I have categories for certain individual sciences: anthropology, astronomy, biology, physics. But in order to limit my categories, I'll collect books on other scientific topics here.

List of available reviews of books on the sciences

(Linked to review)
Agin, Dan Junk Science 5.0 2/24/2008 Dan Agin examines the damage that results when scientific findings are distorted for political ends, or to evade corporate responsibility.
Bowen, Mark Censoring Science 5.0 7/05/2008 In his second book, Mark Bowen takes us inside NASA and NOAA to observe in detail the censorship by political appointees at those organizations of scientific work on climate change.
Bowen, Mark Thin Ice 5.0 8/17/2008 Physicist and mountaineer, Mark Bowen ably takes part in and reports on Dr. Lonnie Thompson's high-peak investigations of climate change.
Broecker, Wallace Fixing Climate 5.0 5/15/2009 With the help of science writer Robert Kunzig, climatologist Wallace Broecker ably describes the current state of our climate and the prospects for averting unwanted changes.
Chown, Marcus The Matchbox that Ate a Forty-Ton Truck 5.0 12/28/2010 Here Chown exploits his estimable writing skills to elucidate some abstruse phenomena of science.
Cook, Nick The Hunt for Zero Point 3.5 9/26/2005 Intrepid editor for British bastion of defense data uncovers secret (pseudo)science of anti-gravity, time travel & zero-point energy — or does he?
Cox, John D. Climate Crash 5.0 12/28/2005 A good layman's introduction to the history of climate science, and a glimpse of what we are learning portends
Davies, Paul The Eerie Silence 5.0 6/24/2012 On the 50th anniversary of SETI, astronomer Paul Davies gives us an overview of progress to date, and offers some cogent thoughts on possible new directions for the future — including searches right here at home, in our solar system.
Davis, Frederick Rowe Banned 4.5 6/28/2015 DDT and a host of other organic pesticides, developed in the twentieth century, revealed their dangerous properties only after wide use. The author lays bare the complicated history of discovering those dangers.
Elert, Emily Global Weirdness 5.0 6/30/2013 Here's a clear description of the current and future state of Earth's climate for those who need to bone up on the basics without the jargon and the politics.
Frank, Adam Light of the Stars 5.0 12/22/2019 Professor Frank describes his effort, with colleagues, to model a generic civilization and ecosystem as a way to guide us in preserving ours.
Grazier, Kevin R. (ed.) The Science of Michael Crichton 5.0 1/03/2011 Several authors well-versed in science investigate how well the novels of Michael Crichton treat the scientific underpinnings of his plots.
Impey, Chris How It Ends 4.0 1/26/2011 An astronomy professor, Dr. Impey writes more about beginnings than ends. (Descriptions of most endings are, of course, sheer speculation.) His book is enjoyable nevertheless.
Kershenbaum, Arik The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy 4.5 9/25/2022 In this readable tome, British zoologist Dr. Kershenbaum draws on his worldwide research to guide our understanding of what aliens might really look like.
McConnell, Brian Beyond Contact 3.5 9/03/2001 How to construct an encoding scheme for interstellar messages that ET will want to read
Michaels, Patrick J. (ed.) Shattered Consensus 3.5 7/10/2014 Dr. Michaels has assembled a serious compendium on climate science — but one that fails to achieve the purpose of its title.
Miles, Kathryn Quakeland 5.0 1/14/2018 Science writer Kathryn Miles gives us a sometimes flippant book that is also a serious wakeup call to all Americans about earthquake hazards.
Mooney, Chris Storm World 5.0 12/20/2010 A thorough examination of the phenomenon of hurricanes, the men who study them, and their disparate theories.
Morton, Oliver Eating the Sun 5.0 9/20/2010 Photosynthesis is a mystery only partly unraveled. Oliver Morton is our guide for an entertaining journey along the tangled pathways already pursued.
Pearce, Fred With Speed and Violence 5.0 9/20/2007 Fred Pearce looks at cutting-edge research that suggests the IPCC prediction of troublesome climate change may be far too mild.
Powell, James Lawrence The Inquisition of Climate Science 5.0 12/05/2011 Former professor of geology Powell shows us in a clear, comprehensive and well-organized analysis why none of the persistent attacks on climate science and the scientists who investigate it should be taken seriously.
Regis, Ed Great Mambo Chicken 5.0 8/25/1996 Regis explores cutting-edge scientific ideas that are literally far out — and the scientists behind them.
Ruddiman, William F. Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum 5.0 5/24/2010 We humans, says Dr. Ruddiman, took control of Earth's climate 8,000 years ago. Evidence? It's right here in the book.
Shapiro, Robert Planetary Dreams 5.0 5/21/2001 An examination of the quest to understand the origins of life
Shostak, Seth Confessions of an Alien Hunter 4.5 2/06/2010 We still listen for alien signals, and we're getting better at it. Astronomer Seth Shostak tells us why and how in this interesting update on SETI — the search for extraterrestial intelligence.
Shulman, Seth Undermining Science 5.0 8/01/2007 The administration of any president contains at least some crooks and liars. But none made a systematic effort to toss aside facts (and people) that don't support the party line — until George W. Bush became president. Shulman documents the debacle.
Specter, Michael Denialism 4.0 9/16/2011 With particular focus on drugs and vaccination, journalist Michael Specter examines the phenomenon of denialism in his first book.
Vacca, John The World's 20 Greatest Unsolved Problems 2.0 11/15/2005 Not content with describing the 20 unsolved problems mentioned in the title, John Vacca presents a credulous compendium of scientific and pseudoscientific ideas.
Ward, Peter D. The Flooded Earth 4.5 9/01/2010 In another must-read book, Dr. Ward continues his cautionary forecasts and explanations of climate change.
Ward, Peter D. The Life and Death of Planet Earth 4.0 5/30/2005 An informative but needlessly pessimistic projection about the bleak future that awaits us and our home planet
Ward, Peter D. Out of Thin Air 5.0 6/15/2007 In a book that is fascinating but somewhat technical, Dr. Ward investigates the relationship between body forms and changes in oxygen levels on prehistoric Earth.
Ward, Peter D. Under a Green Sky 5.0 5/07/2010 After pretending in his introduction to be Hunter S. Thompson, Dr. Ward turns serious as he tells of some early fossil-hunting expeditions and the once-radical theories they support — theories that relate to global warming.
Washington, Haydn Climate Change Denial 3.5 12/06/2011 The authors, both scientists, provide more well-reasoned arguments against the rampant climate-science denial that still persists.
Quality Ranges for Book Reviews
The books are rated from 0 to 5 in increments of 0.5. Colors represent the following quality ranges:
4.0 to 5.0 Quality: HIGH (Color = Aqua) Competent to exceptional; well worth the money
2.0 to 3.5 Quality: FAIR (Color = Lime) Useful despite some flaws; may or may not be worth buying.
0.5 to 1.5 Quality: POOR (Color = Yellow) Seriously flawed; read it if you wish, but don't buy it.
0.0 to 0.0 Quality: YUCK (Color = Fuchsia) Avoid this book at all costs!
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This page was last modified on 10 September 2024.