There shouldn't be much misunderstanding about which books this section holds: books on the history of astronomy, oldest of the natural sciences, and on the several sciences that make it up: astrophysics, astrobiology, and cosmology.

Books on the development and evolution of the instruments used in the astronomical sciences — optical telescopes, radiotelescopes, and gravitational wave detectors — as well as their companion instruments like spectrometers will also be found here.

Note that books on astrology will not be found here. Being a pseudoscience, it will be covered in the Anthropology section, if at all.

Lists of available reviews of books on astronomy

(Linked to review)
Bova, Ben Faint Echoes, Distant Stars 4.5 12/07/2004 A competent overview of the search for life beyond Earth, now expanded to include the new science of astrobiology.
Chapman, Clark R. Cosmic Catastrophes 5.0 7/21/2002 No-nonsense but non-alarmist evaluation of the many ways the universe might do us hurt — with some science history thrown in for good measure
Chown, Marcus The Magic Furnace 5.0 5/24/2004 A fascinating account of the multiple scientific discoveries that taught us how the star-stuff of which we are made came to be
Goldsmith, Donald Exoplanets 5.0 4/04/2021 Dr. Goldsmith has given us an excellent tutorial on the current state of the search for exoplanets and its possible future.
Gutsch, William A. The Search for Extraterrestrial Life 5.0 5/07/1996 This book by Hayden Planetarium director Gutsch is a good introduction to the subject for children.
Hawking, Stephen W. A Brief History of Time 5.0 1/12/2003 Professor Hawking's classic layman's introduction to black holes, the Big Bang, and cosmology in general
Hawking, Stephen W. A Briefer History of Time 5.0 1/12/2006 An admirable update of the 1988 classic.
Heintze, Carl Search Among the Stars 5.0 3/09/1997 This book on astronomy and SETI is part of the van Nostrand series for children.
Impey, Chris The Living Cosmos 5.0 2/18/2012 In these 393 pages, Dr. Impey provides a richly detailed and well illustrated exposition of the several topics that make up the burgeoning field of astrobiology.
Kitchin, C. R. Journeys to the Ends of the Universe 5.0 6/29/2003 A well-written popular treatment of astrophysical cosmology, but somewhat more technical than most
Lewis, John S. Worlds Without End 5.0 6/02/2000 New science shows us many planets around nearby stars. What does this mean for extraterrestrial life?
Peterson, Ivars Newton's Clock 5.0 3/22/1995 Chaos reigns in the solar system!
Plait, Philip Death from the Skies! 5.0 5/15/2016 Doctor Plait provides a thorough — and thoroughly non-alarmist — compendium of potentially dangerous cosmic phenomena.
Rees, Martin Our Cosmic Habitat 4.5 2/16/2002 Describes the concept of multiple universes, and speculates that we may soon be able to devise experimental ways of testing this mind-blowing idea.
Steel, Duncan Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets 4.5 2/13/1997 An Aussie astronomer describes the potential problem of these bodies colliding with Earth — and the underfunded efforts to detect them.
Webb, Stephen Where is Everybody? 5.0 2/26/2004 Physicist Webb has done mighty research and created a thorough analysis of the Fermi Paradox and many of its possible solutions. Recommended, even if his conclusion is a downer.
Quality Ranges for Book Reviews
The books are rated from 0 to 5 in increments of 0.5. Colors represent the following quality ranges:
4.0 to 5.0 Quality: HIGH (Color = Aqua) Competent to exceptional; well worth the money
2.0 to 3.5 Quality: FAIR (Color = Lime) Useful despite some flaws; may or may not be worth buying.
0.5 to 1.5 Quality: POOR (Color = Yellow) Seriously flawed; read it if you wish, but don't buy it.
0.0 to 0.0 Quality: YUCK (Color = Fuchsia) Avoid this book at all costs!
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This page was last modified on 10 August 2024.