To Open The SkyThe Front Pages of Christopher P. Winter
Books about Climate ChangeHere are growing tabular listings of books dealing with the urgent problem of climate change, sorted into these nine closely related subtopics:
Economic Impacts |
Energy Generation |
Legality & Ethics |
Mitigation Measures |
Panic Mode |
Political Responsibility |
Regional Aspects |
Scientific Basis |
Societal Acceptance |
The original, monolithic list was growing too unwieldy. I've kept it, however, in case anyone might need to search it for a given title without knowing which category it falls into (a somewhat arbitrary decision on my part) or to find all titles by a certain author in have on file. That link is at the very bottom of this page.
Here are descriptions of the nine categories.
The entries in the tables linked above are sorted by last name of principal author, and then by title (if applicable.) Most of the titles are shown in green to indicate factual content. Any books by "skeptics" are marked by a red title rather than a green one, while the fictional works dealing with climate change (a relative handful) have titles in blue. Recently (spring 2018), I've begun adding titles for young readers. These are shown in orange.
I try to feature data for the hardcover version, if there is one. If I have done a review, I include a link to it.
The score given by customers of is generally a good indicator of a product's quality. In my experience, this is true for the great majority of books. However, there are cases of a controversial book being downrated simply because it is controversial, often by people who haven't read it. (The reverse also occurs, of course; a book may get fulsome praise from uncritical people.) If, in my opinion, either sort of rating distortion occurs, I indicate it by a red background. In following the reviews of climate change books on Amazon, I have encountered a few individuals who seek out mainstream books and give them derogatory reviews. Reviews by such campaigners are often brief and general (e.g. "This book is worthless!"), making it likely that they didn't read the book and are just reacting to its title, author, or description.
The publisher is often a clue to the quality of the book. Mainstream publishers try not to produce nonfiction books which present unfounded information. You will see in this list that the majority of the red titles come from obscure publishers, or from self-publishing operations. (The exception is Regnery, long known to specialize in right-wing, often bogus, tracts.) This is not to say every self-published book is suspect; but the ones on climate change generally are.
In the Library Call Number field (right-most in the blue-bordered box), "SJn" denotes the floor on which the book is shelved at San Jose's Martin Luther King Public Library (shared with SJSU.) Most books on climate are found on the topmost floor, SJ8. In some cases, books are found only at one of the branch libraries. This is designated by an "SJBr" label. "SJ0" indicates the King Library system did not have a copy when I checked. A call number with a strike-through line means the book is in the library's database but the copy is listed as missing. (Many are simply misplaced; I have recovered 24 such.)