Reviewed 12/10/2018

The Fifth Risk, by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, October 2018




ISBN-13 978-1-324-00264-2
ISBN-10 1-324-00264-6 219pp. HC $26.95

The strength of this book is that it focuses on individuals, probing their specific circumstances and letting their words and their track records vouch for them. For example, it introduces us to Max Stier, the man dedicated to making the U.S. government a place where talented young people would want to work.1

"Max soon realized that to attract talented young people to government service he'd need to turn the government into a place talented young people wanted to work. He'd need to fix the United States government. Partnership for Public Service, as Max called his organization, was not nearly as dull as its name. It trained civil servants to be business managers; it brokered new relationships across the federal government; it surveyed the federal workforce to identify specific management failures and success (sic); and it lobbied Congress to fix deep structural problems. It was Max Stier who had persuaded Congress to pass the laws that made it so annoyingly difficult for Donald Trump to avoid preparing to be president."

– Page 23

The people we meet in these pages are, like Max, generally not household names. They were selected because they are, in the author's term, mission-driven people. They include Ali Zaidi, Kevin Concannon, Cathie Woteki, Lillian Salerno, and Kathy Sullivan.2 Other qualities they have in common are intelligence, ability, and dedication. Also, they share histories of career success. All of this matters because, as John MacWilliams informs the author in a discussion of risks facing the nation in the Trump era, project management — or mismanagement — is the fifth risk.

In each case, Lewis takes us through a summary of their career, letting us see their main accomplishments and hear their philosophy of government.

Donald John Trump and sundry members of his transition team also appear. But they are the other side of the coin: the money-driven people. In addition to greed, the traits they have in common are: the inability to handle complex subjects, or to think in the long term; loyalty to individuals rather than to organizations or laws; a preference for transactional deals — the quid pro quo — as opposed to rules and procedures.

Who are the people Team Trump nominated to head the transition efforts at various agencies? A few of them are:

DJ Patil, who wrote a number of memos for the transition team to explain what a treasure trove of data existed at NOAA and other agencies, wondered for some time why they paid no attention — why they preferred in fact to hide so much data from the public.

"Then he realized: The man Trump had nominated to run NOAA thought that people who wanted a weather forecast should have to pay him for it. There was a rift in American life that was now coursing through American government. It wasn't between Democrats and Republicans. It was between the people who were in it for the mission, and the people who were in it for the money."

– Pages 190-191

This book has one defect: it lacks an Index. I won't mark it down for that, because it does its job so well; its narratives of individual civil servants succeeding at their various missions lay bare the stark contrast between their lives and the lives of the Trumpeteers brought in to supervise or replace them. In this way it nicely complements the more detail-rich but drier accounts of the Trump era like Russian Roulette. I won't be keeping my copy, but I do consider it a must-read.

1 It was Max Stier who persuaded Congress to require leading contenders for the presidency to assemble a transition team.
2 Kathy Sullivan may be the exception to this, because she was a NASA astronaut.
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