eye | Technology
  151. Findley, Paul | Silent No More | Religion
  152. Fitzgerald, A. Ernest | The Pentagonists | History
  153. Flannery, Tim | Atmosphere of Hope | Environment
  154. Flannery, Tim | Now or Never | Environment
  155. Flewelling, Lynn | The Bone Doll's Twin | Fantasy Fiction
  156. Flynn, Michael | Firestar | Science Fiction
  157. Flynn, Michael | Rogue Star | Science Fiction
  158. Flynn, Michael | Lodestar | Science Fiction
  159. Flynn, Michael | Falling Stars | Science Fiction
  160. Fogg, Martyn | Terraforming | Technology
  161. Foster, Alan Dean | Bloodhype | Science Fiction
  162. Foster, Alan Dean | Cachalot | Science Fiction
  163. Foster, Alan Dean | The End of the Matter | Science Fiction
  164. Foster, Alan Dean | Flinx's Folly | Science Fiction
  165. Foster, Alan Dean | For Love of Mother-Not | Science Fiction
  166. Foster, Alan Dean | The Howling Stones | Science Fiction
  167. Foster, Alan Dean | Mid-Flinx | Science Fiction
  168. Foster, Alan Dean | Orphan Star | Science Fiction
  169. Foster, Alan Dean | Sentenced to Prism | Science Fiction
  170. Foster, Alan Dean | The Spoils of War | Science Fiction
  171. Foster, Alan Dean | The Tar-Aiym Krang | Science Fiction
  172. Frank, Adam | Light of the Stars | Science
  173. Frank, Thomas | Listen, Liberal | Politics
  174. Frank, Thomas | Pity the Billionaire | Politics
  175. Frank, Thomas | Rendezvous with Oblivion | Politics
  176. Frank, Thomas | What's the Matter with Kansas? | Politics
  177. Franken, Al | Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell them | Politics
  178. Franken, Al | The Truth (with Jokes) | Politics
  179. Freddoso, David | The Case Against Barack Obama | Politics
  180. Freeman, S. David | All-Electric America | Technology
  181. Freeman, Marsha | Challenges of Human Space Exploration | Space
  182. Frenkel, Sheera | An Ugly Truth | Business
  183. Frum, David | Trumpocracy | Politics
  184. Fuller, John G. | We Almost Lost Detroit | Technology
  185. Galuszka, Peter A. | Thunder on the Mountain | Environment
  186. Garver, Lori | Escaping Gravity | Memoirs
  187. Garwin, Richard L. | Megawatts and Megatons | Physics
  188. Gelernter, David | Drawing Life | Anthropology
  189. Gershwin, Lisa-ann | Stung! | Biology
  190. Gibney, Bruce | A Generation of Sociopaths | Politics
  191. Gibson, James William | A Reenchanted World | Environment
  192. Gibson, William | Neuromancer | Science Fiction
  193. Gingrich, Newt | Winning the Future | Politics
  194. Gipe, Paul | Wind Energy Comes of Age | Technology
  195. Gladstone, Brooke | The Trouble with Reality | Politics
  196. Goldberg, Bernard | 100 People who are Screwing up America | Politics
  197. Goldsmith, Donald | Exoplanets | Astronom
  198. Goldstein, Joshua | A Bright Future | Technology
  199. Goodell, Jeff | Big Coal | Technology
  200. Goodell, Jeff | How to Cool the Planet | Technology
  201. Goodell, Jeff | The Heat Will Kill You First | Environment
  202. Goodell, Jeff | The Water Will Come | Environment
  203. Gordon, Stuart | Time Story | Science Fiction
  204. Gordon, Rebecca | American Nuremberg | Politics
  205. Gore, Al | Our Choice | Environment
  206. Goreham, Steve | Climatism! | Politics
  207. Graedon, Joe | Top Screwups Doctors Make and How To Avoid Them | Medicine
  208. Gray, Mike | Angle of Attack | History
  209. Grazier, Kevin R. (ed.) | The Science of Michael Crichton | Science
  210. Grinspoon, David | Lonely Planets | Biology
  211. Guay, Mary | Climate Change | Environment
  212. Gutsch, William A. | The Search for Extraterrestrial Life | Astronom
  213. Hacker, Jacob S. | Off Center | Politics
  214. Hall, Stephen S. | Merchants of Immortality | Medicine
  215. Hamilton, Clive | Earthmasters | Technology
  216. Hammond, Allen | Which World? | Anthropology
  217. Hanes, Stephanie | White Man's Game | Environment
  218. Hansen, James | Storms of My Grandchildren | Environment
  219. Hapgood, Fred | Up The Infinite Corridor | Technology
  220. Harbury, Jennifer K. | Truth, Torture, and the American Way | Politics
  221. Harding, Luke | Collusion | Politics
  222. Harrison, Albert A. | After Contact | Anthropology
  223. Harvey, Hal | The Big Fix | Environment
  224. Hassoun, M. Nadim | Structural Concrete | Technology
  225. Hawking, Stephen W. | A Brief History of Time | Astronomy
  226. Hawking, Stephen W. | A Briefer History of Time | Astronomy
  227. Hedges, Chris | The World As It Is | Politics
  228. Heinlein, Robert A. | For Us, the Living | Science Fiction
  229. Heinlein, Robert A. | Podkayne of Mars | Science Fiction
  230. Heinlein, Robert A. | Revolt in 2100 | Science Fiction
  231. Heintze, Carl | Search Among the Stars | Astronomy
  232. Heos, Bridget | It's Getting Hot in Here | Environment
  233. Hersey, John | Hiroshima | History
  234. Hersh, Seymour | Chain of Command | Politics
  235. Hertsgaard, Mark | Bravehearts | Politics
  236. Hessley, Rita K. | Coal Science | Technology
  237. Hewitt, William F. | A Newer World | Environment
  238. Hickam, Homer H. | Back to the Moon | Science Fiction
  239. Hickman, Joseph | Murder at Camp Delta | Politics
  240. Hirsch, E. D. | The Schools We Need | Learning
  241. Hogan, James P. | Code of the Lifemaker | Science Fiction
  242. Hogan, James P. | The Genesis Machine | Science Fiction
  243. Hogan, James P. | Giants' Star | Science Fiction
  244. Hogan, James P. | Inherit the Stars | Science Fiction
  245. Hogan, James P. | Mission to Minerva | Science Fiction
  246. Hoggan, James | Climate Cover-Up | Politics
  247. Holtzman, Elizabeth | The Case for Impeaching Trump | Politics
  248. Horner, Christopher | The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming | Politics
  249. Horwitz, Jeff | Broken Code | Politics
  250. Hoyle, Fred | October the First Is Too Late | Science Fiction
  251. Hujsak, Edward | The Future of U.S. Rocketry | Space
  252. Huskey, Kristine | Justice at Guantanamo | Politics
  253. Impey, Chris | Beyond | Space
  254. Impey, Chris | How It Ends | Science
  255. Impey, Chris | The Living Cosmos | Astronomy
  256. Isikoff, Michael | Russian Roulette | Politics
  257. Isikoff, Michael | Find Me the Votes | Politics
  258. Ivins, Molly | Shrub | Politics
  259. Ivins, Molly | Bushwhacked | Politics
  260. Jackson, Maggie | Distracted | Anthropology
  261. Jaczko, Gregory B. | Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator | Technology
  262. Jain, Pramod | Wind Energy Engineering | Technology
  263. Jamail, Dahr | The End of Ice | Environment
  264. Jamieson, Kathleen Hall | Cyberwar | Politics
  265. Jefferson, Alan | The Complete Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Guide | Visual Media
  266. Jensen, Derrick | Bright Green Lies | Environment
  267. Johnston, David Cay | Perfectly Legal | Politics
  268. Johnston, David Cay | It's Even Worse than You Think | Politics
  269. Jones, Matt | Mitch, Please! | Politics
  270. Kelly, Marjorie | The Divine Right of Capital | Business
  271. Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. | Crimes Against Nature | Environment
  272. Kendzior, Sarah | Hiding in Plain Sight | Politics
  273. Kershenbaum, Arik | The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy | Science
  274. King, Betty | Women of the Future | Science Fiction
  275. Kintisch, Eli | Hack the Planet | Technology
  276. Kitchin, C. R. | Journeys to the Ends of the Universe | Astronomy
  277. Klein, Naomi | The Battle for Paradise | Environment
  278. Klein, Naomi | On Fire | Environment
  279. Klein, Naomi | This Changes Everything | Environment
  280. Klerkx, Greg | Lost in Space | History
  281. Kolata, Gina | Ultimate Fitness | Anthropology
  282. Kolbert, Elizabeth | Field Notes from a Catastrophe | Environment
  283. Kolbert, Elizabeth | The Sixth Extinction | Environment
  284. Kolbert, Elizabeth | Under a White Sky | Environment
  285. Koppel, Ted | Lights Out | Technology
  286. Kovalik, Dan | The Case for Palestine | Politics
  287. Krantzler, Mel | Down and Out in Silicon Valley | Business
  288. Krauss, Lawrence M. | The Physics of Star Trek | Physics
  289. Krupp, Fred | Earth: The Sequel | Technology
  290. Kunstler, James Howard | The Long Emergency | Politics
  291. Kunstler, James Howard | Too Much Magic | Politics
  292. Kurland, Michael | Pluribus | Science Fiction
  293. Kuttner, Robert | A Presidency in Peril |
  294. Ladies_Home | 100 Most Important Women of the 20th Century | Memoirs
  295. Lambright, W. Henry | Powering Apollo | History
  296. Lancaster, Don | The CMOS Cookbook | Electronics | Howard W. Sams, 1988
  297. Lapham, Lewis | Pretensions to Empire | Politics
  298. Larbalestier, Justine | The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction | Anthropology
  299. Lardner, James | Inequality Matters | Politics
  300. Laughlin, Robert | The Crime of Reason | Economics
  301. Laumer, Keith | The Long Twilight | Science Fiction
  302. Launius, Roger | Imagining Space | Space
  303. Lederer, William | The Ugly American | Mainstream Fiction
  304. Lederer, William | Our Own Worst Enemy | History
  305. Lee, Bandy | The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump | Politics
  306. Lee, Harper | To Kill a Mockingbird | Mainstream Fiction
  307. LeGuin, Ursula | The Dispossessed | Science Fiction
  308. Lehman, Milton | This High Man | Memoirs
  309. Leiber, Fritz | The Big Time | Science Fiction
  310. Leonnig, Carol | I Alone Can Fix It | Politics
  311. Leslie, Ian | Curious | Learning
  312. Levitan, Dave | Not a Scientist | Politics
  313. Levitt, Steven D. | Freakonomics | Anthropology
  314. Lewis, John S. | Mining the Sky | Space
  315. Lewis, John S. | Rain of Iron and Ice | Space
  316. Lewis, John S. | Worlds Without End | Astronomy
  317. Lewis, Michael | The Fifth Risk | Politics
  318. Lewis, Michael | The Premonition | Politics
  319. Lichtman, Allan J. | The Case for Impeachment | Politics
  320. Linden, Eugene | The Winds of Change | Environment
  321. Loeb, Penny | Moving Mountains | Environment
  322. Loesch, Dana | Flyover Nation | Politics
  323. Loewenstein, Anthony | The Palestine Laboratory | Politics
  324. Loewenstein, Werner R. | The Touchstone of Life | Biology
  325. Loomis, Erik | Out of Sight | Business
  326. Lord, M. G. | Astro Turf | History
  327. Luce, Edward | Time to Start Thinking | Politics
  328. Lustgarten, Abraham | Run To Failure | Technology
  329. Lustgarten, Abraham | On the Move | Environment
  330. Lynas, Mark | Nuclear 2.0 | Technology
  331. Lynn, Barry W. | Piety and Politics | Religion
  332. MacDonald, John D. | Time and Tomorrow | Science Fiction
  333. MacLean, Nancy | Democracy in Chains | Politics
  334. MacLeod, Ken | The Sky Road | Science Fiction
  335. Maddow, Rachel | Blowout | Politics
  336. Magary, Drew | The Postmortal | Science Fiction
  337. Magner, Mike | Poisoned Legacy | Technology
  338. Maguire, Joe | Brainless | Politics
  339. Mahaffey, James | Atomic Accidents | Technology
  340. Mallaby, Sebastian | The World's Banker | Politics
  341. Mandel, Thomas | Rules of the Net | Computers
  342. Mann, Charles C. | Noah's Choice | Environment
  343. Mann, Michael E. | The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars | Politics
  344. Mann, Michael E. | The Madhouse Effect | Politics
  345. Mann, Michael E. | The New Climate War | Politics
  346. Mann, Michael E. | Our Fragile Moment | Politics
  347. Margulies, Joseph | Guantanamo and the Abuse of Presidential Power | Politics
  348. Marques, Nadedja | Born Subversive | Memoirs
  349. Martin, Gerard (ed.) | Wind Turbines | Technology
  350. Martin, Richard | SuperFuel | Technology
  351. Mason, Douglas R. | Eight Against Utopia | Science Fiction
  352. Mayer, Jane | Dark Money | Politics
  353. McCabe, Andrew G. | The Threat | Politics
  354. McCaffrey, Anne | Decision at Doona | Science Fiction
  355. McClellan, Scott | What Happened | Politics
  356. McConnell, Brian | Beyond Contact | Science
  357. McKibben, Bill | Eaarth | Environment
  358. McKibben, Bill | Falter | Environment
  359. McKibben, Bill | The Global Warming Reader | Environment
  360. McPhee, John | The Curve of Binding Energy | Physics
  361. McPherson, William | Tales of a Hot Planet | Science Fiction
  362. Meyer, Eric | Eric Meyer on CSS | Computers
  363. Michaels, Patrick J. | Shattered Consensus | Sciences
  364. Miles, Kathryn | Quakeland | Sciences
  365. Miller, Greg | The Apprentice | Politics
  366. Miller, Todd | Storming the Wall | Politics
  367. Miller Jr, Walter M. | A Canticle for Leibowitz | Science Fiction
  368. Mishkin, Andrew | Sojourner | Space
  369. Monbiot, George | Heat | Technology
  370. Moon, Sun Myung | As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen | Memoirs
  371. Mooney, Chris | The Republican Brain | Anthropology
  372. Mooney, Chris | The Republican War on Science | Politics
  373. Mooney, Chris | Storm World | Science
  374. Mooney, Chris | Unscientific America | Learning
  375. Morgan, George D. | Rocket Girl | Memoirs
  376. Morone, Joseph G. | The Demise of Nuclear Energy? | Technology
  377. Morris, Charles R. | The Sages | Business
  378. Morton, Oliver | Mapping Mars | Space
  379. Morton, Oliver | Eating the Sun | Science
  380. Morton, Oliver | The Planet Remade | Technology
  381. Mulgrew, Kate | Born with Teeth | Memoirs
  382. Mullane, Mike | Riding Rockets | Memoirs
  383. Mykel, A. W. | The Salamandra Glass | Mainstream Fiction
  384. Nadeau, Robert L. | The Environmental Endgame | Economics
  385. Nader, Ralph | The Good Fight | Politics
  386. Nader, Ralph | To the Ramparts | Politics
  387. Nader, Ralph | Whistle Blowing | Politics
  388. Nardo, Don | Climate Crisis | Environment
  389. Nesbit, Jeff | Poison Tea | Politics
  390. Nim, P. S. | Double Mobius Sphere | Science Fiction
  391. Niven, Larry | Footfall | Science Fiction
  392. Nordhaus, William D | The Climate Casino | Economics
  393. Norton, Andre | Time Traders II | Science Fiction
  394. O'Hanlon, Michael | Neither Star Wars nor Sanctuary | Politics
  395. O'Neill, Dan | The Firecracker Boys | History
  396. O'Neill, Gerard K. | The High Frontier | Space
  397. O'Rourke, P. J. | How the Hell Did this Happen? | Politics
  398. Obama, Michelle | Becoming | Memoirs
  399. Oliphant, Thomas | Utter Incompetents | Politics
  400. Oreskes, Naomi | The Collapse of Western Civilization | Science Fiction
  401. Oreskes, Naomi | Merchants of Doubt | Politics
  402. Orlova, Marina | Hot for Words | Inglish
  403. Orwell, George | The Road to Wigan Pier | History
  404. Outside Magazine | Out of the Noösphere | Environment
  405. Pangborn, Edward | A Mirror for Observers | Science Fiction
  406. Partanen, Rauli | Climate Gamble | Technology
  407. Pearce, Fred | With Speed and Violence | Science
  408. Pearson, Richard | Driven To Extinction | Biology
  409. Pendle, George | Strange Angel | Memoirs
  410. Perkins, John | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man | Memoirs
  411. Perkowitz, Sidney | Hollywood Science | Visual Media
  412. Petersen, Carolyn C. | Hubble Vision | Space
  413. Peterson, Ivars | Newton's Clock | Astronomy
  414. Petroski, Henry | The Essential Engineer | Technology
  415. Phillips, Ken | Bad Money | Economics
  416. Pinker, Susan | The Sexual Paradox | Anthropology
  417. Piper, H. Beam | First Cycle | Science Fiction
  418. Plait, Philip | Death from the Skies! | Astronomy
  419. Pohl, Frederik | Chernobyl | Mainstream Fiction
  420. Pohl, Frederik | The Singers of Time | Science Fiction
  421. Pohl, Frederik | The Starchild Trilogy | Science Fiction
  422. Pomerantsev, Peter | Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible | Politics
  423. Pooley, Eric | The Climate War | Politics
  424. Pope, Carl | Strategic Ignorance | Politics
  425. Postrel, Virginia | The Future and its Enemies | Anthropology
  426. Powell, James Lawrence | The Inquisition of Climate Science | Science
  427. Press, Bill | Toxic Talk | Politics
  428. Press, Bill | Train Wreck | History - Politics
  429. Press, Bill | Trump Must Go | Politics
  430. Preston, James F. | EPA Certification Guide | Technology
  431. Pyle, Rod | Space 2.0 | Space
  432. Rasor, Dina | The Pentagon Underground | History
  433. Ravitch, Diane | The Death and Life of the Great American School System | Learning
  434. Ravitch, Diane | The Language Police | Learning
  435. Ravitch, Diane | Left Back | Learning
  436. Ray, Paul H. | The Cultural Creatives | Anthropology
  437. Reece, Erik | Lost Mountain | Environment
  438. Reed, R. Dale | Wingless Flight | Space
  439. Rees, Martin | Our Cosmic Habitat | Astronomy
  440. Reeves-Stevens, Judith | Prime Directive | Science Fiction
  441. Regis, Ed | Great Mambo Chicken | Science
  442. Reich, Robert B. | Supercapitalism | Economics
  443. Reich, Robert B. | Saving Capitalism | Economics
  444. Reiss, Bob | The Eskimo and the Oil Man | Environment
  445. Rhodes, Richard | Nuclear Renewal | Technology
  446. Rhodes, Richard | Visions of Technology | History - Technology
  447. Rich, Nathaniel | Losing Earth | Politics
  448. Richardson, Heather Cox | Democracy Awakening | Politics
  449. Ricks, Thomas E. | Fiasco | Politics
  450. Ride, Sally | To Space and Back | Space
  451. Riemen, Rob | To Fight Against this Age | Politics
  452. Rifkin, Jeremy | The European Dream | Anthropology
  453. Robinson, George S. | Envoys of Mankind | Space
  454. Rohde, David | Beyond War | Politics
  455. Romm, Joseph J. | Hell and High Water | Environment
  456. Romm, Joseph J. | The Hype About Hydrogen | Technology
  457. Rose, David | Guantánamo | Politics
  458. Rotter, Andrew J. | Hiroshima: The World's Bomb | History
  459. Rucker, Philip | A Very Stable Genius | Politics
  460. Ruddiman, William F. | Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum | Science
  461. Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan | Warning: Nonsense is Destroying America | Anthropology
  462. Rushkoff, Douglas | Life Inc. | Politics
  463. Russell, Eric Frank | The Mindwarpers | Science Fiction
  464. Sagan, Carl | The Demon-Haunted World | Anthropology
  465. Sagan, Carl | The Dragons of Eden | Anthropology
  466. Sagan, Carl | Pale Blue Dot | Space
  467. Sagan, Carl | Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors | Anthropology
  468. Sanders, Bernie | It's OK To Be Angry about Capitalism | Politics
  469. Sands, Philippe | Lawless World | Politics
  470. Savage, Marshall T. | The Millennial Project | Space
  471. Scammell, Henry | Giantkillers | Politics
  472. Schell, Orville | Mandate of Heaven | History
  473. Schmitz, James H. | The Demon Breed | Science Fiction
  474. Schmitz, James H. | The Witches of Karres | Science Fiction
  475. Schneider, Stephen H. | Science as a Contact Sport | Memoirs
  476. Schoen, Douglas | Pat | Memoirs
  477. Schulman, Daniel | Sons of Wichita | Memoirs
  478. Seidl, Amy | Early Spring | Environment
  479. Shah, Sonia | The Fever | Medicine
  480. Shapiro, Robert | Planetary Dreams | Science
  481. Sharlet, Jeff | The Undertow | Politics
  482. Sheffield, Charles | Summertide | Science Fiction
  483. Shenkman, Rick | Just How Stupid Are We? | Politics
  484. Sherman, Paul | Look Away | Politics
  485. Shirley, Donna | Managing Martians | Space
  486. Shnayerson, Michael | Coal River | Environment
  487. Shostak, Seth | Confessions of an Alien Hunter | Science
  488. Shulman, Seth | Undermining Science | Science
  489. Shute, Nevil | A Town Like Alice | Mainstream Fiction
  490. Shute, Nevil | On the Beach | Mainstream Fiction
  491. Shute, Nevil | Beyond the Black Stump | Mainstream Fiction
  492. Silverberg, Robert | To Open the Sky | Science Fiction
  493. Silvey, Anita | Let Your Voice Be Heard | Memoirs
  494. Simon, Charlie May | Faith Has Need of All the Truth | Memoirs
  495. Singer, S. Fred | Unstoppable Global Warming | Politics
  496. Smith, Clive Stafford | Eight O'Clock Ferry to the Windward Side | Politics
  497. Smith, Cordwainer | Norstrilia | Science Fiction
  498. Smith, E. E. | Imperial Stars | Science Fiction
  499. Snell, Tristan | Taking Down Trump | Politics
  500. Solomon, Norman | War Made Easy | Politics
  501. Specter, Michael | Denialism | Science
  502. Spudis, Paul D. | The Once and Future Moon | Space
  503. Stableford, Brian | Journey to the Center | Science Fiction
  504. Steel, Duncan | Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets | Astronomy
  505. Stern, Gerald M. | The Scotia Widows | History
  506. Stern, Nicholas | The Global Deal | Environment
  507. Stern, Nicholas | Why Are We Waiting? | Environment
  508. Stevens, Stuart | It Was All a Lie | Politics
  509. Stevens, Stuart | The Conspiracy To End America | Politics
  510. Stine, G. Harry | Halfway to Anywhere | Space
  511. Stipp, David | The Youth Pill | Medicine
  512. Stoiko, Michael | Soviet Rocketry | Space
  513. Stoll, Clifford | The Cuckoo's Egg | Computers
  514. Stoll, Clifford | High Tech Heretic | Computers
  515. Stone, Irving | The Origin | Mainstream fiction
  516. Stone, Roger D. | The Mightier Hudson | Environment
  517. Street, Paul | Barack Obama | Politics
  518. Strong, Douglas H. | Dreamers & Defenders | Environment
  519. Sturgeon, Theodore | More than Human | Science Fiction
  520. Sturgeon, Theodore | A Touch of Strange | Science Fiction
  521. Suskind, Ron | The Price of Loyalty | Politics
  522. Suskind, Ron | The One Percent Doctrine | Politics
  523. Sussman, Brian | Climategate | Politics
  524. Sweet, William | Kicking the Carbon Habit | Technology
  525. Sykes, Bryan | Adam's Curse | Biology
  526. Takei, George | To The Stars | Memoirs
  527. Teilhard du Chardin, Pierre | The Phenomenon of Man | Anthropology
  528. Thunberg, Greta | The Climate Book | Environment
  529. Trefil, James | Why Science? | Learning
  530. Trump, Mary L. | The Reckoning | Politics
  531. Trump, Mary L. | Too Much and Never Enough | Memoirs
  532. Truss, Lynn | Eats, Shoots and Leaves | Inglish
  533. Tubb, Edwin C. | Jondelle | Science Fiction
  534. Tucker, Todd | Atomic America | Technology
  535. Unger, Craig | House of Trump, House of Putin | Politics
  536. Vance, Ashlee | Elon Musk | Memoirs
  537. Vacca, John | The World's 20 Greatest Unsolved Problems | Science
  538. Vajk, J. Peter | Doomsday Has Been Cancelled | Space
  539. Vance, Ashlee | Elon Musk | Memoirs
  540. Vonnegut, Kurt | Galápagos | Science Fiction
  541. Wagner, Gernot | Climate Shock | Economics
  542. Wakatsuki, Jeanne | Farewell to Manzanar | Memoirs
  543. Waldman, Michael | The Fight To Vote | Politics
  544. Wallace, Mike | Between You and Me | Memoirs
  545. Wallace-Wells, David | The Uninhabitable Earth | Environment
  546. Warburg, Philip | Harvest the Wind | Technology
  547. Ward, Peter D. | The Flooded Earth | Science
  548. Ward, Peter D. | The Life and Death of Planet Earth | Science
  549. Ward, Peter D. | Life As We Do Not Know It | Biology
  550. Ward, Peter D. | Out of Thin Air | Science
  551. Ward, Peter D. | Rare Earth | Biology
  552. Ward, Peter D. | Under a Green Sky | Science
  553. Washington, Haydn | Climate Change Denial | Science
  554. Waterman, Jonathan | Where Mountains Are Nameless | Environment
  555. Watson, William H. | Made in America? | Mainstream Fiction
  556. Webb, Stephen | Where is Everybody? | Astronomy
  557. Weeks, David | Eccentrics | Anthropology
  558. Weil, Elizabeth | They All Laughed at Christopher Columbus | Space
  559. Weiner, Jonathan | Long for this World | Medicine
  560. Weiner, Jonathan | The Next One Hundred Years | Environment
  561. Weir, Alison | Against Our Better Judgment | History
  562. Weissman, Dick | Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution | Anthropology
  563. West, Wallace | The Bird of Time | Science Fiction
  564. West, Wallace | Lords of Atlantis | Science Fiction
  565. West, Wallace | The Memory Bank | Science Fiction
  566. White, James | Double Contact | Science Fiction
  567. White, James | Hospital Station | Science Fiction
  568. White, James | The Watch Below | Science Fiction
  569. Whitfield, Stephen E. | The Making of Star Trek | Memoirs
  570. Wilczek, Frank | Longing for the Harmonies | Physics
  571. Williams, Joy | Ill Nature | Anthropology
  572. Williamson, Jack | The Humanoids | Science Fiction
  573. Williamson, Jack | Lifeburst | Science Fiction
  574. Williamson, Jack | Mazeway | Science Fiction
  575. Williamson, Jack | Manseed | Science Fiction
  576. Wilson, Edward O. | A Window on Eternity | Environment
  577. Wilson, Edward O. | Half-Earth | Environment
  578. Wilson, Joseph | The Politics of Truth | Memoirs
  579. Wilson, Rick | Everything Trump Touches Dies | Politics
  580. Wilson, Rick | Running Against the Devil | Politics
  581. Wilson, Valerie Plame | Fair Game | Memoirs
  582. Wilson, Ward | Five Myths about Nuclear Weapons | Politics
  583. Winkler, Adam | Gun Fight | Politics
  584. Winkler, Allan M. | Life Under a Cloud | History
  585. Wohlforth, Charles | Beyond Earth | Space
  586. Wolfson, Richard | Nuclear Choices | Technology
  587. Woodward, Bob | Fear | Politics
  588. Woodward, Bob | Rage | Politics
  589. Worth, Katie | Miseducation | Learning
  590. Wylie, Philip | Generation of Vipers | Anthropology
  591. Wyndham, John | Re-Birth | Science Fiction
  592. Zubrin, Robert | The Case for Mars | Space
  593. Zubrin, Robert | Merchants of Despair | Politics
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This page was last modified on 29 December 2024.