THE DEMISE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY? Lessons for Democratic Control of Technology Joseph G. Morone Edward J. Woodhouse New Haven: Yale University Press, April 1989 |
Rating: 5.0 High |
ISBN-13 978-0-300-04449-2 | ||||
ISBN-10 0-300-04449-6 | 172pp. | HC/GSI | $21.00 |
This is not even a complete list of all the books cited. I have left out a few that struck me as too general, for example Disturbing the Universe and Infinite in All Directions, both by Freeman Dyson. But even including all the books would not exhaust the authors' list of citations, for they cite many newspaper stories, magazine and journal articles, and more than a few government or industry reports. It evinces a remarkable dedication to scholarship.
In my table, I have classified the books into somewhat arbitrary categories. I expect to be shuffling these around as I get more familiar with the books. I may drop some books entirely. There is a subset of those under "Nuclear Power and its Discontents" that the authors call "overly partisan." Most of them come from reputable publishers, so I doubt this; but I'll have to reserve judgement until I examine each book. The numbers at the left indicate the page number of the footnote citing each work. Those on the right, in the blue-shaded cells, are catalog numbers for a local library. Ultimately, I expect to replace these with some capsule review.
Advocates for the Atom | ||
3 | Bernard L. Cohen Before It's Too Late: A Scientist's Case for Nuclear Energy New York: Plenum Press, 1983 |
7 | Mark Hertsgaard Nuclear Inc.: The Men and Money Behind Nuclear Energy New York: Pantheon, 1983 |
25 | Alvin M. Weinberg et. al. The Second Nuclear Era: A New Start for Nuclear Power New York: Praeger, 1985 |
Handling Risky Technologies | ||
4 | David L. Sills et. al. (eds) Accident at Three Mile Island: The Human Dimension Boulder: Westview Press, 1982 |
4 | Peter Stoler Decline and Fall: The Ailing Nuclear Power Industry New York: Dodd, Mead & Co,, 1985 |
Diff. Title: 8TK9023.N43 1990 |
5 | Donald W. Stever Seabrook and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1980 |
6 | George T. Mazuzan & J. Samuel Walker Controlling the Atom: The Beginnings of Nuclear Regulation 1946-62 Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984 |
7 | Morone & Woodhouse Averting Catastrophe: Strategies for Regulating Risky Technologies Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986 |
9 | David Collingridge Technology in the Policy Process: Controlling Nuclear Power New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983 |
9 | David Collingridge The Social Control of Technology London: Frances Pinter, 1980 |
10 | Charles Perrow Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies New York: Basic Books, 1984 |
8T54.P47 1984 7 more titles |
10 | Baruch Fischoff et. al. Acceptable Risk New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984 |
10 | Aaron Wildavsky & Mary Douglas Risk and Culture Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981 |
16 | Susan G. Hadden (ed.) Risk Analysis, Institutions and Public Policy Port Washington, NY: Associated Faculty Press, 1984 |
44 | Thomas E. Murray Nuclear Policy in War and Peace Cleveland: World Publishing Company, 1960 |
Corrected from footnote 47. 6HD9698.U52M8 |
51 | Harold P. Green & Alan Rosenthal Government of the Atom: The Integration of Powers New York: Atherton, 1963 |
58 | Phillip C. Jessup (ed) Atoms for Power: United States Policy in Atomic Energy Development New York: American Assembly, 1957 |
69 | C. P. Russel Reactor Safeguards New York: Macmillan, 1962 |
71 | E. S. Rolph Nuclear Power and the Public Safety Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1979 |
85 | Frank G. Dawson Nuclear Power: Development and Management of a Technology Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976 |
85 | Joseph L. Campbell Collapse of an Industry: Nuclear Power and the Contradictions of U.S. Policy Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988 |
Public Reactions to Private Reactors | ||
3 | President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island The Need for Change: The Legacy of TMI Washington, DC: USGPO, 1979 |
3 | Office of Technology Assessment Nuclear Power in an Age of Uncertainty: OTA-E-216 Washington, DC: USGPO, 1984 |
4 | William R. Freudenberg & Eugene A. Rosa (eds) Public Reactions To Nuclear Power: Are There Critical Masses? Boulder: Westview Press, 1982 |
4 | Stanley Nealey et. al. Public Opinion and Nuclear Energy Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1983 |
4 | Christopher Flavin Reassessing Nuclear Power: The Fallout from Chernobyl Washington: Worldwatch Institute, 1987 |
6 | Charles A. Walker et. al. (eds) Too Hot to Handle?: Social and Policy Issues in the Management of Radioactive Wastes New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983 |
6 | Irwin C. Bupp & Jean-Claude Derian The Failed Promise of Nuclear Power: The Story of Light Water New York: Basic Books, 1978/1981 |
7 | Steven L. Del Sesto Science, Politics, and Controversy: Civilian Nuclear Power in the United States, 1946-1974 Boulder: Westview Press, 1979 |
20 | Langdon Winner Autonomous Technology: Technics-Out-Of-Control as a Theme in Political Thought Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977 |
8T14.5.W56 |
20 | Langdon Winner The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986 |
8T14.W54 1986 PB ed 1989 |
89 | Seymour M. Lipset & William Schneider The Confidence Gap: Business, Labor and Government in the Public Mind New York: Free Press, 1983 |
94 | Richard C. Schwing & Walter A. Albers (eds) Societal Risk Assessment: How Safe Is Safe Enough? New York: Plenum, 1980 |
124 | Charles E. Lindblom The Intelligence of Democracy New York: Free Press, 1965 |
136 | Michael E. Kraft & Norman J. Vig (eds) Technology and Politics Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1988 |
146 | Walter A. Rosenbaum Energy, Politics, and Public Policy, 2d ed. Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1987 |
Nuclear Power and its Discontents | ||
6 | Daniel Ford The Cult of the Atom: The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982 |
ISBN 0671253018 8TK9023.F67 1982 |
7 | Judith Cook Red Alert: The Worldwide Dangers of Nuclear Power Sevenoaks, UK: New English Library, 1986 |
Out, out, damned top-border pixel! |
7 | Karl Grossman Cover Up: What You Are Not Supposed To Know about Nuclear Power Sag Harbor, NY: Permanent Press, 1980 |
7 | Fred Hoyle & Geoffrey Hoyle Commonsense in Nuclear Energy San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1980 |
8TJ163.2.H72 1980 |
7 | Daniel F. Ford Three Mile Island: Thirty Minutes to Meltdown New York: Penguin, 1982 |
8TK1345.H37 F67 1982b |
7 | Michio Kaku & Jennifer Trainer (eds) Nuclear Power, Both Sides: The Best Arguments For and Against the Most Controversial Technology New York: W. W. Norton, 1982 |
8TK9023.N8 1982 |
7 | Michelle Adato & The Union of Concerned Scientists (eds) Safety Second: The NRC and America's Nuclear Power Plants Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987 |
8TK9152.A54 1987 |
7 | K. S. [Kristen Sharon] Shrader-Frechette Nuclear Power and Public Policy, 2d ed Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1983 |
6HD9698.U52 S54 9 more titles |
7 | S. David Aviel The Politics of Nuclear Energy Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1982 |
7 | Andrew Blowers & David Pepper (eds) Nuclear Power in Crisis: Politics and Planning for the Nuclear State New York: Nichols, 1987 |
7 | Joseph A. Camilleri The State and Nuclear Power: Conflict and Control in the Western World Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1984 |
6HD9698.A2 C33 1984 5 more titles |
7 | Jim Falk Global Fission: The Battle over Nuclear Power New York: Oxford University Press, 1982 |
3 other titles |
7 | Christopher Flavin Nuclear Power: The Market Test Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute, 1987 |
5 other titles |
7 | Martin J. Pasqualetti & K. D. Pijawka (eds) Nuclear Power: Assessing and Managing Hazardous Technology Boulder: Westview Press, 1984 |
8TK9155.N77 1984 1 more title |
7 | William B. Walker & Måns Lönnroth Nuclear Power Struggles: Industrial Competition and Proliferation Control London: George Allen & Unwin, 1983 |
6HD9698.A2 W28 1983 |
7 | Phil Williams The Nuclear Debate: Issues and Politics Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984 |
7 | William C. Wood Nuclear Safety, Risks and Regulation Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1983 |
7KF2138.W66 1983 |
Reactor Technology | ||
32 | J. Lane, H. McPherson & F. Maslen Fluid Fuel Reactors Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1958 |
43 | Robert L. Loftness Nuclear Power Plants: Design, Operating Experience and Economics New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1964 |
58 | Andrew W. Kramer Boiling Water Reactors Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1958 |
68 | Edward Teller with Allen Brown The Legacy of Hiroshima Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962 |
The View from Under a Green Eyeshade | ||
4 | Charles Komanoff Power Plant Cost Escalation: Nuclear and Coal Capital Costs, Regulation and Economics New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981 |
8TK1078.K648 1982 |
5 | Wayne H. Sugai Nuclear Power and Ratepayer Protest: The Washington Public Power Supply Crisis Boulder: Westview Press, 1987 |
9 | Department of Energy Nuclear Power Plant Cancellations: Causes, Costs, and Consequences, DOE/EIA-0392 Washington, 1983 |
9 | Leonard G. Brooks & Homa Motamen (eds) The Economics of Nuclear Energy London: Chapman & Hall, 1984 |
[Brookes/Motamen-Scobie] 6HD9698.A2E24 1984 See 1999 ed. |
20 | Thorstein Veblen The Engineers and the Price System New York: Viking, 1954 |
94 | A. C. Crouch & Richard Wilson Risk/Benefit Analysis Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1982 |
112 | E. S. Savas Privatization Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1987 |
The Lessons of History | ||
11 | Ernest R. May The Lessons of the Past: The Use and Misuse of History in American Foreign Policy New York: Oxford University Press, 1973 |
11 | Richard E. Neustadt & Ernest R. May Thinking in Time: The Uses of History for Decision-Makers New York: Free Press, 1986 |
11 | Lloyd Etheredge Can Governments Learn?: American Foreign Policy and Central American Revolutions New York: Pergamon Press, 1985 |
11 | Graham T. Allison Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis Boston: Little, Brown, 1968 |
11 | Leslie H. Gelb with Richard K. Betts The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1979 |
19 | David F. Nobel Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984 |
22 | Richard G. Hewlett & Francis Duncan Atomic Shield, 1947-1952 University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1969 |
22 | Richard G. Hewlett & Francis Duncan Nuclear Navy, 1946-1962 Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974 |
22 | David Okrent Nuclear Reactor Safety: On the History of the Regulatory Process Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1981 |
22 | Richard T. Sylves The Nuclear Oracles: A Political History of the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission, 1947-1977 Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1987 |
34 | Norman Polmar & Thomas B. Allen Rickover New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982 |
37 | C. Allardice & E. Trapnell The Atomic Energy Commission New York: Praeger, 1974 |
123 | Clifford Grobstein A Double Image of the Double Helix: The Recombinant DNA Controversy San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1979 |
123 | Sheldon Krimsky Genetic Alchemy: The Social History of the Recombinant DNA Controversy Cambridge: MIT Press, 1982 |
147 | James L. Regans & Robert W. Rycroft The Acid Rain Controversy Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988 |
Developments Outside the U.S. | ||
13 | IAEA Nuclear Power Reactors in the World: IAEA-RDS-2/7 Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency, 1987 |
13 | Dorothy Nelkin & Michael Pollak The Atom Besieged: Extraparliamentary Dissent in France and Germany Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981 |
15 | Alain Touraine et. al. (transl. Peter Fawcett) Anti-Nuclear Protest: The Opposition to Nuclear Power in France New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983 |
16 | Mary D. Davis The Military-Civilian Nuclear Link: A Guide to the French Nuclear Industry Boulder: Westview Press, 1988 |
17 | Michael T. Hatch Politics and Nuclear Power: Energy Policy in Western Europe Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1986 |
17 | Henry R. Nau National Politics and International Technology: Nuclear Reactor Development in Western Europe Baltimore; Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974 |
17 | Peter DeLeon Development and Diffusion of the Nuclear Power Reactor: A Comparative Analysis Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1979 |
17 | Ezra F. Vogel Japan's New Middle Class Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968 |
18 | Robert J. Smith & Richard K. Beardsley (eds) Japanese Culture: Its Development and Characteristics Chicago: Aldine, 1962 |
18 | Robert E. Ward (ed) Political Development in Modern Japan Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968 |
18 | David E. Apter & Nagayo Sawa Against the State: Politics and Social Protest in Japan Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984 |
18 | Margaret A. McKean Environmental Protest and Citizens' Movements in Japan Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981 |
18 | T. J. Pempel Policy and Politics in Japan: Creative Conservatism Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982 |
142 | David R. Marples Chernobyl and Nuclear Power in the USSR New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986 |
Bibliographies and Other General Reference Works | ||
22 | Jerry W. Mansfield The Nuclear Power Debate: A Guide to the Literature New York: Garland, 1984 |
22 | Staff Nuclear America: A Historical Bibliography Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio Information Services, 1984 |
ISBN 0874363608 Book: "Biography" |