Reviewed 11/03/2008

The Case Against Barack Obama, by David Freddoso

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The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate
David Freddoso
Washington, DC: Regnery, 2008




ISBN-13 978-1-59698-56-7
ISBN-10 1-59698-56-6 290pp. HC $27.95

I was suspicious of this book going in, because a) it's from conservative publisher Regnery and b) its author is a political reporter for the on-line edition of the conservative journal National Review (and a veteran of other right-wing outlets like Human Events.)

However, David Freddoso has done his research carefully: He's read both of Barack Obama's books, examined his voting record in both the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate, studied many of his speeches, and scrutinized his associates. He presents that research honestly, for the most part. I judge his motive for writing the book to be honorable. He expresses that motive as follows:

Too many of those criticizing Obama have been content merely to slander him—to claim falsely that he refuses to salute the U.S. flag or was sworn into office on a Koran, or that he was really born in a foreign country. Such spurious criticisms have given rise to an intellectual laziness among the very people who should be carefully scrutinizing Obama.

That is why this book needed to be written.

– Page x

In other words, Freddoso's intent is not to tear down Obama's reputation, but rather to puncture the illusions held by many people that the Democratic candidate is some kind of millennial figure, even a political savior. I also conclude that he largely succeeds in this effort. His book will confirm the suspicions that Obama has gone along with Chicago Machine politics, has voted in ways that belie his campaign promises, and has had some troubling associates. And yet, Freddoso is not entirely convincing, because of what he leaves out. I discuss this more fully in the page linked below, but here are a few examples.

Most of Freddoso's facts are solid, many of his points are valid; but he sometimes dismisses the complexities of the issues. His book is well-researched, thoroughly end-noted, competently indexed, and it provides a useful timeline of Obama's career. In short, this is a book worth reading (even after the election), but it is far from the whole story on Obama. I'll give it a "fair" rating of 3.5 because, while Freddoso repeats a number of right-wing slurs against Obama, and gets some facts wrong, he's generally accurate and honest, and that puts his work far above that other book.

1 On page 129, Freddoso reports that Alice Palmer later took Obama to Bill Ayers's fund-raiser. She would hardly do that if she felt Obama had cheated her of a chance to run for office.
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