THE CASE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate David Freddoso Washignton, DC: Regnery, 2008 |
Rating: 3.5 Fair |
ISBN-13 978-1-59698-56-7 | ||||
ISBN-10 ? | 290pp. | HC | $27.95 |
Here I examine some of the details of Freddoso's case against Barack Obama. I credit Freddoso with exhaustive research. He's read both of Obama's books, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope, and quotes from them extensively. He's also studied transcripts of many of Obama's speeches, and knows his voting records in the Illinois Senate and U.S. Senate inside out. And if Obama has a relationship, no matter how tenuous, with anyone "dirty", Freddoso tells us about it.
In short, it is a fairly credible piece of work. When Freddoso presents evidence, it is for the most part factual. This puts him way above Jerome Corsi, whose writing manages to indict only its author. But Freddoso's case is unconvincing for two reasons. One is that he doesn't always get his facts right. For example, he's wrong in stating that Obama has never spoken with General Petraeus. (To be fair, this may be due to his failure to check out an Associated Press story that said the same thing.) The other reason is the frequency with which he relies on innuendo to plant seeds of doubt about the candidate, often omitting possible exculpatory information. (Also, it's hard to show that any one individual is a dangerous radical and at the same time just another career-climbing politician.)
It's not that Obama is a bad person. It's just that he's like all the rest of them. Not a reformer. Not a Messiah. Just like all the rest of them in Washington. And just like all the other liberals too. – Page 233 |
That's the one thing Freddoso convinced me of. Trouble is, I knew it already. In the table below I think I demonstrate why Freddoso fails at making his case.
Time | Charge | Specifications | Notes |
CHAPTER 1 | |||
2 Jan 96 | Corrupt Chicago politics |
DF glosses over whether the disputed signatures were invalid. |
2006 | Silent on Stroger patronage |
Jan 2007 | Daley endorsement |
Mar 2008 | Corrupt Chicago politics |
CHAPTER 2 | |||
Jan 2003 | Obama's ambition |
2005 | State Senate patronage |
P. 32 says that Jones's wife is Patricia. It's unclear which is wife #1. |
31 Jul 07 | Obama's ambition |
Obama's ambition |
2008 | Obama's ambition |
CHAPTER 3 | |||
Fall 2004 | Obama's luck |
Nov 2004 | Obama's ambition |
Feb 2005 | Obama's luck |
Hastert — Republican. We all know how well the Bush administration's firings of U.S. attorneys worked out. |
3 Jan 08 | Obama's luck |
CHAPTER 4 | |||
Worship of Obama |
Numerous people do fawn, and numerous people don't. By itself this does not make a case against Obama. | |
Fall 2004 | Obama's obfuscation |
This point is telling, the moreso since Mendell is Obama's biographer. |
CHAPTER 5 | |||
2005 | Obama on education |
It does not follow that high teacher salaries caused that funding shortage. Also, Freddoso next writes that the Chicago Teachers Union, with its clout, forced short days into the teachers' contract.2 |
Oct 2007 | Obama on education |
This is a more substantive point, and Freddoso makes a good case that Obama on education is more talk than action. |
2008 | The bills Obama votes for |
These are good points. I too think subsidizing the production of ethanol from corn is bad policy. But Freddoso goes over the top on ethanol, forgetting that it does not have to be made from corn. |
CHAPTER 6 | |||
26 Jun 03 | Obama's liberal leaning |
This runs counter to Freddoso's case that Obama's ambition drives him toward the party structure. |
2008 | Obama and labor |
If the "card check" law does abolish secret ballots, would not management be even more delighted than union leadership? |
Obama and competitiveness |
Does Freddoso doubt that government policies can boost productivity? This is the classic way to allow non-burdensome wage increases. | |
Obama and offshore oil drilling |
This must refer to Top World Oil Producers, 2006, where Saudi Arabia and Russia are #1 and #2. But in 2007, according to the CIA, the top two increased their production, while the U.S. fell to 7.46 (est.) And this figure shows U.S. oil production declining sharply since 1970. So Freddoso is not wrong, but he omits some aspects. | |
Obama and the news media |
As examples of this "nice, liberal television anchor whom we all trust," Freddoso includes Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow. Funny, I always thought they were trusted in spite of their (alleged) liberalism, not because of it as Freddoso implies. | |
Obama and budgets |
And Republicans do not? | |
Obama and taxes |
Ah, the notorious "death tax." It currently penalizes only multi-millionaires. | |
Obama and social security |
Yeah, like all those Enron employees, who did so well with the company's stock and pensions... or like all the people whose 401K plans depended on REITs and mutual funds heavily invested in the great financial houses of Wall Street. Also, Freddoso ignores the fact that people do have choices about how to invest for retirement: they can invest privately while still relying on Social Security. And lastly, 1.23 percent does not equal zero percent. |
CHAPTER 7 | |||
Obama's associations |
In my opinion, this overstates their closeness. And "friendly" can describe Obama's relationship with John McCain or with George Bush equally well. | |
Obama's associations |
Who knows what "romanticized" means without seeing Doerhn's actual words? | |
Obama's associations |
You remember Alice Palmer: the woman whom Obama disqualified. | |
Obama's associations |
Freddoso documents this episode well, but does not establish that Davis was a great influence on Obama. | |
Obama's associations |
Then why would Obama favor communism? But of course Freddoso says he doesn't. That renders moot the alleged influence of "a poet named Frank." | |
Obama's associations |
None of these seem very pernicious, except for Malley, who met with Hamas and therefore had to resign. | |
Obama's associations |
It's a real dilemma that Freddoso sets up here: Aggressive Alinsky versus Rapacious Rezko; the Marauder against the Machine. Could it be that Alinsky had to use such methods in order to be effective at all in Chicago? "When you deal with men of ice, you can't deal with ways so nice..." | |
Obama's projects as community organizer |
A careful reading of this portion tells me that Obama was capable and generally successful, but that larger forces (e.g. globalization) prevented any long-term improvement. | |
CHAPTER 8 | |||
26 Jun 03 | Obama's faith |
Here's another contradictory conclusion. Either Obama is a religious opportunist, as Freddoso suggests in his next paragraph, or he's sincere in his dedication to the man who inspired his Christian faith and who married him to Michelle. In the former case, Obama is unlikely to follow any of the radical influences Freddoso tries to link him to; in the latter case, his reluctance to disown Wright despite the political cost is admirable. There is much to condemn in the positions taken by the Revs. Wright & Pfleger, and by James Cone in his book on "black theology." But while Freddoso demonstrates fairly convincingly that these were significant influences on Obama during the 20 years he attended Trinity Church of Christ, he fails to prove they still are. |
CHAPTER 9 | |||
25 Feb 99 | Obama and foreign policy |
Should we believe the recollection of a conservative politician about Obama's attitude toward a non-binding state resolution ten years ago? I vote "no." Freddoso's argument that Obama waffles on supporting the ICC is stronger, but still unconvincing in my opinion. |
July 2007 | Obama and foreign policy |
There are two ways to interpret "without precondition." One is the way Freddoso interprets it: that it implies Obama will sit down with no goals in mind; that he will basically be an appeaser. I submit that this denies Obama the intelligence Freddoso credits him with elsewhere in the book. Rather, I think Obama means that he would not expect the foreign leader to agree with his demands before sitting down with him. Bush essentially demanded such concessions from North Korea for the first five years of his administration, and it proved counter-productive. |
2 Oct 02 | Obama waffles on supporting the war in Iraq |
This courageous stand is one of the few things Freddoso praises Obama for. But here he attempts (and fails, in my view) to show that it was really just cynical posturing. Obama has changed his position on Iraq since then; but conditions there have changed, drastically, over the years. |
Sep 2007 | Obama wants to quit in Iraq. |
This is nothing more than a restatement of the "cut and run" slur. Freddoso should read more carefully. Saying he will immediately begin to withdraw troops is not the same as withdrawing troops immediately, and Freddoso is dishonest in equating the two positions. |
? | Obama poorly informed about Iraq. |
That's a serious question for someone who proposes a sudden withdrawal. But Obama does not. More important, Freddoso has his facts wrong here. In the Nov. 3rd edition of Time, on page 35, Joe Klein writes as follows: "General David Petraeus deployed overwhelming force when he briefed Barack Obama and two other Senators in Baghdad last July."5 |
? | Obama misjudges Reagan's Cold War actions. |
It's quite clear that Roberto D'Aubuisson, commander of the death squads in El Salvador's 12-year civil war, had support from American conservatives, and many death squad members graduated from what was then called the School of the Americas. As for missile defense, the article that Freddoso cites appears incomplete. Regardless, there is reason to be dubious of the technology's effectiveness, even against small numbers of ICBMs. |
CHAPTER 10 | |||
Feb 2001 | Obama supports abortion |
I agree that Obama's defense of his stand on this bill, as reported by Freddoso, appears weak. However, Obama's claim that the law would be unconstitutional has some merit.6 And note that Obama favors medical care for such born-alive fetuses. OnTheIssues reports that he feels laws can be written to restrict late-term abortion.7 In the lines I quote here, Freddoso goes too far. It is true that Obama has a 100 percent rating from NARAL. But even on the Illinois bill, Obama was criticized by the National Organization for Women. In the recent primaries, NOW endorsed Hillary Clinton.8 |
CHAPTER 11 | |||
4 Jun 08 | Obama and the slum lords |
Freddoso's case against Obama in this chapter is largely circumstantial and smacks of innuendo. "Obama and Rezko had really been quite close. The Obamas once spent a day at Rezko's Lake Geneva retreat." (p. 212) The two men bought adjoining lots in Hyde Park from a seller named Wondisford. (p. 213) "For all of the justifiable speculation, there is no clear evidence that this deal was crooked." (p. 214) "Obama performed official acts while in office that benefitted Tony Rezko." (p. 215) Most politicians could be condemned on that basis. Perhaps someday something substantial will come to light. Until then I'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt. |