The Second Age of Human Spaceflight

Working with the National Space Society, space historian Rod Pyle has produced a comprehensive overview of the state of space exploration today. It covers both national and private efforts while focusing on the currently preeminent American commercial operations of SpaceX and Blue Origin. It appears that routine, affordable access to space is finally on the way.

Space 2.0

Space nerds like me, who remember the Apollo missions and the birth of the space shuttle and ISS, wanted to see this happen decades ago. I regret that it didn't. But the rate of progress is increasing. It does begin to seem as if we might live to see routine space launches. Whether I do or don't, the main thing is that they happen before changing conditions make them impossible.

Rod Pyle
Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, 2019
ISBN 1-944648-45-3
Here's a more complete review.
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