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To Open The SkyThe Front Pages of Christopher P. Winter
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Books about Climate ChangeHere is a growing tabular listing of books dealing with the urgent problem of climate change, which includes these nine closely related subtopics: economic impacts,
Economic Impacts |
Energy Generation |
Legality & Ethics |
Mitigation Measures |
Panic Mode |
Political Responsibility |
Regional Aspects |
Scientific Basis |
Societal Acceptance |
"Over two-dozen leading academicians in the field of climate change — and its legal ramifications — have contributed as many thoughtful and insightful articles to this scholarly and topical book which certainly raises awareness of the problem and its possible remedies from a global perspective." – Customer reviewer Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Future generations, wildlife, and natural resources — collectively referred to as 'the voiceless' in this work — are the most vulnerable and least equipped populations to protect themselves from the impacts of global climate change. While domestic and international law protections are beginning to recognize rights and responsibilities that apply to the voiceless community, these legal developments have yet to be pursued in a collective manner and have not been considered together in the context of climate change and climate justice. In Climate Change and the Voiceless, Randall S. Abate identifies the common vulnerabilities of the voiceless in the Anthropocene era and demonstrates how the law, by incorporating principles of sustainable development, can evolve to protect their interests more effectively. This work should be read by anyone interested in how the law can be employed to mitigate the effects of climate change on those who stand to lose the most." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Junk science is not just another price we pay for a free society, it's an insidious rot that needs to be confronted wherever and whenever it arises. My belief is that if current patterns of twisting science continue, we face ultimate calamity. For if truth brings freedom, what can lies bring us but slavery?" – the author Rating by Amazon customers: 1.9 (12 ratings)
"Written in down-to-earth style, vividly illustrated and full of technology support, this text will give you a broad scientific understanding of the forces of nature that are sometimes unleashed in such life-changing events as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and severe thunderstorms." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (14 ratings)
"In this book, Michaël Aklin and Johannes Urpelainen offer a comprehensive political analysis of the rapid growth in renewable wind and solar power, mapping an energy transition through theory, case studies, and policy analysis." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"This revised edition of Ralph Alexander's 2009 book features approximately 50% new or updated material, including an expanded chapter on alternative explanations to CO2 as the main source of global warming. Newly added sections in the 2nd edition cover temperature tampering by the three major custodians of the world's temperature data, so as to exaggerate the global warming rate; the Climategate scandal; the use of peer review as an alarmist weapon; the neglected influence of the sun on our climate, including the amplification of solar activity by the oceans; heat that is suppposedly hiding in the deep ocean, but can't be found; and more. The new book also describes how the UN's IPCC and other alarmists manipulate climate data, discusses the lack of warming for more than a decade — about which alarmists are in denial, and explains the folly of carbon pricing schemes for regulating CO2. Finally, the author reflects on the reasons that so many people erroneously believe recent climate change comes from human activity, when there's ample evidence to the contrary." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (20 ratings)
"In the 1990s Richard B. Alley and his colleagues made headlines with the discovery that the last ice age came to an abrupt end over a period of only three years. In The Two-Mile Time Machine, Alley tells the fascinating history of global climate changes as revealed by reading the annual rings of ice from cores drilled in Greenland. He explains that humans have experienced an unusually temperate climate compared to the wild fluctuations that characterized most of prehistory. He warns that our comfortable environment could come to an end in a matter of years and tells us what we need to know in order to understand and perhaps overcome climate changes in the future." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (10 ratings)
"In a new preface, the author weighs in on whether our understanding of global climate change has altered in the years since the book was first published, what the latest research tells us, and what he is working on next." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (36 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"The Earth has reached a tipping point. Runaway climate change, the sixth great extinction of planetary life, the acidification of the oceans—all point toward an era of unprecedented turbulence in humanity's relationship within the web of life. But just what is that relationship, and how do we make sense of this extraordinary transition?" Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (4 ratings)
Among the "Editorial reviews" on Amazon: "You don't need to be a right-wing SOB to think that 'man made global warming' is an Enron-style scam. Harold Ambler is a card-carrying liberal and he thinks so, too. He's also very funny. Buy this book!" – James Delingpole, author of Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors." Others come from Joe Bastardi, Freeman Dyson, Roger Tattersall (aka Tallbloke), and Andrew Montford. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (61 ratings)
"This book provides a vision for environmentalism's future, based on the success of environmental entrepreneurs around the world. The work provides the next generation of environmental market ideas and the chapters are co-authored with young scholars and policy analysts who represent the next generation of environmental leaders." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (4 ratings)
"Science tells us that a new and dangerous stage in planetary evolution has begun—the Anthropocene, a time of rising temperatures, extreme weather, rising oceans, and mass species extinctions. Humanity faces not just more pollution or warmer weather, but a crisis of the Earth System. If business as usual continues, this century will be marked by rapid deterioration of our physical, social, and economic environment. Large parts of Earth will become uninhabitable, and civilization itself will be threatened. Facing the Anthropocene shows what has caused this planetary emergency, and what we must do to meet the challenge." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Fast Forward is equal parts science primer, history lesson, policy prescription, and ethical treatise. This pithy and compelling book makes clear what we know and don't know about global warming; why the threat demands prudent and urgent action; why the transition to a low-carbon economy will be the most difficult political and economic transaction in history; and how it requires nothing less than a revolution in our sense of civic responsibility." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (4 ratings)
Two climate scientists go beyond the IPCC to explain what's really happening, and why we should be concerned. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (21 ratings)
"Worried about warming but confused about carbon? Try [The Long Thaw], which tells you nearly everything you need to know with down-to-earth clarity and brevity." – Evan Hadingham, PBS's NOVA blog Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (38 ratings)
"The age of climate gradualism is over, as unprecedented disasters are exacerbated by inequalities of race and class. We need profound, radical change. A Green New Deal can tackle the climate emergency and rampant inequality at the same time. Cutting carbon emissions while winning immediate gains for the many is the only way to build a movement strong enough to defeat big oil, big business, and the super-rich—starting right now. "A Planet to Win explores the political potential and concrete first steps of a Green New Deal. It calls for dismantling the fossil fuel industry and building beautiful landscapes of renewable energy, guaranteeing climate-friendly work and no-carbon housing and free public transit. And it shows how a Green New Deal in the United States can strengthen climate justice movements worldwide. We don't make politics under conditions of our own choosing, and no one would choose this crisis. But crises also present opportunities. We stand on the brink of disaster—but also at the cusp of wondrous, transformative change." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"This book questions the existence of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and exposes errors of global warming advocates. It uses satellite global temperature measurements to show that the 'late twentieth century warming' simply did not exist. What satellites do see in the eighties and nineties is that global temperature simply oscillated around a median value by half a degree Celsius, in synch with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation stages. Real warming began with 1he 1998 super El Niño but that did not last and was not caused by carbon dioxide greenhouse effect either. In 2007 we got some serious cooling while climate models using carbon dioxide theory insisted on relentless warming at the same time. If a theory predicts warming and we get cooling that theory as a scientific theory has failed and must be abandoned. Since the Kyoto Protocol and the proposed Copenhagen Treay (sic) depend on the correctness [of] that theory to tell us what temperatures to expect and since that theory has been proven to be incapable of doing that both treaties must be abandoned. There is no scientific justification for them and the only thing that supports them is propaganda from the climate activist movement." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.1 (7 ratings)
"This volume offers a comprehensive survey and a close analysis of efforts to develop actionable climate information in support of vital decisions for climate adaptation, risk management and policy. Arising from submissions and discussion at the 2011 Open Science Conference (OSC) of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), the book addresses research and intellectual challenges which span the full range of Program activities."the human dimensions of climate change. It should be of broad interest to all those concerned with global justice, environmental science and policy, and the future of humanity." Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
Sharon Astyk has written four books on how to deal with shortages due to climate change and oil depletion by growing and canning local food, conserving energy, and other homespun methods. Based on my reading of the description and comments, this is the best of them. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (24 ratings)
"The new edition of Regina S. Axelrod and Stacy D. VanDeveer’s award-winning volume The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy reflects the latest events in global environmental politics and sustainable development while providing balanced coverage of the key institutions, issues, laws, and policies. The volume has been reorganized to better highlight global environmental institutions, major state and non-state actors, and includes an expanded set of cases such as climate change, biodiversity, hazardous chemicals, ozone layer depletion, nuclear energy and resource consumption. Based on reviewer feedback, the new edition broadens coverage of the growing global environmental agenda and explores the relationships between states, NGOs, and international organizations." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
An Amazon Top 100 reviewer note: "At the time this book was published in 1994, editor John A. Baden was chairman of the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (4 ratings)
"With their massive and growing ecological footprints, China, India, Russia, and Brazil are crucial players in the politics of climate-change mitigation. This volume, with its extensive case studies and comparative analysis, will help scholars, students, journalists, and activists around the world to understand the political realities in these key countries." – Graeme Lang, Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong, China Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"A former Forbes science editor argues that Jeremy Rifkin, Jay Forrester, Carl Sagan, Paul Ehrlich, and other environmental experts are wrong in their assertion that, due to the burning of fossil fuels and rain forests, the Earth is in grave danger." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.9 (3 ratings)
"In this eye-opening book, some of the most respected researchers in the country explode the myths behind much of the doom and gloom of today's environmental movement. You will discover how the hysteria about global warming, overpopulation, mass extinctions, imminent famines, biotechnology, energy shortages, and more are grounded not in reason but in false science and a fear of progress." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.2 (40 ratings)
"The Grid tells—entertainingly, perceptively—the story of what has been called 'the largest machine in the world': its fascinating history, its problematic present, and its potential role in a brighter, cleaner future." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (172 ratings)
"Ten years ago I simply parroted what the IPCC told us. One day I started checking the facts and data—first I started with a sense of doubt but then I became outraged when I discovered that much of what the IPCC and the media were telling us was sheer nonsense and was not even supported by any scientific facts and measurements. To this day I still feel shame that as a scientist I made presentations of their science without first checking it. Scientifically it is sheer absurdity to think we can get a nice climate by turning a CO2 adjustment knob." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (58 ratings)
"In a yearlong investigation, reporters at InsideClimate News chronicle the fossil fuel industry's fight to protect its central role in providing America's energy, and what happens to ordinary Americans who find themselves in its way: a rancher who lost his freshwater to the mines of big coal companies, a single father who let fracking rigs on his property and now can no longer drink his well water, a farmer whose peach crop is failing in rising temperatures as her congressman denies global warming exists, a miner with black lung disease who had to fight for 14 years to get the benefits he was owed under law. Each chapter is a case study of how the industry marshals its inordinate wealth and influence to stop action on climate change, block stronger environmental and health regulations and stymie the progress of alternative energy—its litigation fights, campaign contributions, persistent misinformation tax breaks and subsidies, and more. Together, these stories are an examination of the tight grip the industry holds over American society, in ways still invisible to many people." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"After eight months of investigation, InsideClimate News presents this history of Exxon's engagement with the emerging science of climate change. The story spans four decades, and is based on primary sources including internal company files never before seen, interviews with former company employees, and other evidence. It describes how Exxon conducted cutting-edge climate research decades ago and then pivoted to work at the forefront of climate denial, manufacturing doubt about the scientific consensus that its own scientists had confirmed." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Why are some countries more willing and able than others to engage in climate change mitigation? The Domestic Politics of Global Climate Change compiles insights from experts in comparative politics and international relations to describe and explain climate policy trajectories of seven key actors: Brazil, China, the European Union, India, Japan, Russia, and the United States." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"The Climate Majority is the first book to investigate climate apathy, to describe how it prevents action to stop climate change and to show how it can be beaten with an approach developed for political campaigns." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Meeting the short run challenges of reviving the worldwide economy need not mean sacrificing long run economic and environmental sustainability. A Global Green New Deal (GGND) is an economic policy strategy for ensuring a more economically and environmentally sustainable world economic recovery. Reviving growth and creating jobs should be essential objectives. But policies should also aim to reduce carbon dependency, protect ecosystems and water resources, and alleviate poverty. Otherwise, economic recovery today will do little to avoid future economic and environmental crises. Part One argues why a GGND strategy is essential to the sustainability of the global economy. Part Two provides an overview of the key national policies whilst Part Three focuses on the global actions necessary to allow national policies to work. Part Four summarizes the main recommendations for national and international action, and discusses the wider implications for restructuring the world economy towards "greener" development." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"A passionate call to action from one of the leading voices in the global struggle for universal access to the earth's most vital element—a sequel to the acclaimed Blue Gold." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (24 ratings)
"Seashells have been the most coveted and collected of nature’s creations since the dawn of humanity. They were money before coins, jewelry before gems, art before canvas. "In The Sound of the Sea, acclaimed environmental author Cynthia Barnett blends cultural history and science to trace our long love affair with seashells and the hidden lives of the mollusks that make them. Spiraling out from the great cities of shell that once rose in North America to the warming waters of the Maldives and the slave castles of Ghana, Barnett has created an unforgettable account of the world’s most iconic seashells. She begins with their childhood wonder, unwinds surprising histories like the origin of Shell Oil as a family business importing exotic shells, and charts what shells and the soft animals that build them are telling scientists about our warming, acidifying seas. "From the eerie calls of early shell trumpets to the evolutionary miracle of spines and spires and the modern science of carbon capture inspired by shell, Barnett circles to her central point of listening to nature’s wisdom―and acting on what seashells have to say about taking care of each other and our world." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Paleobiologist Anthony D. Barnosky weaves together evidence from the deep past and the present to alert us to the looming Sixth Mass Extinction and to offer a practical, hopeful plan for avoiding it. Writing from the front lines of extinction research, Barnosky tells the overarching story of geologic and evolutionary history and how it informs the way humans inhabit, exploit, and impact Earth today. He presents compelling evidence that unless we rethink how we generate the power we use to run our global ecosystem, where we get our food, and how we make our money, we will trigger what would be the sixth great extinction on Earth, with dire consequences. "Optimistic that we can change this ominous forecast if we act now, Barnosky provides clear-cut strategies to guide the planet away from global catastrophe. In many instances the necessary technology and know-how already exist and are being applied to crucial issues around human-caused climate change, feeding the world's growing population, and exploiting natural resources. Deeply informed yet accessibly written, Dodging Extinction is nothing short of a guidebook for saving the planet." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (17 ratings)
"This husband-and-wife team of scientists lay out the litany of likely problems climate change is bringing: a grim but hopeful account, and a must-read. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (10 ratings)
"We do not question that flesh and bone and leaf litter will decay to dust, that seeds will sprout season after season and find renewed nourishment in the soil, that rivers can flow endlessly without running dry, that we can breathe a lifetime without depleting the air of oxygen.... What humans have not fully appreciated until recently is that these services are the work of nature, performed by the rich diversity of microbes, plants, and animals on the earth." --from The Work of NatureThe lavish array of organisms known as "biodiversity" is an intricately linked web that makes the earth a uniquely habitable planet. Yet pressures from human activities are destroying biodiversity at an unprecedented rate. How many species can be lost before the ecological systems that nurture life begin to break down?In The Work of Nature, noted science writer Yvonne Baskin examines the threats posed to humans by the loss of biodiversity. She summarizes and explains key findings from the ecological sciences, highlighting examples from around the world where shifts in species have affected the provision of clean air, pure water, fertile soils, lush landscapes, and stable natural communities.As Baskin makes clear, biodiversity is much more than number of species -- it includes the complexity, richness, and abundance of nature at all levels, from the genes carried by local populations to the layout of communities and ecosystems across the landscape. Ecologists are increasingly aware that mankind's wanton destruction of living organisms -- the planet's work force -- threatens to erode our basic life support services. With uncommon grace and eloquence, Baskin demonstrates how and why that is so.Distilling and bringing to life the work of the world's leading ecologists, The Work of Nature is the first book of its kind to clearly explain the practical consequences of declining biodiversity on ecosystem health and function. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (6 ratings)
"A revealing look by someone who has loved the weather since his first memory—and has worked in the field for over 40 years—at what is really inside the man-made "climate change" agenda. The author shows through countless examples, the exploitation, politicization, and weaponization of weather and climate in an effort to promote an agenda that runs counter to the foundations this nation was built on." – the author Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (36 ratings)
"In order to rescue ourselves from climate catastrophe, we need to radically alter how humans live on Earth. We have to go from spending carbon to banking it. We have to put back the trees, wetlands, and corals. We have to regrow the soil and turn back the desert. We have to save whales, wombats, and wolves. We have to reverse the flow of greenhouse gases and send them in exactly the opposite direction: down, not up. We have to flip the carbon cycle and run it backwards. For such a revolutionary transformation we'll need civilization 2.0. "A secret unlocked by the ancients of the Amazon for its ability to transform impoverished tropical soils into terra preta—fertile black earths—points the way. The indigenous custom of converting organic materials into long lasting carbon has enjoyed a reawakening in recent decades as the quest for more sustainable farming methods has grown. Yet the benefits of this carbonized material, now called biochar, extend far beyond the soil. Pyrolyzing carbon has the power to restore a natural balance by unmining the coal and undrilling the oil and gas. Employed to its full potential, it can run the carbon cycle in reverse and remake Earth as a garden planet." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (10 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (27 ratings)
"Barret Baumgart's literary debut presents a haunting and deeply personal portrait of civilization poised at the precipice, a picture of humanity caught between its deepest past and darkest future. In the fall of 2013, during the height of California's historic drought, Baumgart toured the remote military base NAWS China Lake, near Death Valley, California. His mother, the survivor of a recent stroke, decided to come along for the ride. She hoped the alleged healing power of the base's ancient Native American hot springs might cure her crippling headaches. Baumgart sought to debunk claims that the military was spraying the atmosphere with toxic chemicals to control the weather. What follows is a discovery that threatens to sever not only the bonds between mother and son but between planet Earth and life itself. "Stalking the fringes of Internet conspiracy, speculative science, and contemporary archaeology, Baumgart weaves memoir, military history, and investigative journalism in a dizzying journey that carries him from the cornfields of Iowa to drought-riddled California, from the Vietnam jungle to the caves of prehistoric Europe and eventually the walls of the US Capitol, the sparkling white hallways of the Pentagon, and straight into the contradicted heart of a worldwide climate emergency." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (16 ratings)
"Resilience, Beatley explains, is a profoundly new way of viewing coastal infrastructure—an approach that values smaller, decentralized kinds of energy, water, and transport more suited to the serious physical conditions coastal communities will likely face. Implicit in the notion is an emphasis on taking steps to build adaptive capacity, to be ready ahead of a crisis or disaster. It is anticipatory, conscious, and intentional in its outlook." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (5 ratings)
"Rather than focus on direct assaults on the world's environment, Global Spin, which was already published in England last fall, is a well-documented survey of how corporations attempt to influence public opinion and garner political support when it comes to environmental issues." – David Rouse, Booklist Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (11 ratings)
| "Climate change is one of the most controversial and misunderstood issues of the 21st century. This book provides a clear understanding of the issue by presenting scientific facts to refute falsehoods and misinformation—and to confirm the validity of other assertions." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
| "Global warming and the future of the climate is one of the greatest challenges of our time, but what do we know about climate variations 500 years ago, or 5000 years ago? How can we know anything at all about the history of weather? What impact have climate changes had on human prosperity and the spirit of invention? "In this major new book Wolfgang Behringer introduces us to the latest historical research on the development of the earth's climate. He focuses above all on the cultural reactions to climate change through the ages, showing how even minor changes in the climate sometimes resulted in major social, political and religious upheavals. By examining how our predecessors responded to climate changes, Behringer provides us with a fresh basis for thinking about how we might address the serious climatic challenges we face today." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (15 ratings)
Foreword written by S. Fred Singer, former director of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service and coauthor of Unstoppable Global Warming. Melting glaciers, suffering polar bears, rising oceans- these are just a few of the climate change crisis myths debunked by noted aerospace expert Larry Bell in this explosive new book. With meticulous research, Bell deflates these and other climate misconceptions with perceptive analysis, humor, and the most recent scientific data. Written for the laymen, yet in-depth enough for the specialist, this book digs deep into the natural and political aspects of the climate change debate, answering fundamental questions that reveal the all-too-human origins of "scientific" inquiry. Why and how are some of the world s most prestigious scientific institutions cashing in on the debate? Who stand to benefit most by promoting public climate change alarmism? What true political and financial purposes are served by the vilification of carbon dioxide? How do climate deceptions promote grossly exaggerated claims for non-fossil alternative energy capacities and advance blatant global wealth redistribution goals? With its devastating portrayal of scientific and government establishments run amok, this book is an invaluable addition to the tremendously popular literature attacking the scientific status quo. Climate of Corruption will bring welcome relief to all those who are fed up with climate crisis insanity. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (42 ratings)
Customer reviewer William Happer writes: "The dubious science that has been invoked to buttress the cause is clearly described — from the infamous 'hockey-stick' temperature record to non-existent dangers from ocean 'acidification.' " Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (20 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (9 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (41 ratings)
Despite its accurate depiction of some examples of left-wing lunacy (e.g. "anti-vaxxers"), this book tries to paint liberals (or progressives, or Democrats, terms it uses interchangeably) as the dominant source of unscientific beliefs and policies. It fails. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.2 (85 ratings)
Nato Science Series C: (Book 72) Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (9 ratings)
"Based on the latest climate science, Climate Peril, winner of the 2016 International Book Awards in the Science category, reveals that the impacts of climate change on our health, economy, and environment are far worse—and more imminent—than many realize." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.9 (14 ratings)
"Feeding the world, climate change, biodiversity, antibiotics, plastics — the list of concerns seems endless. But what is most pressing, what are the knock-on effects of our actions, and what should we do first? Do we all need to become vegetarian? How can we fly in a low-carbon world? Should we frack? How can we take control of technology? Does it all come down to population? And, given the global nature of the challenges we now face, what on Earth can any of us do? Fortunately, Mike Berners-Lee has crunched the numbers and plotted a course of action that is practical and even enjoyable. There is No Planet B maps it out in an accessible and entertaining way, filled with astonishing facts and analysis. For the first time you'll find big-picture perspective on the environmental and economic challenges of the day laid out in one place, and traced through to the underlying roots — questions of how we live and think. This book will shock you, surprise you — and then make you laugh. And you'll find practical and even inspiring ideas for what you can actually do to help humanity thrive on this — our only — planet." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (4 ratings)
"Featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, Climate Change and Managed Ecosystems examines the effects of global climate change on intensively constructed or reconstructed ecosystems, focusing on land use changes in relation to forestry, agriculture, and wetlands including peatlands. The book begins by discussing the fragility of ecosystems in the face of changing climates, particularly through human caused increases in atmospheric GHGs. The chapters delineate how and why the climate has changed and what can be expected to occur in the foreseeable future. They identify the potential adaptation responses to reduce the impacts of a changing climate." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (11 ratings)
Jeff Biggers interweaves the story of coal in America with his family history in sourhtern Illinois. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (9 ratings)
"They're about to save the world; they just don't want to get caught doing it. "Zeke, Milo, and Brandon are struggling to keep their environmental protest group, GreensWord, alive. It impresses chicks and sure beats getting jobs as corporate serfs in the real world. But their chief benefactor, movie star Matthew Barrington, threatens to cut off funding unless they stop global warming before his Malibu beach house slides into the storm-tossed ocean. In their desperate effort to save the beach house and their organization, the GreensWord trio is willing to try almost anything. No plan is so illegal, so risky, or so stupid that they won't lend it an ear. But nothing is fast enough to stop global warming in time ... until they think of the unthinkable solution. "Greensword is a dark comedy about the environment, extremism, stupid criminals, and the lengths to which people will go to avoid getting a real job." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (15 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Taking a unique approach, this author riffs on the environmental themes of Tolkien's classic fantasy trilogy to inspire a greater regard for treating our Earth more carefully. He followed it later that year with four new volumes expanding his vision. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (23 ratings)
"Part One of this book is a critical review of the science behind the climate change paradigm. Part Two is an extended discussion of the crisis the world will be facing as increasingly hysterical demands are being made to do whatever it takes to forestall the coming 'climate emergency'." Here's another climate denier, out with his own falsifier. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (3 ratings)
"From Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former head of the Sierra Club Carl Pope comes a manifesto on how the benefits of taking action on climate change are concrete, immediate, and immense. They explore climate change solutions that will make the world healthier and more prosperous, aiming to begin a new type of conversation on the issue that will spur bolder action by cities, businesses, and citizens—and even, someday, by Washington." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (128 ratings)
"The Earth has entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene. What we are facing is not only an environmental crisis, but a geological revolution of human origin. In two centuries, our planet has tipped into a state unknown for millions of years." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (9 ratings)
"From salmonella in eggs to BSE, from the Millennium Bug to bird 'flu, from DDT to passive smoking, from asbestos to global warming, 'scares' have become one of the most conspicuous and damaging features of our modern world. This book for the first time tells the inside story of each of the major scares of the past two decades, showing how they have followed a remarkably consistent pattern. It analyses the crucial role played in each case by scientists who have misread or manipulated the evidence; by the media and lobbyists who eagerly promote the scare without regard to the facts; and finally by the politicians and officials who come up with an absurdly disproportionate response, leaving us all to pay a colossal price, which may run into billions or even hundreds of billions of pounds. The book culminates in a chillingly detailed account of the story behind what it shows has become the greatest scare of them all: the belief that the world faces disaster through man-made global warming. In an epilogue the authors compare our credulity in falling for scares to mass-hysterias of previous ages such as the post-mediaeval 'witch craze', describing our time as a 'new age of superstition'." – publisher (HTML entities removed) Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (17 ratings)
"The book exposes the myth that the global warming theory is supported by a 'consensus of the world's top climate scientists'. It shows how the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is run by a small group of 'global warming' zealots, who have repeatedly rigged evidence to support their theory. But the politicians, pushed by the media, have so fallen for its propaganda that, short of dramatic change, our Western world now faces an unprecedented disaster." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (37 ratings)
"25 Myths That Are Destroying the Environment explores the many myths circulating in ecological and political discussions. These myths often drive policy, and Botkin is here to set the record straight. What may seem like an environmentally conscious action may very well be bringing about the unnatural destruction of habitats and ecosystems." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (17 ratings)
"Dr. Daniel B. Botkin objectively assesses the true prospects, limitations, costs, risks, dangers, and tradeoffs associated with every leading and emerging source of energy, including oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, solar, ocean power, and biofuels. Next, Botkin addresses the energy distribution system, outlining how it currently works, identifying its inefficiencies, and reviewing options for improving it. "Finally, Botkin turns to solutions, offering a realistic, scientifically and economically viable path to a sustainable, energy-independent future: one that can improve the quality of life for Americans and for people around the world." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (16 ratings)
Extensive interviews with those involved, and accounts by responsible journalists like Andrew Revkin, enabled Mark Bowen to lay bare the ways in which NASA, evidently on orders from the Bush White House, tried to hush up or downplay the work of James Hansen and other climate scientists. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (20 ratings)
Here Bowen, a climber himself, takes us along on some of Lonnie Thomson's expeditions to high peaks in the tropics to tease out from glaciers, before they melt, their records of prehistoric climate change. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (15 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Six years ago, award-winning photojournalist Gary Braasch began an extraordinary journey around the world to observe and document environmental changes resulting from the warming of our climate. In this stunning, eye-opening book, he brings us along to witness firsthand what he saw as he crossed both the Antarctic and Arctic Circles, trekked above 15,000 feet in the Andes, dove on damaged coral reefs, and followed scientists into the field on four continents. In more than one hundred photographs, including dramatic before-and-after comparisons, Braasch records communities, landscapes, and animals at risk because of receding glaciers, eroding coastlines, rising sea levels, and thawing permafrost. In the accompanying text he surveys the science behind climate change and introduces native people, lifelong observers, scientists, and others who are noticing striking changes right now. Alongside Braasch's compelling words and images, essays by eminent scientists discuss the impacts of climate change on the oceans, biodiversity, fresh water, mountain cultures, plants and animals, and our health. "More than a warning, Earth under Fire is the most complete illustrated guide to the effects of climate change now available. It offers an upbeat and intelligent account of how we can lessen the effects of our near-total dependence on fossil fuels using technologies and energy sources already available." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (8 ratings)
Endorsed by William Happer and Willie Soon Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (8 ratings)
Another member of the MBH99 "Hockey Stick" team of researchers describes his experiences with Congress. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (10 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"As new groundbreaking research suggests that climate change played a major role in the most extreme catastrophes in the planet's history, award-winning science journalist Peter Brannen takes us on a wild ride through the planet's five mass extinctions and, in the process, offers us a glimpse of our increasingly dangerous future." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (223 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Synopsis So-called Greenhouse Gases scatter incoming radiation and allegedly impede or slow down outgoing radiation. In no way though do they make the Earth hotter. Anthony Bright-Paul brings logic to bear on the theories of man-made Global Warming and man-made Climate Change in such a way that even unscientific people can understand. His layman questionings are supported by answers from a host of brilliant scientists." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (8 ratings)
"This groundbreaking volume is the first comprehensive, critical examination of the rise of protected areas and their current social and economic position in our world. It examines the social impacts of protected areas, the conflicts that surround them, the alternatives to them and the conceptual categories they impose." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Wallace Broecker, now one of America's leading climatologists, provides his unique perspective on what's going wrong with climate and how we might be able to fix it. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (11 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (11 ratings)
"The window for action on climate change is closing rapidly. We are hurtling ever faster towards climate catastrophe—the destruction of a habitable world for many species, perhaps the near-extinction of our own. As anxieties about global temperatures soar, demands for urgent action grow louder. What can be done? Can this process be reversed? Once temperatures rise, is there any going back? Some are thinking about releasing aerosols into the stratosphere in order to reflect sunlight back into space and cool the earth. And this may be necessary, if it actually works. But it would only be the beginning; it's what comes after that counts. "In this groundbreaking book, Holly Jean Buck charts a possible course to a liveable future. Climate restoration will require not just innovative technologies to remove carbon from the atmosphere, but social and economic transformation. The steps we must take are enormous, and they must be taken soon. Looking at industrial-scale seaweed farms, the grinding of rocks to sequester carbon at the bottom of the sea, the restoration of wetlands, and reforestation, Buck examines possible methods for such transformations and meets the people developing them. "Both critical and utopian, speculative and realistic, After Geoengineering presents a series of possible futures. Rejecting the idea that technological solutions are some kind of easy workaround, Holly Jean Buck outlines the kind of social transformation that will be necessary to repair our relationship to the earth if we are to continue living here." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"Climate change has long been a contentious issue, even before its official acknowledgment as a global threat in 1979. Government policies have varied widely, from Barack Obama's dedication to environmentalism to George W. Bush's tacit minimizing of the problem to Republican officials' refusal to acknowledge the scientific evidence supporting anthropogenic climate change. Presented chronologically, this collection of important policy-shaping documents shows how the views of both advocates and deniers of climate change have developed over the past four decades." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"There is increasing understanding, globally, that climate change will have profound and mostly harmful effects on human health. This authoritative book brings together international experts to describe both direct (such as heat waves) and indirect (such as vector-borne disease incidence) impacts of climate change, set in a broad, international, economic, political and environmental context. This unique book also expands on these issues to address a third category of potential longer-term impacts on global health: famine, population dislocation, and conflict. This lively yet scholarly resource explores these issues fully, linking them to health in urban and rural settings in developed and developing countries. The book finishes with a practical discussion of action that health professionals can yet take. Now with added chapter updating key changes affecting climate change and health through 2015, culminating with UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon's comment "What was once unthinkable is now unstoppable." Climate change, now clearly worsening, is triggering a powerful social and technological response. Will this response be sufficient to avert its potentially catastrophic "tertiary" health effects?" Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
A lifelong opponent of all forms of nuclear technology, Dr. Caldicott here claims that the radiation released from the Fukushima Daiichi plant will kill millions — basically the same claim she made about Chernobyl. However, the book is the result of a March 2013 symposium in New York city, and there is valuable information in it. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (13 ratings)
"This book has been written in the belief that the National Environmental Policy Act offers a set of goals that could guide the nation toward an economically and environmentally tolerable, sustainable future." – page ix Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"This is perhaps the most accessible book that I have ever read about how humanity is changing Earth's climate, and what can be done about it." – David Archer, author of Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (3 ratings)
"The denial of scientific knowledge has become respectable in today's society, to the point that it threatens the health of the public and the stability of our society as climatic changes due to global warming occur." "The topics covered in this book highlight some of the differences between reputable studies and the public relations efforts of groups that reject scientific studies in order to advance their own agendas." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (22 ratings)
"In Cold Sun, author John L. Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor, N.A.S.A. headquarters consultant, and space shuttle engineer, tells the truth about ominous changes taking place in the climate and the Sun. Casey's research into the Sun's activity, which began four years ago, resulted in discovery of a solar cycle that is now reversing from its global warming phase to that of dangerous global cooling for the next thirty years or more." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (69 ratings)
"The air is filled with lectures and rumors that our Earth is getting warm. The author of Dark Winter, John Casey has found evidence to the contrary. His work is quite a revelation that marks a step toward a new scientific civilization. This book adds a brilliant page to the history of science!" – DR. FUMIO TSUNODA, Professor Emeritus of Geology, National Saitama University, Japan Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (310 ratings)
"Global climate change disproportionately affects rural people and indigenous groups, but their rights, knowledge, and interests concerning it are generally unacknowledged. Shifts in precipitation, cloud cover, temperature, and other climatic patterns alter their livelihood pursuits and cultural landscapes, accentuating their existing social and economic marginalization. This book argues that planners and researchers of climate change mitigation and adaptation must take into account the knowledge and capacity of rural people, and engage them as active participants in the design and governance of interventions, not as a matter of courtesy, but because it is their right. Furthermore, inclusion of local communities in genuine partnership will likely make climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts more effective. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Cesar Caviedes provides a comprehensive historical account of El Nino, the fascinating and disruptive weather phenomenon that has affected weather cycles all over the globe for thousands of years. Combining scientific accuracy with readable presentation, he brings together all existing information, references and clues about past El Nino occurrences and their impact on political, military, social, economic and environmental history. This sweeping demonstration of the impact of climatic fluctuation on human history should be fascinating to the scientific community as well as to the general public." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (6 ratings)
"With wit and great humanity, Jo Chandler brings the sceptical intelligence of the investigative journalist to tell us what's happening with climate change and why we are so conflicted about this issue. Everyone who cares about the future should read this book." – Peter Doherty, Nobel Prize winner Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This highly-acclaimed climate change education title, winner of twelve book awards, is now available in paperback! When the weather changes daily, how do we really know that Earth's climate is changing? Here is the science behind the headlines — evidence from flowers, butterflies, birds, frogs, trees, glaciers and much more, gathered by scientists from all over the world, sometimes with assistance from young citizen-scientists. And here is what young people, and their families and teachers, can do to learn about climate change and take action. Climate change is a critical and timely topic of deep concern, here told in an age-appropriate manner, with clarity and hope. Kids can make a difference! This book combines the talents of two uniquely qualified authors: Lynne Cherry, the leading children's environmental writer/illustrator and author of The Great Kapok Tree, and Gary Braasch, award-winning photojournalist and author of Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is Changing the World." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (13 ratings)
"Global warming reveals that world energy consumption is on an unsustainable path. This updated second edition of The New Energy Crisis examines the impact of climate change on energy economics and geopolitics, exploring key issues such as energy poverty, renewable and nuclear energy, and focusing on the implications of the Fukushima crisis." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"For the first time in human history we are altering the basic physiology of the planet, yet until now there has been no single source that summarizes the medical consequences of this environmental crisis for human beings. Critical Condition provides a comprehensive, easy-to-follow review of this most critical and yet most neglected subject in the environmental debate. It brings together the best medical information available about global environmental degradation, including the effects on human health of war and military preparation, global warming, ozone depletion, species extinction, and loss of biodiversity — matters that are generally not addressed in the literature of environmental health. "Underlying these contributions are three major themes: that the habitat is an important determinant of human health, that prevention of human illness must involve protection of the environment and preservation of ecosystems, and that well-informed physicians can and should communicate with the public and policy makers about environmental hazards." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (2 ratings)
"The environmental crisis under way is unique in human history. It is a true existential crisis. Those alive today will decide the fate of humanity. Meanwhile, the leaders of the most powerful state in human history are dedicating themselves with passion to destroying the prospects for organized human life. At the same time, there is a solution at hand, which is the Green New Deal. Putting meat on the bones of the Green New Deal starts with a single simple idea: we have to absolutely stop burning fossil fuels to produce energy within the next 30 years at most; and we have to do this in a way that also supports rising living standards and expanding opportunities for working people and the poor throughout the world. This version of a Green New Deal program is, in fact, entirely realistic in terms of its purely economic and technical features. The real question is whether it is politically feasible. Chomsky and Pollin examine how we can build the political force to make a global Green New Deal a reality." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"After nearly a quarter century of international negotiations on climate change, we stand at a crossroads. A new set of agreements is likely to fail to prevent the global climate's destabilization. Islands and coastlines face inundation, and widespread drought, flooding, and famine are expected to worsen in the poorest and most vulnerable countries. How did we arrive at an entirely inequitable and scientifically inadequate international response to climate change? "In Power in a Warming World, David Ciplet, J. Timmons Roberts, and Mizan Khan bring decades of combined experience as negotiators, researchers, and activists to bear on this urgent question. Combining rich empirical description with a political economic view of power relations, they document the struggles of states and social groups most vulnerable to a changing climate and describe the emergence of new political coalitions that take climate politics beyond a simple North-South divide. They offer six future scenarios in which power relations continue to shift as the world warms. A focus on incremental market-based reform, they argue, has proven insufficient for challenging the enduring power of fossil fuel interests, and will continue to be inadequate without a bolder, more inclusive and aggressive response." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"This comprehensive and accessible book fills the need for a political economy view of global environmental politics, focusing on the ways international economic processes affect environmental outcomes. It examines the main actors and forces shaping global environmental management, particularly in the developing world." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (4 ratings)
"Due to the recent catastrophic energy system failures in California along with those in the North-Eastern US and Southern Canada, London, and Italy, the time has come to proclaim the failure of deregulation, privatization or liberalization and propose a new energy system. Agile Energy Systems shows in the first section, how five precipitating forces led to the deregulation debacle in California: (1) major technological changes and commercialization, (2) regulatory needs mismatched to societal adjustments, (3) inadequate and flawed economic models, (4) lack of vision, goals, and planning leading to energy failures, and (5) failure and lack of economic regional development. "The second half of the book examines how 'civic market', new economic models, and planning for a sustainable economic environment counteracted these five forces to create an "agile energy system". This system is based on renewable energy generation, hybrid or combined and distributed generation technologies. Such an agile system can be a new paradigm for both energy efficiency and reliability for any region or country, in contrast to the brittle centralized energy grid systems created by deregulation. Furthermore, the book overviews how the future of energy systems rests in the emerging 'clean' hydrogen economy." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (8 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (34 ratings)
"This book provides research that shows tropical cyclones are more powerful than in the past with the most dramatic increases occurring over the North Atlantic and with the strongest hurricanes. Although such increases are correlated with warming oceans and are consistent with the thermodynamic theory of hurricane intensity, there remains doubt about the interpretation, integrity, and meaning of these results. Arising from the 5th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, this book contains new research on topics related to hurricanes and climate change. Bringing together international leading academics and researchers on various sides of the debate, the book discusses new research and expresses opinions about what is happening and what might happen in the future with regard to regional and global hurricane (tropical cyclone) activity." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 review) "Omnivorous reader"
"Revised and updated throughout, this unique anthology examines global environmental politics from a range of perspectives (contemporary and classic, activist and scholarly) and reflects voices of the powerless and powerful. Paradigms of sustainability, environmental security, and ecological justice illustrate the many ways environmental problems and their solutions are framed in contemporary international debates about climate, water, forests, toxics, energy, food, biodiversity, and other environmental challenges of the twenty-first century." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"Cook introduces readers to the hydroclimate and its components, explaining the global water cycle, the Earth's climate system, and the distribution of water resources. He discusses drought dynamics and variability over time, the climatological context and ecological effects, and environmental issues such as desertification, land degradation, and groundwater depletion. He also considers the socioeconomic impacts of drought and the role of drought risk management policy, especially in light of how climate change is expected to affect drought risk and severity. Cook gives special attention to paleoclimate and the role of drought in the crises of ancient civilizations. A scientifically comprehensive and approachable overview of water issues throughout the world, Drought is a critical interdisciplinary text that will be essential reading for a broad range of students in earth science and environmental and sustainability studies." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"When it comes to climate change, this truly is a golden age—of fake news, post-truths, pluralistic ignorance, conspiracy theories, a willfully ignorant administration, and the Cranky Uncle. You know him. We all have one. That exasperating Thanksgiving blusterer digs in his heels even as the foundation of his denial thaws faster than the Arctic ice caps. "Written and illustrated by Dr. John Cook, cognitive psychologist and founder of the award-winning website Skeptical Science, Cranky Uncle combines humor and science to make clear, calm, and winnable arguments in the public controversy of climate change. Can we change our Cranky Uncle's mind? Probably, regrettably, not. But Dr. Cook makes it easier for us to understand him. And armed with this knowledge, prevent climate misinformation from spreading further." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (17 ratings)
"Climate Change is not caused by any Greenhouse Effect. This book explains the basics of thermodynamic physics in a way that will help you understand how the world has been so seriously misled into believing carbon dioxide is to blame for the observed global warming. The author presents a sound argument and outline of the 'heat creep' process which is what must be supporting surface temperatures on Earth and other planets and he highlights the serious errors in the greenhouse conjecture. This is a 'must read' book for anyone who is concerned that mankind is causing the world to warm. It explains natural climate cycles and predicts future global cooling." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.1 (8 ratings)
A biography of the late ocean explorer. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.9 (14 ratings)
Remember the movie The Day After Tomorrow? John Cox demolishes its pretensions early on, then proceeds to show us why climate change really is something to be concerned about. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (8 ratings)
"The prospect of a Green New Deal is providing millions of people with a sense of hope, but scientists warn there is little time left to take the actions needed. We are at a critical point, and while the Green New Deal will be a step in the right direction, we need to do more—right now—to avoid catastrophe. In The Green New Deal and Beyond, author and plant scientist Stan Cox explains why we must abolish the use of fossil fuels as soon as possible, and how it can be done. He addresses a host of glaring issues not mentioned in the GND and guides us through visionary, achievable ideas for working toward a solution to the deepening crisis. It's up to each of us, Cox writes, to play key roles in catalyzing the necessary transformation." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Crime, Violence, and Global Warming introduces the many connections between climate change and criminal activity. Conflict over natural resources can escalate to state and non-state actors, resulting in wars, asymmetrical warfare, and terrorism. Crank and Jacoby apply criminological theory to each aspect of this complicated web, helping readers to evaluate conflicting claims about global warming and to analyze evidence of the current and potential impact of climate change on conflict and crime. Beginning with an overview of the science of global warming, the authors move on to the links between climate change, scarce resources, and crime. Their approach takes in the full scope of causes and consequences, present and future, in the United States and throughout the world. The book concludes by looking ahead at the problem of forecasting future security implications if global warming continues or accelerates. This fresh approach to the criminology of climate change challenges readers to examine all sides of this controversial question and to formulate their own analysis of our planet's future." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Mrs. Cravens is another convert to nuclear power. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (88 ratings)
"In The Coming Famine, Julian Cribb lays out a vivid picture of impending planetary crisis—a global food shortage that threatens to hit by mid-century—that would dwarf any in our previous experience. Cribb's comprehensive assessment describes a dangerous confluence of shortages—of water, land, energy, technology, and knowledge—combined with the increased demand created by population and economic growth. Writing in brisk, accessible prose, Cribb explains how the food system interacts with the environment and with armed conflict, poverty, and other societal factors. He shows how high food prices and regional shortages are already sending shockwaves into the international community. But, far from outlining a doomsday scenario, The Coming Famine offers a strong and positive call to action, exploring the greatest issue of our age and providing practical suggestions for addressing each of the major challenges it raises." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"The author examines ten intersecting areas of activity (mass extinction, resource depletion, WMD, climate change, universal toxicity, food crises, population and urban expansion, pandemic disease, dangerous new technologies and self-delusion) which pose manifest risks to civilization and, potentially, to our species' long-term future. This isn't a book just about problems. It is also about solutions. Every chapter concludes with clear conclusions and consensus advice on what needs to be done at global level—but it also empowers individuals with what they can do for themselves to make a difference. Unlike other books, it offers integrated solutions across the areas of greatest risk. It explains why Homo sapiens is no longer an appropriate name for our species, and what should be done about it." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (23 ratings)
This is a novel, and an entertaining one. However, I include it because of what Crichton considered factual content — content that made it the only work of fiction to be entered as testimony into the Congressional Record. It's all fiction, folks. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (2,266 ratings)
"Contributors focus first on the science of Gaia, considering such topics as the workings of the biosphere, the planet's water supply, and evolution; then discuss Gaian perspectives on global environmental change, including biodiversity destruction and global warming; and finally explore the influence of Gaia on environmental policy, ethics, politics, technology, economics, and education." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.9 (2 ratings)
"The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened explains why the catastrophic decline in polar bear numbers we were promised in 2007 failed to materialize. It's the story of how and why the polar bear came to be considered 'Threatened' with extinction, and tracks its rise and fall as an icon of the global warming movement. The book also tells the story of Crockford's role in bringing that failure to public attention and the backlash against her that ensued — and why, among all others who have attempted to do so previously, she was uniquely positioned to do so. In general, this is a cautionary tale of scientific hubris and of scientific failure, of researchers staking their careers on untested computer simulations and later obfuscating inconvenient facts. For the first time, you'll see a frank and detailed account of attempts by scientists to conceal population growth as numbers rose from an historical low in the 1960s to the astonishing highs that surely must exist after almost 50 years of protection from overhunting. There is also a blunt account of what truly abundant populations of bears mean for the millions of people who live and work in areas of the Arctic inhabited by polar bears." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (25 ratings)
"This book is a comprehensive, state-of-the art synthesis of paleoclimate research covering all geological timescales, emphasizing topics that shed light on modern trends in the earth's climate. Thomas M. Cronin discusses recent discoveries about past periods of global warmth, changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, abrupt climate and sea-level change, natural temperature variability, and other topics directly relevant to controversies over the causes and impacts of climate change. This text is geared toward advanced undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in geology, geography, biology, glaciology, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, and climate modeling, fields that contribute to paleoclimatology. This volume can also serve as a reference for those requiring a general background on natural climate variability." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (5 ratings)
"Using climate-model projections to forecast tomorrow's (potential) weather, the author takes us through the next 40-odd years, painting a rather gloomy picture of what's in store for our planet and offering some suggestions about what we can do today to avoid catastrophe. Some readers might dismiss the book as a manifestation of Chicken Little syndrome, but others, noting the author's calm, reasonable tone and sensible extrapolations from present-day phenomena, will no doubt conclude that this is a woman to whom attention must be paid." – David Pitt, Booklist Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (39 ratings)
"Grassroots Rising is a passionate call to action for the global body politic, providing practical solutions for how to survive—and thrive—in catastrophic times. Author Ronnie Cummins aims to educate and inspire citizens worldwide to organize and become active participants in preventing ecological collapse. This book offers a blueprint for building and supercharging a grassroots Regeneration Movement based on consumer activism, farmer innovation, political change, and regenerative finance—embodied most recently by the proposed Green New Deal in the US. Cummins asserts that the solution lies right beneath our feet and at the end of our forks through the transformation of our broken food system. Using regenerative agriculture practices that restore our agricultural and grazing lands, we can sequester massive amounts of carbon in the soil. Coupled with an aggressive transition toward renewables, he argues that we have the power to not only mitigate and slow down climate change, but actually reverse global warming. "In synergy with the Sunrise Movement and the growing support of a Green New Deal, Grassroots Rising will impact millions of conscious consumers, farmers, and the general public during the crucial 2020 election year and beyond. This book shows that a properly organized and executed Regeneration Revolution can indeed offer realistic climate solutions while also meeting our everyday needs. If you're wondering what you can do to help address the global climate crisis, joining the Regeneration Revolution might be the best first step." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (18 ratings)
"Rio launched rounds of climate change meetings and summits, with developing nations refusing to countenance any agreement restraining their greenhouse gas emissions — their blanket exemption from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol leading to its rejection by the United States that year, and again twelve years later in Copenhagen. This therefore marked not just the collapse of the climate change negotiations, but something larger — an unprecedented humiliation for the West at the hands of the rising powers of the East." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (37 ratings)
"Acid rain swept all before it. America held out for as long as Ronald Reagan was in the White House, but capitulated under his successor. Like global warming, acid rain had the vocal support of the scientific establishment, but the consensus science collapsed just as Congress was passing acid rain cap-and-trade legislation. Rather than tell legislators and the nation the truth, the EPA attacked a lead scientist and suppressed the federal report showing that the scientific case for action on curbing power station emissions was baseless." – by the author? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (4 ratings)
"Although the environmental and physical effects of climate change have long been recognised, little attention has been given to the profound negative impact on mental health. Leslie Davenport presents comprehensive theory, strategies and resources for addressing key clinical themes specific to the psychological impact of climate change. She explores the psychological underpinnings that have contributed to the current global crisis, and offers robust therapeutic interventions for dealing with anxiety, stress, depression, trauma and other clinical mental health conditions resulting from environmental damage and disaster. She emphasizes the importance of developing resilience and shows how to utilise the many benefits of guided imagery and mindful presence techniques, and carry out interventions that draw on expert research into ecopsychology, wisdom traditions, earth-based indigenous practices and positive psychology. The strategies in this book will cultivate transformative, person-centred ways of being, resulting in regenerative lifestyles that benefit both the individual and the planet." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Amazon Kindle edition. A customer reviewer writes: "Davidson deserves major credit for bringing us this story, one which until now was ignored by America's news media." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (115 ratings)
"Intergenerational justice requires that climate risks to future generations be handled with the same reasonable care deemed acceptable by society in the case of risks to contemporaries." Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (3 ratings)
"Walmart. Coca-Cola. BP. Toyota. The world economy runs on the profits of transnational corporations. Politicians need their backing. Non-profit organizations rely on their philanthropy. People look to their brands for meaning. And their power continues to rise. Can these companies, as so many are now hoping, provide the solutions to end the mounting global environmental crisis? Absolutely, the CEOs of big business are telling us: the commitment to corporate social responsibility will ensure it happens voluntarily. Peter Dauvergne challenges this claim, arguing instead that corporations are still doing far more to destroy than protect our planet. Trusting big business to lead sustainability is, he cautions, unwise — perhaps even catastrophic. Planetary sustainability will require reining in the power of big business, starting now." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (5 ratings)
"Some thousands of years ago, the world was home to an immense variety of large mammals. From wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers to giant ground sloths and armadillos the size of automobiles, these spectacular creatures roamed freely. Then human beings arrived. Devouring their way down the food chain as they spread across the planet, they began a process of voracious extinction that has continued to the present." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (4 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (8 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"DeBuys's research takes place in the field, one of the real strengths of this book. In lyrical prose rich in place and politics, his stories take us from the Navajo reservation to research labs.... A Great Aridness is both fascinating and frightening." – Orion Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (40 ratings)
"Written in A to Z format and printed on guaranteed un-recycled paper made from the pulp of a thousand rare hardwood trees using nothing but the purest cruel-harvested baby squid ink, The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism is your pocket guide to everything that's wrong, funny, and downright crazy about the green movement." – author Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (51 ratings)
"Delingpole is the bestselling British writer who helped expose the Climategate scandal in his Daily Telegraph blog. He also writes a column for The Spectator. His other books include 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy (Regnery, 2010) and Welcome to Obamaland (Regnery, 2009)." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (82 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 2.6 (4 ratings)
"Many scholars, writers, activists and policy-makers have linked growth in population to environmental degradation, especially catastrophic climate change. In the last few years, however, a number of writers and academics have documented significant improvements in human wellbeing, pointing to longer lifespans, improved health, abundant resources and a general improvement in the environment. Population Bombed! addresses the main shortcomings of arguments advanced by both population control advocates and optimistic writers, explaining how economic prosperity and a cleaner environment are the direct results of both population growth and humanity's increased use of fossil fuels and showing how campaigns against the spread of fossil fuels will cause misery in the developing world, fuel poverty in advanced economies, and will inevitably wreak havoc on the natural world." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (7 ratings)
"This is an invaluable textbook for any introductory survey course on the science and policy of climate change, for both non-science majors and introductory science students. The second edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent science from the latest IPCC reports, and many illustrations include new data. The new edition also reflects advances in the political debate over climate change. Unique amongst textbooks on climate change, it combines an introduction to the science with an introduction to economic and policy issues, and is tightly focused on anthropogenic climate change. It contains the necessary quantitative depth for students to properly understand the science of climate change. It supports students in using algebra to understand simple equations and to solve end of chapter problems. Supplementary online resources include: a complete set of PowerPoint figures for instructors, solutions to exercises, videos of the author's lectures, and additional computer exercises." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (19 ratings)
"The second edition of Dessler and Parson's acclaimed book provides an integrated treatment of the science, technology, economics, policy, and politics of climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (15 ratings)
"Climate Extremes and Society focuses on the recent and potential future consequences of weather and climate extremes for different socioeconomic sectors. The book also examines actions that may enable society to better respond to climate variability." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (2 ratings)
"Global warming and climate are complex environmental issues with varying opinions as well as facts available from numerous sources. In Comprehending the Climate Crisis, author Dr. Bradley J. Dibble provides a broad yet comprehensive overview of the climate issues facing the world today." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"Looks at the most important processes linking climate and vegetation in the tropics in general and in the Amazon in particular. Through individual reviews by some of the world's leading scientists, it covers such subjects as modeling tropical meteorology and climate, tropical microclimatology, connections of vegetation to climate, and impacts of tropical deforestation on regional and global climate. Editorial summaries integrate this material into an overall perspective. Features an essay on protecting the global environment by James Lovelock." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Unlimited growth is the engine that will, if unchecked, carry us to extinction, along with most existing species on Earth. Capitalism is unlimited growth. It starts at the top, with the wealthy, forever growing their wealth, at the cost of the rest of life on the planet. All Western societies are firmly convinced that growth, like change, is only good; this outlook is fomented and encouraged by the wealthy, who through unlimited growths derive their growing profits." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.6 (3 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (2 ratings)
"The world's most trusted nonfiction series is now available with a CD of clipart included in the hardcover edition that compliments a fact-filled title full of spectacular photographs and illustrations." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (6 ratings)
"The future of clean energy is no longer about science and technology; it's all about access to finance. The fossil fuel industry has been subsidized for decades with tax breaks and government backing, while renewables have struggled to compete. But now clean energy is the safe bet for investors, as is argued in Renewable Energy Finance: Powering the Future, edited by Dr Charles Donovan, Principal Teaching Fellow at Imperial College Business School. With a foreword by Lord Brown and contributions from some of the world's leading experts in energy finance, this timely book documents how investors are spending over Us$250 billion each year on new renewable energy projects and positioning themselves in a global investment market that will continue to expand at double-digit growth rates until 2020. It documents first-hand experiences of the challenges of balancing risk and return amid volatile market conditions and rapid shifts in government policy. Renewable Energy Finance provides an insider's perspective on renewable energy transactions, and insight into how countries like the US, India and China are responding to the global energy challenge. Drawing together contributions from senior executives and leading academics, Renewable Energy Finance serves an audience of readers craving intelligent, practical perspectives on the future of clean energy investment." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (5 ratings)
"Climate change is a confusing and polarizing issue. It may also prove to be the most daunting challenge of this century because children, the elderly, and the poor will be the first to feel its effects. The issue is all over the news, but what is seldom heard is a conservative, evangelical perspective. "Connecting the dots between science and faith, this book explores the climate debate and how Christians can take the lead in caring for God's creation. The authors answer top questions such as "What's really happening?" and "Who can we trust?" and discuss stewarding the earth in light of evangelical values. "Acting on climate change is not about political agendas," they say. "It's about our kids. It's about being a disciple of Jesus Christ." Capping off this empowering book are practical, simple ideas for improving our environment and helping our families and those around us." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (15 ratings)
"This highly acclaimed atlas distills the vast science of climate change, providing a reliable and insightful guide to this rapidly growing field. Since the 2006 publication of the first edition, climate change has climbed even higher up the global agenda. This new edition reflects the latest developments in research and the impact of climate change, and in current efforts to mitigate and adapt to changes in the world's weather. "The atlas covers a wide range of topics, including warning signs, vulnerable populations, health impacts, renewable energy, emissions reduction, personal and public action. The third edition includes new or additional coverage of a number of topics, including agreements reached in Copenhagen and Cancun, ocean warming and increased acidity, the economic impact of climate change, and advantages gained by communities and business from adapting to climate change. The extensive maps and graphics have been updated with new data, making this edition once again an essential resource for everyone concerned with this pressing subject." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (9 ratings)
"This book is a product of the Oxford Environment Conference. It takes the essential questions of sustainability as a starting point to focus on present food security and its future prospects in the face of climate change. Why is this book important? First, I believe our goals to end hunger are under threat. We know what to do in many respects, but fail to generate the finances and political will to change the structures that thrive on poverty. Second, I believe concern about the environment has become dangerously separated from the fundamental issues of human deprivation. Third, I believe climate change is a serious threat and I am dismayed at the way nations dither over how to control greenhouse gas emissions and mechanisms to meet the challenge of adverse climate impacts." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"In this impressively researched, alarming book, Rosaleen Duffy investigates the world of nature conservation, arguing that the West's attitude to endangered wildlife is shallow, self-contradictory, and ultimately very damaging. Analyzing the workings of the black-market wildlife industry, Duffy points out that illegal trading is often the direct result of Western consumer desires, from coltan for cellular phones to exotic meats sold in London street markets. She looks at the role of ecotourism, showing how Western travelers contribute—often unwittingly—to the destruction of natural environments. Most strikingly, she argues that the imperatives of Western-style conservation often result in serious injustice to local people, who are branded as 'problems' and subject to severe restrictions on their way of life and even extrajudicial killings." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers:? (0 ratings)
"If America's environmental laws and regulations are left unchanged, they will ultimately contribute to the destruction of the human and natural environments. Dunn and Kinney argue that the environmental movement as it now operates is counterproductive; solutions can be found only through rational, non-political efforts based on reality, not ideological propaganda. The authors show what the facts are and how they have been distorted to benefit what are often misguided, self-serving political agendas." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (3 ratings)
"Gwynne Dyer is one of the few who are both courageous enough to tell the unvarnished truth, and have the background to understand, not misrepresent the inputs. This book does a superb job of detailing the emerging realities of Climate/Energy. These realities are not pretty." – Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (29 ratings)
"Global warming and human-induced climate change are perhaps the most important scientific issues of our time. These issues continue to be debated in the scientific community and in the media without true consensus about the role of greenhouse gas emissions as a contributing factor. "Evidence-Based Climate Science objectively gathers and analyzes scientific data concerning patterns of past climate changes, influences of changes in ocean temperatures, the effect of solar variation on global climate, and the effect of CO2 on global climate to clearly and objectively present counter-global-warming evidence not embraced by proponents of CO2." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (19 ratings)
"For the first time in decades, the US has a rare opportunity to realistically reject oil supplies from other nations." Except that we are still importing large quantities of oil from the Middle East. Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (11 ratings)
"Beth Edmondson and Stuart Levy examine why it is so difficult for the international community to respond to global climate change. In doing so, they analyse and explain some of the strategies that might ultimately provide the foundations for appropriate responses." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"In this global wake-up call, nuclear physicist Jeff Eerkens explores remedies for the impending energy crisis, when oil and natural gas are depleted. The Nuclear Imperative demonstrates that solar, wind, and biomass power are incapable of supplying the enormous quantities of electricity and heat needed for manufacturing portable synthetic fuels to replace our current use of fossil fuels. It offers a fresh look at uranium-produced energy as the optimal affordable solution." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"With research and insight, Charles Eisenstein details how the quantification of the natural world leads to a lack of integration and our 'fight' mentality. With an entire chapter unpacking the climate change denier's point of view, he advocates for expanding our exclusive focus on carbon emissions to see the broader picture beyond our short-sighted and incomplete approach. The rivers, forests, and creatures of the natural and material world are sacred and valuable in their own right, not simply for carbon credits or preventing the extinction of one species versus another. After all, when you ask someone why they first became an environmentalist, they're likely to point to the river they played in, the ocean they visited, the wild animals they observed, or the trees they climbed when they were a kid. This refocusing away from impending catastrophe and our inevitable doom cultivates meaningful emotional and psychological connections and provides real, actionable steps to caring for the earth. Freeing ourselves from a war mentality and seeing the bigger picture of how everything from prison reform to saving the whales can contribute to our planetary ecological health, we resist reflexive postures of solution and blame and reach toward the deep place where commitment lives." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (27 ratings)
"Produced by Climate Central—a highly regarded independent, nonprofit journalism and research foundation founded in 2008—and reviewed by scientists at major educational and research institutions the world over, Global Weirdness summarizes, in clear and accessible prose, everything we know about the science of climate change; explains what is likely to happen to the climate in the future; and lays out in practical terms what we can and cannot do to avoid further shifts." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (50 ratings)
"Verifiable research, facts, images and portions of the Climate Change Wiki Links files are all included, to disprove this fraudulent theory." Amazon says this is from "BBC". Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (3 ratings)
"A Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change was held during the spring of 2007 on the island of Crete that brought together leading academics and researchers on both sides of the scientific debate to discuss new research and express opinions about what will happen in the future with regard to hurricane activity. This proceedings volume highlights the state-of-the-science research into various aspects of the hurricane-climate connection. It is likely that the science presented here will lead to new research that will help answer crucial questions about our sustainable future." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
"Hurricanes are nature's most destructive agents. Widespread interest surrounds the possibility that they might get even more destructive in the future. Policy makers consider it a call for action. Answers about when and by how much hurricanes will change are sought by financial institutions especially industry. And scientists are challenged by the range and interactions of the processes involved. This book, arising from the 2nd International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, contains new research on topics related to hurricanes and climate change since the 1st Summit. Chapters are grouped into research studies using global climate models and those taking empirical and statistical approaches. The latter include investigations of basin-wide and regional hurricane activity." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This book provides research that shows tropical cyclones are more powerful than in the past with the most dramatic increases occurring over the North Atlantic and with the strongest hurricanes. Although such increases are correlated with warming oceans and are consistent with the thermodynamic theory of hurricane intensity, there remains doubt about the interpretation, integrity, and meaning of these results." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This edition has been updated to include the latest climate data, a discussion of the Earth's carbon cycle, the warming hiatus of the first decade of this century, the 2017 hurricanes, advanced energy options, the withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement, and more. It offers a new foreword by former U.S. Representative Bob Inglis (R-SC), who now works on climate action through his organization RepublicEN." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"The book details revolutionary and shocking new scientific work developed in Cold War secrecy in the Soviet Union which proved that oil originates not from dinosaur detritus or fossilized algae as western geology mythology maintains. The Soviet scientists showed that oil and gas have deep origins at the level of the Earth's mantle some 200 km below. Like volcanoes, hydrocarbons are forced upwards until they typically are "trapped" in reservoir rock formations. The Russian work has been the target of a concerted campaign to discredit the theory. Little wonder. Were its implications understood widely, oil and gas would be considered as virtually a renewable energy and our energy crises and wars a thing of the past. As Henry Kissinger said, "If you control the oil you control entire nations." The converse is also true—If oil cannot be controlled the controlling powers lose their control over other nations and the wars that go with it. This is an entirely different account of the world's most important and most political commodity—oil." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (51 ratings)
John Englander is an oceanographer with expeditions under the North Polar Cap, deep dives in research submarines, and visits to Greenland and Antarctica to his credit. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, and of The Explorers Club. He is the Special Advisor on Climate to Friends of the United Nations, and he holds memberships in the American Geophysical Union, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the Marine Technology Society. The first five chapters of this book are a review of the history and science of trends in global temperature and sea-level rise. In Chapter 6, Englander looks at the present and near future of our world, showing by means of model results how sea levels are likely to rise and what's likely to be the result. Estimates for the total rise by 2100 vary widely, from 1 foot to 7 feet (and that outcome depends on how humanity reacts during the intervening years.) But in the present we know that some significant rise is inevitable, and some cities and towns already suffer intermittent flooding, while some former coastal towns are already permanently under water. Examples of the latter are Sharps Island and Holland Island, both in Chesapeake Bay. They were drowned in 1962 and 2010, respectively. The waters are coming; how far and how fast they come depends on what we do in the future. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (82 ratings)
"Ice on land is melting, and sea level is rising, both at astonishing rates never seen in recorded history. Are you, your property, investments, and family ready for these unprecedented changes? Read Moving to Higher Ground and…
Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (11 ratings)
"The basic question underlying our energy policy debates is this: Should we be free to generate more and more energy using fossil fuels? Or should we restrict and progressively outlaw fossil fuels as "dirty energy"? I believe that if we look at the big picture, the facts are clear. If we want a healthy, livable environment, then we must be free to use fossil fuels. Why? Because for the foreseeable future, fossil fuels provide the key to a great environment: abundant, affordable, reliable energy." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (36 ratings)
"If you want to see the power of fine logic, fine writing, and fine research, read Epstein's book. In my long career, it is simply the best popular-market book about climate, environmental policy, and energy that I have read. Laymen and experts alike will be boggled by Epstein's clarity." – PATRICK J. MICHAELS, director, Center for the Study of Science, Cato Institute Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (328 ratings)
Dr. Epstein (1943-2011) was trained in public health, and had a long career exploring the connections between disease and climate. Here he explains what he learned. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (13 ratings)
"We live in a time of global crisis—or, more appropriately, crises: overlapping, interlocking global problems that are inextricably tied to modernity. Overheating offers a groundbreaking new way of looking at the problems of the Anthropocene, exploring crises of the environment, economy, and identity through an anthropological lens. Thomas Hylland Eriksen argues that while each of these crises is global in scope, they are nonetheless perceived and responded to locally—and that once we realize that, we begin to see the contradictions that abound between the standardizing forces of global capitalism and the socially embedded nature of people and local practices. Only by acknowledging the primacy of the local, Eriksen shows, can we begin to even properly understand, let alone address, these problems on a global scale." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Sustainability has emerged as a global priority over the past several years. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change and the adoption of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals through the United Nations have highlighted the need to address critical challenges such as the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, water shortages, and air pollution. But in the United States, partisan divides, regional disputes, and deep disagreements over core principles have made it nearly impossible to chart a course toward a sustainable future. "This timely new book, edited by celebrated scholar Daniel C. Esty, offers fresh thinking and forward-looking solutions from environmental thought leaders across the political spectrum. The book's forty essays cover such subjects as ecology, environmental justice, Big Data, public health, and climate change, all with an emphasis on sustainability. The book focuses on moving toward sustainability through actionable, bipartisan approaches based on rigorous analytical research." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.6 (5 ratings)
"In The Layman's Guide to Climate Change, author Mohammed Ghassan Farija breaks down this issue in a manner that anyone can understand. You will learn the fundamental mechanisms that govern our climate, whether the recent increase in the globe's average surface temperature is natural or man-made, the causes of climate change in the past, reasons behind why the climate "debate" exists, expected changes and the socioeconomic impacts they entail, the role of political action and climate treaties such as the Paris Climate Accords and the Kyoto Protocol. Perhaps most importantly, you'll discover that humanity already possesses the necessary tools to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. What we really lack is an economic and political framework that incentivizes us to put these technologies into practice on a global scale." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
And lest anyone doubt that climate change is having serious impacts today, journalist Stephan Faris corrects that mistake in this account of his own travels in regions now affected, from Darfur in Sudan to Key West in Florida. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (11 ratings)
"There is absolutely no evidence that Humans cause global warming. In fact, only the stars know if it will get hotter or colder and it is all up to that one star we call our sun." – author Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (9 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (4 ratings)
"Originally perceived as a cheap and plentiful source of power, the commercial use of nuclear energy has been controversial for decades. Worries about the dangers that nuclear plants and their radioactive waste posed to nearby communities grew over time, and plant construction in the United States virtually died after the early 1980s. The 1986 disaster at Chernobyl only reinforced nuclear power's negative image. Yet in the decade prior to the Japanese nuclear crisis of 2011, sentiment about nuclear power underwent a marked change. The alarming acceleration of global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels and concern about dependence on foreign fuel has led policymakers, climate scientists, and energy experts to look once again at nuclear power as a source of energy. "In this accessible overview, Charles D. Ferguson provides an authoritative account of the key facts about nuclear energy. What is the origin of nuclear energy? What countries use commercial nuclear power, and how much electricity do they obtain from it? How can future nuclear power plants be made safer? What can countries do to protect their nuclear facilities from military attacks? How hazardous is radioactive waste? Is nuclear energy a renewable energy source? Featuring a discussion of the recent nuclear crisis in Japan and its ramifications, Ferguson addresses these questions and more in Nuclear Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know™, a book that is essential for anyone looking to learn more about this important issue." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (29 ratings)
"Climate change: it is arguably the most urgent and consequential issue humankind has ever faced. How we address it in the next thirty years will determine the kind of world we will live in and will bequeath to our children and to theirs. "In The Future We Choose, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac—who led negotiations for the United Nations during the historic Paris Agreement of 2015—have written a cautionary but optimistic book about the world's changing climate and the fate of humanity. The authors outline two possible scenarios for our planet. In one, they describe what life on Earth will be like by 2050 if we fail to meet the Paris climate targets. In the other, they lay out what it will be like to live in a carbon neutral, regenerative world. They argue for confronting the climate crisis head-on, with determination and optimism. The Future We Choose presents our options and tells us what governments, corporations, and each of us can and must do to fend off disaster." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (13 ratings)
"The potential conflict among economic and ecological goals has formed the central fault line of environmental politics in the United States and most other countries since the 1970s. The accepted view is that efforts to protect the environment will detract from economic growth, jobs, and global competitiveness. Conversely, much advocacy on behalf of the environment focuses on the need to control growth and avoid its more damaging effects. This offers a stark choice between prosperity and growth, on the one hand, and ecological degradation on the other. Stopping or reversing growth in most countries is unrealistic, economically risky, politically difficult, and is likely to harm the very groups that should be protected. At the same time, a strategy of unguided 'growth above all' would cause ecological catastrophe. "Over the last decade, the concept of green growth — the idea that the right mix of policies, investments, and technologies will lead to beneficial growth within ecological limits — has become central to global and national debates and policy due to the financial crisis and climate change. As Daniel J. Fiorino argues, in order for green growth to occur, ecological goals must be incorporated into the structure of the economic and political systems. In this book, he looks at green growth, a vast topic that has heretofore not been systematically covered in the literature on environmental policy and politics. Fiorino looks at its role in global, national, and local policy making; its relationship to sustainable development; controversies surrounding it (both from the left and right); its potential role in ameliorating inequality; and the policy strategies that are linked with it. The book also examines the political feasibility of green growth as a policy framework. While he focuses on the United States, Fiorino will draw comparisons to green growth policy in other countries, including Germany, China, and Brazil." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Amazon gives no description, so here's part of the author's biography: "My first book was a memoir of a brief teaching career that I began when I was 66. Title is Teacher's Gotta Dance, available presently only on Kindle. Second book was a rebuttal to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth", titled A Really Inconvenient Truth—The Case Against the Theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming. My latest is a novel, titled Secession—A Republic Reborn." – author Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (9 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Hurricanes: A Reference Handbook explores the historical, ecological, economic, and social dimensions of hurricanes in North America. Synthesizing literature from a wide range of authoritative sources, this book is an invaluable guide to hurricanes and their impact and is essential reading for students, scientists, mariners, and coastal residents alike." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Updating the story, Tim Flannery shows us a passel of new possibilities that may help save the climate. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (10 ratings)
With his unique Aussie point of view, Tim Flannery shows us a few possibilities for helping save the climate while improving the bottom line. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (9 ratings)
"The Weather Makers is both an urgent warning and a call to arms, outlining the history of climate change, how it will unfold over the next century, and what we can do to prevent a cataclysmic future." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (132 ratings)
"It is an essential work for libraries and most researchers interested in climatic variations will want to have their own copy." – Arctic and Alpine Research, 17 (1985) Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Some people reject the fact, overwhelmingly supported by scientists, that our planet is warming because of human activity. But do those of us who accept the reality of human-caused climate change truly believe it? If we did, surely we would be roused to act on what we know. Will future generations distinguish between those who didn't believe in the science of global warming and those who said they accepted the science but failed to change their lives in response? "In We Are the Weather, Jonathan Safran Foer explores the central global dilemma of our time in a surprising, deeply personal, and urgent new way. The task of saving the planet will involve a great reckoning with ourselves—with our all-too-human reluctance to sacrifice immediate comfort for the sake of the future. We have, he reveals, turned our planet into a farm for growing animal products, and the consequences are catastrophic. Only collective action will save our home and way of life. And it all starts with what we eat—and don't eat—for breakfast. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (51 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (9 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"In this accessible and insightful book, Peter Fox-Penner considers how utilities interact with customers and how the Smart Grid could revolutionize their relationship. Turning to the supply side, he considers the costs of, and tradeoffs between, large-scale power sources such as coal plants and small-scale power sources close to customers. Finally, he looks at how utilities can respond to all of these challenges and remain viable, while financing hundreds of billions of dollars of investment without much of an increase in sales." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (4 ratings)
"Light of the Stars tells the story of humanity's coming of age as we awaken to the possibilities of life on other worlds and their sudden relevance to our fate on Earth. Astrophysicist Adam Frank traces the question of alien life and intelligence from the ancient Greeks to the leading thinkers of our own time, and shows how we as a civilization can only hope to survive climate change if we recognize what science has recently discovered: that we are just one of ten billion trillion planets in the Universe, and it's highly likely that many of those planets hosted technologically advanced alien civilizations. What's more, each of those civilizations must have faced the same challenge of civilization-driven climate change. "Written with great clarity and conviction, Light of the Stars builds on the inspiring work of pioneering scientists such as Frank Drake and Carl Sagan, whose work at the dawn of the space age began building the new science of astrobiology; Jack James, the Texas-born engineer who drove NASA's first planetary missions to success; Vladimir Vernadsky, the Russian geochemist who first envisioned the Earth's biosphere; and James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, who invented Gaia theory. Frank recounts the perilous journey NASA undertook across millions of miles of deep space to get its probes to Venus and Mars, yielding our first view of the cosmic laws of planets and climate that changed our understanding of our place in the universe." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (41 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (65 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
This is one of the important books that portrays the downside of nuclear power — nothing inherent in the physics, but the result of hasty construction and laxity about safety. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (14 ratings)
"Global warming's physical impacts can be separated into three broad categories: melt, drought, and deluge. Funk travels to two dozen countries to profile entrepreneurial people who see in each of these forces a potential windfall. "Funk visits the front lines of the melt, the drought, and the deluge to make a human accounting of the booming business of global warming. By letting climate change continue unchecked, we are choosing to adapt to a warming world. Containing the resulting surge will be big business; some will benefit, but much of the planet will suffer. McKenzie Funk has investigated both sides, and what he has found will shock us all." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (85 ratings)
"Smart, Resilient and Transition Cities: Emerging Approaches and Tools for Climate-Sensitive Urban Development merges a scientific approach with a pragmatic one. Through a case study approach, the Authors explore strengths and weaknesses of institutional and informal practices to foreshadow innovative paths for an adaptive process of urban governance in the face of climate change. The book guides the reader along new governance paths, characterized by continuous learning and close cooperation and communication among different actors and stakeholders and, in so doing, helps them to overcome current 'siloed' approaches to climate issues." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"The United States and China together account for a disproportionate 45 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. In 2014, then-President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced complementary efforts to limit emissions, paving the way for the Paris Agreement. And yet, with President Trump's planned withdrawal from the Paris accords and Xi's consolidation of power—as well as mutual mistrust fueled by misunderstanding—the climate future is uncertain. In Titans of the Climate, Kelly Sims Gallagher and Xiaowei Xuan examine how the planet's two largest greenhouse gas emitters develop and implement climate policy. Through dispassionate analysis, the authors aim to help readers understand the challenges, constraints, and opportunities in each country. Gallagher, a former U.S. climate policymaker—and Xuan, a member of a Chinese policy think tank, describe the specific drivers—political, economic, and social—of climate policies in both countries and map the differences between policy outcomes. They characterize the U.S. approach as 'deliberative incrementalism'; the Chinese, meanwhile, engage in 'strategic pragmatism.' Comparing the policy processes of the two countries, Gallagher and Xuan make the case that if each country understands more about the other's goals and constraints, climate policy cooperation is more likely to succeed." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Galuzska examines the practices of one particular coal baron — Don Blankenship — and shows us the declining future of the coal industry. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (10 ratings)
"This collection gathers a set of seminal papers from the emerging area of ethics and climate change. Topics covered include human rights, international justice, intergenerational ethics, individual responsibility, climate economics, and the ethics of geoengineering. Climate Ethics is intended to serve as a source book for general reference, and for university courses that include a focus on the human dimensions of climate change. It should be of broad interest to all those concerned with global justice, environmental science and policy, and the future of humanity." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (5 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (8 ratings)
"Meanwhile, nuclear power already provides one-sixth of all electrical energy in the world—France, for instance, derives 80% of its electricity from reactors—but nuclear power has met with great resistance in the United States, where the specter of the Three Mile Island breakdown still looms in the public's consciousness. Garwin and Charpak take a temperate, rational tone in evaluating the benefits of nuclear energy. They show how it can provide an assured, economically feasible, and environmentally responsible supply of energy in a way that avoids the hazards of weapons proliferation. – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (5 ratings)
"In Boiling Point, Ross Gelbspan reveals exactly how the fossil fuel industry is directing the Bush administration's energy and climate policies. Even more surprisingly, Gelbspan points a finger at both the media and environmental activists for unwittingly worsening the crisis." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (27 ratings)
"A Green New Deal is the transit from a mineral architecture to vegetal architecture. The number one cause of Global warming is Architecture — the buildings. Buildings are responsible for 40% of the CO2 that is emitted into the atmosphere. The architects must take this responsibility and move from geopolitics towards biosphere politics. A Green New Deal is a real test of how this can be achieved. The context for the intervention is an existing historic building in Barcelona, the Centre of Arts Santa Monica; a building to explore the Third Industrial Revolution as the potential of a transformation towards an empathic architecture. Nature should let us show the path. Cloud 9 equipped the trees in front of Arts Santa Monica with sensors that capture data on temperature, humidity and light energy to inform the building. The intervention is an installation on the facade that produces energy from the environment, like the sun and wind. It is an additional skin which allows control of natural light and regulates solar radiation. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This comprehensive, current examination of U.S. law as it relates to global climate change begins with a summary of the factual and scientific background of climate change based on governmental statistics and other official sources. Subsequent chapters address the international and national frameworks of climate change law, including the Kyoto Protocol, state programs affected in the absence of a mandatory federal program, issues of disclosure and corporate governance, and the insurance industry. Also covered are the legal aspects of other efforts, including voluntary programs, emissions trading programs, and carbon sequestration." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (6 ratings)
"This book contains key information and recommendations from a longer volume, Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States. Legal Pathways is based on two reports by the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) that explain technical and policy pathways for reducing U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 80% from 1990 levels by 2050. This 80x50 target and similarly aggressive carbon abatement goals are often referred to as deep decarbonization, distinguished because it requires systemic changes to the energy economy. Using these technical and policy pathways, Legal Pathways provides a legal playbook for deep decarbonization in the United States, identifying well over 1,000 legal options for enabling the United States to address one of the greatest problems facing this country and the rest of humanity." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Read this book! You know that the oceans are in trouble, but this is the most comprehensive and clear explanation of why. Stung! is more than just a book about jellyfish; it is undoubtedly one of the best books detailing the stresses on our ocean ecosystems. It is a much needed and spectacular achievement." – Paul Dayton, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (38 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (121 ratings)
"Since the industrial era, our connection with the environment has been one of utilitarianism and capitalist interests. Recently, however, the greening of our culture has been moving from society's fringes to become prominent. Gibson (sociology, California State Univ., Long Beach; Warrior Dreams: Paramilitary Culture in Post-Vietnam America) has deemed this renaissance of ecoworship "reenchantment"—where humans once again recognize their spiritual and emotional connections with nature." – Jaime Hammond, Naugatuck Valley Community Coll. Lib., Waterbury, CT, School Library Journal Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (4 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"The Great Disruption offers a stark and unflinching look at the challenge humanity faces—yet also a deeply optimistic message. The coming decades will see loss, suffering, and conflict as our planetary overdraft is paid; however, they will also bring out the best humanity can offer: compassion, innovation, resilience, and adaptability. Gilding tells us how to fight—and win—what he calls The One Degree War to prevent catastrophic warming of the earth, and how to start today." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (90 ratings)
"Through the unique lens of 'Indigenized environmental justice,' Indigenous researcher and activist Dina Gilio-Whitaker explores the fraught history of treaty violations, struggles for food and water security, and protection of sacred sites, while highlighting the important leadership of Indigenous women in this centuries-long struggle. As Long As Grass Grows gives readers an accessible history of Indigenous resistance to government and corporate incursions on their lands and offers new approaches to environmental justice activism and policy. "Throughout 2016, the Standing Rock protest put a national spotlight on Indigenous activists, but it also underscored how little Americans know about the longtime historical tensions between Native peoples and the mainstream environmental movement. Ultimately, she argues, modern environmentalists must look to the history of Indigenous resistance for wisdom and inspiration in our common fight for a just and sustainable future." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (30 ratings)
"UNABRIDGED VERSION--INCLUDES BUMPER STICKER" Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (28 ratings)
"A fascinating story, not only of technology but of the heart and soul behind it. A must for anyone that really wants to understand how wind power developed and what it takes to move sustainable technology toward the marketplace." – Carl Weinberg, former manager of R&D at Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Governing for the Environment explores one of the dimensions of the value-knowledge system needed in any movement towards humane governance for the planet: the ecological sustainability and integrity of the Earth's environment. The book begins from the premise that whilst environmental knowledge and values have developed rapidly, their development must not overwhelm consideration of other core 'humane' values: peace, social justice, and human rights. The book's contributors explore a variety of ethical issues that must inform future global regulation of the Earth's environment." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"THE GREEN REICH — GLOBAL WARMING TO THE GREEN TYRANNY. Ban everything we can, eco-tax the rest: this could be the motto of the environmentalists in politics. If human CO2 is the problem, then Man must be restrained, controlled, suppressed in every one of his CO2-emitting activities: that is to say, in the totality of his actions. Researching environmentalism from the root of its anti-humanist ethic to the staggering heights of its actual demands — banning cars, aircraft, meat, nuclear energy, rural life, the market economy, modern agriculture, in short, post-Industrial-Revolution modernity — Drieu Godefridi shows that environmentalism defines a more radical ideology in its liberticidal, anti-economic and ultimately humanicidal claims than any totalitarian ideology yet seen. "Dividing humanity by a factor of ten" is the environmentalist ideal. "Godefridi says we have good reason to be alarmed. Not by climate change, but by the endless, hazardous-to-humans measures that activists propose in response. We need to read Godefridi's book. And re-read it. Before it's too late." -Donna Laframboise "Human survival is not the environmentalists' goal. They do not care about our flourishing, as Godefridi convincingly argues." -Jaana Woiceshyn "This is a book that everyone must read. It is brief, to the point — and utterly frightening, for it lays out the end-game of environmentalism, which will affect us all, if we blindly keep empowering it, as we are now so gleefully doing." -Dr. Nirmal Dass, "The Postil Magazine". PhD (Sorbonne), Drieu Godefridi has authored books on gender, the IPCC and environmentalism."." I've copied the blurb from Amazon verbatim except for punctuation changes. From that, and customer comments, it appears Godefridi cherry-picked his sources. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (11 ratings)
"This book demonstrates that Washington, D.C.'s 30-year regulatory war against air pollution has done little to improve air quality." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (1 rating)
"Eh?" Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"Eh?" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (6 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"In this clear-sighted and compelling book, Joshua Goldstein and Staffan Qvist explain how clean energy quickly replaced fossil fuels in such places as Sweden, France, South Korea, and Ontario. Their people enjoyed prosperity and growing energy use in harmony with the natural environment. They didn't do this through personal sacrifice, nor through 100 percent renewables, but by using them in combination with an energy source the Swedes call kärnkraft, hundreds of times safer and cleaner than coal." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (20 ratings)
"In this penetrating analysis, Goodell debunks the faulty assumptions underlying coal's revival and shatters the myth of cheap coal energy. In a compelling blend of hard-hitting investigative reporting, history, and industry assessment, Goodell illuminates the stark economic imperatives America faces and the collusion of business and politics — what is meant by "big coal" — that have set us on the dangerous course toward reliance on this energy source." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (58 ratings)
Like Eli Kintisch's book, listed below, this is a detailed look at some proposed methods of geoengineering, and it sets a properly cautionary tone. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (19 ratings)
Beginning in Miami, Goodell takes us on a tour of places around the world that are threatened by the rising seas — from the U.S. naval bases at Norfolk in Virginia and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean to the Marshall Islands in the Pacific and seacoast cities and towns from Alaska to Venice, Italy. Some of these, like Miami, are swamped every October, when the king tide comes in. Streets flood hubcap-deep, often with polluted water. Sea water contaminates local groundwater supplies and corrodes concrete foundations. The regular flooding also tends to "corrode" property values. Elsewhere, it washes shorelines away, along with the houses on them. The good news is that many localities, even in Florida, are beginning to fight back. But efforts are hugely expensive, and the water is likely to overtake them in the end. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.9 (11 ratings)
Amazon customer review by Joseph L. Bast Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
"This new book looks at the geology, history, and ecology, of Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado and the science behind changes that have been taking place there over time." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (1 rating)
Al Gore's third book on the climate crisis is all about the choices we face, and the options we have. I like everything about it except its treatment of nuclear power, which I judge too pessimistic. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (101 ratings)
A rather transparent substitution of rhetoric & obfuscation for scientific reasoning. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (22 ratings)
"The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism is the first book on climate change that is fun to read. Using figures, cartoons, and whimsical sidebars, Steve Goreham describes our crazy world, which is far down the primrose path of global warming fantasy. Contrary to popular consensus, global warming is natural and cars are innocent. Learn the real story about climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (66 ratings)
"Society and business should adopt a policy that is sensibly green, continuing to reduce air and water pollution, but at other policies aimed at stopping global warming and halting hydrocarbon use. These policies do little for Earth's environment." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"Graetz describes more than forty years of energy policy incompetence and argues that we must make better decisions for our energy future. Despite thousands of pages of energy legislation since the 1970s (passed by a Congress that tended to elevate narrow parochial interests over our national goals), Americans have never been asked to pay a price that reflects the real cost of the energy they consume. Until Americans face the facts about price, our energy incompetence will continue—and along with it the unraveling of our environment, security, and independence." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"Is global warming just scaremongering by climatologists conspiring to protect their jobs? Is evolution "just a theory"? Is autism caused by vaccinations? The answer to all of these questions is, of course, no. The scientific evidence is now in, and it's conclusive, on these and many more issues that are fundamental to our knowledge and wellbeing. But you'd never know this if all of your information came from the popular media or your upbringing and immediate circle of influence didn't include critical thinking and basic scientific literacy." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.2 (14 ratings)
"If the future trajectory of our civilization follows the same general patterns laid down by previous ones, then John Michael Greer's new book gives us perhaps the best view of the future currently available. His thoughts on the great unraveling ahead are rooted in a broad and deep knowledge of history; even if you disagree with him about the future, you will learn a great deal from his survey of the relevant human past." – Richard Heinberg, author of The End of Growth Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (43 ratings)
"This is an extremely erudite book, filled with references to philosophies, and ancient works, which is also readable and an exciting addition to what might be called the 'libraries of the future', which try to make sense of our predicament and offer not just hope, but a intellectual route map to a better way of living." –earthtimes.org Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (27 ratings)
"John Michael Greer proposes a modern mage for uncertain times; one who possesses a startling array of practical skills gleaned from the appropriate tech and organic gardening movements forged in the energy crisis of the 1970s. From the basic concepts of ecology to a plethora of practical techniques such as composting, green manure, low-tech food preservation and storage, small-scale chicken and rabbit raising, solar water heating, alternative energy sources, and more, Green Wizardry is a comprehensive manual for today's wizard-in-training." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (29 ratings)
"More than four centuries have passed since industrial civilization stumbled to its ruin under the self-inflicted blows of climate change and resource depletion. Now, in the ruins of a deserted city, a young man mining metal risks his life to win a priceless clue. That discovery will send him and an unlikely band of seekers on a quest for a place out of legend where human beings might once have communicated with distant worlds — a place called Star's Reach." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (34 ratings)
"A chilling high-concept geo-political thriller where a declining United States and a resurgent China come to the brink of all out nuclear war." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (67 ratings)
"The Wealth of Nature proposes a new model of economics based on the integral value of ecology. Building on the foundations of E. F. Schumacher's revolutionary "economics as if people mattered," this book examines the true cost of confusing money with wealth. By analyzing the mistakes of contemporary economics, it shows how an economy centered on natural capital—the raw materials that support human life—can move our society toward a more productive relationship with the planet that sustains us all." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (29 ratings)
A Florida grandmother explains how she came to understand that climate change is the biggest problem facing her and her family — the human family. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (8 ratings)
"Providing up-to-date numerical data across a range of topics related to renewable energy technologies, Renewable Energies and CO2 offers a one-stop source of key information to engineers, economists and all other professionals working in the energy and climate change sectors. The most relevant up-to-date numerical data are exposed in 201 tables and graphs, integrated in terms of units and methodology, and covering topics such as energy system capacities and lifetimes, production costs, energy payback ratios, carbon emissions, external costs, patents and literature statistics." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Deniers of climate change sometimes quip that claims about global warming are more about political science than climate science. They are wrong on the science, but may be right with respect to its political implications. A hotter world, writes Andrew Guzman, will bring unprecedented migrations, famine, war, and disease. It will be a social and political disaster of the first order." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (12 ratings)
"What can we all do to avert catastrophe and avoid extinction? Roger Hallam has answers. In Common Sense for the 21st Century, Roger Hallam, cofounder of Extinction Rebellion, outlines how movements around the world need to come together now to start doing what works: engaging in mass civil disobedience to make real change happen. The book gives people the tools to understand not only why mass disruption, mass arrests, and mass sacrifice are necessary but also details how to carry out acts of civil disobedience effectively, respectfully and nonviolently. It bypasses contemporary political theory, and instead is inspired by Thomas Paine, the pragmatic 18th-century revolutionary whose pamphlet Common Sense sparked the American Revolution. Common Sense for the 21st Century urges us to confront the truth about climate change and argues forcefully that only a revolution of society and the state, similar to the turn that Paine urged the Americans to take into the political unknown, can save us now." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Humans have become so powerful that we have disrupted the functioning of the Earth System as a whole, bringing on a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene — one in which the serene and clement conditions that allowed civilisation to flourish are disappearing and we quail before 'the wakened giant'. The emergence of a conscious creature capable of using technology to bring about a rupture in the Earth's geochronology is an event of monumental significance, on a par with the arrival of civilisation itself. "What does it mean to have arrived at this point, where human history and Earth history collide? Some interpret the Anthropocene as no more than a development of what they already know, obscuring and deflating its profound significance. But the Anthropocene demands that we rethink everything. The modern belief in the free, reflexive being making its own future by taking control of its environment — even to the point of geoengineering — is now impossible because we have rendered the Earth more unpredictable and less controllable, a disobedient planet. At the same time, all attempts by progressives to cut humans down to size by attacking anthropocentrism come up against the insurmountable fact that human beings now possess enough power to change the Earth's course. It's too late to turn back the geological clock, and there is no going back to premodern ways of thinking. We must face the fact that humans are at the centre of the world, even if we must give the idea that we can control the planet. These truths call for a new kind of anthropocentrism, a philosophy by which we might use our power responsibly and find a way to live on a defiant Earth." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (12 ratings)
"This book goes to the heart of the unfolding reality of the twenty-first century: international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have all failed, and before the end of the century Earth is projected to be warmer than it has been for 15 million years. The question "can the crisis be avoided?" has been superseded by a more frightening one, "what can be done to prevent the devastation of the living world?" And the disturbing answer, now under wide discussion both within and outside the scientific community, is to seize control of the very climate of the Earth itself." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (12 ratings)
"In Which World?, scientist Allen Hammond imaginatively probes the consequences of present social, economic, and environmental trends to construct three possible worlds that could await us in the twenty-first century: Market World, in which economic and human progress is driven by the liberating power of free markets and human initiative; Fortress World, in which unattended social and environmental problems diminish progress, dooming hundreds of millions of humans to lives of rising conflict and violence; and Transformed World, in which human ingenuity and compassion succeed in offering a better life, not just a wealthier one, and in seeking to extend those benefits to all of humanity." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (2 ratings)
"This revised and updated second edition emphasizes impacts of human adaptation to climate change on nature and greater emphasis on natural processes and cycles and specific elements. With four new chapters, an increased emphasis on tools for critical thinking, and a new glossary and acronym appendix, Climate Change Biology, 2e is the ideal overview of this field." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (11 ratings)
"The research paper "Extinction Risk from Climate Change" published in the journal Nature in January 2004 created front-page headlines around the world. The notion that climate change could drive more than a million species to extinction captured both the popular imagination and the attention of policy-makers, and provoked an unprecedented round of scientific critique. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Rich in invaluable insights into the geopolitics as well as the geophysics of climate change, Hansen's guaranteed-to-be-controversial manifesto is the most comprehensible, realistic, and courageous call to prevent climate change yet. It belongs in every library." – Donna Seaman, Booklist Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (183 ratings)
"Bringing together an international group of scholars from environmental economics, political science and business, this book describes, analyses and evaluates climate change risks and responses of societies and companies. The book contributes to the question of how climate change can be mitigated by discussing efficient and effective design of mitigation measures, in particular emissions trading and clean development mechanism (CDM). Placing special emphasis on the impact of climate change risks on business, the book investigates in which way selected sectors of the economy are affected and what measures they can undertake to adapt to climate change risks." Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
"This book presents a lucid explanation of the workings of thorium-based reactors. It is must reading for anyone interested in our energy future." – Leon Cooper, Brown University physicist and 1972 Nobel laureate for superconductivity Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (81 ratings)
"The book begins by diagnosing what's most wrong with climate politics, including the anachronistic international system, which encourages nations to fight for their narrowly perceived interests and makes major cuts in greenhouse pollution extraordinarily difficult; the deadlock between the United States and China, which together produce over one-third of global greenhouse gas pollution but do little more than demand that the other act first; and affluent lifestyles and overconsumption, which are spreading rapidly from industrialized nations to the developing world." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (1 rating)
"This book explores problems and issues that have emerged in national and international discussion of policies to address climate change. It concludes that every solution put forward by the UN and activists poses more problems than might ever emerge from the marginal human impact on natural climate change. Rather than mitigation, governments should focus on adaptation. As is, climate change discussions have become captive of a utopian agenda that is using climate change as a stalking horse to drive alarm in the hope that it will convince governments to act." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (16 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (145 ratings)
"We don't need to wait for new technologies or strategies to create a low carbon future—and we can't afford to. Designing Climate Solutions gives professionals the tools they need to select, design, and implement the policies that can put us on the path to a livable climate future." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (5 ratings)
"The 100 most substantive solutions to reverse global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists and policymakers around the world" – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.9 (16 ratings)
"Climate change, along with the depletion of oil, coal, and gas, dictate that we will inevitably move away from our profound societal reliance on fossil fuels; but just how big a transformation will this be? While many policy-makers assume that renewable energy sources will provide an easy "plug-and-play" solution, author Richard Heinberg suggests instead that we are in for a wild ride; a "civilization reboot" on a scale similar to the agricultural and industrial revolutions." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (12 ratings)
"Coal fuels about 50% of US electricity production and provides a quarter of the country's total energy. China and India's ferocious economic growth is based on coal-generated electricity. Coal currently looks like a solution to many of our fast-growing energy problems. However, while coal advocates are urging full steam ahead, increasing reliance on the dirtiest of all fossil fuels has crucial implications for climate science, energy policy, the world economy, and geopolitics." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (11 ratings)
"The next few decades will see a profound energy transformation throughout the world. By the end of the century (and perhaps sooner), we will shift from fossil fuel dependence to rely primarily on renewable sources like solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal power. Driven by the need to avert catastrophic climate change and by the depletion of easily accessible oil, coal, and natural gas, this transformation will entail a major shift in how we live. What might a 100% renewable future look like? Which technologies will play a crucial role in our energy future? What challenges will we face in this transition? And how can we make sure our new system is just and equitable? "In Our Renewable Future, energy expert Richard Heinberg and scientist David Fridley explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the shift to renewable energy. Beginning with a comprehensive overview of our current energy system, the authors survey issues of energy supply and demand in key sectors of the economy, including electricity generation, transportation, buildings, and manufacturing. In their detailed review of each sector, the authors examine the most crucial challenges we face, from intermittency in fuel sources to energy storage and grid redesign. The book concludes with a discussion of energy and equity and a summary of key lessons and steps forward at the individual, community, and national level." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (11 ratings)
"We are currently facing the sixth mass extinction of species in the history of life on Earth, biologists claim—the first one caused by humans. Activists, filmmakers, writers, and artists are seeking to bring the crisis to the public's attention through stories and images that use the strategies of elegy, tragedy, epic, and even comedy. Imagining Extinction is the first book to examine the cultural frameworks shaping these narratives and images." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"In this hard-hitting book, Dieter Helm looks at how and why we have failed to tackle the issue of global warming and argues for a new, pragmatic rethinking of energy policy—from transitioning from coal to gas and eventually to electrification of transport, to carbon pricing and a focus on new technologies." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (13 ratings)
"In a new edition of his hard-hitting book on climate change, economist Dieter Helm looks at how and why we have failed to tackle the issue of global warming and argues for a new, pragmatic rethinking of energy policy." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 2.7 (2 ratings)
"The volume brings together leading climate change policy experts to set out the economic analysis and the nature of the negotiations at Copenhagen and beyond. In addition to reviewing the main issues discussed above, a number of the articles question the basis of much of the climate change consensus, and debate the Stern Report's main findings." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"At a time of so much politicized debate over the phenomenon of global warming, the second edition of The Future of the World's Climate places the discussion in a broader geological, paleo-climatic, and astronomical context. This book is a resource based on reviews of current climate science and supported by sound, accurate data and projections made possible by technological advances in climate modeling." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (3 ratings)
"Everybody can be a thinking person when it comes to climate change, and this book is a perfect roadmap. Start a web search for 'climate change' and the first three suggestions are 'facts,' 'news,' and 'hoax.' The Thinking Person's Guide to Climate Change is rooted in the first, up to date on the second, and anything but the last. Produced by one of the most venerable atmospheric science organizations, it is a must-read for anyone looking for the full story on climate change. "Using global research and written with nonscientists in mind, the Guide breaks down the issues into straightforward categories: 'Symptoms' covers signs such as melting ice and extreme weather, while 'Science' lays out what we know and how we figured it out. 'Debates' tackles the controversy and politics, while 'Solutions' and 'Actions' discuss what we can do as individuals and communities to create the best possible future. Full-color illustrations offer explanations of everything from how the greenhouse effect traps heat to which activities in everyday life emit the most carbon. Special-feature boxes zoom in on locations across the globe already experiencing the effects of a shifting climate. "The new edition of The Thinking Person's Guide to Climate Change has been thoroughly updated, including content on new global record highs, new research across the spectrum, and the Paris Agreement to cut greenhouse gases. This reference provides the most comprehensive, yet accessible, overview of where climate science stands today, acknowledging controversies but standing strong in its stance that the climate is changing—and something needs to be done." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Combining theory, case studies and speculative fiction, a range of contributors, from leading UK academics to pioneering renewable activists, create a compelling picture of the potential perks and pitfalls of a low carbon future." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"For twenty years, Mark Hertsgaard has investigated global warming for outlets including the New Yorker, NPR, Time, Vanity Fair, and The Nation. But the full truth did not hit home until he became a father and, soon thereafter, learned that climate change had already arrived—a century earlier than forecast—with impacts bound to worsen for decades to come. Hertsgaard's daughter Chiara, now five years old, is part of what he has dubbed 'Generation Hot'—the two billion young people worldwide who will spend the rest of their lives coping with mounting climate disruption. "HOT is a father's cry against climate change, but most of the book focuses on solutions, offering a deeply reported blueprint for how all of us—as parents, communities, companies and countries—can navigate this unavoidable new era. Combining reporting from across the nation and around the world with personal reflections on his daughter's future, Hertsgaard provides 'pictures' of what is expected over the next fifty years: Chicago's climate transformed to resemble Houston's; dwindling water supplies and crop yields at home and abroad; the redesign of New York and other cities against mega-storms and sea-level rise. Above all, he shows who is taking wise, creative precautions. For in the end, HOT is a book about how we'll survive." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (55 ratings)
"Herzog, a pioneer in carbon capture research, begins by discussing the fundamentals of climate change and how carbon capture can be one of the solutions. He explains capture and storage technologies, including chemical scrubbing and the injection of CO2 deep underground. He reports on current efforts to deploy CCS at factories and power plants and attempts to capture CO2 from the air itself. Finally, he explores the policies and politics in play around CCS and argues for elevating carbon capture in the policy agenda." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"Here is a story that has not previously been adequately told: the story of the developments, trends, and visionary people that are, in many ways, mitigating the climate crisis and turning sustainable development into reality, not just a grand concept. In A Newer World, the environmentalist Bill Hewitt explores the advances in business and finance, politics, design, science, and engineering that are transforming the world around us right now, even as the dire climatic consequences of the industrialization of our economies have become ever more starkly apparent." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"Advocating a new form of leadership that places the health and well-being of people and the planet first, this book proposes a new Earth law, a framework for sustainable development and international environmental governance. As it argues that the planet is not the exclusive preserve of the executives of the world's top corporations, this volume illustrates how the law can be the catalyst in a shift of attitude away from regarding the Earth as something to be owned and traded for profit. Detailed and passionate, this is a holistic approach to law, business, and the environment in the battle for the ecosystem." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"In Eradicating Ecocide, international environment lawyer and Ecocide law expert Polly Higgins sets out to demonstrate how our planet is fast being destroyed by the activities of corporations and governments, facilitated by 'compromise' laws that offer insufficient deterrence. She offers a solution that is radical yet pragmatic, and, as she explains, necessary. This is the first book to examine the power of law to change everything. Higgins provides context by presenting examples of laws in other countries and in earlier times in history which have succeeded in curtailing the power of governments, corporations and banks, and have triggered change. Eradicating Ecocide provides a comprehensive overview of what is required in law in order to prevent ecocide. It is a book unlike any other; based on the principle of 'first do no harm', it applies equally to global as well as smaller communities and anyone who is involved in decision-making." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Climate change impacts—more heat, drought, extreme rainfall, and stronger storms—have already harmed communities around the globe. Even if the world could cut its carbon emissions to zero tomorrow, further significant global climate change is now inevitable. Although we cannot tell with certainty how much average global temperatures will rise, we do know that the warming we have experienced to date has caused significant losses, and that the failure to prepare for the consequences of further warming may prove to be staggering. "Building a Resilient Tomorrow does not dwell on overhyped descriptions of apocalyptic climate scenarios, nor does it travel down well-trodden paths surrounding the politics of reducing carbon emissions. Instead, it starts with two central facts: climate impacts will continue to occur, and we can make changes now to mitigate their effects. While squarely confronting the scale of the risks we face, this pragmatic guide focuses on solutions—some gradual and some more revolutionary—currently being deployed around the globe. Each chapter presents a thematic lesson for decision-makers and engaged citizens to consider, outlining replicable successes and identifying provocative recommendations to strengthen climate resilience. Between animated discussions of ideas as wide-ranging as managed retreat from coastal hot-zones to biological approaches for resurgent climate-related disease threats, Alice Hill and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz draw on their personal experiences as senior officials in the Obama Administration to tell behind-the-scenes stories of what it really takes to advance progress on these issues. The narrative is dotted with tales of on-the-ground citizenry, from small-town mayors and bankers to generals and engineers, who are chipping away at financial disincentives and bureaucratic hurdles to prepare for life on a warmer planet. For readers exhausted by today's paralyzing debates on yearly 'fluke' storms or the existence of climate change, Building a Resilient Tomorrow offers better ways to manage the risks in a warming planet, even as we work to limit global temperature rise." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (9 reviews)
In Environmental Protection: What Everyone Needs to Know, environmental lawyer Pamela Hill offers clear, engaging answers to some of the most pressing questions facing us today. She discusses the science behind current environmental issues, defining key terms such as ecosystems, pollutants, and endocrine disruptors. Hill explains why our environment needs protection, using examples from history and current events, from the Irish potato famine to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan. She also assesses the effectiveness of landmark laws and treaties, including the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Kyoto Protocol. "To what extent is it acceptable to rank human interests over ecological interests? And is it fair to ask developing countries to reduce emissions, even though they bear little responsibility for our current environmental problems? Hill identifies the greatest environmental threats we are facing today and suggests what we need to do as citizens, businesspeople, and lawmakers to protect the environment for each other and for future generations." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Sea Level Rise in Florida offers an in-depth examination of the rise and fall of sea levels in the past and the science behind the current data, both measured and projected. The authors also discuss ongoing and potential consequences for natural marine and coastal systems and how we can begin to plan strategically for the inevitable changes." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (5 ratings)
"Around the world, from US coastal towns to island nations of the Pacific and the deserts of Africa, people are in danger of losing their homes. Some have already fled. Others know they are running out of time. By 2050, at least 25 million people will be driven from their homes due to the effects of climate change. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This book is a comprehensive account of all significant energy sources, evaluated according to their capacity, reliability, cost, safety and effects on the environment. Non-renewable sources (for example, coal, oil, gas and nuclear fuel) together with renewable sources like wood, hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, ocean thermal, and tidal; are considered. Also, nuclear radiations and the disposal of nuclear waste and the future of nuclear power are assessed, as well as pollution and acid rain, the greenhouse effects and climate change. Its social, political and moral problems are discussed, with a special mention of the opposition to nuclear power." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Synthesizing evidence from sociology, psychology, and political science, Andrew J. Hoffman lays bare the opposing cultural lenses through which science is interpreted. He then extracts lessons from major cultural shifts in the past to engender a better understanding of the problem and motivate the public to take action. How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate makes a powerful case for a more scientifically literate public, a more socially engaged scientific community, and a more thoughtful mode of public discourse." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (41 ratings)
"A million years after the birth of our sun, the violent explosion of a nearby supernova nearly ended life on Earth before it began. Over the next four and a half billion years, forces of nature shaped our planet and the life it harbored. Barely surviving the traumatic birth of the Moon, buffeted by supernovae, and bombarded by asteroids, the resilient Earth endured. And despite planet-freezing ice ages, devastating mass extinctions, and ever changing climate, life not only survived, it thrived. Today, we are told all life on Earth is threatened by a new peril—human-caused global warming. The Resilient Earth presents the science behind global warming for a general audience, separating fact from fiction and truth from exaggeration." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (25 ratings)
"Canadian environmental activists Hoggan and Littlemore pull no punches in this spirited indictment of global warming deniers. Their well-sourced research spotlights premeditated prevarications about the threat of greenhouse gas emissions by the oil and coal industry, in league with junk scientists, compliant conservative politicians and unsavory public relations practitioners. Persistent obfuscation of science by these anti-environment players is further abetted, say the authors, by a manipulated media that, in a misguided effort toward journalistic balance, pairs scientific certainty about an encroaching climate crisis with quotations from people who make a living denying it." – Publishers Weekly Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (101 ratings)
"The basics of climate science are easy. We know it is entirely human-caused. Which means its solutions will be similarly human-led. In The Future Earth, leading climate change advocate and weather-related journalist Eric Holthaus ("the Rebel Nerd of Meteorology" –Rolling Stone) offers a radical vision of our future, specifically how to reverse the short- and long-term effects of climate change over the next three decades. Anchored by world-class reporting, interviews with futurists, climatologists, biologists, economists, and climate change activists, it shows what the world could look like if we implemented radical solutions on the scale of the crises we face.
"This is the book for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the current state of our environment. Hopeful and prophetic, The Future Earth invites us to imagine how we can reverse the effects of climate change in our own lifetime and encourages us to enter a deeper relationship with the earth as conscientious stewards and to re-affirm our commitment to one another in our shared humanity." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (65 ratings)
"Although it may seem barren, Antarctica is a vital — and increasingly threatened — part of the Earth's ecosystem. The Ferocious Summer is writer Meredith Hooper's firsthand account of the effects of climate change on this frozen continent. For one summer, Hooper lived and worked with scientists observing the summer population of Adélie penguins nesting at Palmer Station, the smallest of America's three Antarctic research bases. For Hooper, Palmer's penguins offered a way to understand the complex business of the Earth's changing climate. The Antarctic Peninsula was warming fast. Why? What were scientists doing to understand it? The daily lives of Palmer's few thousand Adélie penguins were becoming key evidence, and pieces of the climate change jigsaw began falling into place. Based on daily diaries, acute personal observations, and interviews with Antarctica's international community of researchers, this book is a fascinating and alarming report from the front lines of global warming." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"Written by leading researchers in the fields of geology, biology, climate, and geography, this book explores the relationship between mountain building and climate change, and how these processes shape biodiversity through time and space." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Most people don't want to think about what happens when the oil runs out (or becomes prohibitively expensive), but The Transition Handbook shows how the inevitable and profound changes ahead can have a positive effect. They can lead to the rebirth of local communities, which will generate their own fuel, food and housing. They can encourage the development of local currencies, to keep money in the local area. They can unleash a local 'skilling-up', so that people have more control over their lives." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (30 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (10 ratings)
A lawyer with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Mr. Horner engages here in an extended rant against certain politicians and environmentalists in general. He views environmentalism as a Communist plot, and accuses environmentalists of hyping global warming threats to cow the populace and crush individual liberty. Also, he gets the science wrong, mostly. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (314 ratings)
"The present volume presents three documents already in the public domain, all of which are critical to an understanding of alleged global warming. The first contribution, from Senator Inhofe, is the transcript of a speech given to the US Senate in 2006, in which he outlines the spin put by the media onto the story of global warming. He effectively demolishes the myths about climate change which have been deliberated [sic] foisted on the public by the IPCC and a relatively small clique of climatologists." – from an Amazon customer review Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"In this post-apocalyptic rollercoaster ride, philosopher Srećko Horvat invites us to explore the Apocalypse in terms of ‘revelation’ (rather than as the ‘end’ itself). He argues that the only way to prevent the end – i.e., extinction – is to engage in a close reading of various interconnected threats, such as climate crisis, the nuclear age and the ongoing pandemic. Drawing on the work of neglected philosopher Günther Anders, this book outlines a philosophical approach to deal with what Horvat, borrowing a term from climate science and giving it a theological twist, calls ‘eschatological tipping points’. These are no longer just the nuclear age or climate crisis, but their collision, conjoined with various other major threats – not only pandemics, but also the viruses of capitalism and fascism. In his investigation of the future of places such as Chernobyl, the Mediterranean and the Marshall Islands, as well as many others affected by COVID-19, Horvat contends that the ‘revelation’ appears simple and unprecedented: the alternatives are no longer socialism or barbarism – our only alternatives today are a radical reinvention of the world, or mass extinction. "After the Apocalypse is an urgent call not only to mourn tomorrow’s dead today but to struggle for our future while we can." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (6 ratings)
"How much of global warming is due to human activities? How far will it be possible to adapt to changes of climate? Sir John Houghton's definitive, full colour guide to climate change answers these questions and more by providing the best and latest information available, including the latest IPCC findings. The simple, logical flow of ideas gives an invaluable grounding in the science, as well as the physical and human impacts of climate change for undergraduate students across a wide range of disciplines." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (33 ratings)
"This prospectus is based on a critically acclaimed independent assessment of the economic risks posed by climate change commissioned by the Risky Business Project. With new contributions from Karen Fisher-Vanden, Michael Greenstone, Geoffrey Heal, Michael Oppenheimer, and Nicholas Stern and Bob Ward, as well as a foreword from Risky Business cochairs Michael Bloomberg, Henry Paulson, and Thomas Steyer, the book speaks to scientists, researchers, scholars, activists, and policy makers. It depicts the distribution of escalating climate-change risk across the country and assesses its effects on aspects of the economy as varied as hurricane damages and violent crime." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (2 ratings)
"In 1958, Charles David Keeling began measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. His project kicked off a half century of research that has expanded our knowledge of climate change. Despite more than fifty years of research, however, our global society has yet to find real solutions to the problem of global warming. Why? In Behind the Curve, Joshua Howe attempts to answer this question. He explores the history of global warming from its roots as a scientific curiosity to its place at the center of international environmental politics. The book follows the story of rising CO2—illustrated by the now famous Keeling Curve—through a number of historical contexts, highlighting the relationships among scientists, environmentalists, and politicians as those relationships changed over time." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (6 ratings)
This collection pulls together key documents from the scientific and political history of climate change, including congressional testimony, scientific papers, newspaper editorials, court cases, and international declarations. Far more than just a compendium of source materials, the book uses these documents as a way to think about history, while at the same time using history as a way to approach the politics of climate change from a new perspective. Making Climate Change History provides the necessary background to give readers the opportunity to pose critical questions and create plausible answers to help them understand climate change in its historical context; it also illustrates the relevance of history to building effective strategies for dealing with the climatic challenges of the future. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Modern environmentalism, Peter Huber argues, destroys the environment. Captured as it has been by the Soft Green oligarchy of scientists, regulators, and lawyers, modern environmentalism does not conserve forests, oceans, lakes, and streams — it hastens their destruction." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.3 (57 ratings)
"The sheer volume of talk about energy, energy prices, and energy policy on both sides of the political aisle suggests that we must know something about energy. But according to Peter Huber and Mark Mills, the things we "know" are mostly myths. In The Bottomless Well , Huber and Mills debunk the myths and show how a better understanding of energy will radically change our views and policies on a number of very controversial issues." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (82 ratings)
"Techno-Fix questions a primary paradigm of our age: that advanced technology will extricate us from an ever increasing load of social, environmental, and economic ills. Techno-Fix shows why negative unintended consequences of science and technology are inherently unavoidable and unpredictable, why counter-technologies, techno-fixes, and efficiency improvements do not offer lasting solutions, and why modern technology, in the presence of continued economic growth, does not promote sustainability but instead hastens collapse. "The authors explore the reasons for the uncritical acceptance of new technologies; show that technological optimism is based on ignorance and that increasing consumerism and materialism, which have been facilitated by science and technology, have failed to increase happiness. The common belief that technological change is inevitable is questioned, the myth of the value-neutrality of technology is exposed and the ethics of the technological imperative: "what can be done should be done" is challenged. Techno-Fix asserts that science and technology, as currently practiced, cannot solve the many serious problems we face and that a paradigm shift is needed to reorient science and technology in a more socially responsible and environmentally sustainable direction." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (21 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (11 ratings)
"Climate change is not 'a problem' waiting for 'a solution'. It is an environmental, cultural and political phenomenon which is re-shaping the way we think about ourselves, our societies and humanity's place on Earth. Drawing upon twenty-five years of professional work as an international climate change scientist and public commentator, Mike Hulme provides a unique insider's account of the emergence of this phenomenon and the diverse ways in which it is understood." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (17 ratings)
"The problem is that you and the rest of those who believe in man-made global warming are WRONG! There is irrefutable scientific evidence that global temperatures are NOT rising (in fact, temperatures have dropped slightly since 1998), that man is NOT affecting climate change, and that all of the implausible and overheated projections of environmental disaster are completely FALSE. Yet, the hoax persists. WHY?" – author Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (1 rating)
"Probably the most widely repeated claim in the debate over global warming is that 97% of scientists agree that climate change is man-made and dangerous, the authors write. This claim is not only false, but its presence in the debate is an insult to science." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (14 ratings)
"Energy efficiency and energy conservation are often thought to be the same. They are not, according to Herbert Inhaber. Only when less total energy is consumed by all users will energy actually be saved. Energy efficiency schemes do not accomplish this goal of conservation: when one person or nation conserves energy, there is just more of it for others to use elsewhere." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.6 (196 ratings)
Abysmal. At one time, this was the only book of its type to have more negative reviews than positive (56% vs. 44%) on Amazon. The ratio has since swung back to positive (76% vs. 25%.) However, Inhofe is still wrong. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (219 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Today s environmentalists are using fear of global warming to destroy the foundations of modern civilization. These roosters of the apocalypse dominate governments, universities, and even scientific societies, even as the owls scientists and others who doubt the threat of global warming is real win the scientific debate and warn of the economic consequences of taking unnecessary action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.2 (18 ratings)
"Global warming has changed the world's geography and its politics. Wars are waged over water, and China rules Europe, including the Scandinavian Union, which is occupied by the power state of New Qian. In this far north place, seventeen-year-old Noria Kaitio is learning to become a tea master like her father, a position that holds great responsibility and great secrets. Tea masters alone know the location of hidden water sources, including the natural spring that Noria's father tends, which once provided water for her whole village. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (106 ratings)
"Sometimes solving climate change seems impossibly complex, and it is hard to know what changes we all can and should make to help. This book offers hope. Drawing on the latest research, Mark Jaccard shows us how to recognize the absolutely essential actions (decarbonizing electricity and transport) and policies (regulations that phase out coal plants and gasoline vehicles, carbon tariffs). Rather than feeling paralyzed and pursuing ineffective efforts, we can all make a few key changes in our lifestyles to reduce emissions, to contribute to the urgently needed affordable energy transition in developed and developing countries. More importantly, Jaccard shows how to distinguish climate-sincere from insincere politicians and increase the chance of electing and sustaining these leaders in power. In combining the personal and the political, The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success offers a clear and simple strategic path to solving the greatest problem of our times. A PDF version of this title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core at doi.org/10.1017/9781108783453." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (4 ratings)
"The publication of Prosperity without Growth was a landmark in the sustainability debate. Tim Jackson's piercing challenge to conventional economics openly questioned the most highly prized goal of politicians and economists alike: the continued pursuit of exponential economic growth. Its findings provoked controversy, inspired debate and led to a new wave of research building on its arguments and conclusions. "This substantially revised and re-written edition updates those arguments and considerably expands upon them. Jackson demonstrates that building a 'post-growth' economy is a precise, definable and meaningful task. Starting from clear first principles, he sets out the dimensions of that task: the nature of enterprise; the quality of our working lives; the structure of investment; and the role of the money supply. He shows how the economy of tomorrow may be transformed in ways that protect employment, facilitate social investment, reduce inequality and deliver both ecological and financial stability. Seven years after it was first published, Prosperity without Growth is no longer a radical narrative whispered by a marginal fringe, but an essential vision of social progress in a post-crisis world. Fulfilling that vision is simply the most urgent task of our times." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (44 ratings)
"Hope Jahren is an award-winning scientist, a brilliant writer, a passionate teacher, and one of the seven billion people with whom we share this earth. In The Story of More, she illuminates the link between human habits and our imperiled planet. In concise, highly readable chapters, she takes us through the science behind the key inventions—from electric power to large-scale farming to automobiles—that, even as they help us, release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere like never before. She explains the current and projected consequences of global warming—from superstorms to rising sea levels—and the actions that we all can take to fight back. At once an explainer on the mechanisms of global change and a lively, personal narrative given to us in Jahren's inimitable voice, The Story of More is the essential pocket primer on climate change that will leave an indelible impact on everyone who reads it." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (15 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (2 ratings)
"After nearly a decade overseas as a war reporter, the acclaimed journalist Dahr Jamail returned to America to renew his passion for mountaineering, only to find that the slopes he had once climbed have been irrevocably changed by climate disruption. In response, Jamail embarks on a journey to the geographical front lines of this crisismdash;from Alaska to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, via the Amazon rainforest—in order to discover the consequences to nature and to humans of the loss of ice." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (10 ratings)
"Our failure to prevent or even to respond significantly to climate change, Jamieson argues, reflects the impoverishment of our systems of practical reason, the paralysis of our politics, and the limits of our cognitive and affective capacities." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (33 ratings)
"The author has more than forty years of experience as an international journalist reporting on power-generating technologies and on energy policies around the world. Detailing the developmental history, and current state, of the global nuclear industry, he discusses the dire, immediate need for large quantities of clean, emission-free electric power, for both domestic and industrial uses. This book details how current technologies—particularly nuclear, combined cycle, and hydro—can be applied to satisfy safely the growing energy demands in the future." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This book is the first in a series recording the results of studies on the impact of climate changes on the ecologic systems and socio-economic structures of each of the main regional sea areas." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"The book provides an in depth analyses of the experience and lessons in Chinese energy and emissions reductions policies in a climate change constrained scenario. As China emerges as the world second largest economy and first largest carbon emitter, the country is moving onto a low-carbon development path. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"This book has been prepared as a reference for high-school students, but it also will be useful for anyone who wants a compact, plain-spoken basic guide to the science of global warming." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Despite the evidence, political debate still rages over the existence of global warming. Global Warming in the 21st Century provides a detailed review of the accumulating evidence of global warming, from the Arctic and Antarctic to the tropics, focusing special attention on a number of processes that will accelerate warming as the century passes. Extensive warming also could endanger sea life through the devastation of phytoplankton populations at the base of the oceanic food chain." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This book collects together, for the first time anywhere, a range of diverse data which proves that the whole issue of 'climate change' is more complicated and challenging than almost all researchers into all these topics are willing to consider, examine or entertain. The book covers the global warming myth, geoengineering proposals, persistent jet trails, weather anomalies, weather modification, 9/11 and Agenda 21. Most of the people that need to read this book probably won't ever hear about it. It is hoped that, by the time you have read this book, your world-view will have been shattered completely and you will have learned about the manipulation that you and everyone else, has been subjected to, since talk of global warming and climate change was first heard in the late 1980s. Once you have read and inwardly digested the contents of this book, your immunity against global deception and psychological manipulation will be increased." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"There is a renaissance blooming in the climate movement: leadership that is more characteristically feminine and more faithfully feminist, rooted in compassion, connection, creativity, and collaboration. While it's clear that women and girls are vital voices and agents of change for this planet, they are too often missing or even barred from the proverbial table. More than a problem of bias, it's a dynamic that sets us up for failure. "All We Can Save illuminates the expertise and insights of dozens of diverse women leading on climate in the United States—scientists, journalists, farmers, strategists, teachers, activists, innovators, builders, and designers, across ages, geographies, and ethnicities—and aims to advance a more representative, nuanced, and solution-oriented public conversation on the climate crisis. These women are offering a spectrum of ideas and insights for how we can rapidly, radically reshape society. "Intermixing essays with poetry and art, this book is both a balm and a guide for knowing and holding what has been done to the world, while bolstering our resolve never to give up on one another or our collective future. We must summon truth, courage, and solutions, to turn away from the brink and toward life-giving possibility. Curated by two climate leaders, All We Can Save is a collection and celebration of visionaries who are leading us on a path toward all we can save." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Carbon Nation ranges across film and literary studies, ecology, politics, journalism, and art history to chart the course by which prehistoric carbon calories entered into the American economy and body. It reveals how fossil fuels remade our ways of being, knowing, and sensing in the world while examining how different classes, races, sexes, and conditions learned to embrace and navigate the material manifestations and cultural potential of these new prehistoric carbons." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (3 ratings)
"Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (5 ratings)
"Climate change governance is in a state of enormous flux. New and more dynamic forms of governing are appearing around the international climate regime centred on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They appear to be emerging spontaneously from the bottom up, producing a more dispersed pattern of governing, which Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom famously described as 'polycentric'. This book brings together contributions from some of the world's foremost experts to provide the first systematic test of the ability of polycentric thinking to explain and enhance societal attempts to govern climate change. It is ideal for researchers in public policy, international relations, environmental science, environmental management, politics, law and public administration." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This is not a dry, academic book about the environment. Instead, Larry Jordan offers a timely, well-researched and balanced look at the imperatives of a Green New Deal: what it is, and why we can't live without it. He exposes the rightwing's long history of waging sinister disinformation campaigns to protect corporate profits by attacking as 'socialist' anything that actually helps people. The book reveals overlooked details in the Mueller report about how persons tied to Russian intelligence have influenced Donald Trump's environmental policies. Jordan sets the context for the current debate by exploring the rich, colorful history of our continent since the arrival of Columbus, all the way up to present day, and recounting what some of our Presidents have done on a bipartisan basis to preserve our nation's diverse ecosystem. (Would you believe Richard Nixon ranks as one of our best environmental Presidents and George W. Bush one of the worst?) There are compelling chapters on our vanishing wilderness, saving the forest for the trees and oceans in peril. The latest climate science is presented in convincing and crystal clear fashion. There is groundbreaking reporting on disasters like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil spill, and how the government and big media covered up the true impact on us. The book explains why Trump's border wall would inflict even greater harm than you might imagine. The plight of Central American refugees is tied to climate change that's causing crop failures and a shortage of food in their home countries. There are sensible solutions. Over 400,000 Americans died in WWII, but the World Health organization estimates the number of people killed worldwide from global warming—extreme weather, drought and disease—is at least 150,000 people per year. So isn't this an international emergency too? With a combination of hard-hitting reporting and poetic prose, the author distills the essence of the current debate over a Green New Deal. The book includes scores of photos. Though he is not as well known, Larry Jordan is in a league with historians like John Meecham, Michael Beschloss, Doris Kearns Goodwin and David [sic] Brinkley. Former President Bill Clinton has said of Jordan's writing it is 'very impressive . . . I'm glad I had an opportunity to read it . . . I agree with much of it, as you may guess.' This is an important, substantive look at how Americans can have a brighter future if we adopt healthier, more affordable and efficient green energy alternatives that will also boost wages and combat extreme income disparity." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (7 ratings / 5 ratings)
"An easy-to-understand overview of the state of our planet and its future, using eye-opening and accessible charts, graphs, and infographics. "By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9 billion. What's Really Happening to Our Planet? uses a graphic approach to chart the dramatic explosion of the human population and consumption and its impact on the planet." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (7 ratings)
"Being the Change explores the connections between our individual daily actions and our collective predicament. It merges science, spirituality, and practical action to develop a satisfying and appropriate response to global warming. "Peter Kalmus is an atmospheric scientist at Caltech / Jet Propulsion Laboratory with a Ph.D. in physics from Columbia University. He lives in suburban Altadena, California with his wife and two children on 1/10th the fossil fuels of the average American. Peter speaks purely on his own behalf, not on behalf of NASA or [the] Jet Propulsion Laboratory." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (42 ratings)
"Business is coming under increasing pressure from government, customers and campaigning groups to improve its environmental performance. Soaring utility and compliance costs are hitting companies where it hurts — on their bottom line. But there is another way of looking at the green agenda — as an opportunity rather than a threat. Written by renowned green business expert Gareth Kane, this practical 'how-to' guide contains everything you need to know about making your business green and increasing profits. Key features include:
"Packed with examples, this book provides a highly accessible, practical guide to those who want to introduce sustainability into their business or organization quickly and effectively. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (3 ratings)
"Andreas Karelas has a message we don’t often hear: we have all the tools we need to solve the climate crisis and doing so will improve our lives, our economy, and our society. "But to engage people in the climate fight, we need stories that are empowering, inclusive, and solutions-oriented, not based in fear. Karelas digs into the latest data on the rapidly falling costs and increased efficiencies of clean energy technologies compared to fossil fuels, looks at the rate of job creation in the clean energy sector, and introduces the reader to the inspiring work of climate heroes on both sides of the aisle—from Republican mayors and governors to activists, from businesses to faith communities. "Climate Courage shows us how we can move past our collective inaction on climate change and work together in our communities to create a more sustainable, just, clean energy–powered economy that works for everyone." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 reviews)
"Our Changing Climate: Introduction to Climate Science features an up-to-date comprehensive overview of the foundations of Earth's climate system, a greater focus on climate change issues, human and ecosystem vulnerabilities to climate change, energy and geopolitical issues and much more. It contains 14 chapters, each designed for one week of study. The textbook contains twenty Questions for Review and twelve Critical Thinking Questions per chapter." This is a 711-page textbook that lists for $328.47, so there will be no customer reviews. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This book is an examination of a neglected form of scientific corruption - corruption by political attachment to noble causes. We are used to hearing that economic interests have corrupted scientific findings, but the possibility that science might be corrupted by noble causes is largely overlooked. This book shows that this danger is real, that values can often lead to poor science, and that we are more likely to accept lower quality science when it lends support to our political preferences. Using the examples of biodiversity and climate science and the attack on Lomborg's The Skeptical Environmentalist on these two issues, Aynsley Kellow reveals how the reliance of environmental science on mathematical models and the infusion of values into its conduct have produced a preference for virtual over observational data." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (4 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (81 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 2.9 (19 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"In this powerful and far-reaching indictment of George W. Bush's White House, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the country's most prominent environmental attorney, charges that this administration has taken corporate cronyism to such unprecedented heights that it now threatens our health, our national security, and democracy as we know it." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (91 ratings)
This book follows the one by Jeff Goodell in probing various geoengineering techniques, and like it properly emphasizes the potential risks of undertaking such efforts. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (20 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 2.9 (4 ratings)
"The Pentagon, unsentimental and politically conservative, might not seem likely to be worried about climate change—still linked, for many people, with polar bears and coral reefs. Yet of all the major institutions in American society, none take climate change as seriously as the U.S. military. Both as participants in climate-triggered conflicts abroad, and as first responders to hurricanes and other disasters on American soil, the armed services are already confronting the impacts of global warming. The military now regards climate change as one of the top threats to American national security—and is busy developing strategies to cope with it. "Drawing on previously obscure reports and government documents, renowned security expert Michael Klare shows that the U.S. military sees the climate threat as imperiling the country on several fronts at once. Droughts and food shortages are stoking conflicts in ethnically divided nations, with "climate refugees" producing worldwide havoc. Pandemics and other humanitarian disasters will increasingly require extensive military involvement. The melting Arctic is creating new seaways to defend. And rising seas threaten American cities and military bases themselves. "While others still debate the causes of global warming, the Pentagon is intensely focused on its effects. Its response makes it clear that where it counts, the immense impact of climate change is not in doubt." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"These long-form essays show Klein at her most prophetic and philosophical, investigating the climate crisis not only as a profound political challenge but as a spiritual and imaginative one, as well. Delving into topics ranging from the clash between ecological time and our culture of 'perpetual now,' to the soaring history of humans changing and evolving rapidly in the face of grave threats, to rising white supremacy and fortressed borders as a form of 'climate barbarism,' this is a rousing call to action for a planet on the brink: An expansive, far-ranging exploration that sees the battle for a greener world as indistinguishable from the fight for our lives, On Fire captures the burning urgency of the climate crisis, as well as the fiery energy of a rising political movement demanding a catalytic Green New Deal." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (2 ratings)
"Is global warming real… or is an Ice Age coming? Grab a blanket, sit close to the fire. We are definitely headed into another ice age. Take a look inside Shivering and see why the conventional wisdom about climate change is wrong. "Dr. Richard Klein, a Renaissance thinker and professor of Mechanical Engineering, has spent nearly 50 years researching and refining his ground-breaking theory of global climate change causation. His intriguing conclusions will leave you nodding your head, thinking 'This finally makes sense!' "Using mathematics, his deep grasp of engineering principles, and his knowledge of closed-loop feedback systems, Dr. Klein will show you:
"This thought-provoking book is bound to raise eyebrows and create controversy, and is worth reading to keep informed and up-to-date on this hot-button topic. "Bonus: A science-based inquiry into the Biblical account of Noah and the Great Flood." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (5 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Ms. Kolbert covers the big picture of climate change well, including the political aspects. But what makes her book memorable is the on-scene accounts of how the changes are affecting local people in places like Holland and Alaska. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (133 ratings)
"Now, Kolbert returns to the defining book of her career. She'll add a chapter bringing things up-to-date on the existing text, plus she'll add three new chapters—on ocean acidification, the tar sands, and a Danish town that's gone carbon neutral—making it, again, a must-read for our moment." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (16 ratings)
In her second book, Ms. Kolbert examines the great extinctions of the past revealed by the fossil record and contrasts them with what is happening to biodiversity today. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (1,259 ratings)
"A prominent Japanese academic and leader in global sustainability, Komiyama draws upon realistic assumptions and solid scientific concepts to create a vision that makes the living standards enjoyed by developed countries today possible for all people by 2050. Vision 2050 is built upon three fundamental principles — increased energy efficiency, recycling, and development of renewable energy sources — and the book argues for the technological potential of all three. Specifically, Komiyama envisions a three-fold increase in overall energy efficiency and a doubling of renewable energy resources by 2050." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (2 ratings)
"Written for entrepreneurs and investors, this book describes how to profit from tackling climate change, one of this century's greatest challenges. Industry expert Dr. Jonathan Koomey acts as your company's scientific advisor, summarizing the business implications of the climate problem for both new and existing ventures. Koomey helps you effectively allocate scarce time and resources to the most promising opportunities, drawing upon his more than 25 years of experience in analyzing and implementing climate solutions." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (12 ratings)
"You’ve heard all this presented as fact. But according to science, all of these statements are profoundly misleading. "When it comes to climate change, the media, politicians, and other prominent voices have declared that “the science is settled.” In reality, the long game of telephone from research to reports to the popular media is corrupted by misunderstanding and misinformation. Core questions—about the way the climate is responding to our influence, and what the impacts will be—remain largely unanswered. The climate is changing, but the why and how aren’t as clear as you’ve probably been led to believe. "Now, one of America’s most distinguished scientists is clearing away the fog to explain what science really says (and doesn’t say) about our changing climate. In Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters, Steven Koonin draws upon his decades of experience—including as a top science advisor to the Obama administration—to provide up-to-date insights and expert perspective free from political agendas. "Fascinating, clear-headed, and full of surprises, this book gives readers the tools to both understand the climate issue and be savvier consumers of science media in general. Koonin takes readers behind the headlines to the more nuanced science itself, showing us where it comes from and guiding us through the implications of the evidence. He dispels popular myths and unveils little-known truths: despite a dramatic rise in greenhouse gas emissions, global temperatures actually decreased from 1940 to 1970. What’s more, the models we use to predict the future aren’t able to accurately describe the climate of the past, suggesting they are deeply flawed. "Koonin also tackles society’s response to a changing climate, using data-driven analysis to explain why many proposed “solutions” would be ineffective, and discussing how alternatives like adaptation and, if necessary, geoengineering will ensure humanity continues to prosper. Unsettled is a reality check buoyed by hope, offering the truth about climate science that you aren’t getting elsewhere—what we know, what we don’t, and what it all means for our future." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (143 ratings)
"Real facts, motivations, and consequences for actions all form a solid foundation from which Feasible Planet advocates changes that support economic growth, lifestyle improvement, and both social and environmental consciousness. It's difficult to impart all this without sounding 'preachy' or dogmatic, but another big difference between Ken Kroes and his contemporaries is that his book is invitational and contemplative; not a lecture that makes harsh judgment calls or promotes hard-line approaches." – D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (17 ratings)
Fred Krupp heads the Environmental Defense Fund, and his approach is to work with industry rather than fight it. Here he shows us some solutions to climate change being developed by industry. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (63 ratings)
"This timely book is a compilation of edited articles by distinguished international scientists discussing global warming, its causes as well as present and future solutions. Social and economic growth at global level is measured in terms of GDP, which requires energy inputs generally based on fossil fuel resources. These, however, are major contributors to increasing levels of CO2, causing 15 tonnes of green house gas emissions per capita. Renewable sources of energy offer an alternative to fossil fuels, and would help reduce this to the 2 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per capita per annum needed to achieve sustainable growth. As such, the book discusses the next-generation of biofuels and all related aspects, based on the editors' significant investigations on biofuels over the last 30 years. It also presents the latest research findings from research work carried out by contemporary researchers. Presenting global biofuel perspectives, it examines various issues related to sustainable development of biofuels in the contexts of agriculture, forestry, industry and economic growth. It covers the 1st to 4th generation biofuels, as well as the status of biofuel resources and their potential in carbon neutral economy. Offering a comprehensive, state-of-art overview of current and future biofuels at local and global levels, this book appeals to administrators, policy makers, universities and research institutions." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Rapidly increasing sea levels are endangering coastal wildlife and contributing to major floods worldwide. In the future, some coastal cities may even be underwater. But what is behind this dramatic shift? Learn all about the role climate change plays in rising ocean levels and what effects this will have on our watery planet." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This book elucidates what it means to transition to alternative sources of energy and discusses the potential for this energy transition to be a more democratic process. The book dynamically describes a recent sociotechnical study of a number of energy transitions occurring in several countries — France, Germany and Tunisia, and involving different energy technologies — including solar, on/off-shore wind, smart grids, biomass, low-energy buildings, and carbon capture and storage." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"If you wring all the water out of us, you and I consist of a little over two thirds carbon dioxide, dry weight, as do all other living things on Earth. Still, more than a few people claim that if we pour this life-giving gas into our atmosphere, we'll burn up the planet. Is this really true? Many of those people would say, righteously, that I should be ashamed of myself for even asking the question, but that is in fact what this book is all about, asking the question. With In Praise of Carbon, I burrow beneath all the doomsday propaganda, scientific and otherwise, in search of the right answer to this question. In doing so, I've exposed some rather interesting things. Did you know, for example, that in 1900, the leading atmospheric physicist of the day, Knut Ångström, disproved the theory of greenhouse warming with a series of careful experiments, and despite the loud protestations of its principal exponent, Svante Arrhenius, that theory was dismissed by the scientific climate community for 38 years? Then, in 1938, a climate hobbyist pulled the theory out of the ash can and shouted to the world that 'It should work!' Unfortunately, the world listened, and even though the theory of greenhouse warming has never been shown to work experimentally since then, it has, nevertheless, managed to become one of the most trusted and respected cornerstones of modern science. As a scientist, I took some umbrage at this and decided to do my own due diligence, which, along with that of some others, is presented in this book along with some overdue praise for that much-maligned substance, carbon dioxide, to which we all owe our existence." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"This exposé, by an investigative journalist, is the product of two years of research. Its conclusion: almost nothing we've been told about the IPCC is actually true." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (201 ratings)
"Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is a non-stop train wreck." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (26 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (4 ratings)
"We know that our gas-guzzling cars are warming the planet, the pesticides and fertilizers from farms are turning rivers toxic, and the earth has run out of space for the mountains of unrecycled waste our daily consumption has left in its wake. We've heard copious accounts of our impact—as humans, as a society—on the natural world. But this is not a one-sided relationship. Lost in these dire and scolding accounts has been the impact on us and our well-being. You sense it while walking on a sandy beach, or in a wild, woody forest, or when you catch sight of wildlife, or even while gardening in your backyard. Could it be that the natural environment is an essential part of our happiness? Yes, says Eric Lambin emphatically in An Ecology of Happiness. Using a very different strategy in addressing environmental concerns, he asks us to consider that there may be no better reason to value and protect the health of the planet than for our own personal well-being. "In this clever and wide-ranging work, Lambin draws on new scientific evidence in the fields of geography, political ecology, environmental psychology, urban studies, and disease ecology, among others, to answer such questions as: To what extent do we need nature for our well-being? How does environmental degradation affect our happiness? What can be done to protect the environment and increase our well-being at the same time? Drawing on case studies from Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, Lambin makes a persuasive case for the strong link between healthy ecosystems and happy humans." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (37 ratings)
"The present ecological mutation has organized the whole political landscape for the last thirty years. This could explain the deadly cocktail of exploding inequalities, massive deregulation, and conversion of the dream of globalization into a nightmare for most people." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (4 ratings)
""In this well-informed and hard-hitting response to the scaremongering of the climate alarmists, Nigel Lawson, former Secretary of State for Energy under Margaret Thatcher, argues that it is time for us to take a cool look at global warming. Lawson carefully and succinctly examines all aspects of the global warming issue: the science, the economics, the politics, and the ethics. He concludes that the conventional wisdom on the subject is suspect on a number of grounds, that global warming is not the devastating threat to the planet it is widely alleged to be, and that the remedy that is currently being proposed, which is in any event politically unattainable, would be worse that the threat it is supposed to avert." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (34 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (4 ratings)
"A plainspoken 50 page booklet that will open your mind to the incredible abundance of affordable renewable energy and the truly catastrophic consequences if we fail to transition our energy systems away from fossil fuels." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (11 ratings)
"Don Blankenship, head of Massey Energy since the early 1990s, ran an industry that provides nearly half of America's electric power. But wealth and influence weren't enough for Blankenship and his company, as they set about destroying corporate and personal rivals, challenging the Constitution, purchasing the West Virginia judiciary, and willfully disregarding safety standards in the company's mines—in which scores died unnecessarily. "As Blankenship hobnobbed with a West Virginia Supreme Court justice in France, his company polluted the drinking water of hundreds of citizens while he himself fostered baroque vendettas against anyone who dared challenge his sovereignty over coal mining country. Just about the only thing that stood in the way of Blankenship's tyranny over a state and an industry was a pair of odd-couple attorneys, Dave Fawcett and Bruce Stanley, who undertook a legal quest to bring justice to this corner of America. From the backwoods courtrooms of West Virginia they pursued their case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and to a dramatic decision declaring that the wealthy and powerful are not entitled to purchase their own brand of law. "The Price of Justice is a story of corporate corruption so far-reaching and devastating it could have been written a hundred years ago by Ida Tarbell or Lincoln Steffens. And as Laurence Leamer demonstrates in this captivating tale, because it's true, it's scarier than fiction." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"...the 'proof' of man's destruction of the environment is consistently flawed.... the scientific method is being abused and ignored. The errors are not random, however, but are systematically biased toward attempting to prove the guilt of man in the alleged destruction of the planet." – Richard F. Sanford in "Environmentalism and the Assault on Reason" (Chapter 1) Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (8 ratings)
"Many of us have concerns about the effects of climate change on Earth, but we often overlook the essential issue of human health. This book addresses that oversight and enlightens readers about the most important aspect of one of the greatest challenges of our time." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (20 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"In this insightful, compelling, and highly readable work, Melanie Lenart, an award-winning journalist and science writer who holds a PhD in Natural Resources and Global Change, examines global warming with the trained eye of a professional scientist." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (6 ratings)
"The climate change challenge is real and it is here now. To enjoy the sustained production of food, fiber, and fuel well into the twenty-first century, we must begin now to make changes that will enhance the adaptive capacity and resilience of North American agriculture. The rich knowledge base presented in Resilient Agriculture is poised to serve as the cornerstone of an evolving, climate-ready food system." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (10 ratings)
"The Story of Stuff was received with widespread enthusiasm in hardcover, by everyone from Stephen Colbert to Tavis Smiley to George Stephanopolous on Good Morning America, as well as far-reaching print and blog coverage. Uncovering and communicating a critically important idea—that there is an intentional system behind our patterns of consumption and disposal—Annie Leonard transforms how we think about our lives and our relationship to the planet." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (154 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (3 ratings)
After 509 pages, he concludes it's a myth. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (8 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (15 ratings)
"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — the IPCC — the global authority on climate science, is behind some of the most important policy changes in the history of industrial society. It is therefore probably the most influential scientific body in the world. Yet the surprising story of how it came to prominence is little known. Its origins can be traced back to earlier scares over the effects of supersonic transportation and ozone layer depletion, which taught political elites that science-based scares could be powerful drivers of policy action. It was as an authority fit to deliver the required evidence on climate change that the IPCC came into being. However, in the rush towards a climate treaty, IPCC scientists continued to report that evidence of manmade climate change should not be expected for decades. Without a 'catastrophe signal' that could justify a policy response, the panel faced its imminent demise." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (5 ratings)
Poles Apart covers a range of themes about the Artic and Antarctic, including the geography, glaciology and glacial history, ecology, living resources, governance, and history of exploration. Topics are examined separately for each pole and each theme is summarized by a rapporteur who draws out the contrast and the similarities. This unique format allows the international experts to describe what they know best while addressing the central issues of the book. Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"The climate emergency is intensifying, while international responses continue to falter. In Climate Change and the Nation State, Anatol Lieven outlines a revolutionary approach grounded in realist thinking. This involves redefining climate change as an existential threat to nation states — which it is — and mobilizing both national security elites and mass nationalism. He condemns Western militaries for neglecting climate change and instead prioritizing traditional but less serious threats. "Lieven reminds us that nationalism is the most important force in motivating people to care about the wellbeing of future generations. The support of nationalism is therefore vital to legitimizing the sacrifices necessary to limit climate change and surviving and the effects of it (some of which are now inevitable). This will require greatly strengthened social and national solidarity across lines of class and race. Throughout, Lieven draws on historical examples to show how nationalism has helped enable past movements to implement progressive social reform. "Lieven strongly supports plans for a 'Green New Deal' in the USA and Europe. In order to implement and maintain such changes, however, it will be necessary to create dominant national consensuses like those that enabled and sustained the original New Deal and welfare states in Europe. Lieven criticizes sections of the environmentalist left for hindering this by their hostility to national interests, their utopian political naiveté, their advancement of divisive cultural agendas, and their commitment to open borders. "Radical and timely, Climate Change and the Nation State is an essential contribution to the debate on how to deal with a climatic crisis that if unchecked will threaten the survival of Western democracies and every organized human society." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (12 ratings)
"Cities are no longer just places to live in. They are significant actors on the global stage, and nowhere is this trend more prominent than in the world of transnational climate change governance (TCCG). Through transnational networks that form links between cities, states, international organizations, corporations, and civil society, cities are developing and implementing norms, practices, and voluntary standards across national boundaries. In introducing cities as transnational lawmakers, Jolene Lin provides an exciting new perspective on climate change law and policy, offering novel insights about the reconfiguration of the state and the nature of international lawmaking as the involvement of cities in TCCG blurs the public/private divide and the traditional strictures of 'domestic' versus 'international'. This illuminating book should be read by anyone interested in understanding how cities - in many cases, more than the countries in which they're located - are addressing the causes and consequences of climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Veteran journalist Linden takes a unique approach: he treats climate change as the criminal destroyer of civilizations, undergoing trial for which he is the prsecuting attorney. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (27 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"The race to reinvent the global food system is on, and the challenge is twofold: We must solve the existing problems of industrial agriculture while also preparing for the pressures ahead. Through her interviews and adventures with farmers, scientists, activists, and engineers, Little tells the fascinating story of human innovation and explores new and old approaches to food production while charting the growth of a movement that could redefine sustainable food on a grand scale. She meets small permaculture farmers and 'Big Food' executives, botanists studying ancient superfoods and Kenyan farmers growing the country's first GMO corn. She travels to places that might seem irrelevant to the future of food yet surprisingly play a critical role—a California sewage plant, a U.S. Army research lab, even the inside of a monsoon cloud above Mumbai. Little asks tough questions: Can GMOs actually be good for the environment—and for us? Are we facing the end of animal meat? What will it take to eliminate harmful chemicals from farming? How can a clean, climate-resilient food supply become accessible to all?" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (31 ratings)
"Bjørn Lomborg, a former member of Greenpeace, challenges widely held beliefs that the world environmental situation is getting worse and worse in his new book, The Skeptical Environmentalist. Using statistical information from internationally recognized research institutes, Lomborg systematically examines a range of major environmental issues that feature prominently in headline news around the world, including pollution, biodiversity, fear of chemicals, and the greenhouse effect, and documents that the world has actually improved. He supports his arguments with over 2500 footnotes, allowing readers to check his sources. Lomborg criticizes the way many environmental organizations make selective and misleading use of scientific evidence and argues that we are making decisions about the use of our limited resources based on inaccurate or incomplete information. Concluding that there are more reasons for optimism than pessimism, he stresses the need for clear-headed prioritization of resources to tackle real, not imagined, problems. The Skeptical Environmentalist offers readers a non-partisan evaluation that serves as a useful corrective to the more alarmist accounts favored by campaign groups and the media. Bjørn Lomborg is an associate professor of statistics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Aarhus. When he started to investigate the statistics behind the current gloomy view of the environment, he was genuinely surprised. He published four lengthy articles in the leading Danish newspaper, including statistics documenting an ever-improving world, and unleashed the biggest post-war debate with more than 400 articles in all the major papers. Since then, Lomborg has been a frequent participant in the European debate on environmentalism on television, radio, and in newspapers." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (467 ratings)
"Bjorn Lomborg argues that many of the elaborate and staggeringly expensive actions now being considered to meet the challenges of global warming ultimately will have little impact on the world’s temperature. He suggests that rather than focusing on ineffective solutions that will cost us trillions of dollars over the coming decades, we should be looking for smarter, more cost-effective approaches (such as massively increasing our commitment to green energy R&D) that will allow us to deal not only with climate change but also with other pressing global concerns, such as malaria and HIV/AIDS. And he considers why and how this debate has fostered an atmosphere in which dissenters are immediately demonized." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (89 ratings)
"The world faces myriad challenges yet - we are constrained by scarce resources. In the 21 st Century, how do we deal with natural disasters, tackle global warming, achieve better nutrition, educate children...and address countless other urgent global issues? If you want to change the world, this inspiring and entertaining book is for you. Bjorn Lomborg presents smart solutions to twelve global problems, and shows how we could spend $75 billion to produce the most benefit and prioritize those problems. Featuring the cutting edge research of more than sixty eminent economists, including several Nobel Laureates, produced for the Copenhagen Consensus, How to spend 75 billion to make the world a better place (sic) will inform, enlighten and motivate actions to make our world a better place." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (164 ratings)
"Hurricanes batter our coasts. Wildfires rage across the American West. Glaciers collapse in the Artic. Politicians, activists, and the media espouse a common message: climate change is destroying the planet, and we must take drastic action immediately to stop it. Children panic about their future, and adults wonder if it is even ethical to bring new life into the world. "Enough, argues bestselling author Bjorn Lomborg. Climate change is real, but it's not the apocalyptic threat that we've been told it is. Projections of Earth's imminent demise are based on bad science and even worse economics. In panic, world leaders have committed to wildly expensive but largely ineffective policies that hamper growth and crowd out more pressing investments in human capital, from immunization to education. "False Alarm will convince you that everything you think about climate change is wrong — and points the way toward making the world a vastly better, if slightly warmer, place for us all." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (763 ratings)
"This book chronicles the history of climate science and planetary exploration, focusing on our ever-expanding knowledge of Earth's climate, and the parallel research underway on some of our nearest neighbours: Mars, Venus and Titan. From early telescopic observation of clouds and ice caps on planetary bodies in the seventeenth century, to the dawn of the space age and the first robotic planetary explorers, the book presents a comprehensive chronological overview of planetary climate research, right up to the dramatic recent developments in detecting and characterising exoplanets. Meanwhile, the book also documents the discoveries about our own climate on Earth, not only about how it works today, but also how profoundly different it has been in the past. Highly topical and written in an accessible and engaging narrative style, this book provides invaluable historical context for students, researchers, professional scientists, and those with a general interest in planetary climate research." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"In this all-new sequel to the 2005 volume Climate Change and Biodiversity, leading experts in the field summarize observed changes, assess what the future holds, and offer suggested responses. From extinction risk to ocean acidification, from the future of the Amazon to changes in ecosystem services, and from geoengineering to the power of ecosystem restoration, this book captures the sweep of climate change transformation of the biosphere." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"Professor Lowe gives the clearest explanation I have read of the atmospheric chemistry changes behind the global warming crisis. The author completely demolishes the arguments of those who hold that this crisis is caused by variations in the orbit of the earth or by the fantasies of ecological extremists." – Customer reviewer Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Global Climate Change and Human Health examines the environmental crisis from a public health and clinical health perspective, giving students and clinicians the information they need to prepare for the future of health care." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"Time to Start Thinking is a book destined to spark debate among liberals and conservatives alike. Drawing on his decades of exceptional journalism and his connections within Washington and around the world, Luce advances a carefully constructed and controversial argument, backed up by interviews with many of the key players in politics and business, that America is losing its pragmatism. . . . While many Americans believe that their country can and should retain its status as a global superpower, Luce sees this as an increasingly unlikely scenario, unless Americans themselves can stand up against the country's increasingly plutocratic character." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (57 ratings)
"In The Greenhouse, Christoph Lumer provides moral evaluations of the greenhouse effect and of some of its alternatives, from utilitarian and welfarist perspectives." – publisher
"BP bought one company after another and then relentlessly fired employees and cut costs. It skipped safety procedures, pumped toxic chemicals back into the ground, and let equipment languish, even while Browne claimed a new era of environmentally sustainable business as his own. For a while the strategy worked..." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (17 ratings)
"What will global warming mean for all of us who share the planet? How will it affect our health, our food supply, and the plant and animal species around us?" – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"In this ground-breaking book, Mark Lynas reveals the first evidence—collected during an epic three-year journey across five continents—about how global warming is hitting people's lives all around the world. From American hurricane chasers to Mongolian herders, from Alaskan Eskimos to South Sea islanders, Lynas's encounters and discoveries give us a stark warning about the even worse dangers that lie ahead if nothing is done. High Tide's message is urgent and its revelations are at once shocking and inspiring—shocking as so few of us yet realize the magnitude of what's happening, and inspiring as there is still time to avert much greater catastrophe. No one who reads this book will be able to look their children in the eyes and say "I didn't know." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (19 ratings)
"By making use of the latest in world energy statistics, author Mark Lynas shows that with wind and solar still at only about one percent of global primary energy, looking to renewable energy as a solution to deliver all the world's power is a dangerously delusional concept. Moreover, with no possibility reducing the world's energy usage—when the developing world is fast extricating itself from poverty and adding the equivalent of a new Brazil to the global electricity consumption each year—additional solutions are needed." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (73 ratings)
"Written by the acclaimed author of High Tide, this highly relevant and compelling book uses accessible journalistic prose to distill what environmental scientists portend about the consequences of human pollution for the next hundred years." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (95 ratings)
"We are living in a climate emergency. But how much worse could it get? Will civilisation collapse? Are we already past the point of no return? What kind of future can our children expect? Rigorously cataloguing the very latest climate science, Mark Lynas explores the course we have set for Earth over the next century and beyond. Degree by terrifying degree, he charts the likely consequences of global heating and the ensuing climate catastrophe. At one degree – the world we are already living in – vast wildfires scorch California and Australia, while monster hurricanes devastate coastal cities. At two degrees the Arctic ice cap melts away, and coral reefs disappear from the tropics. At three, the world begins to run out of food, threatening millions with starvation. At four, large areas of the globe are too hot for human habitation, erasing entire nations and turning billions into climate refugees. At five, the planet is warmer than for 55 million years, while at six degrees a mass extinction of unparalleled proportions sweeps the planet, even raising the threat of the end of all life on Earth. These escalating consequences can still be avoided, but time is running out. We must largely stop burning fossil fuels within a decade if we are to save the coral reefs and the Arctic. If we fail, then we risk crossing tipping points that could push global climate chaos out of humanity’s control. This book must not be ignored. It really is our final warning."y the acclaimed author of High Tide, this highly relevant and compelling book uses accessible journalistic prose to distill what environmental scientists portend about the consequences of human pollution for the next hundred years." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (32 ratings)
"Is the earth's oil supply starting to run out, or is there far more oil than some experts believe? This book points out flaws in the research used to warn of an oil shortfall and predicts that large new reserves of oil are soon to be tapped." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"This synthesis of literature illustrates information about the socioeconomic, political, health, and cultural effects of climate change on socially vulnerable populations in the United States, with some additional examples in Canada. Through this synthesis, social vulnerability, equity, and climate justice are defined and described, and key issues, themes, and considerations that pertain to the effects of climate change on socially vulnerable populations are identified. The synthesis reviews what available science says about social vulnerability and climate change, and documents the emergence of issues not currently addressed in academic literature. In so doing, the synthesis identifies knowledge gaps and questions for future research." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Many people believe that only an ecological catastrophe will change humanity's troubled relationship with the natural world. In fact, as J.B. MacKinnon argues in this unorthodox look at the disappearing wilderness, we are living in the midst of a disaster thousands of years in the making—and we hardly notice it. We have forgotten what nature can be and adapted to a diminished world of our own making.' – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (32 ratings)
"False Alarm is for the concerned citizen who wants to learn all sides of the climate change issue, not just that of the global warming alarmists who currently dominate the media. We, the public, are told the science on global warming is "settled," "certain," and beyond debate or discussion: The planet is warming, humans are the main reason, and the results will be catastrophic." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (4 ratings)
"The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we're in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (70 ratings)
"Global warming is not a climate issue. It is a political issue. Global warming is propaganda against God's creation, against American sovereignty, and against American Liberty! Arm yourself with the Facts in the blockbuster book Inconvenient Facts, Proving Global Warming is a Hoax, the Common Sense facts for the Basket of Deplorables." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (32 ratings)
"With her trademark black humor, Maddow takes us on a switchback journey around the globe, revealing the greed and incompetence of Big Oil and Gas along the way, and drawing a surprising conclusion about why the Russian government hacked the 2016 U.S. election. She deftly shows how Russia's rich reserves of crude have, paradoxically, stunted its growth, forcing Putin to maintain his power by spreading Russia's rot into its rivals, its neighbors, the West's most important alliances, and the United States. Chevron, BP, and a host of other industry players get their star turn, most notably ExxonMobil and the deceptively well-behaved Rex Tillerson. The oil and gas industry has weakened democracies in developed and developing countries, fouled oceans and rivers, and propped up authoritarian thieves and killers. But being outraged at it is, according to Maddow, 'like being indignant when a lion takes down and eats a gazelle. You can't really blame the lion. It's in her nature.' "Blowout is a call to contain the lion: to stop subsidizing the wealthiest businesses on earth, to fight for transparency, and to check the influence of the world's most destructive industry and its enablers. The stakes have never been higher. As Maddow writes, 'Democracy either wins this one or disappears.'" Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (65 ratings)
"The story is all too-familiar: On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing eleven workers and creating the largest oil spill in the history of U.S. offshore drilling. But, this wasn't the first time British Petroleum and its cost-cutting practices destroyed parts of the natural world. It also was not the first time that BP's negligence resulted in the loss of human life, ruined family businesses or shattered dreams." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (4 ratings)
"A gripping narrative of nuclear mishaps and meltdowns around the globe, all of which have proven pivotal to the advancement of nuclear science." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (284 ratings)
"It has been said that if gasoline were first used to make napalm bombs, we would all be driving electric cars. Our skewed perception of nuclear power is what makes James Mahaffey's new look at the extraordinary paradox of nuclear power so compelling. From medieval alchemy to Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and the Manhattan Project, atomic science is far from the spawn of a wicked weapons program. The discovery that the atom can be split brought forth the ultimate puzzle of the modern age: Now that the energy of the universe is available to us, how do we use it? For death and destruction? Or as a fuel for our society that has minimal impact on the environment and future generations?" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (85 ratings)
"The more we know about the catastrophic implications of climate change, the more fossil fuels we burn. How did we end up in this mess? In this masterful new history, Andreas Malm claims it all began in Britain with the rise of steam power. But why did manufacturers turn from traditional sources of power, notably water mills, to an engine fired by coal? Contrary to established views, steam offered neither cheaper nor more abundant energy—but rather superior control of subordinate labour. Animated by fossil fuels, capital could concentrate production at the most profitable sites and during the most convenient hours, as it continues to do today. Sweeping from nineteenth-century Manchester to the emissions explosion in China, from the original triumph of coal to the stalled shift to renewables, this study hones in on the burning heart of capital and demonstrates, in unprecedented depth, that turning down the heat will mean a radical overthrow of the current economic order." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (12 ratings)
"In a world careening towards climate chaos, nature is dead. It can no longer be separated from society. Everything is a blur of hybrids, where humans possess no exceptional agency to set them apart from dead matter. But is it really so? In this blistering polemic and theoretical manifesto, Andreas Malm develops a counterargument: in a warming world, nature comes roaring back, and it is more important than ever to distinguish between the natural and the social. Only with a unique agency attributed to humans can resistance become conceivable." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"The science on climate change has been clear for a very long time now. Yet despite decades of appeals, mass street protests, petition campaigns, and peaceful demonstrations, we are still facing a booming fossil fuel industry, rising seas, rising emission levels, and a rising temperature. With the stakes so high, why haven't we moved beyond peaceful protest? "In this lyrical manifesto, noted climate scholar (and saboteur of SUV tires and coal mines) Andreas Malm makes an impassioned call for the climate movement to escalate its tactics in the face of ecological collapse. We need, he argues, to force fossil fuel extraction to stop—with our actions, with our bodies, and by defusing and destroying its tools. We need, in short, to start blowing up some oil pipelines. "Offering a counter-history of how mass popular change has occurred, from the democratic revolutions overthrowing dictators to the movement against apartheid and for women's suffrage, Malm argues that the strategic acceptance of property destruction and violence has been the only route for revolutionary change. In a braided narrative that moves from the forests of Germany and the streets of London to the deserts of Iraq, Malm offers us an incisive discussion of the politics and ethics of pacifism and violence, democracy and social change, strategy and tactics, and a movement compelled by both the heart and the mind. Here is how we fight in a world on fire." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (44 ratings)
"An objective look at the debate over actions to preserve endangered species examines the controversy over the Endangered Species Act and calls for a new set of principles to serve as a guideline for choosing which endangered species to save." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (4 ratings)
"Explore global warming with graphics, illustrations, and charts that separate climate change fact from fiction, presenting the truth about global warming in a way that's both accurate and easy to understand. Respected climate scientists Michael E. Mann and Lee R. Kump address important questions about global warming and climate change, diving into the information documented by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and breaking it down into clear graphics that explain complex climate questions in simple illustrations that present the truth of the global warming problem clearly. "These experts take scientific findings about climate change and global warming and use analogies, striking images, and understandable graphics to make the global warming question clear to both skeptics and scientists. Dire Predictions shows the evidence and the causes that respected scientists have documented in IPCC findings and climate change studies — this powerful, illustrated book is updated with the latest IPCC information and is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding global warming and climate change and in joining the debate over the best way to combat global warming." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (184 ratings)
This is not the book to read if you want a general understanding of climate change. However, if you seek to understand the continuing campaign against climate science, this is the go-to source. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (331 ratings)
A concise explanation of why climate change is a problem, what can be done about it, and why the geoengineering methods favored by conservatives are more expensive and riskier than cutting back CO2 emissions. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (215 ratings)
"A renowned climate scientist shows how fossil fuel companies have waged a thirty-year campaign to deflect blame and responsibility and delay action on climate change, and offers a battle plan for how we can save the planet. Recycle. Fly less. Eat less meat. These are some of the ways that we've been told can slow climate change. But the inordinate emphasis on individual behavior is the result of a marketing campaign that has succeeded in placing the responsibility for fixing climate change squarely on the shoulders of individuals. "Fossil fuel companies have followed the example of other industries deflecting blame (think "guns don't kill people, people kill people") or greenwashing (think of the beverage industry's "Crying Indian" commercials of the 1970s). Meanwhile, they've blocked efforts to regulate or price carbon emissions, run PR campaigns aimed at discrediting viable alternatives, and have abdicated their responsibility in fixing the problem they've created. The result has been disastrous for our planet. "In The New Climate War, Mann argues that all is not lost. He draws the battle lines between the people and the polluters-fossil fuel companies, right-wing plutocrats, and petrostates. And he outlines a plan for forcing our governments and corporations to wake up and make real change, including:
"With immensely powerful vested interests aligned in defense of the fossil fuel status quo, the societal tipping point won't happen without the active participation of citizens everywhere aiding in the collective push forward. This book will reach, inform, and enable citizens everywhere to join this battle for our planet." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (313 ratings)
"With three roads and a population of just over 500 people, Shishmaref, Alaska seems like an unlikely center of the climate change debate. But the island, home to Iñupiaq Eskimos who still live off subsistence harvesting, is falling into the sea, and climate change is, at least in part, to blame. While countries sputter and stall over taking environmental action, Shishmaref is out of time." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Contributors include Anthony Watts, Matt Ridley, Bjorn Lomborg & more. And Amazon charges $35.65 for the paperback. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (57 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
"Most of us recognize that climate change is real, and yet we do nothing to stop it. What is this psychological mechanism that allows us to know something is true but act as if it is not? George Marshall's search for the answers brings him face to face with Nobel Prize-winning psychologists and the activists of the Texas Tea Party; the world's leading climate scientists and the people who denounce them; liberal environmentalists and conservative evangelicals." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (61 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (136 ratings)
"Richard Martin's timely and powerfully written book reveals with clarity the multiple dangers emitted by coal combustion as an energy source. His journey takes him to sites around the U.S. where a number of aging and obsolete installations are being shut down as natural gas plants flourish, and to China and Germany, where coal plants are on the rise despite a growing, science-based recognition that their toxic wastes harm life and their carbon-dioxide emissions imperil ecosystems, significantly acidifying the oceans and contributing mightily to the rapid increase in climate change." – Gwyneth Cravens, author of Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (33 ratings)
This book is well-written and imparts useful information on thorium reactors but Richard Martin glosses over their shortcomings. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (86 ratings)
"Between the years 2030 and 2050, a quarter of a million people per year will lose their lives to climate change. Blazing temperatures and catastrophic weather are well-known climate change effects, but these simply do not compare with health-related effects: the transmission of water-borne and vector-borne disease. Arjun Marwaha, a high schooler with a passion for STEM, has committed himself to foster awareness for climate change among the youth of today. In Our Changing Earth, he delves into how our planet will be altered in response to climate change, and why this is relevant particularly to young people. Looking forward, Arjun hopes to promote awareness among all humans for the greatest threat to humanity in the 21st century and beyond: climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"Through exploring the often complex and dynamic relationships between environmental change and the frequency and severity of hazards (such as floods, windstorms, landslides, asteroid and comet impacts and volcanic super-eruptions), the book also introduces the reader to some of the more speculative aspects of the relationship: how, for example, variations in sea level are linked to the level of volcanic activity and how a warmer, wetter climate might lead to landslides and tsunami formation at oceanic islands." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.6 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (13 ratings)
"Mathez and Smerdon describe the roles that the atmosphere and ocean play in our climate, introduce the concept of radiation balance, and explain climate changes that occurred in the past. They also detail the human activities that influence the climate, such as greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions and deforestation, as well as the effects of natural phenomena. Climate Change concludes with a look toward the future, discussing climate model projections, exploring the economic and technological realities of energy production, and presenting a view of the global warming challenge through the lens of risk. Each chapter features profiles of scientists who advanced our understanding of the material discussed. This new edition expands on the first edition's presentation of scientific concepts, making it ideal for classroom use for a wide swath of undergraduate and masters students with both science and nonscience backgrounds." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (13 ratings)
"Providing an up-to-date and original synthesis of environmental stress, natural resources, and the socioeconomics of climate change, Adapting to a Changing Environment develops a framework to provide governments, scientists, managers, and donors with critical information about local context, encouraging the implementation of nuanced actions that reflect local conditions." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"The Upcycle is the eagerly awaited follow-up to Cradle to Cradle, one of the most consequential ecological manifestoes of our time. Now, drawing on the green living lessons gained from 10 years of putting the Cradle to Cradle concept into practice with businesses, governments, and ordinary people, William McDonough and Michael Braungart envision the next step in the solution to our ecological crisis: We don't just use or reuse and recycle resources with greater effectiveness, we actually improve the natural world as we live, create, and build. "For McDonough and Braungart, the questions of resource scarcity and sustainability are questions of design. They are practical-minded visionaries: They envision beneficial designs of products, buildings, and business practices—and they show us these ideas being put to use around the world as everyday objects like chairs, cars, and factories are being reimagined not just to sustain life on the planet but to grow it. It is an eye-opening, inspiring tour of our green future as it unfolds in front of us. "The Upcycle is as ambitious as such classics as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring—but its mission is very different. McDonough and Braungart want to turn on its head our very understanding of the human role on earth [sic]: Instead of protecting the planet from human impact, why not redesign our activity to improve the environment? We can have a beneficial, sustainable footprint. Abundance for all. The goal is within our reach." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (89 ratings)
"As a consequence of recent increased awareness of the social and political dimensions of climate, many non-specialists discover a need for information about the variety of available climate models. A Climate Modelling Primer, Fourth Edition is designed to explain the basis and mechanisms of all types of current physically-based climate models. "A thoroughly revised and updated edition, this book will assist the reader in understanding the complexities and applicabilities of today's wide range of climate models. Topics covered include the latest techniques for modelling the coupled biosphere-ocean-atmosphere system, information on current practical aspects of climate modelling and ways to evaluate and exploit the results, discussion of Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity (EMICs), and interactive exercises based on Energy Balance Model (EBM) and the Daisyworld model. Source codes and results from a range of model types allows readers to make their own climate simulations and to view the results of the latest high resolution models. Now in full colour throughout and with the addition of cartoons to enhance student understanding the new edition of this successful textbook enables the student to tackle the difficult subject of climate modeling." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 review)
"A Guide to the End of the World looks at the frightful prospects that await us in the 21st century and beyond." I haven't read this book, but based on the cover, the publisher's blurb, and the customer reviews I'd call it overly alarming — even if it is from OUP. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.1 (7 ratings)
"Attacks on science have become commonplace. Claims that climate change isn't settled science, that evolution is 'only a theory,' and that scientists are conspiring to keep the truth about vaccines from the public are staples of some politicians' rhetorical repertoire. Defenders of science often point to its discoveries (penicillin! relativity!) without explaining exactly why scientific claims are superior. In this book, Lee McIntyre argues that what distinguishes science from its rivals is what he calls 'the scientific attitude'―caring about evidence and being willing to change theories on the basis of new evidence. The history of science is littered with theories that were scientific but turned out to be wrong; the scientific attitude reveals why even a failed theory can help us to understand what is special about science. "McIntyre offers examples that illustrate both scientific success (a reduction in childbed fever in the nineteenth century) and failure (the flawed 'discovery' of cold fusion in the twentieth century). He describes the transformation of medicine from a practice based largely on hunches into a science based on evidence; considers scientific fraud; examines the positions of ideology-driven denialists, pseudoscientists, and 'skeptics' who reject scientific findings; and argues that social science, no less than natural science, should embrace the scientific attitude. McIntyre argues that the scientific attitude―the grounding of science in evidence―offers a uniquely powerful tool in the defense of science." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (83 ratings)
"In this powerful and provocative manifesto, Bill McKibben offers the biggest challenge in a generation to the prevailing view of our economy. Deep Economy makes the compelling case for moving beyond "growth" as the paramount economic ideal and pursuing prosperity in a more local direction, with regions producing more of their own food, generating more of their own energy, and even creating more of their own culture and entertainment." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (110 ratings)
A pioneer of the struggle to make the world aware of what impends for its future climate, Bill McKibben now argues that the die is cast: the familiar world we know is beyond recall, and we must learn to live on a different one. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (178 ratings)
Bill McKibben's latest book explores a number of crises that in his view threaten our humanity. Climate change and the political malfeasance that blocks effective action to mitigate its harm are only two of them. I disagree with him about some of those alleged threats — but not about these two. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (40 ratings)
"Here is Elizabeth Kolbert's groundbreaking essay "The Darkening Sea," Michael Crichton's skeptical view of climate change, George Monbiot's biting indictment of those who are really using up the planet's resources, NASA scientist James Hansen's testimony before the U.S. Congress, and clarion calls for action by Al Gore, Arundhati Roy, Naomi Klein, and many others." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (19 ratings)
"Climate Change and the Health of Nations shows how the natural environment has vast direct and indirect repercussions for human health and welfare. McMichael takes us on a tour of human history through the lens of major transformations in climate. From the very beginning of our species some five million years ago, human biology has evolved in response to cooling temperatures, new food sources, and changing geography. As societies began to form, they too adapted in relation to their environments, most notably with the development of agriculture eleven thousand years ago. Agricultural civilization was a Faustian bargain, however: the prosperity and comfort that an agrarian society provides relies (sic) on the assumption that the environment will largely remain stable. Indeed, for agriculture to succeed, environmental conditions must be just right, which McMichael refers to as the 'Goldilocks phenomenon.' Global warming is disrupting this balance, just as other climate-related upheavals have tested human societies throughout history. As McMichael shows, the break-up of the Roman Empire, the Bubonic Plague of Justinian, and the mysterious collapse of Mayan civilization all have roots in climate change. "Why devote so much analysis to the past, when the daunting future of climate change is already here? Because the story of mankind's previous survival in the face of an unpredictable and unstable climate, and of the terrible toll that climate change can take, could not be more important as we face the realities of a warming planet. This sweeping magnum opus is not only a rigorous, innovative, and fascinating exploration of how the climate affects the human condition, but also an urgent call to recognize our species' utter reliance on the earth as it is." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (5 ratings)
"Over the ages, human societies have altered local ecosystems and modified regional climates. Today, the human influence has attained a global scale. This reflects the recent rapid increase in population size, energy consumption, intensity of land use, international trade and travel, and other human activities. These global changes have heightened awareness that the long-term good health of populations depends on the continued stability and functioning of the biosphere's ecological, physical, and socioeconomic systems. The world's climate system is an integral part of the complex of life-supporting processes. Climate and weather have always had a powerful impact on human health and well-being. But like other large natural systems, the global climate system is coming under pressure from human activities. Global climate change is, therefore, a newer challenge to ongoing efforts to protect human health. This volume seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond, with particular focus on the health sector." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"We are the last individuals of our species on Earth. How shall we respond? How shall we act? If industrial civilization is maintained, climate change will cause human extinction in the near term. If industrial civilization falls, sufficient ionizing radiation will be released from the world's nuclear power plants to cause human extinction in the near term. In the wake of this horrific conclusion, conservation biologist Guy McPherson proposes we act with compassion, courage, and creativity. He suggests we act with the kind of empathy for which humans are renowned. In other words, he suggests we act with decency toward the humans and other organisms with which we share this beautiful planet. Going Dark is the story of one scientist's response to the horrors we face. It is a deeply personal narrative infused with abundant evidence to support its terrifying claims." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (71 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"The threats posed by global climate change are widely recognized and carbon emmissions are the major source of greenhouse gases accumulating in the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels causes long-lasting, pervasive damages, costly to those of us alive today and even more to our children and our children's children. The United States is the second largest carbon emitting country in the world and should play a key role in global efforts to reduce emissions. "Paying for Pollution incisively examines the very real costs—economic and social—of climate change and the challenges of concerted action to reduce future losses due to damages of higher temperatures and more extreme weather. Gilbert E. Metcalf argues that there is a convergence of social, economic, environmental, and political forces that provides an opening for a new approach to climate policy, one based on market principles that can appeal to politicians across the political spectrum. After all, markets work best when the price of a good reflects all its costs. "Metcalf suggests that a thoughtfully and politically sensitive designed carbon tax could also contribute to an improved tax system, something desired by Republican and Democratic politicians alike. That is, a carbon tax increases fiscal flexibility by providing new revenues to finance reforms to the income tax that improve the fairness of the tax code and contribute to economic growth. Metcalf compares the benefits of a carbon tax to other potential policies, such as cap and trade, to reduce the threats of climate change. None, he shows, are as effective, efficient, and fair as a carbon tax." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (5 ratings)
"An unbiased and comprehensive overview, based on the findings of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Using no jargon, it looks at tackling and adapting to man-made climate change, and works through the often confusing potential solutions. Bert Metz is the former co-chair of the IPCC, at the center of international climate change negotiations. His insider expertise provides a cutting edge assessment of issues at the top of the political agenda. He leads the reader succinctly through ambitious mitigation scenarios, in combination with adapting our future societies to different climate conditions and the potential costs of these measures. Illustrations and extensive boxed examples motivate students to engage with this essential global debate, and questions for each chapter are available online for course instructors. Minimal technical language also makes this book valuable to anyone with an interest in action to combat climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
"Well-heeled American corporations have long had a financial stake in undermining scientific consensus and manufacturing uncertainty. In The Triumph of Doubt, former Obama and Clinton official David Michaels details how corrupt science becomes public policy — and where it's happening today. "Opioids. Concussions. Obesity. Climate Change. "America is a country of everyday crises — big, long-spanning problems that persist despite their toll on the country's health. And for every case of government inaction on one of these issues, there is a set of familiar, doubtful refrains: The science is unclear. The data are inconclusive. Regulation is unjustified. It's a slippery slope. "Is it? "The Triumph of Doubt traces the ascendance of science-for-hire in American life and government, from its origins in the tobacco industry in the 1950s to its current manifestations across government, public policy, and even professional sports. Amid fraught conversations of "alternative facts" and "truth decay," The Triumph of Doubt wields its unprecedented access to shine a light on the machinations and scope of manipulated science in American society. It is an urgent, revelatory work, one that promises to reorient conversations around science and the public good for the foreseeable future." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"When it comes to global warming, dire predictions seem to be all we see or hear. Climatologists Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling Jr. explain why the news and information we receive about global warming have become so apocalyptic. The science itself has become increasingly biased, with warnings of extreme consequences from global warming becoming the norm. That bias is then communicated through the media, who focus on only extreme predictions. The authors compellingly illuminate the other side of the story, the science we aren't being told. This body of work details how the impact of global warming is far less severe than is generally believed and far from catastrophic." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (48 ratings)
"When it comes to global warming, most people think there are two camps: "alarmist" or "denier" being their respective pejoratives. Either you acknowledge the existence of manmade climate change and consider it a dire global threat, or you deny it exists at all. But there's a third group: the "lukewarmers." In Lukewarming: The New Climate Science that Changes Everything, Cato scholars Pat Michaels and Chip Knappenberger explain the real science and spin behind the headlines and come to a provocative conclusion: global warming is not hot—it's lukewarm. While that may not sound massive, it does, as the book's subtitle notes, change everything. Climate change is real, it is partially man-made, but it is clearer than ever that its impact has been exaggerated—with many of the headline-grabbing predictions now being rendered implausible or impossible." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (89 ratings)
"Michaels (climatology, Univ. of Virginia) and Balling (director, Laboratory of Climatology, Arizona State Univ., Tempe) examine the role played by politics, the media, and science in the creation of our present perceptions of humanity's effect on climate, particularly global warming. Their main thesis is that politicians and the media have blown this issue out of proportion, manipulating currently known information in order to fulfill their own objectives." – Library Journal Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (26 ratings)
Shattered Consensus (Copyright © 2005 by George C. Marshall Institute, a well-known "contrarian" outfit) has a good deal of merit. I analyze some ot it in my review. But Patrick Michaels's Introduction is rife with non sequiturs intended to cast doubt on climate science as a whole, and the chapters have their share of incorrect statements. In short, no consensus is shattered here. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (20 ratings)
An obvious reference to Shakespeare by an obviously bought Denialist. But at least he stays bought. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (8 ratings)
"In Storming the Wall, Todd Miller travels around the world to connect the dots between climate-ravaged communities, the corporations cashing in on border militarization, and emerging movements for environmental justice and sustainability. Reporting from the flashpoints of climate clashes, and from likely sites of future battles, Miller chronicles a growing system of militarized divisions between the rich and the poor, the environmentally secure and the environmentally exposed. Stories of crisis, greed and violence are juxtaposed with powerful examples of solidarity and hope in this urgent and timely message from the frontlines of the post-Paris Agreement era." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (6 ratings)
"It seems everywhere you look, all you see is green. People are 'living Green', businesses are 'going Green', and consumers are 'buying Green'. But pretty soon this trendy 'Green' lifestyle won't be voluntary, it will be mandatory. Steven Milloy, founder of JunkScience.com, shows how the government and environmental elites will soon have you under their Green thumb, controlling the speed you drive, the temperature of your home, even when you can retire...and that's just the tip of their melting iceberg." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (94 ratings)
"Cloud Atlas begins in 1850 with Adam Ewing, an American notary voyaging from the Chatham Isles to his home in California. Along the way, Ewing is befriended by a physician, Dr. Goose, who begins to treat him for a rare species of brain parasite. . . . Abruptly, the action jumps to Belgium in 1931, where Robert Frobisher, a disinherited bisexual composer, contrives his way into the household of an infirm maestro who has a beguiling wife and a nubile daughter. . . . From there we jump to the West Coast in the 1970s and a troubled reporter named Luisa Rey, who stumbles upon a web of corporate greed and murder that threatens to claim her life. . . . And onward, with dazzling virtuosity, to an inglorious present-day England; to a Korean superstate of the near future where neocapitalism has run amok; and, finally, to a postapocalyptic Iron Age Hawaii in the last days of history. "But the story doesn't end even there. The narrative then boomerangs back through centuries and space, returning by the same route, in reverse, to its starting point. Along the way, Mitchell reveals how his disparate characters connect, how their fates intertwine, and how their souls drift across time like clouds across the sky. "As wild as a videogame, as mysterious as a Zen koan, Cloud Atlas is an unforgettable tour de force that, like its incomparable author, has transcended its cult classic status to become a worldwide phenomenon." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (2,332 ratings)
"Timothy Mitchell begins with the history of coal power to tell a radical new story about the rise of democracy. Coal was a source of energy so open to disruption that oligarchies in the West became vulnerable for the first time to mass demands for democracy. In the mid-twentieth century, however, the development of cheap and abundant energy from oil, most notably from the Middle East, offered a means to reduce this vulnerability to democratic pressures. The abundance of oil made it possible for the first time in history to reorganize political life around the management of something now called 'the economy' and the promise of its infinite growth. The politics of the West became dependent on an undemocratic Middle East. "In the twenty-first century, the oil-based forms of modern democratic politics have become unsustainable. Foreign intervention and military rule are faltering in the Middle East, while governments everywhere appear incapable of addressing the crises that threaten to end the age of carbon democracy—the disappearance of cheap energy and the carbon-fuelled collapse of the ecological order. In making the production of energy the central force shaping the democratic age, Carbon Democracy rethinks the history of energy, the politics of nature, the theory of democracy, and the place of the Middle East in our common world." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (33 ratings)
"This book examines the threat that climate change poses to the projects of poverty eradication, sustainable development, and biodiversity preservation." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
In a tour de force of extensive research, Guardian reporter Monbiot shows the conventional wisdom — that reducing CO2 is prohibitively expensive — to be wrong in every case except that of air travel. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (31 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (18 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (120 ratings)
"Nuclear power is not an option for the future but an absolute necessity. Global threats of climate change and lethal air pollution, killing millions each year, make it clear that nuclear and renewable energy must work together, as non-carbon sources of energy. Fortunately, a new era of growth in this energy source is underway in developing nations, though not yet in the West. Seeing the Light is the first book to clarify these realities and discuss their implications for coming decades. Readers will learn how, why, and where the new nuclear era is happening, what new technologies are involved, and what this means for preventing the proliferation of weapons. This book is the best work available for becoming fully informed about this key subject, for students, the general public, and anyone interested in the future of energy production, and, thus, the future of humanity on planet Earth." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (6 ratings)
Republicans have been waging a war against science, especially in recent years. Mooney documents their attacks here, on everything from climate change to nutrition. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (112 ratings)
A particular cause of dissension within the scientific community has been the question of whether climate change is now increasing the size, strength, or frequency of hurricanes. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (18 ratings)
The causes of America's illiteracy about matters of science, Mooney and Kirshenbaum find, is not only poor k-12 education; aloofness from scientists and profit-driven journalism bear a large portion of the blame. The authors call for scientists to step up and explain their work to the public, via reporters and any other means necessary. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.1 (75 ratings)
"Finance. Climate. Food. Work. How are the crises of the twenty-first century connected? In Capitalism in the Web of Life, Jason W. Moore argues that the sources of today's global turbulence have a common cause: capitalism as a way of organizing nature, including human nature. Drawing on environmentalist, feminist, and Marxist thought, Moore offers a groundbreaking new synthesis: capitalism as a "world-ecology" of wealth, power, and nature. Capitalism's greatest strength—and the source of its problems—is its capacity to create Cheap Natures: labor, food, energy, and raw materials. That capacity is now in question. Rethinking capitalism through the pulsing and renewing dialectic of humanity-in-nature, Moore takes readers on a journey from the rise of capitalism to the modern mosaic of crisis. Capitalism in the Web of Life shows how the critique of capitalism-in-nature—rather than capitalism and nature—is key to understanding our predicament, and to pursuing the politics of liberation in the century ahead." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (9 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
The blurb on the book jacket says, in part: "The past two centuries witnessed the most astonishing leap in human welfare in history. But now the leaders of the world's most prosperous and advanced nations are determined to undo it." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (35 ratings)
"Gareth Morgan couldn't decide whether he believed in climate change or not, so he hired the best international scientists to answer his questions and these are his findings." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Global warming and the resulting in climate change interact strongly with the Earth's ecology and human health, often in unpredictable ways; they are players in a scenario that appears to be permanently transforming Earth's biosphere. By now everyone gets the big picture. The carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, is a result of our intense use of fossil fuels as humanity's main source of energy for the past century or two. It took several hundred million years of photosynthesis to sequester that carbon, but it will take us only several hundred years to release it. Is there any reasonable way [to] stop, and still have enough energy? How much damage to society and the ecosystem has the additional carbon caused already, and how much will it cause in the future? These questions are addressed by hundreds of scientists, engineers, and economists in thousands of technical papers published each year. This book summarizes over 200 of the best of them published within the past year. It will give you a good sense of many of the issues, how much scientists currently know about them, and what they think is likely to happen next. One way to think of this is as the most complicated serialized mystery story ever written. We have a pretty good idea whodunit...we just don't know for sure yet what we have done. Reading this book will get you closer to figuring it out." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
These authors make the argument that early adoption of light-water and boiling-water reactors was the wrong choice for America's nuclear industry. They wonder if it is still possible to take another path and revive that failing industry. Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Most people in the world today think democracy and gender equality are good, and that violence and wealth inequality are bad. But most people who lived during the 10,000 years before the nineteenth century thought just the opposite. Drawing on archaeology, anthropology, biology, and history, Ian Morris, author of the best-selling Why the West Rules—for Now, explains why." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (11 ratings)
The author of Mapping Mars shows us the natural wizardry that is photosynthesis, our ongoing attempts to unravel it, and its implications for the future of climate. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (18 ratings)
Following in the footsteps of Jeff Goodell and Eli Kintisch, Oliver Morton examines the ramifications of the most feasible geoengineering techniques and, like them, judges those techniques extremely risky. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (12 ratings)
"Environmental engineer Ellen Moyer, PhD, P.E., has more than three decades of experience assessing and cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater and designing 'green' systems and solutions. Dr. Moyer founded her consulting practice, Greenvironment, LLC, in 2004. She holds a BA in anthropology, an MS in environmental engineering, and a PhD in civil engineering. Moyer is a registered professional engineer, a US Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional, and regular contributor to The Huffington Post." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (43 ratings)
"Ever wonder about the story of the Cuyahoga River catching fire in Cleveland? Or the accuracy of Rachel Carson's dire warnings about DDT? Or the systematic attempt to discredit prominent scientists who question that there is a significant man-made impact on global temperatures? If you care about the environment, Iain Murray's book is a valuable resource. Murray's book questions politically correct myths that endanger both the environment and public safety." – John R. Lott (from the back cover) Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (50 ratings)
"But the future depends, Musil insists, on what changes ordinary citizens make. Through personal choices and political engagement, he shows how readers can cut carbon emissions and create green communities where they live. With practical and realistic solutions, Hope for a Heated Planet inspires readers to be accountable and enables them to usher in an age of sustainability for future generations." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (4 ratings)
"With attention to detail and cogent language, the author describes how human health and well-being are inextricably bound up in the web of interrelationships that characterize life on this planet." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (47 ratings)
"The Environmental Endgame is substantive, innovative, and profound. Nadeau exposes the weaknesses of neoclassical economic theory, and shows why it cannot address environmental concerns. He offers instead a stimulating and radically new approach to sustainability." – Joseph Tainter author of The Collapse of Complex Societies Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (6 ratings)
"Stories about holes in the ozone layer, increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect elicit both belief and doubt among the public. Nance ( On Shaky Ground ) goes beyond the headlines to provide a comprehensive explanation of these issues. We meet scientists Sherwood Rowland, J. Molina, Susan Solomon, Robert Watson, Steven Schneider, James Hansen, Adrian Tuck and James Anderson and observe their work in atmospheric chemistry, gloal warming and ozone depletion. Discussing the roadblocks to the reporting and understanding of scientific and technological matters, the author stresses that we need more than information to take action--he believes that political will is vital, and calls for better communication on all sides. Nance's lucid narrative and his portraits of courageous scientists should lead the way to a fuller awareness of these global threats." – Publishers Weekly Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"The Evolving Sphere of Food Security traces four key areas of the food security field: 1) the political economy of food and agriculture; 2) challenges for the poorest billion; 3) agriculture's dependence on resources and the environment; and 4) food in a national and international security context. This book connects these areas in a way that tells an integrated story about human lives, resource use, and the policy process." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"The world itself won't end, of course. Only ours will: our livelihoods, our homes, our cultures. And we're squarely at the tipping point. "Longer droughts in the Middle East. Growing desertification in China and Africa. The monsoon season shrinking in India. Amped-up heat waves in Australia. More intense hurricanes reaching America. Water wars in the Horn of Africa. Rebellions, refugees and starving children across the globe. These are not disconnected events. These are the pieces of a larger puzzle that environmental expert Jeff Nesbit puts together. "Unless we start addressing the causes of climate change and stop simply navigating its effects, we will be facing a series of unstoppable catastrophes by the time our preschoolers graduate from college. Our world is in trouble — right now. This Is the Way the World Ends tells the real stories of the substantial impacts to Earth's systems unfolding across each continent. The bad news? Within two decades or so, our carbon budget will reach a point of no return. "But there's good news. Like every significant challenge we've faced—from creating civilization in the shadow of the last ice age to the Industrial Revolution—we can get out of this box canyon by understanding the realities and changing the worn-out climate conversation to one that's relevant to every person. Nesbit provides a clear blueprint for real-time, workable solutions we can tackle together." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (34 ratings)
"Newitz's remarkable and fascinating journey through the science of mass extinctions is a powerful argument about human ingenuity and our ability to change. In a world populated by doomsday preppers and media commentators obsessively forecasting our demise, Scatter, Adapt, and Remember is a compelling voice of hope. It leads us away from apocalyptic thinking into a future where we live to build a better world—on this planet and perhaps on others. Readers of this book will be equipped scientifically, intellectually, and emotionally to face whatever the future holds." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (101 ratings)
"Climate change has moved from a contested phenomenon to the top of the agenda at global summits. Climate Change Biology is the first major textbook to address the critical issue of how climate change may affect life on the planet, and particularly its impact on human populations. Presented in three parts, the first deals extensively with the physical evidence of climate change and various modelling efforts to predict its future. Biological responses are then addressed from the individual's physiology to populations and ecosystems, and further to considering adaptation and evolution. The final section examines the specific impact climate change may have on natural resources, particularly as these relate to human livelihood." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (6 ratings)
"I am currently using the Nicholson and Wapner reader as my primary text in a sustainable development course, so I've had the opportunity to see the book in action with students. The book is extremely well organized, initially framing the momentous global environmental challenge that humanity faces, then drilling down into some specific issues, e.g. climate and water. The next few sections focus on the primary actors in global environmental politics, with an excellent slate of readings on the role of the State, markets, and disadvantaged actors. Finally, there is an extensive range of readings that leave students with a sense of hope, suggesting how we can transform society at virtually every scale of analysis. Each section also has a useful class exercise that helps to introduce the important issues and engage students in active learning. My experience with students to date is that they engaged well with this book and seem enthusiastic each week about the readings. Overall, I would rate this a highly valuable introduction to this topic." – Dr. Wil Burns Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Beginning in the late 1980s, a series of improbable bark beetle outbreaks unsettled iconic forests and communities across western North America." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (12 ratings)
"Sylvia Earle first lost her heart to the ocean as a young girl when she discovered the wonders of the Gulf of Mexico in her backyard. As an adult, she dives even deeper. Whether she's designing submersibles, swimming with the whales, or taking deep-water walks, Sylvia Earle has dedicated her life to learning more about what she calls "the blue heart of the planet." With stunningly detailed pictures of the wonders of the sea, Life in the Ocean tells the story of Sylvia's growing passion and how her ocean exploration and advocacy have made her known around the world. This picture book biography also includes an informative author's note that will motivate young environmentalists." "Life in the Ocean is one of The Washington Post's Best Kids Books of 2012" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (32 ratings)
"The violence wrought by climate change, toxic drift, deforestation, oil spills, and the environmental aftermath of war takes place gradually and often invisibly. Using the innovative concept of "slow violence" to describe these threats, Rob Nixon focuses on the inattention we have paid to the attritional lethality of many environmental crises, in contrast with the sensational, spectacle-driven messaging that impels public activism today. Slow violence, because it is so readily ignored by a hard-charging capitalism, exacerbates the vulnerability of ecosystems and of people who are poor, disempowered, and often involuntarily displaced, while fueling social conflicts that arise from desperation as life-sustaining conditions erode. "In a book of extraordinary scope, Nixon examines a cluster of writer-activists affiliated with the environmentalism of the poor in the global South. By approaching environmental justice literature from this transnational perspective, he exposes the limitations of the national and local frames that dominate environmental writing. And by skillfully illuminating the strategies these writer-activists deploy to give dramatic visibility to environmental emergencies, Nixon invites his readers to engage with some of the most pressing challenges of our time." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (14 ratings)
"The book amply and ably illustrates the initiatives taken by all levels of government to achieve sustainable development, showing how these inititiatives provide important opportunities to manage, mitigate, and adapt to climate change." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Dr. Nordhaus demonstrates the utility of placing a price on carbon emissions, thereby eliminating the marketplace distortion currently induced by those emissions — as an externality. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (48 ratings)
"This book presents in detail a pair of models of the economics of climate change. The models, called RICE-99 (for the Regional Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy) and DICE-99 (for the Dynamic Integrated Model of Climate and the Economy) build on the authors' earlier work, particularly their RICE and DICE models of the early 1990s. They can help policy makers design better economic and environmental policies.: – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (2 ratings)
"Global warming is the most significant environmental issue of our time, yet public response in Western nations has been meager. Why have so few taken any action? In Living in Denial, sociologist Kari Norgaard searches for answers to this question, drawing on interviews and ethnographic data from her study of "Bygdaby," the fictional name of an actual rural community in western Norway, during the unusually warm winter of 2000-2001." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (11 ratings)
""Nuccitelli's writing is clear and his explanations lucid. . . . [T]he primary audience for this book is likely to be the much larger group of climate educators, communicators, and interested citizens looking for solid, well-reasoned arguments against some of the most common contrarian claims. For them, this book will stand as a well-written and invaluable resource." – National Center for Science Education Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (8 ratings)
"Drawing on case studies from high-income countries, the book argues that it is time to consider adaptation to climate change as a challenge of social, personal and political transformations. The authors represent a variety of fields and perspectives, illustrating the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to the problem." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Drawing on case studies from high-income countries, the book argues that it is time to consider adaptation to climate change as a challenge of social, personal and political transformations. The authors represent a variety of fields and perspectives, illustrating the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to the problem." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Presenting human security perspectives on climate change, this volume raises issues of equity, ethics and environmental justice, as well as our capacity to respond to what is increasingly considered to be the greatest societal challenge for humankind." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.3 (3 ratings)
"This text provides a survey of the energy resources for the foreseeable future and argues that there is not, nor has there been, a supply crisis. It contends that the current claims of impending disaster are as falsely based as those first made in the 1960s, albeit for different reasons." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (1 rating)
"This book describes thoroughly the North American Climate of the past 65 million years, with special emphasis on the last 21,000 years, as revealed by paleoclimatic observations and climate models. It analyzes weather observations over the past century and satellite measurements of the last few decades to develop a picture of more recent climatic trends. It explains how global climate models are used to simulate and project climate, and presents the application of these models to reproduce recent climate variations and predict future North American climate. It answers the critical question of whether observed climate change is due to natural variations or human activity." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"A trusty guide to all the ways in which energy (especially oil and natural gas) impacts international relations, for good and for bad. . . . Windfall is a refreshing and illuminating examination of one thing that's going right." – Foreign Policy Rating by Amazon customers: 4.9 (21 ratings)
"If all goes well, human history is just beginning. Our species could survive for billions of years — enough time to end disease, poverty, and injustice, and to flourish in ways unimaginable today. But this vast future is at risk. With the advent of nuclear weapons, humanity entered a new age, where we face existential catastrophes — those from which we could never come back. Since then, these dangers have only multiplied, from climate change to engineered pathogens and artificial intelligence. If we do not act fast to reach a place of safety, it will soon be too late. "Drawing on over a decade of research, The Precipice explores the cutting-edge science behind the risks we face. It puts them in the context of the greater story of humanity: showing how ending these risks is among the most pressing moral issues of our time. And it points the way forward, to the actions and strategies that can safeguard humanity. "An Oxford philosopher committed to putting ideas into action, Toby Ord has advised the US National Intelligence Council, the UK Prime Minister's Office, and the World Bank on the biggest questions facing humanity. In The Precipice, he offers a startling reassessment of human history, the future we are failing to protect, and the steps we must take to ensure that our generation is not the last." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (14 ratings)
The authors of Merchants of Doubt present this novel as a parable to warn us against keeping on with business as usual. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (300 ratings)
"Merchants of Doubt tells the story of how a loose-knit group of high-level scientists and scientific advisers, with deep connections in politics and industry, ran effective campaigns to mislead the public and deny well-established scientific knowledge [for] over four decades." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (308 ratings)
"Pioneers in an emergent field, the authors of Climate Change Law and Policy have created a modular and accessible text with extensive web resources. Designed for 2- and 3-credit courses, [the book has] discussion, commentary, and exercises are integrated into every chapter." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"In every issue of modern society—from climate change to vaccinations, transportation to technology, health care to defense—we are in the midst of an unprecedented expansion of scientific progress and a simultaneous expansion of danger. At the very time we need them most, scientists and the idea of objective knowledge are being bombarded by a vast, well-funded, three-part war on science: the identity politics war on science, the ideological war on science, and the industrial war on science. The result is an unprecedented erosion of thought in Western democracies as voters, policymakers, and justices actively ignore the evidence from science, leaving major policy decisions to be based more on the demands of the most strident voices. "Shawn Lawrence Otto's provocative new book investigates the historical, social, philosophical, political, and emotional reasons for why and how evidence-based politics are in decline and authoritarian politics are once again on the rise, and offers a vision, an argument, and some compelling solutions to bring us to our collective senses, before it's too late." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (102 ratings)
"Most Americans think of crowded cities as ecological nightmares, as wastelands of concrete and garbage and diesel fumes and traffic jams. Yet residents of compact urban centers, Owen shows, individually consume less oil, electricity, and water than other Americans. They live in smaller spaces, discard less trash, and, most important of all, spend far less time in automobiles. Residents of Manhattan—the most densely populated place in North America —rank first in public-transit use and last in percapita greenhouse-gas production, and they consume gasoline at a rate that the country as a whole hasn't matched since the mid-1920s, when the most widely owned car in the United States was the Ford Model T. They are also among the only people in the United States for whom walking is still an important means of daily transportation. "These achievements are not accidents. Spreading people thinly across the countryside may make them feel green, but it doesn't reduce the damage they do to the environment. In fact, it increases the damage, while also making the problems they cause harder to see and to address. Owen contends that the environmental problem we face, at the current stage of our assault on the world's nonrenewable resources, is not how to make teeming cities more like the pristine countryside. The problem is how to make other settled places more like Manhattan, whose residents presently come closer than any other Americans to meeting environmental goals that all of us, eventually, will have to come to terms with." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (64 ratings)
"...the book remains a valuable resource for students and policy-makers in providing a fairly comprehensive overview of the range of issues that are linked to climate change mitigation and adaptation in Africa." – Area Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Reese Palley argues that wind, solar, and hydroelectric power—all of which have large CO2-emitting footprints—are not the answer needed to make meaningful changes in our disastrous warming trend. Nor, for both economic and political reasons, can large nuclear power plants be built in time." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (18 rating)
"The book begins with an overview of global climate change with discussions of data trends and international initiatives, then segues into a history of climate changes and weather trends in the Himalayas. Weather systems of the Himalayas, both past and current, are analyzed and detailed through climate models, seasonal observations of weather fronts, and overviews of various climate scenarios. The book then discusses climate change impacts and signatures specific to the Central Himalayan region, where the largest effects of impacts are observed. Readers will discover analysis presented on water resources, meteorological changes, biodiversity, agriculture and human health along with perspectives of management and policy. This book will appeal to researchers studying climate science, climatology, environmental scientists and policymakers." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"In Tropic of Chaos, investigative journalist Christian Parenti travels along the front lines of this gathering catastrophe—the belt of economically and politically battered postcolonial nations and war zones girding the planet's midlatitudes. Here he finds failed states amid climatic disasters. But he also reveals the unsettling presence of Western military forces and explains how they see an opportunity in the crisis to prepare for open-ended global counterinsurgency." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (45 ratings)
"The idea of 'sustainability' has gone mainstream. Thanks to Prius-driving movie stars, it's even hip. What began as a grassroots movement to promote responsible development has become a bullet point in corporate ecobranding strategies. In Hijacking Sustainability, Adrian Parr describes how this has happened: how the goals of an environmental movement came to be mediated by corporate interests, government, and the military. Parr argues that the more popular sustainable development becomes, the more commodified it becomes; the more mainstream culture embraces the sustainability movement's concern over global warming and poverty, the more 'sustainability culture' advances the profit-maximizing values of corporate capitalism. And the more issues of sustainability are aligned with those of national security, the more military values are conflated with the goals of sustainable development. "Parr looks closely at five examples of the hijacking of sustainability: corporate image-greening; Hollywood activism; gated communities; the greening of the White House; and the incongruous efforts to achieve a 'sustainable' army. Parr then examines key challenges to sustainability—waste disposal, disaster relief and environmental refugees, slum development, and poverty. "Sustainability, Parr says, offers an alternative narrative of the collective good—an idea now compromised and endangered by corporate, military, and government interests." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (1 rating)
"Although climate change has become the dominant concern of the twenty-first century, global powers refuse to implement the changes necessary to reverse these trends. Instead, they have neoliberalized nature and climate change politics and discourse, and there are indications of a more virulent strain of capital accumulation on the horizon. Adrian Parr calls attention to the problematic socioeconomic conditions of neoliberal capitalism underpinning the world's environmental challenges, and she argues that, until we grasp the implications of neoliberalism's interference in climate change talks and policy, humanity is on track to an irreversible crisis. "Parr not only exposes the global failure to produce equitable political options for environmental regulation, but she also breaks down the dominant political paradigms hindering the discovery of viable alternatives. She highlights the neoliberalization of nature in the development of green technologies, land use, dietary habits, reproductive practices, consumption patterns, design strategies, and media. She dismisses the notion that the free market can solve debilitating environmental degradation and climate change as nothing more than a political ghost emptied of its collective aspirations. "Decrying what she perceives as a failure of the human imagination and an impoverishment of political institutions, Parr ruminates on the nature of change and existence in the absence of a future. The sustainability movement, she contends, must engage more aggressively with the logic and cultural manifestations of consumer economics to take hold of a more transformative politics. If the economically powerful continue to monopolize the meaning of environmental change, she warns, new and more promising collective solutions will fail to take root." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
These authors, a science writer and an engineer, debunk the misinformation being spread about nuclear power and argue convincingly that the sheer magnitude of worldwide energy demand makes it an essential part of our low-carbon energy system. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (9 ratings)
"So you think the theory of disastrous climate change has been proven? You believe that scientists are united in their efforts to force the nations of the world to reduce their carbon emissions? You imagine perhaps that scientists are far too professional to overstate their case? "Maybe we should all think again. In The Climate Caper, written with a light touch and presented in a nicely readable manner, Garth Paltridge shows that the case for action against climate change is not nearly so clear cut as is presented to politicians and the public. He leads us through the massive uncertainties that are inherently part of the "climate modeling process"; he examines the even greater uncertainties associated with economic forecasts of climatic doom; and he discusses in detail the conscious and subconscious forces operating to ensure that skepticism within the scientific community is kept from the public eye. "Paltridge concludes that governments are indeed becoming captive to a scientific and technological elite—an elite that achieves its ends by manipulating the public through fear of climate change, creating the world's greatest example of a "religion" for the politically correct." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (12 ratings)
"More than ever, travelers are encountering a different sort of landscape, one not only of nature but of technology. Wind Power in View is the first authoritative discourse on the aesthetic impact of wind turbines on the landscape and what can be done about it. It is a detailed and thoroughly illustrated discussion of the issue from several different perspectives. The book also provides an overview of the status of wind energy at the dawn of the new millennium, examines some of the ongoing battles, and offers guidelines on minimizing its visual impact. "Taking examples from the United States, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, and Sweden, Wind Power in View is the first book to tackle the thorny land use questions raised by wind energy's hard won respectability. What will be the future of wind energy? Will it be welcomed as savior, or will it be opposed as a new-age intrusion on open space and landscape preservation? These 11 essays, international in nature and written by objective experts, address landscape issues in creative, original ways." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (1 rating)
"In these essays, award-winning biologist Dr. Daniel Pauly offers a thought-provoking look at the state of today's global fisheries—and a radical way to turn it around. Starting with the rapid expansion that followed World War II, he traces the arc of the fishing industry's ensuing demise, offering insights into how and why it has failed. "With clear, convincing prose, Dr. Pauly draws on decades of research to provide an up-to-date assessment of ocean health and an analysis of the issues that have contributed to the current crisis, including globalization, massive underreporting of catch, and the phenomenon of 'shifting baselines,' in which, over time, important knowledge is lost about the state of the natural world. "Finally, Vanishing Fish provides practical recommendations for a way forward—a vision of a vibrant future where small-scale fisheries can supply the majority of the world's fish." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Fred Pearce has been writing about climate change for eighteen years, and the more he learns, the worse things look. Where once scientists were concerned about gradual climate change, now more and more of them fear we will soon be dealing with abrupt change resulting from triggering hidden tipping points." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (48 ratings)
"I first heard of this book in 2007 but did not get around to reading it until now, 2012. The section about the incestuous relationship between the Howard government and various forces of climate change denial and scepticism is eye-opening, even after what we have seen since then. The book is still very relevant in that these forces have not gone away!" – a customer reviewer Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
My judgement is that Dr. Pearson's book makes a major contribution to understanding these issues. He illuminates the science through jargon-free case studies of individual species and habitats, from Viet Nam's Orange-Necked Partridge to the Banner-Tailed Kangaraoo Rat of the American Southwest, and from Alaskan tundra to coral reefs in the Philippines. Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"This green roadmap by two California climate leaders, Michael Peevey and Diane Wittenberg, shows how the state built a gold standard environment along with a thriving economy. It's a very readable and inspiring contemporary account of how to make things happen." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (8 ratings)
"Changing Energy outlines how humanity established the current energy economy through three previous transitions, and how we now stand poised for a necessary fourth transition. Human societies around the globe have received immense benefits from uses of coal, oil, gas, and uranium sources, yet we must now rebuild our energy economies to rely on renewable sources and use them efficiently. The imperative for a fourth energy transition comes from dangers related to climate change, geopolitical tensions, documented health and environmental effects, and long-term depletion of today's sources. John H. Perkins argues that a future in which current levels of energy service benefits are sustained can come only from investments in the technologies needed to bring about a fourth energy transition. Changing Energy envisions a viable post-fossil fuel economy and identifies the barriers to be overcome." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Global warming and climate change present complex interlocking issues of public policy, multilateral negotiation, and technological advancement. This book explores both the problems and the opportunities presented by international agreements, and examines the technological developments and policy goals that can be pursued to effect the changes necessary." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.5 (2 ratings)
"In 2018, the lack of a coherent policy on energy and associated emissions once again caused a political crisis in Australia. But emissions policy can't just be about emissions and energy. It must also be about what direction to take the whole economy in for the next 25 years. At 22 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, Australia has the highest per capita greenhouse gas emission footprint of all the western industrialised nations. This compares to 11 tonnes per capita in Germany and only eight tonnes in the UK." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"While the average person often gets the impression that the Earth's climate would be essentially stable if it weren't for the deleterious effects of greenhouse gases, in fact the history of the earth over many millennia reveals a constantly changing climate. As the author explains, several long cold eras have been punctuated by shorter warm periods. The most recent of these warm spells, the one in which we are now living, started ten thousand years ago; based on previous patterns, we should be about due for the return of another frigid epoch. Some scientists even think that the warming of the planet caused by man-made greenhouse gasses tied to agriculture in the past few thousand years may have held off the next ice age. Though this may be possible, much remains uncertain. But what is clearly known is that major climate shifts can be appallingly rapid--occurring over as little as twenty or thirty years. One danger of dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is that they may increase the chance that this "climate switch" will be thrown, with catastrophic effects on worldwide agriculture." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (89 ratings)
"To protect the future of life on earth, we need to do more than just reimagine the economy—we have to change everything. One of the seminal thinkers of the program that helped ignite the US Green New Deal campaign, Ann Pettifor explains how we can afford what we can do, and what we need to do, before it is too late. "The Case for the Green New Deal argues that economic change is wholly possible, based on the understanding that finance, the economy and the ecosystem are all tightly bound together. The GND demands total decarbonization and a commitment to an economy based on fairness and social justice. It proposes a radical new understanding of the international monetary system. Pettifor offers a roadmap for financial reform both nationally and globally, taking the economy back from the 1%. This is a radical, urgent manifesto that we must act on now." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (8 ratings / 2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (84 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (8 ratings)
"Why has the world been unable to address global warming? Science policy expert Roger Pielke, Jr., says it's not the fault of those who reject the Kyoto Protocol, but those who support it, and the magical thinking that the agreement represents. In The Climate Fix, Pielke offers a way to repair climate policy, shifting the debate away from meaningless targets and toward a revolution in how the world's economy is powered, while de-fanging the venomous politics surrounding the crisis." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (27 ratings)
"In recent years the media, politicians, and activists have popularized the notion that climate change has made disasters worse. But what does the science actually say?" – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (15 ratings)
"The authors detail specific threats faced by Miami, New Orleans, New York, and Amsterdam. Aware of the overwhelming social, political, and economic challenges that would accompany effective action, they consider the burden to the taxpayer and the logistics of moving landmarks and infrastructure, including toxic-waste sites. They also show readers the alternative: thousands of environmental refugees, with no legitimate means to regain what they have lost." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (9 ratings)
"The book offers fascinating case studies depicting how the seductiveness of quantitative models has led to unmanageable nuclear waste disposal practices, poisoned mining sites, unjustifiable faith in predicted sea level rise rates, bad predictions of future shoreline erosion rates, overoptimistic cost estimates of artificial beaches, and a host of other thorny problems. The authors demonstrate how many modelers have been reckless, employing fudge factors to assure 'correct' answers and caring little if their models actually worked." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.2 (23 ratings)
"The Climate Change Crisis addresses climate change and its impact as a major threat for countries around the world. Through a collection of interviews with leading environmentalists and exploration into new innovations that can offer hope and protection for billions of people, this book presents an interdisciplinary approach towards understanding the paramount health and development challenges of climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Coal, gas, and oil have powered our societies for hundreds of years. But the pace at which we use them changed dramatically in the twentieth century: of all the fossil fuels ever consumed, more than half were burnt up in the past fifty years alone, the vast majority of that within a single generation. Most worrying of all, this dramatic acceleration has occurred against the backdrop of an increasingly unanimous scientific consensus: that their environmental impact is devastating and potentially irreversible. "In Burning Up, Simon Pirani recounts the history of the relentless rise of fossil fuels in the past half century, and lays out the ways in which the expansion of the global capitalist economy has driven it forward. Dispelling common explanations that foreground Western consumerism, as well as arguments about unsustainable population growth, Pirani offers instead an insightful intervention in what is arguably the crisis of our time." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"Life After Carbon presents the new ideas that are replacing the pillars of the modern-city model, converting climate disaster into urban opportunity, and shaping the next transformation of cities worldwide. It will inspire anyone who cares about the future of our cities, and help them to map a sustainable path forward." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (11 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (6 ratings)
In 2013, a customer reviewer noted: "Plimer's book isn't science or fact based. He makes far too many scientifically false statements which are also often irrelevant to his argument anyway. When I read it, I highlighted the wrong statements he made on my iPad Kindle edition, and 2/3 of the way through, the memory reserved for this function was exhausted causing the App. to crash persistently." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (171 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (4 ratings)
"Are pupils, parents and the public being fed political propaganda on climate change? Now is your chance to find out. Professor Plimer gives 101 simple questions with answers for you to ask teachers, activists, journalists and politicians. The climate industry adjusts the temperature record and withholds raw data, computer codes and information from scrutiny. Computer predictions of a scary future don't agree with measurements. Past natural climate changes have been larger and more rapid than the worst case predictions yet humans adapted. Is human-induced global warming the biggest financial and scientific scam in history? If it is, we will pay dearly." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (13 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (11 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Why has it been so hard for America to come to grips with climate change? Why do so many people believe it isn't really happening? As President Obama's science advisor John Holdren has said, 'We're driving in a car with bad brakes in a fog and heading for a cliff. We know for sure that cliff is out there. We just don't know exactly where it is. Prudence would suggest that we should start putting on the brakes.' But powerful interests are threatened by the carbon cap that would speed the transition to a clean energy economy, and their agents have worked successfully to deny the problem and delay the solutions." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (17 ratings)
"Strategic Ignorance sets forth not only the shocking Bush record but the stories and strategies behind it. Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope and coauthor Paul Rauber brief us on the key administration figures, as well as legislators and lobbyists on the reactionary right, who strive to gut landmark laws; facilitate payback to polluters; distort, suppress, or ignore science; and invent soothing flimflam like 'Clear Skies'." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (14 ratings)
"Climate change and justice are so closely associated that many people take it for granted that a global climate treaty should—indeed, must—directly address both issues together. But, in fact, this would be a serious mistake, one that, by dooming effective international limits on greenhouse gases, would actually make the world's poor and developing nations far worse off. This is the provocative and original argument of Climate Change Justice. Eric Posner and David Weisbach strongly favor both a climate change agreement and efforts to improve economic justice. But they make a powerful case that the best—and possibly only—way to get an effective climate treaty is to exclude measures designed to redistribute wealth or address historical wrongs against underdeveloped countries." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (3 ratings)
"Catastrophic risks are much greater than is commonly appreciated. Collision with an asteroid, runaway global warming, voraciously replicating nanomachines, a pandemic of gene-spliced smallpox launched by bioterrorists, and a world-ending accident in a high-energy particle accelerator, are among the possible extinction events that are sufficiently likely to warrant careful study. How should we respond to events that, for a variety of psychological and cultural reasons, we find it hard to wrap our minds around? Posner argues that realism about science and scientists, innovative applications of cost-benefit analysis, a scientifically literate legal profession, unprecedented international cooperation, and a pragmatic attitude toward civil liberties are among the keys to coping effectively with the catastrophic risks." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (10 ratings)
"In Catastrophe, Richard A. Posner addresses the threat of global disaster from a fresh, interdisciplinary perspective. Incorporating insights from economists, physical scientists, environmental scientists, psychologists, and other experts, Posner explains how we can minimize risks and differentiate low probability risks from more threatening high probability ones. He raises difficult questions about the role of politicians and policymakers in addressing catastrophic risk. Must we yield a degree of national sovereignty in order to deal effectively with global warming? Is limiting our civil liberties a necessary and proper response to the threat of bioterrorist attacks? Is investing in detection and interception systems for asteroids money well spent? How far can we press cost-benefit analysis in the design of responses to world-threatening events? These are but a few of the issues explored in this fascinating, disturbing, and necessary book. "In this revised and updated edition, Posner incorporates many new scholarly insights about catastrophe and risk that have emerged in the wake of the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2008 financial crisis, recent catastrophes which he discusses in detail." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
A former professor of geology addresses the question of why climage change denial persists, and does an outstanding job of answering it. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (22 ratings)
"For the last few years, and especially in 2011, a new extreme weather event seems to pop up each week. Some decide to stick around: Texas and Oklahoma have been suffering from historic droughts for six months, with no sign of relief. No sooner does Hurricane Irene disappear than Tropical Storm Lee appears to flood Louisiana and stir up wildfires in nearby Texas. We seem beset by more, and more extreme, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, torrential rainstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards than any of us can remember. Are we witnessing just the normal ups and downs of the weather or is the climate changing? This book arms readers with the facts about the recent extreme weather so that they can answer that question for themselves." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (40 ratings)
This is not about climate change or energy, But I thought it worthwhile to include some discussion of the right-wing's overwhelming influence over talk radio — a factor in the obstruction of progress on reducing greenhouse gases. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (30 ratings)
"This volume is the first to put the ethical issues raised by climate engineering into a comprehensive, comparative context so that the key ethical challenges of these technologies can be better measured against those of alternative climate policies . Addressing the topic specifically through the lens of justice, contributors include both advocates of climate intervention research and its sceptics." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 0 (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (34 ratings)
"Nature no longer exists apart from humanity. Henceforth, the world we will inhabit is the one we have made. Geologists have called this new planetary epoch the Anthropocene, the Age of Humans. The geological strata we are now creating record industrial emissions, industrial-scale crop pollens, and the disappearance of species driven to extinction. Climate change is planetary engineering without design. These facts of the Anthropocene are scientific, but its shape and meaning are questions for politics-a politics that does not yet exist. After Nature develops a politics for this post-natural world." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (40 ratings)
"This overview of global warming and its human causes examines the international agreements regarding climate change and the U.S. response to those agreements, as well as key provisions of the Kyoto Protocol, to explain the difficulties of any subsequent treaties. Framing the scientific debate against moral, ethical, and religious considerations, the book offers potential solutions. The book includes seven maps and tables, notes, bibliography, and index." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Over roughly the past decade, oil and gas production in the United States has surged dramatically—thanks largely to technological advances such as high-volume hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as 'fracking.' This rapid increase has generated widespread debate, with proponents touting economic and energy-security benefits and opponents highlighting the environmental and social risks of increased oil and gas production. Despite the heated debate, neither side has a monopoly on the facts. In this book, Daniel Raimi gives a balanced and accessible view of oil and gas development, clearly and thoroughly explaining the key issues surrounding the shale revolution." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.3 (5 ratings)
"...challenges the environmental prophets of doom and gloom with penetrating searing truth. Environmental Overkill is a bright light that exposes the fraud and deceit being perpetrated against an unknowing public." – Rush Limbaugh Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (26 ratings)
"An enlightening global journey reveals the inextricable links between Indigenous cultures and their lands—and how it can form the foundation for climate change resilience around the world." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (16 ratings)
"A groundbreaking work of literary nonfiction that exposes how radical strip mining is destroying one of America's most precious natural resources and the communities that depend on it." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (32 ratings)
"Reich explains how widening inequalities of income and wealth, heightened job insecurity, and the spreading effects of global warming are the logical outcomes of supercapitalism." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (113 ratings)
"The Arctic century is upon us. A great jockeying for power and influence has erupted among nations in the high north. At stake are trillions of dollars in profit or loss, US security, geopolitical influence and the fate of a fragile environment as well as the region's traditional people." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (13 ratings)
"Flying a hi-tech airship around a planet riven by climate change and economic collapse, our hero encounters the strange remnants of civilisation — the people searching for the singularity, the rocking bishop and his flying cathedral, the last climate sceptics, the deep green terrorists, the billionaire libertarians in their bubble, and much, much more. Not to mention the goats, the girlfriend with bots in her head and the elixir of life (which is cheese)." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (17 ratings)
"Since the beginning of the Obama Administration, conservative politicians have railed against the President's "War on Coal." As evidence of this supposed siege, they point to a series of rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency that aim to slash air pollution from the nation's power sector. Because coal produces far more pollution than any other major energy source, these rules are expected to further reduce its already shrinking share of the electricity market in favor of cleaner options like natural gas and solar power. But the EPA's policies are hardly the "unprecedented regulatory assault" that opponents make them out to be. Instead, they are merely the latest chapter in a multi-decade struggle to overcome a tragic flaw in our nation's most important environmental law." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (4 ratings)
"In Energy, Rhodes highlights the successes and failures that led to each breakthrough in energy production; from animal and waterpower to the steam engine, from internal-combustion to the electric motor. He addresses how we learned from such challenges, mastered their transitions, and capitalized on their opportunities. Rhodes also looks at the current energy landscape, with a focus on how wind energy is competing for dominance with cast supplies of coal and natural gas. He also addresses the specter of global warming, and a population hurtling towards ten billion by 2100." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (2 ratings)
"The author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Making of the Atomic Bomb discusses the feasibility of nuclear power in America, arguing that it is the safest, cleanest, and most economical energy source available." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (6 ratings)
"In Getting to Green, Frederic C. Rich argues that meaningful progress on urgent environmental issues can be made only on a bipartisan basis. Rich reminds us of American conservation's conservative roots and of the bipartisan political consensus that had Republican congressmen voting for, and Richard Nixon signing, the most important environmental legislation of the 1970s. He argues that faithfulness to conservative principles requires the GOP to support environmental protection, while at the same time he criticizes the Green movement for having drifted too far to the left and too often appearing hostile to business and economic growth." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (19 ratings)
"The New York Times Magazine devoted an entire issue to Nathaniel Rich's groundbreaking chronicle of that decade, which became an instant journalistic phenomenon—the subject of news coverage, editorials, and conversations all over the world. In its emphasis on the lives of the people who grappled with the great existential threat of our age, it made vivid the moral dimensions of our shared plight. "Now expanded into book form, Losing Earth tells the human story of climate change in even richer, more intimate terms. It reveals, in previously unreported detail, the birth of climate denialism and the genesis of the fossil fuel industry's coordinated effort to thwart climate policy through misinformation propaganda and political influence. The book carries the story into the present day, wrestling with the long shadow of our past failures and asking crucial questions about how we make sense of our past, our future, and ourselves." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (16 ratings)
"We live at a time in which scientists race to reanimate extinct beasts, our most essential ecosystems require monumental engineering projects to survive, chicken breasts grow in test tubes, and multinational corporations conspire to poison the blood of every living creature. No rock, leaf, or cubic foot of air on Earth has escaped humanity's clumsy signature. The old distinctions―between natural and artificial, dystopia and utopia, science fiction and science fact―have blurred, losing all meaning. We inhabit an uncanny landscape of our own creation. "In Second Nature, ordinary people make desperate efforts to preserve their humanity in a world that seems increasingly alien. Their stories―obsessive, intimate, and deeply reported―point the way to a new kind of environmental literature, in which dramatic narrative helps us to understand our place in a reality that resembles nothing human beings have known. From Odds Against Tomorrow to Losing Earth to the film Dark Waters (adapted from the first chapter of this book), Nathaniel Rich’s stories have come to define the way we think of contemporary ecological narrative. In Second Nature, he asks what it means to live in an era of terrible responsibility. The question is no longer, How do we return to the world that we’ve lost? It is, What world do we want to create in its place?" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (8 ratings)
"The New York Times Magazine devoted an entire issue to Nathaniel Rich's groundbreaking chronicle of that decade, which became an instant journalistic phenomenon—the subject of news coverage, editorials, and conversations all over the world. In its emphasis on the lives of the people who grappled with the great existential threat of our age, it made vivid the moral dimensions of our shared plight. "Now expanded into book form, Losing Earth tells the human story of climate change in even richer, more intimate terms. It reveals, in previously unreported detail, the birth of climate denialism and the genesis of the fossil fuel industry's coordinated effort to thwart climate policy through misinformation propaganda and political influence. The book carries the story into the present day, wrestling with the long shadow of our past failures and asking crucial questions about how we make sense of our past, our future, and ourselves." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (16 ratings)
"Water scarcity is spreading and intensifying in many regions of the world, with dire consequences for local communities, economies, and freshwater ecosystems. Current approaches tend to rely on policies crafted at the state or national level, which on their own have proved insufficient to arrest water scarcity. To be durable and effective, water plans must be informed by the culture, economics, and varied needs of affected community members. "International water expert Brian Richter argues that sustainable water sharing in the twenty-first century can only happen through open, democratic dialogue and local collective action. In Chasing Water, Richter tells a cohesive and complete story of water scarcity: where it is happening, what is causing it, and how it can be addressed. Through his engaging and nontechnical style, he strips away the complexities of water management to its bare essentials, providing information and practical examples that will empower community leaders, activists, and students to develop successful and long-lasting water programs. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (9 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"From an American hero and dedicated scientist: A compelling introduction to the changes taking place in Earth's climate, written for the audience that matters most to our planet's future. "Beginning with Sally Ride's unique, astronaut's-eye view of Earth's fragile atmosphere, Mission: Planet Earth describes how water, air, and other climate systems shape our world, and how a disruption in one part of the system can spread through the entire planet. Drawing on the latest scientific research and presenting a clear, even-handed account of the current state of climate studies, illustrated with helpful diagrams and stunning photographs of and from the front lines of climate change, here is a celebration of Earth's natural complexity—and a call to action for a new generation." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (5 ratings)
"While the Green New Deal has become a lightning rod in the political sphere, there is a parallel movement emerging within the business community that will shake the very foundation of the global economy in coming years. Key sectors of the economy are fast-decoupling from fossil fuels in favor of ever cheaper solar and wind energies and the new business opportunities and employment that accompany them. New studies are sounding the alarm that trillions of dollars in stranded fossil fuel assets could create a carbon bubble likely to burst by 2028, causing the collapse of the fossil fuel civilization. The marketplace is speaking, and governments will need to adapt if they are to survive and prosper. "In The Green New Deal, New York Times bestselling author and renowned economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin delivers the political narrative and economic plan for the Green New Deal that we need at this critical moment in history. The concurrence of a stranded fossil fuel assets bubble and a green political vision opens up the possibility of a massive shift to a post-carbon ecological era, in time to prevent a temperature rise that will tip us over the edge into runaway climate change. With twenty-five years of experience implementing Green New Deal-style transitions for both the European Union and the People's Republic of China, Rifkin offers his vision for how to transform the global economy and save life on Earth." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Written by a father-son team of geoscientist and attorney, it is the concise guide to the global warming controversy that has been long needed. [. . .] With more than three hundred references to peer-reviewed science journal articles and numerous illustrations, it shows how the scientific underpinnings of the global warming theory are actually weak and uncertain." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (15 ratings)
"As the sea levels rose, every street became a canal. Every skyscraper an island. For the residents of one apartment building in Madison Square, however, New York in the year 2140 is far from a drowned city. "There is the market trader, who finds opportunities where others find trouble. There is the detective, whose work will never disappear — along with the lawyers, of course. "There is the internet star, beloved by millions for her airship adventures, and the building's manager, quietly respected for his attention to detail. Then there are two boys who don't live there, but have no other home -- and who are more important to its future than anyone might imagine. "Lastly there are the coders, temporary residents on the roof, whose disappearance triggers a sequence of events that threatens the existence of all — and even the long-hidden foundations on which the city rests." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (549 ratings)
"The Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the imagination, using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell the story of how climate change will affect us all. Its setting is not a desolate, postapocalyptic world, but a future that is almost upon us — and in which we might just overcome the extraordinary challenges we face. "It is a novel both immediate and impactful, desperate and hopeful in equal measure, and it is one of the most powerful and original books on climate change ever written." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (96 ratings)
"Holding her first grandchild in her arms in 2003, Mary Robinson was struck by the uncertainty of the world he had been born into. Before his fiftieth birthday, he would share the planet with more than nine billion people--people battling for food, water, and shelter in an increasingly volatile climate. The faceless, shadowy menace of climate change had become, in an instant, deeply personal. "Mary Robinson's mission would lead her all over the world, from Malawi to Mongolia, and to a heartening revelation: that an irrepressible driving force in the battle for climate justice could be found at the grassroots level, mainly among women, many of them mothers and grandmothers like herself. From Sharon Hanshaw, the Mississippi matriarch whose campaign began in her East Biloxi hair salon and culminated in her speaking at the United Nations, to Constance Okollet, a small farmer who transformed the fortunes of her ailing community in rural Uganda, Robinson met with ordinary people whose resilience and ingenuity had already unlocked extraordinary change. "Powerful and deeply humane, Climate Justice is a stirring manifesto on one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time, and a lucid, affirmative, and well-argued case for hope." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (31 ratings)
"Big World, Small Planet probes the urgent predicament of our times: how is it possible to create a positive future for both humanity and Earth? We have entered the Anthropocene—the era of massive human impacts on the planet—and the actions of over seven billion residents threaten to destabilize Earth's natural systems, with cascading consequences for human societies. In this extraordinary book, the authors combine the latest science with compelling storytelling and amazing photography to create a new narrative for humanity's future. Johan Rockström and Mattias Klum reject the notion that economic growth and human prosperity can only be achieved at the expense of the environment. They contend that we have unprecedented opportunities to navigate a 'good Anthropocene.' By embracing a deep mind-shift, humanity can reconnect to Earth, discover universal values, and take on the essential role of planetary steward. With eloquence and profound optimism, Rockström and Klum envision a future of abundance within planetary boundaries—a revolutionary future that is at once necessary, possible, and sustainable for coming generations." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (18 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (13 ratings)
"In Cities for a Small Planet, Sir Richard Rogers, one of the world's leading architects and the designer of the Pompidou Center in Paris, demonstrates how future cities could provide the springboard for restoring humanity's harmony with its environment." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (8 ratings)
"The last decade's spate of superstorms, wildfires, heat waves, and droughts has accelerated the public discourse on this topic and lent credence to climatologist Lonnie Thomson's 2010 statement that climate change 'represents a clear and present danger to civilization.' " – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (23 ratings)
"Romm explains that we already possess the technologies and know-how we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; what we lack is the will to act. As Romm analyzes the 'miscoverage' of global-warming realities in the press, especially the facts pertaining to dire changes already affecting plants, animals, and humans, he laments the perversity and folly of politicizing a global crisis. We must recognize, Romm asserts, that 'ideology trumps rationality' all too often in public discourse, preventing us from doing what needs to be done to avert still preventable catastrophes." – Donna Seaman, Booklist Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (31 ratings)
"With President Bush's 2003 pledge to earmark a billion-plus dollars for developing fuel-cell vehicles, the holy grail of clean energy has been looking more and more like hydrogen, a substance whose only waste product is water vapor. Yet Romm, a Department of Energy advisor during the Clinton administration, makes a compelling case for believing that widespread use of hydrogen is still four to five decades away." – Carl Hays, Booklist Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (28 ratings)
"Applying standard data analysis tools to the global temperature record reveals a view of climate change that is entirely different from the common understanding. The temperature evidence indicates that the climate is not a chaotic process as has been assumed, but instead it is being driven by powerful, natural, and cyclic forces that have been going on for at least the past 164 years." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (9 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 reviews — not released)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (8 ratings)
" 'System change not climate change!' This cry reverberated throughout the streets of Paris during 2015's heated COP21 climate negotiations. It was as much a demand as it was an indictment of the failure of existing political institutions to respond adequately to our world's ecological crisis. In an era of slow motion apocalypse, with 3,500 international environmental agreements to date, where did everything go wrong? "In this new and greatly expanded edition of his 1991 classic Political Ecology, Dimitri Roussopoulos delves into the history of environmentalism to explain the failure of the state management of the ecological crisis. He explores civil society's various past responses and the prospects for channeling environmentalist aspirations into political alternatives, emphasizing the ideas of social ecology and the central role of democratic neighborhoods and cities in developing alternatives. Ecologists, Roussopoulos argues, aim further than simply protecting the environment—they call for new communities, new lifestyles, and a new way of doing politics. "This US edition also includes a new preface analyzing the implications of Trump's presidency for climate politics and an extensive new conclusion analyzing the Paris Accord. Revised, expanded, and updated, Political Ecology is a classic that provides an essential, timely history of the environmental movement now when we need it most." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"The new edition incorporates coverage of climatological events and research discoveries in the seven years since the first edition, most importantly the now broadly accepted understanding that humans play a major role in warming the planet." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (20 ratings)
"At a time when the evidence is stronger than ever that human activity is the primary cause for global climate change, William Ruddiman's breakthrough text returns in a thoroughly updated new edition. It offers a clear, engaging, objective portrait of the current state of climate science, including compelling recent findings on anthropogenic global warming and important advances in understanding past climates." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (32 ratings)
"It's a question that has engaged climate scientists for more than a decade: Not if human activity impacts the environment, but when did that impact start to be significant? Was it in the mid-18th century, as long believed, with the Industrial Revolution producing huge amounts in greenhouse gas emissions? Or did it actually begin thousands of years earlier, as a result of the discovery and spread of agricultural practices?" – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (1 rating)
"William Ruddiman's provocative new book argues that humans have actually been changing the climate for some 8,000 years—as a result of the earlier discovery of agriculture." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (29 ratings)
"You'd think we were living in the golden age of science and reason. But the truth is far more sinister, says Austin Ruse. We're actually living in the age of the low information voter, easily mislead by all-too-convincing false statistics and studies. In Fake Science, Ruse debunks so-called "facts" used to advance political causes one after the other, revealing how poorly they stand up to actual science." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (61 ratings)
"With every passing day, and every record-breaking hurricane, it grows clearer that climate change is neither imagined nor distant—and that rising seas are transforming the coastline of the United States in irrevocable ways. In Rising, Elizabeth Rush guides readers through some of the places where this change has been most dramatic, from the Gulf Coast to Miami, and from New York City to the Bay Area. For many of the plants, animals, and humans in these places, the options are stark: retreat or perish in place. "Weaving firsthand testimonials from those facing this choice—a Staten Islander who lost her father during Sandy, the remaining holdouts of a Native American community on a drowning Isle de Jean Charles, a neighborhood in Pensacola settled by escaped slaves hundreds of years ago—with profiles of wildlife biologists, activists, and other members of these vulnerable communities, Rising privileges the voices of those too often kept at the margins." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (30 ratings)
"Sachs offers readers, students, activists, environmentalists, and policy makers the tools, metrics, and practical pathways they need to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Far more than a rhetorical exercise, this book is designed to inform, inspire, and spur action. Based on Sachs's twelve years as director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, his thirteen years advising the United Nations secretary-general on the Millennium Development Goals, and his recent presentation of these ideas in a popular online course, The Age of Sustainable Development is a landmark publication and clarion call for all who care about our planet and global justice." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (93 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Focusing on S.E. Asia, the economics of climate change and the relationship between climate change and economic development, this book examines the region's vulnerability to the impact of climate change, forecasts environmental and economic outcomes and opportunities these factors provide for policy actions towards alleviating this vulnerability." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Sands, a British international lawyer and law professor, delivers a cool, reasoned lashing to the Bush administration for leading—and to Tony Blair for colluding with—a 'full-scale assault' on the international rule of law, in this richly detailed survey of modern international legal disputes." – Publisher's Weekly Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (13 ratings)
"This book shows that while CO2 contributes to climate conditions it is not a primary driver, and that the climate models on which energy policies are based are invalid. It also addresses the unconscionable tactics employed by politicians and their media acolytes to perpetuate the myth that human-caused CO2 is responsible for global warming and climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (6 ratings)
"Even as inequalities widen, the effects of austerity deepen, and the consequences of recession linger, in many countries the wealth of the rich has soared. Why We Can't Afford the Rich exposes the unjust and dysfunctional mechanisms that allow the top 1% to siphon off wealth produced by others through the control of property and money. Leading social scientist Andrew Sayer shows how over the past three decades the rich worldwide have increased their ability to hide their wealth, create indebtedness, and expand their political influence. "Aimed at all engaged citizens, this important and accessible book uses simple distinctions to burst the myth of the rich as especially talented wealth creators. But more than this, as the risk of runaway climate change grows, it shows how the rich are threatening the planet by banking on unsustainable growth. Forcefully arguing that the crises of economy and climate can only be resolved by radical change, Sayer makes clear that we must make economies sustainable, fair, and conducive to well being for all." (Emphasis added) Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (14 ratings)
" 'The oceans have always shaped human lives,' writes marine biologist Helen Scales in her vibrant new book The Brilliant Abyss, but the surface and the very edges have so far mattered the most. 'However, one way or another, the future ocean is the deep ocean.' "A golden era of deep-sea discovery is underway (sic). Revolutionary studies in the deep are rewriting the very notion of life on Earth and the rules of what is possible. In the process, the abyss is being revealed as perhaps the most amazing part of our planet, with a topography even more varied and extreme than its Earthbound (sic) counterpart. Teeming with unsuspected life, an extraordinary interconnected ecosystem deep below the waves has a huge effect on our daily lives, influencing climate and weather systems, with the potential for much more―good or bad depending on how it is exploited. Currently the fantastic creatures that live in the deep―many of them incandescent in a world without light―and its formations capture and trap vast quantities of carbon that would otherwise poison our atmosphere; and novel bacteria as yet undiscovered hold the promise of potent new medicines. Yet the deep also holds huge mineral riches lusted after by many nations and corporations; mining them could ultimately devastate the planet, compounded by the deepening impacts of ubiquitous pollutants and rampant overfishing. "Eloquently and passionately, Helen Scales brings to life the majesty and mystery of an alien realm that nonetheless sustains us, while urgently making clear the price we could pay if it is further disrupted. The Brilliant Abyss is at once a revelation and a clarion call to preserve this vast unseen world." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (42 ratings)
"In this thought-provoking work, journalist Schapiro (Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products) tackles the question: 'What are the costs of climate change?' In search of an answer, he embarks on a multi-year investigation that sends him across the globe. To humanize the issue, Schapiro traces the carbon footprint he leaves through such trips as a flight to Siberia, visits to the biggest commercial nursery west of the Mississippi and to Manchester (England's former textiles center), and a tour of Guangzhou, 'one of the top ten carbon-emitting provinces in a country that is itself the leading emitter.' " – Publishers' Weekly Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (11 ratings)
"Scientists have devised a new term to explain the turmoil caused by climate change: the end of stationarity. It means that our baselines for rainfall, water flow, temperature, and extreme weather are no longer relevant—that making predictions based on past experience is no longer possible. But climate change has upended baselines in the financial world, too, disrupting the global economy in ways that are just becoming clear, leaving us unable to assess risk, and causing us to fundamentally re-think economic priorities and existing business models. "The End of Stationarity deftly depicts the wild, new carbon economy, and shows us how nations, emerging and developed, teeter on its brink. Originally published in hardcover as Carbon Shock, the book is updated throughout and includes a new afterword, based on the Paris climate talks." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Without resolute counteraction, climate change will overstretch many societies' adaptive capacities within the coming decades. This could result in destabilization and violence, jeopardizing national and international security to a new degree." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"With urgency and wit, Tatiana Schlossberg explains that far from being only a distant problem of the natural world created by the fossil fuel industry, climate change is all around us, all the time, lurking everywhere in our convenience-driven society, all without our realizing it. By examining the unseen and unconscious environmental impacts in four areas—the Internet and technology, food, fashion, and fuel—Schlossberg helps readers better understand why climate change is such a complicated issue, and how it connects all of us: How streaming a movie on Netflix in New York burns coal in Virginia; how eating a hamburger in California might contribute to pollution in the Gulf of Mexico; how buying an inexpensive cashmere sweater in Chicago expands the Mongolian desert; how destroying forests from North Carolina is necessary to generate electricity in England. "Cataloging the complexities and frustrations of our carbon-intensive society with a dry sense of humor, Schlossberg makes the climate crisis and its solutions interesting and relevant to everyone who cares, even a little, about the planet. She empowers readers to think about their stuff and the environment in a new way, helping them make more informed choices when it comes to the future of our world. "Most importantly, this is a book about the power we have as voters and consumers to make sure that the fight against climate change includes all of us and all of our stuff, not just industry groups and politicians. If we have any hope of solving the problem, we all have to do it together." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (27 ratings)
"An unprecedented union of scientific analysis and stunning photography illustrating the effects of climate change on the global ecosystem." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (20 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Piecing together events like a detective story, Schneider reveals that as expert consensus grew, well-informed activists warned of dangerous changes no one knew how to predict precisely—and special interests seized on that very uncertainty to block any effective response." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (60 ratings)
"Renewables are a game changer for interstate energy relations. Their abundance and intermittency, possibilities for decentral generation and use of rare earth materials, and generally electric nature of transportation make them very different from fossil fuels. What do these geographic and technical characteristics of renewable energy systems imply for infrastructure topology and operations, business models, and energy markets? What are the consequences for the strategic realities and policy considerations of producer, consumer, and transit countries and energy-related patterns of cooperation and conflict between them? Who are the winners and losers?" Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
I include this book because it gives insight into the thinking of the Koch family, arguably the prime motivators of resistance to low-carbon energy and climate-change mitigation. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (295 ratings)
"Coming home from the war in Iraq, US Army private Roy Scranton thought he'd left the world of strife behind. Then he watched as new calamities struck America, heralding a threat far more dangerous than ISIS or Al Qaeda: Hurricane Katrina, Superstorm Sandy, megadrought—the shock and awe of global warming." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This provocative and important overview of the challenges of and possible approaches to climate change by an expert and shared recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize is essential reading for policy makers, climate scientists, and lay persons alike." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (5 ratings)
"In this intimate reflection, Seidl, an ecologist, records her observations of life and ecology in the wooded Vermont hollow where she lives, depicting how human, animal and plant life is changing as the weather becomes warmer and less predictable. At Christmas, people are canoeing rather than skating; daffodils push through the ground in January; outbreaks of tent caterpillars, historically limited by winter deep freezes, stress the sugar bush. An ice-fishing derby is cancelled more times than it is run..." – Publisher's Weekly Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (11 ratings)
"Agricultural sustainability has been gaining prominence in recent years and is now becoming the focal point of modern agriculture. Recognizing that crop production is very sensitive to climate change, Climate Change Effect on Crop Productivity explores this timely topic in depth." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Gary Sernovitz leads a double life. A typical New York liberal, he is also an oilman — a fact his left-leaning friends let slide until the word 'fracking' entered popular parlance. 'How can you frack?' they suddenly demanded, aghast. But for Sernovitz, the real question is, 'What happens if we don't?' " Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (38 ratings)
"A gripping scientific adventure story, Brave New Arctic shows how the Arctic's extraordinary transformation serves as a harbinger of things to come if we fail to meet the challenge posed by a warming Earth." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (11 ratings)
"Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"Prof. Brenda Shaffer is a specialist on energy and foreign policy, global energy market trends, Azerbaijan, ethnic politics in Iran, the Caucasus, and energy in the Caspian and Eastern Mediterranean regions. Prof. Shaffer is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council's Global Energy Center. She is also a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (2 ratings)
"This provocative book presents compelling evidence that the fundamental problem behind environmental destruction—and climate change in particular—is the operation of liberal democracy." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.2 (6 ratings)
I'm placing this book by the Breakthrough Institute boys in the "red" category because, like Bjorn Lomborg, they tend to advise just waiting for the breakthrough technology that will solve climate change for us. By the way, there is a new edition of this book, published 2009 with a new subtitle, that is billed as a first edition. Amazon does not show the Houghton Mifflin edition (July 2020.) Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (34 ratings)
"Michael Shellenberger has been fighting for a greener planet for decades. He helped save the world’s last unprotected redwoods. He co-created the predecessor to today’s Green New Deal. And he led a successful effort by climate scientists and activists to keep nuclear plants operating, preventing a spike of emissions. But in 2019, as some claimed 'billions of people are going to die,' contributing to rising anxiety, including among adolescents, Shellenberger decided that, as a lifelong environmental activist, leading energy expert, and father of a teenage daughter, he needed to speak out to separate science from fiction. "Despite decades of news media attention, many remain ignorant of basic facts. Carbon emissions peaked and have been declining in most developed nations for over a decade. Deaths from extreme weather, even in poor nations, declined 80 percent over the last four decades. And the risk of Earth warming to very high temperatures is increasingly unlikely thanks to slowing population growth and abundant natural gas. "Curiously, the people who are the most alarmist about the problems also tend to oppose the obvious solutions. "What’s really behind the rise of apocalyptic environmentalism? There are powerful financial interests. There are desires for status and power. But most of all there is a desire among supposedly secular people for transcendence. This spiritual impulse can be natural and healthy. But in preaching fear without love, and guilt without redemption, the new religion is failing to satisfy our deepest psychological and existential needs." I'm placing this book by the former Breakthrough Institute author in the "red" category because. like Bjorn Lomborg, he tends to advise that climate change is over-hyped. And the blurb above contains some false statements: carbon emissions declining for over a decade; the risk of very high temperatures is increasingly unlikely. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (3,052 ratings)
"World-renowned environmental activist and physicist Vandana Shiva calls for a radical shift in the values that govern democracies, condemning the role that unrestricted capitalism has played in the destruction of environments and livelihoods. She explores the issues she helped bring to international attention—genetic food engineering, culture theft, and natural resource privatization—uncovering their links to the rising tide of fundamentalism, violence against women, and planetary death. Struggles on the streets of Seattle and Cancun and in homes and farms across the world have yielded a set of principles based on inclusion, nonviolence, reclaiming the commons, and freely sharing the earth's resources. These ideals, which Dr. Shiva calls "Earth Democracy," serve as an urgent call to peace and as the basis for a just and sustainable future." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (16 ratings)
An examination of the maneuvering (legal and otherwise) done by coal companies in West Virginia, with special emphasis on Massey Energy's Don Blankenship. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (25 ratings)
Not only climate science, but science in several fields was the target of the GW Bush administration — as this book shows. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (12 ratings)
"Replete with striking photos, maps, and charts, The Climate of Alaska presents a detailed picture of what to expect in this state of climate extremes. From the 40-below temperatures of the Interior to the twenty-four hours of daylight in a northern summer, Alaska's climate presents challenges to its inhabitants on a daily basis. Readers will find accessible descriptions of temperature, humidity, precipitation, and climate change that will enrich a visit to the state and provide insight on the living conditions of this fascinating place." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (4 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (1,094 ratings)
Science fiction author Silverberg has given us one of the earliest glimpses of our climate future. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (4 ratings)
"What if what we think we know about ecology and environmental policy is just wrong? What if environmental laws often make things worse? What if the very idea of nature has been hijacked by politics? What if wilderness is something we create in our minds, as opposed to being an actual description of nature? Developing answers to these questions and developing implications of those answers are our purposes in this book. Two themes guide us—political ecology and political entrepreneurship. Combining these two concepts, which we develop in some detail, leads us to recognize that sometimes in their original design and certainly in their implementation, major U.S. environmental laws are more about opportunism and ideology than good management and environmental improvement." – the authors Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"How do individuals decide whether to accept human causes of climate change, vaccinate their children against childhood diseases, or practice social distancing during a pandemic? Democracies depend on educated citizens who can make informed decisions for the benefit of their health and well-being, as well as their communities, nations, and planet. Understanding key psychological explanations for science denial and doubt can help provide a means for improving scientific literacy and understanding―critically important at a time when denial has become deadly. In Science Denial: Why It Happens and What to Do About It, the authors identify the problem and why it matters and offer tools for addressing it. This book explains both the importance of science education and its limitations, shows how science communicators may inadvertently contribute to the problem, and explains how the internet and social media foster misinformation and disinformation. The authors focus on key psychological constructs such as reasoning biases, social identity, epistemic cognition, and emotions and attitudes that limit or facilitate public understanding of science, and describe solutions for individuals, educators, science communicators, and policy makers. If you have ever wondered why science denial exists, want to know how to understand your own biases and those of others, and would like to address the problem, this book will provide the insights you are seeking." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Singer's masterful analysis decisively shows that the pessimistic, and often alarming, global warming scenarios depicted in the media have no scientific basis." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (18 ratings)
Singer and Avery fail to make their case. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (252 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (4 ratings)
"Solar energy, once a niche application for a limited market, has become the cheapest and fastest-growing power source on earth. What's more, its potential is nearly limitless—every hour the sun beams down more energy than the world uses in a year. But in Taming the Sun, energy expert Varun Sivaram warns that the world is not yet equipped to harness erratic sunshine to meet most of its energy needs. And if solar's current surge peters out, prospects for replacing fossil fuels and averting catastrophic climate change will dim." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (49 ratings)
"Some scientists predict the sea will rise one and a half meters before 2100, but rapidly melting polar ice caps could make the real amount much higher. In the coming century, intensifying storms will batter our coasts, and droughts and heat events will be annual threats. All this will occur as population grows, and declining water resources desiccate agriculture. What will happen when the United States cannot provide food or fresh water for the overheated, overcrowded cities where 80 percent of Americans currently live?" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (22 ratings)
"A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel-driven civilization." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (16 ratings)
"A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel-driven civilization." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (16 ratings)
"A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel-driven civilization." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (16 ratings)
"As the waters receded, New Orleans picked itself up by its bootstraps and flipped Hurricane Katrina a rude finger gesture as she tucked tail and ran. But what would happen if Katrina was only the first in a long line of increasingly more severe storms? Could our beloved N'Orleans and the surrounding delta survive? In Sherri L. Smith's Orleans, we get a terrifying glimpse of a world that we pray doesn't resemble our future. "Fen survives in the Delta like everyone else. They have no choice. After hurricane after worsening hurricane battered the area into total submission, Delta Fever took over. Delta Fever was unstoppable and the rest of the country had no choice. They built the wall. They separated themselves from the Delta region, and left it to fend for itself. Now, decades later, inside the wall is assumed to be a wasteland with few survivors. Daniel wants to find a cure to Delta Fever, but his closest attempt only made the virus worse. Instead of giving up, he heads to Orleans to gather data that is unavailable outside the wall. "Once inside, though, he is shocked to find a thriving, albeit bloodthirsty, way of life. Fen, a teenaged O-Pos girl, lives that life well. Everyone survives better in a tribe, but when her tribe is brutally murdered and she is left with an infant from the tribe's leader, she can only think of taking care of Baby. Although Daniel is a liability, he also helped her and Baby escape the Blood Farm, so she owes him. While she doesn't think she can give him [what] he is looking for, especially in the lawless city of Orleans, she can certainly guide him there. But there is a lot more waiting for innocent, unsuspecting kids than just Delta Fever. Orleans is full of shadows. "This was a really interesting post-apocalyptic story. It was terrifying to see how quickly the region spiraled downwards, and how the rest of the country was totally willing to quarantine the area with Delta Fever unrelenting and incurable. I have family who lived through Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey, and it was until I saw the actual destruction a hurricane can cause, I didn't truly understand what a city like New Orleans has lived through. Sandy may have caused a lot of monetary damage that crippled a lot of people, but Katrina crippled a culture. Although they bounced back, as is the nature of those fierce Cajuns, Katrina will always be a part of their culture now, for better or for worse. The idea of shutting out a whole part of the country and calling it quits was terrifying, but how far would we really go if we couldn't control a deadly virus?" – a customer reviewer Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (68 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (107 ratings)
"Eminent environmentalist Lawrence Solomon set out to find whether any real scientists diverged from global warming orthodoxy. What he found shocked him. Not only did world renowned scientists dissent on every headline warming issue, but the dissenters were far more accomplished and eminent scientists. This fully revised new paperback edition features two new chapters: fresh exposes on climate profiteers (there are many) and global warming affirmers (there are few)." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (11 ratings)
"The theory of the Earth's climate evolution based on universal chemical-physical laws of matter-energy transformation is presented in the book. It shows how the process of Earth's core separation has led to formation and evolution of the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Having analyzed the processes of heat transfer in the atmosphere, the writers developed the adiabatic theory of the greenhouse effect, which was applied for analysis of climatic changes on the Earth. The influence of changes in climate on formation of mineral deposits and development of life on Earth was considered and presented based on modeling of typical climatic regimes. It shows that the anthropogenic effect on the Earth's global temperature is negligible in comparison with the effect of global forces of nature." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.1 (3 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.4 (19 ratings)
"Forsaking blindingly technical statistics and doomsday scenarios, Dr. Spencer explains in simple terms how the climate system really works, why man's role in global warming is more myth than science, and how the global warming hype has corrupted Washington and the scientific community." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (159 ratings)
"In fact, Spencer presents astonishing new evidence that recent warming is not the fault of humans, but the result of chaotic, internal natural cycles that have been causing periods of warming and cooling for millennia. More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not necessarily to be feared; The Great Global Warming Blunder explains that burning of fossil fuels may actually be beneficial for life on Earth." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (130 ratings)
"Updated 2nd Edition: Al Gore's new movie An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is reviewed for its accuracy in climate science and energy policy. As was the case with Gore's first movie (An Inconvenient Truth), the movie is bursting with bad science, bad policy and some outright falsehoods." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (478 ratings)
"Forsaking blindingly technical statistics and doomsday scenarios, Dr. Spencer explains in simple terms how the climate system really works, why man's role in global warming is more myth than science, and how the global warming hype has corrupted Washington and the scientific community." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (37 ratings)
"This book draws on decades of climate research to explain why the threat of anthropogenic climate change has been grossly exaggerated. Global warming and associated climate change exists - but the role of humans in that change is entirely debatable." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (71 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"Revealing extensive scientific evidence that the global warming crisis is far worse than officially indicated, this meticulously documented call-to-action argues that the planet is almost at the point of no return." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"French cartoonist-journalist Squarzoni, who practices his craft in the vein of Joe Sacco and Guy Delisle, digs deep into the science, economics, politics, international policies, and ethics that together force cataclysmic climate change into our very near global future. While the experts he interviews throughout this volume present accessible yet technically specific details about how we got where we are and what possible ways ahead are practical, it is by inserting himself and his personal exploration of responsibilities and choices that Squarzoni makes the most demanding call to action: we cannot address as mere individuals the inequities visited on the planet, but without recognizing our personal responsibility, we can't address it culturally or politically in a timely manner. Squarzoni's realistic, black-and-white art presents expressive faces, a geographic range of naturally dramatic landscapes, and the occasional succinct hyperbole, one of the most potent of which riffs on Eddie Adams' iconic 1968 Vietnam War execution photo, here with a gas pump replacing the original handgun. The plethora of contributing experts, a detailed index, and its multifaceted exploration make this required reading for both the general public and subject specialists." – Francisca Goldsmith, Booklist Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (29 ratings)
"For 25 years, as director of San Francisco State University's Sierra Nevada Field Campus, Jim Steele has opened the eyes and ears of countless students to the magic of California's Sierra Nevada. His first book, Landscapes and Cycles: An Environmentalist's Journey to Climate Skepticism, will likewise open your minds. It compares the effects of landscape changes, natural cycles and climate change on polar bears, whales, walruses, penguins, frogs, pika, butterflies and marine ecosystems. Although it is wise to think globally, all wildlife reacts locally and all regions of the earth have been behaving very differently from what a globally averaged statistic might suggest. Despite media horror stories, many species have benefitted from recent climate change. Those species that are struggling have invariably been affected by issues other than climate change and require very different remedies. Controlling our carbon footprints will never address the most pressing issues of habitat loss and watershed degradation." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (56 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Steinberg's Acts of God is a provocative history of natural disasters in the United States. This revised edition features a new chapter analyzing the failed response to Hurricane Katrina, a disaster Steinberg warned could happen when the book first was published. Focusing on America's worst natural disasters, Steinberg argues that it is wrong to see these tragedies as random outbursts of nature's violence or expressions of divine judgment. He reveals how the decisions of business leaders and government officials have paved the way for the greater losses of life and property, especially among those least able to withstand such blows—America's poor, elderly, and minorities. Seeing nature or God as the primary culprit, Steinberg explains, has helped to hide the fact that some Americans are simply better able to protect themselves from the violence of nature than others." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (20 ratings)
The devil-may-care attitude of coal barons has not changed since the 1900s. Gerald Stern shows us that attitude operating in 1976. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.3 (6 ratings)
Sir Nicholas explains how and why the fixes for global poverty and global warming go hand in hand. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (11 ratings)
"The risks of climate change are potentially immense. The benefits of taking action are also clear: we can see that economic development, reduced emissions, and creative adaptation go hand in hand. A committed and strong low-carbon transition could trigger a new wave of economic and technological transformation and investment, a new era of global and sustainable prosperity. Why, then, are we waiting? In this book, Nicholas Stern explains why, notwithstanding the great attractions of a new path, it has been so difficult to tackle climate change effectively. He makes a compelling case for climate action now and sets out the forms that action should take." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (4 ratings)
"Examining today's headline-making questions through the authoritative lens of science and history, New York Times science reporter William K. Stevens offers this definitive look at the science of climatic change. He introduces us to the international community of scientists whose newfound consensus — the earth is indeed getting warmer, and human activity is at least partially at fault — remains a topic of fierce debate." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.2 (6 ratings)
A collection of quotations from various scientists that purports to falsify Michael Mann's "Hockey Stick" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (455 ratings)
Three editorial reviews, quoted without comment:
Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (467 ratings)
"In 1999, Texas passed a landmark clean energy law, beginning a groundswell of new policies that promised to make the US a world leader in renewable energy. As Leah Stokes shows in Short Circuiting Policy, however, that policy did not lead to momentum in Texas, which failed to implement its solar laws or clean up its electricity system. Examining clean energy laws in Texas, Kansas, Arizona, and Ohio over a thirty-year time frame, Stokes argues that organized combat between advocate and opponent interest groups is central to explaining why states are not on track to address the climate crisis. She tells the political history of our energy institutions, explaining how fossil fuel companies and electric utilities have promoted climate denial and delay. Stokes further explains the limits of policy feedback theory, showing the ways that interest groups drive retrenchment through lobbying, public opinion, political parties and the courts. More than a history of renewable energy policy in modern America, Short Circuiting Policy offers a bold new argument about how the policy process works, and why seeming victories can turn into losses when the opposition has enough resources to roll back laws." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"In What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming, Stoknes not only masterfully identifies the five main psychological barriers to climate action, but addresses them with five strategies for how to talk about global warming in a way that creates action and solutions, not further inaction and despair." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (34 ratings)
"The National Research Laboratory GKSS (member of the Hermann von Helmholtz-Association of German Reserach Centres) located in Geesthacht, near Hamburg, is engaged in environmental research. The main interest of the research center focuses on regional climatology and climate dynamics, interdecadal variations in the state of the Baltic and North Sea and related estuaries, and the flow of heavy metals, nutrients, and other materials in river catchments to the coastal zones." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Temperature adaptation is a much neglected field in the minds of climate change researchers and policy makers. However, increasing fluctuations in temperature means that the risk of cold and heat stress will pose an increasing threat to both wild and cultivated plants and animals, with frost injury expected to cause devastating damage to crops on an increasingly large scale. Improving shared knowledge of the biological mechanisms of temperature adaptation in plants and animals will help prevent major losses of crops and genetic resources in the future. This book is the first to focus on the mechanistic similarities between species in their responses to temperature in a multi-organism approach that addresses the challenges and impacts of climate change on temperature adaptation in micro-organisms (including pathogens), invertebrates, economically and scientifically important plants and vertebrates in both terrestrial and marine environments. The book concludes with a focus on the interactions between organisms, exploring common mechanisms in temperature adaptation." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Despite a growing interest in critical social and political studies of climate change, the field remains fragmented and diffuse. This is the first volume to collect this body of scholarship, providing a key reference point in the growing debate about climate change across the social sciences. The book provides a new set of insights into the ways in which climate change is creating new forms of social order, and the ways in which they are structured through the workings of rationality, power and politics. Governing the Climate is invaluable for three main audiences: social science researchers and advanced students in the field of climate change; the wider research community interested in global environmental politics and global environmental governance; and policy makers and researchers concerned more broadly with environmental politics at international, national and local levels." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"This book reveals that what the public has been led to believe about man-made global warming alarmism, and about the IPCC, often is misleading or just plain wrong, and that the IPCC's climate alarmism is not actually backed by science but rather by shonky predictions from unreliable computer models." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
Between charges of communism, former meteorologist Sussman throws in the standard Denialist talking points. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (166 ratings)
"Exorbitant energy prices, rolling blackouts, acute food shortages, critical water deficiencies, and private property rights usurped: this is America's future as envisioned by the environmental movement's well-honed green agenda. In order to de-develop the United States, the Left is using phony environmental crises to demonize capitalism and liberty, and purposefully withhold America's vast natural resources—and the Obama Administration is piloting the plan. Eco-Tyranny, by best-selling author Brian Sussman, presents a rational strategy to responsibly harvest our nation's vast resources in order to fulfill the future needs of a rapidly growing population." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (56 ratings)
"Climate change is the most important crisis humanity has faced, but we still confront huge barriers to resolving it. So, what do we do, and is there hope for humanity? The problem itself is complex, and there's no single solution. But by understanding the barriers to resolving global warming and by employing a wide range of solutions—from shifting to clean energy to planting trees to reforming agricultural practices—we can get the world back on track." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.7 (3 ratings)
"With glaciers melting, oceans growing more acidic, species dying out, and catastrophic events like Hurricane Katrina ever more probable, strong steps must be taken now to slow global warming. Further warming threatens entire regional economies and the well being of whole populations, and in this century alone, it could create a global cataclysm." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (7 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (256 ratings)
"It's accepted wisdom today that human beings have permanently damaged the natural world, causing extinction, deforestation, pollution, and of course climate change. But in Inheritors of the Earth, biologist Chris Thomas shows that this obscures a more hopeful truth—we're also helping nature grow and change. Human cities and mass agriculture have created new places for enterprising animals and plants to live, and our activities have stimulated evolutionary change in virtually every population of living species. Most remarkably, Thomas shows, humans may well have raised the rate at which new species are formed to the highest level in the history of our planet." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.9 (9 ratings)
"Coal-fired power plants emit air pollution that harms public health and contributes to climate change. In the US, states determine exactly how power plants must meet the Clean Air Act's standards. In Climate of Capitulation, Vivian Thomson offers an insider's account of how power is wielded at the state level when coal air pollution threatens people and ecosystems. Thomson, a former member of Virginia's State Air Pollution Control Board, identifies a "climate of capitulation" in state government — a deeply rooted favoritism toward coal and electric utilities in states' air pollution policies." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (8 ratings)
"This book is the first to present a detailed and critical appraisal of the geo-scale engineering interventions that have been proposed as potential measures to counter the devastation of run-away global warming. Early chapters set the scene with a discussion of projections of future CO2 emissions and techniques for predicting climate tipping points. Subsequent chapters then review proposals to limit CO2 concentrations through improved energy technologies, removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, and stimulated uptake by the oceans. Schemes for solar radiation management involving the reflection of sunlight back into space and using artificially brightened clouds and stratospheric aerosols are also assessed." Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
"Defending the role that science must play in democratic society—science defined not just in terms of technology but as a way of approaching problems and viewing the world. In this collection of original essays, experts in political science, the hard sciences, philosophy, history, and other disciplines examine contemporary anti-science trends, and make a strong case that respect for science is essential for a healthy democracy. The editors note that a contradiction lies at the heart of modern society. On the one hand, we inhabit a world increasingly dominated by science and technology. On the other, opposition to science is prevalent in many forms—from arguments against the teaching of evolution and the denial of climate change to the promotion of alternative medicine and outlandish claims about the effects of vaccinations. Adding to this grass-roots hostility toward science are academics espousing postmodern relativism, which equates the methods of science with regimes of "power-knowledge." While these cultural trends are sometimes marketed in the name of "democratic pluralism," the contributors contend that such views are actually destructive of a broader culture appropriate for a democratic society. This is especially true when facts are degraded as "fake news" and scientists are dismissed as elitists. Rather than enhancing the capacity for rational debate and critical discourse, the authors view such anti-science stances on either the right or the left as a return to premodern forms of subservience to authority and an unwillingness to submit beliefs to rational scrutiny. Beyond critiquing attitudes hostile to science, the essays in this collection put forward a positive vision for how we might better articulate the relation between science and democracy and the benefits that accrue from cultivating this relationship." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (4 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
"The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) is a fast reactor system developed at Argonne National Laboratory in the decade 1984 to 1994. The IFR project developed the technology for a complete system; the reactor, the entire fuel cycle and the waste management technologies were all included in the development program. The reactor concept had important features and characteristics that were completely new and fuel cycle and waste management technologies that were entirely new developments." – authors Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (32 ratings)
"This book includes graphs of NOAA climate data (precipitation, drought, and near-surface air temperature) for the Contiguous United States, for the 9 NOAA Climate Regions of the Contiguous United States, and for the 48 Contiguous United States individually for the 100-year period of 1919 to 2018. "Many people believe that climate here in the United States has worsened over the last 100 years; others believe it has improved. But which belief does the data from NOAA support for the Contiguous U.S. as a whole?" "Some people will purchase this book to confirm their beliefs about climate change here in the States, while others will purchase it to expand their understandings of climate change. I've prepared this book for the latter group. This useful reference book is intended for all U.S. residents who are serious about their data-based understandings of climate change in the United States." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"I penned the following short-story, set in the year 2017, as a series of conversations between a twentysomething daughter and her mid-50s father. The father is a heretic of the church of catastrophic human-induced global warming/climate change. The daughter, Anna, is a believer. This work includes quotes from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and a well-respected politician." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (32 ratings)
"In this short story, the characters are examining graphs of data from NOAA, USGS, EPA, and NIFC that do not support common views about human-induced climate change in the United States. Specifically, it's typically believed by naïve and gullible propaganda-programmed persons that mankind's release of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, into Earth's atmosphere has caused and is causing climate to change for the worse in the United States. In reality, however, if long-term datasets from U.S. government agencies (and fire agencies supported by government agencies) for the entire country are considered, the data show no increase in frequency, and no strengthening, of numerous types of weather events." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"A stand-out from the sea of despairing messages about climate change, well-known sustainability elder John Todd, who has taught, mentored, and inspired such well-known names in the field as Janine Benyus, Bill McKibben, and Paul Hawken, chronicles the different ecological interventions he has created over the course of his career. Each chapter offers a workable engineering solution to an existing environmental problem: healing the aftermath of mountain-top removal and valley-fill coal mining in Appalachia, using windmills and injections of bacteria to restore the health of a polluted New England pond, working with community members in a South African village to protect an important river. A mix of both success stories and concrete suggestions for solutions to tackle as yet unresolved issues, Todd's narrative provides an important addition to the conversation about specific ways we can address the planetary crisis. Eighty-five color photos and images illustrate Todd's concepts. This is a refreshingly hopeful, proactive book and also a personal story that covers a known practitioner's groundbreaking career." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (? ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 1.0 (1 rating)
"There are many books on global warming written entirely from a layman's perspective, and there is a great deal of scientific literature on this subject. But few if any books attempt to bridge the science to those who lack a rigorous background in mathematics, physics and chemistry—but who may be working on careers in environmental science and policy. The new text is designed to introduce the field of global climate change from a scientific perspective—but written in a way that is accessible to students with some or little science background. It reviews the basic principles of climatic thermodynamics and atmospheric chemistry and then goes on to explain historic trends and changes due to the burning of fossil fuels and other human-based activity on earth." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (32 ratings)
"As global demand for energy grows and prices rise, a city's energy consumption becomes increasingly tied to its economic viability, warns the author of The Very Hungry City. Austin Troy, a seasoned expert in urban environmental management, explains for general readers how a city with a high "urban energy metabolism"—that is, a city that needs large amounts of energy in order to function—will be at a competitive disadvantage in the future. He explores why cities have different energy metabolisms and discusses an array of innovative approaches to the problems of expensive energy consumption." "Troy looks at dozens of cities and suburbs in Europe and the United States—from Los Angeles to Copenhagen, Denver to the Swedish urban redevelopment project Hammarby Sjöstad—to understand the diverse factors that affect their energy use: behavior, climate, water supply, building quality, transportation, and others. He then assesses some of the most imaginative solutions that cities have proposed, among them green building, energy-efficient neighborhoods, symbiotic infrastructure, congestion pricing, transit-oriented development, and water conservation. To conclude, the author addresses planning and policy approaches that can bring about change and transform the best ideas into real solutions." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (6 ratings)
"As human-induced environmental change threatens multispecies livability, Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet puts forward a bold proposal: entangled histories, situated narratives, and thick descriptions offer urgent 'arts of living.' Included are essays by scholars in anthropology, ecology, science studies, art, literature, and bioinformatics who posit critical and creative tools for collaborative survival in a more-than-human Anthropocene. The essays are organized around two key figures that also serve as the publication's two openings: Ghosts, or landscapes haunted by the violences of modernity; and Monsters, or interspecies and intraspecies sociality. Ghosts and Monsters are tentacular, windy, and arboreal arts that invite readers to encounter ants, lichen, rocks, electrons, flying foxes, salmon, chestnut trees, mud volcanoes, border zones, graves, radioactive waste—in short, the wonders and terrors of an unintended epoch." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"In Terrestrial Energy, Tucker is not content to merely give an argument about why nuclear is the best choice for our energy future. Instead he meticulously surveys entire the energy scene that has frustrated Americans for the past 30 years. Is there such a thing as clean coal? Can we expect that onservation will ever reduce our energy consumption? "And what about the renewable energy sources (wind, solar energy, hydropower, and biofuels) and their promise of clean, plentiful power? Each has its place in America's energy mix but each of these sources also has serious problems. The limiting factor of all these technologies will not be the amount of energy radiating from the sun but the amount of land that will be required to capture and store it." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (57 ratings)
"As we wean ourselves from fossil fuels and realize the environmental costs of suburban sprawl, we will see that small cities offer many assets for sustainable living not shared by their big city or small town counterparts, including population density and nearby, fertile farmland available for new environmentally friendly uses. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (10 ratings)
"Not long ago, Republicans could take pride in their party's tradition of environmental leadership. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the GOP helped to create the Environmental Protection Agency, extend the Clean Air Act, and protect endangered species. Today, as Republicans denounce climate change as a 'hoax' and seek to dismantle the environmental regulatory state they worked to build, we are left to wonder: What happened? "In The Republican Reversal, James Morton Turner and Andrew C. Isenberg show that the party's transformation began in the late 1970s, with the emergence of a new alliance of pro-business, libertarian, and anti-federalist voters. This coalition came about through a concerted effort by politicians and business leaders, abetted by intellectuals and policy experts, to link the commercial interests of big corporate donors with states'-rights activism and Main Street regulatory distrust. Fiscal conservatives embraced cost-benefit analysis to counter earlier models of environmental policy making, and business tycoons funded think tanks to denounce federal environmental regulation as economically harmful, constitutionally suspect, and unchristian, thereby appealing to evangelical views of man's God-given dominion of the Earth. "As Turner and Isenberg make clear, the conservative abdication of environmental concern stands out as one of the most profound turnabouts in modern American political history, critical to our understanding of the GOP's modern success. The Republican reversal on the environment is emblematic of an unwavering faith in the market, skepticism of scientific and technocratic elites, and belief in American exceptionalism that have become the party's distinguishing characteristics." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"The effect of the sun's activity on climate change has been either scarcely known or overlooked. In this momentous book — first published in German as Die kalte Sonne in 2012 — Professor Fritz Vahrenholt and Dr. Sebastian Lüning demonstrate that the critical cause of global temperature change has been, and continues to be, the sun's activity." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (11 ratings)
"For decades, activists have relied on federal and state legislation to fight for a cleaner environment. And for decades, they've been fighting a losing battle. The sad truth is, our laws are designed to accommodate pollution rather than prevent it. It's no wonder people feel powerless when it comes to preserving the quality of their water, air, public parks, and special natural spaces. But there is a solution, argues veteran environmentalist Maya K. van Rossum: bypass the laws and turn to the ultimate authority—our state and federal constitutions. In 2013, van Rossum and her team won a watershed legal victory that not only protected Pennsylvania communities from ruthless frackers but affirmed the constitutional right of people in the state to a clean and healthy environment. Following this victory, van Rossum inaugurated the Green Amendment movement, dedicated to empowering every American community to mobilize for constitutional change. Now, with The Green Amendment, van Rossum lays out an inspiring new agenda for environmental advocacy, one that will finally empower people, level the playing field, and provide real hope for communities everywhere. Readers will discover:
"We all have the right to pure water, clean air, and a healthy environment. It's time to claim that right—for our own sake and that of future generations." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.9 (48 ratings)
"When the policies and activities of one country or generation harm both other nations and later generations, they constitute serious injustices. Recognizing the broad threat posed by anthropogenic climate change, advocates for an international climate policy development process have expressly aimed to mitigate this pressing contemporary environmental threat in a manner that promotes justice. Yet, while making justice a primary objective of global climate policy has been the movement's noblest aspiration, it remains an onerous challenge for policymakers. "Atmospheric Justice is the first single-authored work of political theory that addresses this pressing challenge via the conceptual frameworks of justice, equality, and responsibility. Throughout this incisive study, Steve Vanderheiden points toward ways to achieve environmental justice by exploring how climate change raises issues of both international and intergenerational justice. In addition, he considers how the design of a global climate regime might take these aims into account. Engaging with the principles of renowned political philosopher John Rawls, he expands on them by factoring in the needs of future generations. Vanderheiden also demonstrates how political theory can contribute to reaching a better understanding of the proper human response to climate change. By showing how climate policy offers insights into resolving contemporary controversies within political theory, he illustrates the ways in which applying normative theory to policy allows us to better understand both. "Thoroughly researched and persuasively argued, Atmospheric Justice makes an important step toward providing us with a set of carefully elaborated first principles for achieving environmental justice." Rating by Amazon customers: 2.5 (5 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (866 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (275 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (235 ratings)
"The build-up of scientific knowledge about climate change has increased its urgency within public debate, but also defined it as a formidable problem of governance. As such, climate change is an ?untamed risk', one with an accumulating effect and a time-dimension that differs from what ?traditional' problem-solving structures are used dealing with. International attempts at governance, like the UN Climate Change Conferences, only demonstrate this divergence. To understand these problem-solving strategies and their shortcomings better, an analysis is given of the conceptions of responsibility underlying them. It is then asked how these conceptions could better fit the specific characteristics of climate change. Through the work of the French philosopher Alain Badiou the book then arrives at an imperative for action that is at the same time inclusive and particular, offering examples of its implications for any problem-solving strategy on a national or global scale. This work thus offers ideas on policies and strategies regarding climate change, and as such can be insightful for a broad public; from policy advisors to scholars as to the generally interested reader." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Global warming is one of today's greatest challenges. The science of climate change leaves no doubt that policies to cut emissions are overdue. Yet, after twenty years of international talks and treaties, the world is now in gridlock about how best to do this." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.8 (4 ratings)
"In his nonfiction, William T. Vollmann has won acclaim as a singular voice tackling some of the most important issues of our age, from poverty to violence to the dark soul of American imperialism as it has played out on the U.S./Mexico border. Now, Vollmann turns to a topic that will define the generations to come—the factors and human actions that have led to global warming. Vollmann begins No Immediate Danger, the first volume of Carbon Ideologies, by examining and quantifying the many causes of climate change, from industrial manufacturing and agricultural practices to fossil fuel extraction, economic demand for electric power, and the justifiable yearning of people all over the world to live in comfort. Turning to nuclear power first, Vollmann then recounts multiple visits that he made at significant personal risk over the course of seven years to the contaminated no-go zones and sad ghost towns of Fukushima, Japan, beginning shortly after the tsunami and reactor meltdowns of 2011. Equipped first only with a dosimeter and then with a scintillation counter, he measured radiation and interviewed tsunami victims, nuclear evacuees, anti-nuclear organizers and pro-nuclear utility workers. "Featuring Vollmann's signature wide learning, sardonic wit, and encyclopedic research, No Immediate Danger, whose title co-opts the reassuring mantra of official Japanese energy experts, builds up a powerful, sobering picture of the ongoing nightmare of Fukushima." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.7 (15 ratings)
"The second volume of William T. Vollmann's epic book about the factors and human actions that have led to global warming begins in the coal fields of West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky, where "America's best friend" is not merely a fuel, but a "heritage." Over the course of four years Vollmann finds hollowed out towns with coal-polluted streams and acidified drinking water; makes covert visits to mountaintop removal mines; and offers documented accounts of unpaid fines for federal health and safety violations and of miners who died because their bosses cut corners to make more money. "To write about natural gas, Vollmann journeys to Greeley, Colorado, where he interviews anti-fracking activists, a city planner, and a homeowner with serious health issues from fracking. Turning to oil production, he speaks with, among others, the former CEO of Conoco and a vice president of the Bank of Oklahoma in charge of energy loans, and conducts furtive roadside interviews of guest workers performing oil-related contract labor in the United Arab Emirates." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (7 ratings)
"The Memory We Could Be moves beyond the sterile, technical language around climate change and ecology to humanize the abstraction of global warming and bring different voices into the conversation. "Drawing on sources from anthropology to hydrology, botany to economics, agronomy to astrobiology, medicine to oceanography, physics to history, the author weaves a lyrical and powerful story of our relationship with nature." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Supports AGW — a sting? Purchasers were not happy with it. Rating by Amazon customers: 1.8 (4 ratings)
"A sobering but urgent and engaging book, A Farewell to Ice shows us ice's role on our planet, its history, and the true dimensions of the current global crisis, offering readers concrete advice about what they can do, and what must be done." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (56 ratings)
"Demonstrating that climate change can and should be dealt with--and what could happen if we don't do so--Climate Shock tackles the defining environmental and public policy issue of our time." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (30 ratings)
"To further the struggle for climate justice, we need to have some idea how the existing global order is likely to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Climate Leviathan provides a radical way of thinking about the intensifying challenges to the global order. Drawing on a wide range of political thought, Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann argue that rapid climate change will transform the world's political economy and the fundamental political arrangements most people take for granted. The result will be a capitalist planetary sovereignty, a terrifying eventuality that makes the construction of viable, radical alternatives truly imperative." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"Did the Earth once undergo a super ice age, one that froze the entire planet from the poles to the equator? In Snowball Earth, gifted writer Gabrielle Walker has crafted an intriguing global adventure story, following maverick scientist Paul Hoffman's quest to prove a theory so audacious and profound that it is shaking the world of earth sciences to its core." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (36 ratings)
"In his travelogue of our near future, David Wallace-Wells brings into stark relief the climate troubles that await—food shortages, refugee emergencies, and other crises that will reshape the globe. But the world will be remade by warming in more profound ways as well, transforming our politics, our culture, our relationship to technology, and our sense of history. It will be all-encompassing, shaping and distorting nearly every aspect of human life as it is lived today." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (279 ratings)
"Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death takes its cue from James 4:7, "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Learn how the Bible powerfully confronts environmental fears and how — in God's wise design — people and nature can thrive together. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (38 ratings)
A useful overview of large-scale wind farms in China and the American midwest, with plenty of statistics. Its major flaw is the author's condemnation of nuclear power. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.1 (8 ratings)
In a grim followup to Under a Green Sky, Dr. Ward illustrates by plausible scenarios what various levels of CO2 concentration could mean as the twenty-first century glides along. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.4 (25 ratings)
This is Peter Ward's best book to date. In it he casts aside his scientific detachment and, in passages that occasionally rise to the level of poetry, he paints a grim picture of the future world we may be making for ourselves. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (65 ratings)
"What Really Causes Global Warming examines a broad range of observations that show that greenhouse warming theory is not only misguided, but not physically possible. Recent warming was caused by ozone depletion due to emissions of human-manufactured gases. We solved that problem with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer stopping the increase in global temperatures by 1998. Volcanoes also deplete ozone. The eruption of Bárõarbunga volcano in central Iceland from August 2014 to February 2015—the largest effusive, basaltic, volcanic eruption since 1783—caused 2015 to be the hottest year on record. How can we adapt?" Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (11 ratings)
"In Molecular Red, McKenzie Wark creates philosophical tools for the Anthropocene, our new planetary epoch, in which human and natural forces are so entwined that the future of one determines that of the other." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Through the writings of the world's leading experts in their fields, this book, first published in 1993, presents the general state of knowledge regarding the effects of climatic change on sea level and their associated impacts." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
The authors do a good job of explaining climate change and of telling us why why the arguments against it do not hold up. Unfortunately, the book is written in an overly formal scientific style, with too little white space. Worth reading, but not the best approach to educate the public. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (11 ratings)
"This book provides an introduction to the development of three-dimensional climate models, including their four major components: atmosphere, ocean, land/vegetation, and sea ice. The fundamental processes in each component and the interactions among them are explained using basic scientific principles, and elements of the numerical methods used in solving the model equations are also provided. The authors show how the theory and models grew historically and how well they are able to account for known aspects of the climate system. This book is written so that a reader who is only vaguely aware of climate models will be able to gain an understanding of what the models are attempting to simulate, how the models are constructed, what the models have succeeded in simulating, and how the models are being used. Examples illustrating the use of the models to simulate aspects of the current climate system are followed by examples illustrating the application of the models to important scientific areas such as understanding paleoclimates, the last millennium, the El Nino/Southern Oscillation, and the effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations on future climate change. The book is appropriate for scientists, graduate students, and upper-level undergraduates and can be used as a textbook or for self study and reference. The authors have considerably updated the book from the first edition by adding descriptions of many techniques and results developed since the mid-1980s." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (3 ratings)
Jonathan Waterman's name might have chosen his life path, for he's spent a great deal of time kayaking the waters of Alaska. He's also walked its mountains and understands its natural history. He knows what's at stake and describes it well, along with making us acquainted with some of the people who strive to preserve the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or exploit the oil that lies beneath it. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (3 ratings)
"To further the struggle for climate justice, we need to have some idea how the existing global order is likely to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Climate Leviathan provides a radical way of thinking about the intensifying challenges to the global order. Drawing on a wide range of political thought, Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann argue that rapid climate change will transform the world's political economy and the fundamental political arrangements most people take for granted. The result will be a capitalist planetary sovereignty, a terrifying eventuality that makes the construction of viable, radical alternatives truly imperative." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (29 ratings)
"Alvin Weinberg is one of the most influential nuclear engineers & physicists in the U.S., having participated in many high profile projects from the early days of nuclear research on into the 1980s. This book is his autobiography and it's peppered with first-hand accounts of major historical events." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.5 (13 ratings)
Jonathan Weiner presents the history of our understanding of the greenhouse effect clearly, showing that even Arrhenius's early estimates of how much a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere would raise Earth's temperature came reasonably close to the current number. He is concerned that, given our tendency to react to events rather than anticipate and avert them, we may delay too long before facing the problem of climate change. Yet he is cautiously hopeful. He points to the successes in dealing with acid rain and the ozone hole. And he presents perhaps the first warning of the risks of geoengineering as a solution. Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (11 ratings)
"Fishing in the Keys was like a dream in years past, and in Key West there was always a story. In the non-fiction, Insult to Our Planet & the Florida Keys, psychiatrist Dr. Weinstock weaves human sagas with vivid fishing adventures set in the mesmerizing beauty of the Florida Keys. The incredible power of nature to heal the mind is revealed through events taken with permission from his records. Marine life of great variety comes to life through informative descriptions and hundreds of photos from Key West to Alaska, exploring the uplifting and also the dismal view. At the helm are decades of research that chronicle the degradation he has witnessed, examined as a metaphor for worldwide environmental decline. "Passionate ranting backed up by science and insightful political discussion carry the reader from Key West to Alaska, at times via Washington, D.C. At the same time, life on this tiny island is presented intimately close and personal, the famous and infamous personalities seen often times 'au naturel.' Scientific and literary references run throughout, reading, research and facts are an important emphasis. Local and international impacts of marine reserves, timely regulations, cruise ships, personal watercraft and netting are revealed. Other issues affecting the climate examined scientifically include mining, tar sands, hydraulic fracturing and more. Environmental problems are exposed in depth, common sense solutions explored in this broad scale study of our planet, the only one we have." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (4 ratings)
"Current worldwide trends are not sustainable. The Club of Rome's warnings published in the book Limits to Growth are still valid. Remedies that are acceptable for the great majority tend to make things worse. We seem to be in a philosophical crisis. Pope Francis says it clearly: our common home is in deadly danger. Analyzing the philosophical crisis, the book comes to the conclusion that the world may need a "new enlightenment"; one that is not based solely on doctrine, but instead addresses a balance between humans and nature, as well as a balance between markets and the state, and the short versus long term. To do this we need to leave behind working in "silos" in favor of a more systemic approach that will require us to rethink the organization of science and education." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.5 (2 ratings)
"A Change in the Weather follows the Russell family during the tenth anniversary of the disappearance of the polar ice cap, from March 2028 through May 2029. The Arctic has inverted from heat reflector to heat sink, and the jet stream has broken from its age-old trajectory to whip the globe like an unattended fire hose. Rainfall patterns shift seasons, location, and intensity the world over. Agriculture fails. The international economy collapses. Terrorism surges." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (7 ratings)
"In this major new book Harald Welzer shows how climate change and violence go hand in hand. Climate change has far-reaching consequences for the living conditions of peoples around the world: inhabitable spaces shrink, scarce resources become scarcer, injustices grow deeper, not only between North and South but also between generations, storing up material for new social tensions and giving rise to violent conflicts, civil wars and massive refugee flows. Climate change poses major new challenges in terms of security, responsibility and justice, but as Welzer makes disturbingly clear, very little is being done to confront them." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.0 (5 ratings)
"Global climate change and global refugee crises will soon become inextricably interlinked. A new tsunami of climate refugees flows across the earth. We are now at the moment of truth." – the authors Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (4 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"In the modern era, two types of international migration have consumed our attention: politically induced migration to flee war, genocide, and instability, and migration for economic reasons. Recently, though, another force has generated a new wave of refugees-global warming. Climate change has altered terrains and economies throughout the tropical regions of the world, from sub-Saharan Africa to Central America to South and Southeast Asia. In Climate Change and Migration, Greg White provides a rich account of the phenomenon. Focusing on climate-induced migration from Africa to Europe, White shows how global warming's impact on international relations has been significant, enhancing the security regimes in not only the advanced economies of the North Atlantic, but in the states that serve as transit points between the most advanced and most desperate nations. Furthermore, he demonstrates that climate change has altered the way the nations involved view their own sovereignty, as tightening or defining borders in both Europe and North Africa leads to an increase of the state's reaches over society. White closes by arguing that a serious and comprehensive program to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change is the only long-term solution. With an in-depth coverage of both environmental and border policy from a global perspective, Climate Change and Migration provides a provocative and much-needed link between two of the most pressing issues in contemporary international politics." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
"Despite three decades of scientists' warnings and environmentalists' best efforts, the political will and public engagement necessary to fuel robust action on global climate change remain in short supply. Katharine K. Wilkinson shows that, contrary to popular expectations, faith-based efforts are emerging and strengthening to address this problem. In the US, perhaps none is more significant than evangelical climate care. "Drawing on extensive focus group and textual research and interviews, Between God & Green explores the phenomenon of climate care, from its historical roots and theological grounding to its visionary leaders and advocacy initiatives. Wilkinson examines the movement's reception within the broader evangelical community, from pew to pulpit. She shows that by engaging with climate change as a matter of private faith and public life, leaders of the movement challenge traditional boundaries of the evangelical agenda, partisan politics, and established alliances and hostilities. These leaders view sea-level rise as a moral calamity, lobby for legislation written on both sides of the aisle, and partner with atheist scientists. "Wilkinson reveals how evangelical environmentalists are reshaping not only the landscape of American climate action, but the contours of their own religious community. Though the movement faces complex challenges, climate care leaders continue to leverage evangelicalism's size, dominance, cultural position, ethical resources, and mechanisms of communication to further their cause to bridge God and green." Rating by Amazon customers: 3.6 (5 ratings)
"America's aging electricity infrastructure is deteriorating rapidly even as the need for highly reliable electric service—driven by the explosion of digital technology—continues to rise. Largely missing from national discussions, however, is a coherent, comprehensive national strategy for modernizing this critical infrastructure. Energy expert Mason Willrich presents just such a strategy in this book, connecting the dots across electric utilities, independent suppliers, government bureaucracies, political jurisdictions, and academic disciplines. He explains the need for a coherent approach, offers a framework for analyzing policy options, and proposes a step-by-step strategy for modernizing electrical infrastructure, end-to-end, in a way that ensures the delivery of affordable, reliable, secure, and environmentally sustainable electricity services." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (3 ratings)
"Climate change isn't an abstraction in the far North. It is a reality that has already dramatically altered daily life, especially that of the native peoples who still live largely off the land and sea. Because nature shows her footprints so plainly here, the region is also a lure for scientists intent on comprehending the complexities of climate change. In this gripping account, Charles Wohlforth follows the two groups as they navigate a radically shifting landscape. The scientists attempt to decipher its smallest elements and to derive from them a set of abstract laws and models. The natives draw on uncannily accurate traditional knowledge, borne of long experience living close to the land. Even as they see the same things—a Native elder watches weather coming through too fast to predict; a climatologist notes an increased frequency of cyclonic systems—the two cultures struggle to reconcile their vastly different ways of comprehending the environment." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (10 ratings)
"Given the all-encompassing reach of climate change, Climate Change and the Law allows students to study how the many different areas of law—public international law, public administrative law, federal environmental law, state and municipal regulations, and the common law—can be implicated in addressing a major social issue." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (31 ratings)
"We live in a world where humans are using more energy with each passing year. This popular text explores the science behind energy production and its impact on the planet. While acknowledging that energy-driven climate change is the dominant energy issue of this century, author Richard Wolfson allows the science to speak for itself; students receive the tools and information they need to weigh challenging trade-offs and draw informed conclusions." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 3.8 (3 ratings)
"The transition to a low carbon economy is irresistible and energy remains at the heart of global climate change solutions. Effective renewable energy policy is absolutely crucial in shaping competitive and attractive markets. However, energy markets are highly complex, living systems that involve a variety of technologies spanning a wide range of technical and economic maturity. Each market is unique so there is no one-size-fits-all policy formula that can put the global power system on a firmer path to the low carbon economy. A Primer on Climate Change and Renewable Energy Policies and Regulations takes a pragmatic look at the available choices and evaluates the mechanisms, key considerations, pros and cons, and examples of what worked and what did not and why." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (2 ratings)
"This book exposes what is wrong with environmental law and offers transformational change based on the public trust doctrine. An ancient and enduring principle, the trust doctrine asserts public property rights to crucial resources. Its core logic compels government, as trustee, to protect natural inheritance such as air and water for all humanity." – publisher Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (31 ratings)
"Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity, a definitive manifestation of the well-worn links between progress and devastation. This book explores the complex relationship that the corporate world has with climate change and examines the central role of corporations in shaping political and social responses to the climate crisis. The principal message of the book is that despite the need for dramatic economic and political change, corporate capitalism continues to rely on the maintenance of 'business as usual'. The authors explore the different processes through which corporations engage with climate change. Key discussion points include climate change as business risk, corporate climate politics, the role of justification and compromise, and managerial identity and emotional reactions to climate change. Written for researchers and graduate students, this book moves beyond descriptive and normative approaches to provide a sociologically and critically informed theory of corporate responses to climate change." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (1 rating)
"THIS IS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE AND CONSERVATIVE BOOK ON CLIMATE CHANGE IN PRINT. It contains all the Major Claims made by Proponents of Man-made Climate Change ... or Anthropogenic Global Warming. It contains all their major False Predictions on Climate and Oil for over a hundred years! It contains a refutation of the claim that 97% of scientists accept Climate Change. It contains their ZERO Debate Performance. It contains their false scientific claims about "Fossil Fuels" and Solar Energy and Electric Cars. It contains all the Natural Climate Change Causes. It covers the efffects of CO2 on the Climate, Ozone Holes, Cataclysmic events, Pollution, the benefits of higher CO2 and smoke, etc. IT covers the millions of people dying from Environmental Extremism and Policies. It contains Environmental Religionism and true Religion. IT IS A LIBRARY ON THIS ISSUE!" Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.7 (19 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 3.0 (1 rating)
"From flammable tap water and sick livestock to the recent onset of hundreds of earthquakes in Oklahoma, the impact of fracking in the United States is far-reaching and deeply felt. In Fractivism Sara Ann Wylie traces the history of fracking and the ways scientists and everyday people are coming together to hold accountable an industry that has managed to evade regulation. Beginning her story in Colorado, Wylie shows how nonprofits, landowners, and community organizers are creating novel digital platforms and databases to track unconventional oil and gas well development and document fracking's environmental and human health impacts. These platforms model alternative approaches for academic and grassroots engagement with the government and the fossil fuel industry. A call to action, Fractivism outlines a way forward for not just the fifteen million Americans who live within a mile of an unconventional oil or gas well, but for the planet as a whole." Rating by Amazon customers: ? (0 ratings)
Eh? Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (446 ratings)
"The world is being shaken by the collision of energy, climate change, and the clashing power of nations in a time of global crisis. Out of this tumult is emerging a new map of energy and geopolitics. The 'shale revolution' in oil and gas has transformed the American economy, ending the 'era of shortage' but introducing a turbulent new era. Almost overnight, the United States has become the world's number one energy powerhouse. Yet concern about energy's role in climate change is challenging the global economy and way of life, accelerating a second energy revolution in the search for a low-carbon future. All of this has been made starker and more urgent by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic dark age that it has wrought. "World politics is being upended, as a new cold war develops between the United States and China, and the rivalry grows more dangerous with Russia, which is pivoting east toward Beijing. Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping are converging both on energy and on challenging American leadership, as China projects its power and influence in all directions. The South China Sea, claimed by China and the world's most critical trade route, could become the arena where the United States and China directly collide. The map of the Middle East, which was laid down after World War I, is being challenged by jihadists, revolutionary Iran, ethnic and religious clashes, and restive populations. But the region has also been shocked by the two recent oil price collapses—and by the very question of oil's future in the rest of this century. "A master storyteller and global energy expert, Daniel Yergin takes the reader on an utterly riveting and timely journey across the world's new map. He illuminates the great energy and geopolitical questions in an era of rising political turbulence and points to the profound challenges that lie ahead." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.6 (977 ratings)
"We don't have an energy crisis. We have a consumption crisis. And this book, which takes aim at cherished assumptions regarding energy, offers refreshingly straight talk about what's wrong with the way we think and talk about the problem. Though we generally believe we can solve environmental problems with more energy—more solar cells, wind turbines, and biofuels—alternative technologies come with their own side effects and limitations. How, for instance, do solar cells cause harm? Why can't engineers solve wind power's biggest obstacle? Why won't contraception solve the problem of overpopulation lying at the heart of our concerns about energy, and what will? "This practical, environmentally informed, and lucid book persuasively argues for a change of perspective. If consumption is the problem, as Ozzie Zehner suggests, then we need to shift our focus from suspect alternative energies to improving social and political fundamentals: walkable communities, improved consumption, enlightened governance, and, most notably, women's rights. The dozens of first steps he offers are surprisingly straightforward. For instance, he introduces a simple sticker that promises a greater impact than all of the nation's solar cells. He uncovers why carbon taxes won't solve our energy challenges (and presents two taxes that could). Finally, he explores how future environmentalists will focus on similarly fresh alternatives that are affordable, clean, and can actually improve our well-being." I would expect a book published by the University of Nebraska to be reputable. However, given Ozzie Zehner's performance in Planet of the Humans, a film produced by Michael Moore and released on 21 April 2020, I fear this one is not. Rating by Amazon customers: 4.2 (86 ratings)
"Plan, fund, and successfully implement renewable energy storage projects using the expert information contained in this comprehensive guide. Green Electrical Energy Storage: Science and Finance for Total Fossil Fuel Substitution thoroughly explains the theories and technologies used in the many different kinds of electric energy storage along with pertinent economics, legal, and financing information. Written by a recognized expert in the field, the book offers detailed coverage of electrochemical, chemical, electrical, and flywheel mechanical energy storage devices, their integration in energy systems using renewable energy sources, the financial and legal tools to build them." Rating by Amazon customers: 4.3 (4 ratings)
"This book explores the history of agriculture, and the threat that climate change imposes for all aspects of our daily bread. While these challenges are severe and significant, it argues that we are not without hope, and offers a wide range of solutions, from polyculture farming to feminism that can, when applied, lead to a better future for humankind." Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (8 ratings)
"The Green New Deal (GND) represents a massive increase in the power of government over the ability of individuals and businesses to use their resources in ways that they deem appropriate. Yet despite its purported goal of limiting future temperature increases by drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it will likely have no measurable impact on temperatures. At its core, the GND is the substitution of central planning in place of market forces for resource allocation, specifically in the US energy and transportation sectors and more broadly in the broad industrial, business, and housing sectors. A GND policy would yield no benefits in its central energy, environment, and climate context, but it would impose large economic costs." Enormous costs, negligible benefits — the same old Libertarian song and dance Rating by Amazon customers: 5.0 (5 ratings)
NOTE: The entries in the above table are sorted by last name of principal author, and then by title (if applicable.) Most of the titles are shown in green to indicate factual content. Any books by "skeptics" are marked by a red title rather than a green one, while the fictional works dealing with climate change (a relative handful) have titles in blue. Recently (spring 2018), I've begun adding titles for young readers. These are shown in orange.
I try to feature data for the hardcover version, if there is one. If I have done a review, I include a link to it.
The score given by customers of Amazon.com is generally a good indicator of a product's quality. In my experience, this is true for the great majority of books. However, there are cases of a controversial book being downrated simply because it is controversial, often by people who haven't read it. (The reverse also occurs, of course; a book may get fulsome praise from uncritical people.) If, in my opinion, either sort of rating distortion occurs, I indicate it by a red background. In following the reviews of climate change books on Amazon, I have encountered a few individuals who seek out mainstream books and give them derogatory reviews. Reviews by such campaigners are often brief and general (e.g. "This book is worthless!"), making it likely that they didn't read the book and are just reacting to its title or description.
The publisher is often a clue to the quality of the book. Mainstream publishers try not to produce nonfiction books which present unfounded information. You will see in this list that the majority of the red titles come from obscure publishers, or from self-publishing operations. (The exception is Regnery, long known to specialize in right-wing, often bogus, tracts.) This is not to say every self-published book is suspect; but the ones on climate change generally are.
In the Library Call Number field (right-most in the blue-bordered box), "SJn" denotes the floor on which the book is shelved at San Jose's Martin Luther King Public Library (shared with SJSU.) Most books on climate are found on the topmost floor, SJ8. In some cases, books are found only at one of the branch libraries. This is designated by an "SJBr" label. "SJ0" indicates the King Library system did not have a copy when I checked. A call number with a strike-through line means the book is in the library's database but the copy is listed as missing. (Many are simply misplaced; I have recovered 24 such.)