This category will contain books describing aspects of the environment as well as those about how we are treating the environment, with a major emphasis on how we handle the problem of climate change.

List of available reviews of books on the environment

(Linked to review)
Adams, Douglas Last Chance To See 5.0 3/18/2013 In his inimitably irreverent style, Hitch-Hiker's Guide author Douglas Adams writes of his real quests to observe some of the world's rarest animals.
Archer, David The Climate Crisis 5.0 6/30/2011 Written by two scientists with long and deep involvement in the study of Earth's climate system, this book is a commendably calm and clear explanation of current changes in that system for the lay public.
Barnosky, Anthony Tipping Point for Planet Earth 5.0 10/22/2019 Want to read about the storms, water shortages, diseases, and other problems climate change is bringing? Read the book anyway — and note the hope it brings.
Biggers, Jeff Reckoning at Eagle Creek 5.0 6/23/2011 By rediscovering his own roots, Jeff Biggers discloses the true extent of coal-company depredations — not only polluting our environment, but pulverizing important chunks of our shared history.
Caldicott, Helen Crisis Without End 4.5 2/17/2015 Nuclear power's most persistent critic has assembled here contributions from the presenters at her 2013 symposium — and it's a book of value!
Carson, Rachel Silent Spring 5.0 4/27/2003 This path-breaking book by a government wildlife biologist indicted the Department of Agriculture's pesticide programs and founded the environmental movement.
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves The Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus 5.0 3/20/2008 This is both memoir and manifesto of the famed ocean explorer.
Cullen, Heidi Weather of the Future 4.5 3/15/2012 Dr. Cullen, senior climatologist with Climate Central. presents in her first book a clear picture of climate change and what it portends for various regions of the globe.
Dunlap, Thomas R. DDT 5.0 6/28/2012 An invaluable history of the development and legal wrangling over DDT and similar pesticides, with abundant citations.
Dyer, Gwynne Climate Wars 5.0 3/03/2011 Canadian observer of world affairs Gwynne Dyer provides a fresh perspective on how we are likely to handle our climate crisis.
Englander, John High Tide on Main Street 5.0 5/19/2019 Oceanographer and consultant John Englander presents a book that is a must-read throughout for those learning about climate change and, in its latter half, for those familiar with the topic.
Epstein, Paul R. Changing Planet, Changing Health 5.0 11/26/2011 Dr. Epstein (1943-2011), a physician, reports with journalist Dan Ferber here of the many impacts climate change is already having around the world — not just in public health, but in agricultural productivity too. This first-person account is not to be missed.
Faris, Stephan Forecast 5.0 6/08/2010 No one I've seen does a better job than globe-girdling journalist Stephan Faris at convincing us why we should worry about the climate changes that are happening right now.
Flannery, Tim Atmosphere of Hope 5.0 8/04/2016 Renewing his crusade for hope, Dr. Flannery discusses a number of promising developments in the quest to restore the atmosphere's carbon balance.
Flannery, Tim Now or Never 5.0 1/28/2010 Dr. Flannery demonstrates in these essays why there is hope not only of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change, but of avoiding ruinous costs of mitigation as well.
Galuszka, Peter A. Thunder on the Mountain 4.5 7/13/2013 Galuszka, a journalist with roots in Appalachia, gives us a good look at recent events surrounding Massey Energy.
Gibson, James William A Reenchanted World 5.0 12/13/2009 James Gibson chronicles the reawakening of a vitally needed spiritual view of nature.
Goodell, Jeff The Water Will Come 5.0 11/26/2017 Jeff Goodell surveys coastal cities and other installations at risk from rising seas and examines their prospects.
Goodell, Jeff The Heat Will Kill You First 5.0 7/24/2023 As Jeff Goodell vividly shows us here, extreme heat is the prime mover of all climate-change threats.
Gore, Al Our Choice 5.0 5/14/2010 The former vice president's third book on the environment sets forth clearly the tradeoffs involved in every aspect of the puzzles of climate-change mitigation and adaptation.
Guay, Mary Climate Change 5.0 1/02/2016 Former hospice worker Mary Guay recounts her discovery of the seriousness of climate change and her personal fight to confront it.
Hanes, Stephanie White Man's Game 5.0 5/06/2018 Western programs to help Africa, Stephanie Hanes explains in this journalistic tour de force, often take the wrong approach.
Hansen, James Storms of My Grandchildren 5.0 2/15/2011 The foremost climatologist in this country explains the urgency of doing something about climate change.
Harvey, Hal The Big Fix 5.0 11/28/2023 Reaching a sustainable economy requires citizens to undrstand both energy and politics. This book shows how.
Heos, Bridget It's Getting Hot in Here 5.0 10/11/2021 A prolific author of children's books gives us a comprehensive introduction to current climate change for ages 12 and up.
Hewitt, William F. A Newer World 4.5 8/30/2013 Contrary to the beliefs of many, a great deal can be done — is being done — about global warming.
Jamail, Dahr The End of Ice 5.0 10/17/2019 Dahr Jamail explores the world's climate trouble spots and finds the experience worse than his ten years reporting on war-torn Iraq.
Jensen, Derrick Bright Green Lies 4.0 9/18/2021 Three ardent environmentalists present a well researched and strongly felt but deeply flawed case for abandoning industrial civilization.
Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. Crimes Against Nature 5.0 5/12/2005 This report by the son of Robert F. Kennedy, now a lawyer defending the environment, weaves a familiar tale of Bush administration misdeeds. Familiar, yes, but not invalid — and not unimportant.
Klein, Naomi The Battle for Paradise 5.0 7/22/2018 In Puerto Rico, capitalist forces contend with local people over the future of a land ravaged by Hurricane Maria. Naomi Klein shows us what's at stake.
Klein, Naomi On Fire 5.0 4/28/2021 In a collection of essays and lectures, Naomi Klein celebrates the advent of a youth movement for climate action and continues her cogent case for such action.
Klein, Naomi This Changes Everything 5.0 6/04/2017 Noting the burgeoning protests against rapacious extraction of fossil fuels, Naomi Klein argues passionately for a reform of capitalism.
Kolbert, Elizabeth Field Notes from a Catastrophe 5.0 1/20/2010 Compelling accounts of its effects on ordinary people are the virtue of Elizabeth Kolbert's book on climate change.
Kolbert, Elizabeth The Sixth Extinction 5.0 6/08/2015 Elizabeth Kolbert continues her chronicle of the Anthropocene and climate change with a compelling survey of current research.
Kolbert, Elizabeth Under a White Sky 5.0 11/25/2024 Multiple field investigations by Elizabeth Kolbert cover efforts to control the Asian Carp and the Cane Toad, to preserve the Devils Hole Pupfish of Nevada and the corals of the Great Barrier Reef, and the developing techniques of direct air capture and solar geoengineering..
Linden, Eugene The Winds of Change 5.0 11/23/2006 A unique aspect of this book by long-time climate science writer Eugene Linden is his detailed discussion of the possible financial impacts of global warming.
Loeb, Penny Moving Mountains 5.0 7/27/2023 For students of West Virginia political history, here is a very detailed account of the fight to improve living conditions near coal mines.
Lustgarten, Abrahm On the Move 5.0 5/26/2024 Using anecdotes, models, and statistics, this book shows how climate change is affecting the United States on both the personal and societal levels.
Mann, Charles C. Noah's Choice 5.0 6/11/2011 A deep investigation of species preservation efforts under the Endangered Species Act reveals the complexities that are not always apparent on the surface.
McKibben, Bill Eaarth 5.0 1/15/2011 "This is not your father's planet," says McKibben, author of The End of Nature. His prognosis is grim. But then he tells us what we can do about the situation.
McKibben, Bill The Global Warming Reader 5.0 7/24/2012 Edited by Bill McKibben, this collection of essays features a number of excellent writers. Some highlights among the selections are the contributions by Arundhati Roy and Elizabeth Kolbert.
McKibben, Bill Falter 4.5 4/29/2019 Greatly concerned by climate change running ahead, and by new technologies, old campaigner Bill McKibben can still muster hope.
Nadeau, Robert L. The Environmental Endgame 5.0 1/07/2009 Professor Nadeau thoroughly demolishes the illusion that mainstream economics possesses rigor and reliable predictive power.
Nardo, Don Climate Crisis 5.0 10/01/2022 A clear and accurate explanation for juvenile readers of what is happening, why it's happening, and how to lower the temperature.
Outside Magazine Out of the Noösphere 5.0 12/24/2001 A collection of cracking good essays, chosen by the magazine's editors.
Reece, Erik Lost Mountain 5.0 12/28/2009 This is Erik Reece's obituary for that eastern Kentucky mountain, which he watched being cut down during 2003 and 2004.
Reiss, Bob The Eskimo and the Oil Man 5.0 12/30/2012 Drilling for oil off Alaska's North Shore could be a blessing or a curse, and probably will be some of both. Bob Reiss explains why in his thorough report on a complex matter.
Romm, Joseph J. Hell and High Water 5.0 5/04/2007 Dr. Romm examines the arguments of the "Denyers and Delayers" — politically well-connected skeptics who have been blocking any U.S. action on global warming.
Seidl, Amy Early Spring 5.0 12/14/2010 Ecologist Dr. Amy Seidl describes in gentle and evocative terms, often through the eyes of her two young daughters, ominous changes in the seasons experienced in her Vermont valley home.
Shnayerson, Michael Coal River 5.0 11/18/2009 A long look at the valley of the Coal River in West Virginia, where the streams are getting filled up and the people are just about fed up.
Stern, Nicholas The Global Deal 5.0 3/04/2012 Fixing climate change means fixing poverty, Lord Stern avers here, and he shows us that both fixes are actually affordable.
Stern, Nicholas Why Are We Waiting? 5.0 5/01/2022 Lord Stern reprises his theme that fixing climate change and alleviating poverty go hand in hand, and shows us some of the progress that has been made.
Stone, Roger D. The Mightier Hudson 4.5 7/27/2012 Long subject to industrial pollution and neglect of its shorelines, New York's historic Hudson River has rebounded in recent decades, as Roger Stone tells us in detail here.
Strong, Douglas H. Dreamers & Defenders 5.0 8/27/2001 Short but comprehensive biographies of America's foremost conservationists, from Thoreau to Commoner
Thunberg, Greta The Climate Book 5.0 8/22/2023 Climate-change activist Greta Thunberg has brought into being a comprehensive sourcebook on what the climate-change crisis is and how to solve it
Wallace-Wells, David The Uninhabitable Earth 4.5 6/03/2019 Wordy and meandering in places, David Wallace-West's book is a useful exploration of how climate change is affecting us, and will in the future.
Waterman, Jonathan Where Mountains Are Nameless 5.0 6/18/2010 Wilderness guru Jonathan Waterman tells of his time in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and of the contending interests that strive to exploit or protect it.
Weiner, Jonathan The Next One Hundred Years 5.0 7/02/2011 Published in 1990, this book perforce misses recent developments regarding climate change. Yet it presents the basics clearly and accurately, showing why, as with other environmental problems, mitigation is far less expensive than adaptation.
Wilson, Edward O. A Window on Eternity 5.0 1/28/2015 Dr. Wilson's long years of experience in studying the diversity of life on Earth are distilled into this gloriously illustrated volume, where he explains why preserving it is vital.
Wilson, Edward O. Half-Earth 5.0 5/28/2016 Here is Dr. Wilson's plea for Earth's ever-shrinking wilderness, and the kernel of a plan to preserve threatened species by setting aside carefully-sited tracts of wild land connected by transit corridors to permit safe migration.
Quality Ranges for Book Reviews
The books are rated from 0 to 5 in increments of 0.5. Colors represent the following quality ranges:
4.0 to 5.0 Quality: HIGH (Color = Aqua) Competent to exceptional; well worth the money
2.0 to 3.5 Quality: FAIR (Color = Lime) Useful despite some flaws; may or may not be worth buying.
0.5 to 1.5 Quality: POOR (Color = Yellow) Seriously flawed; read it if you wish, but don't buy it.
0.0 to 0.0 Quality: YUCK (Color = Fuchsia) Avoid this book at all costs!
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