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To Open The Sky

The Front Pages of Christopher P. Winter

The Cassini Mission to Saturn

A personal view

My objective in putting these pages together is to provide a concise description of the Cassini mission, its benefits, and its risks — and, I hope, to dispel some myths about those risks. There are no pictures here, and only the bare minimum of graphics. Speed is the goal; a reader should be able to jump in, grab the information, and go. For plenty of pictures, and reams of detailed information, look for the sites maintained by NASA and ESA. They are listed on the reference page, along with other sites and some books.

This site is organized into six topics:

The History The Spacecraft The Mission
The Rewards The Risks The Opposition

Links and citations are also provided for those who want to delve deeper.

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Copyright © 1997-2024 Christopher P. Winter. All rights reserved.
This page was created in 1997. Its contents were last modified on 1 April 2024.