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To Open The Sky

The Front Pages of Christopher P. Winter
Work in progress

Open Skies of Europe

Europe → Austria CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Belgium CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Croatia CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Czech Republic CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Denmark CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Finland CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → France CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Germany CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Great Britain CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Greece CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Hungary CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Iceland CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Italy CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → The Netherlands CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Norway CEDT = UTC-3

Notes on translation:

  • "Flere Webkamera" = More webcams.
  • "Se enda større bilde" = Click here to see an even larger picture.
  • "Side ikke funnet" or "Siden ble ikke funnet" = 404
  • "Du bruker en nettleser vi ikke stotter. Vi anbefaler ad du oppgraderer til siste versjon al Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, eller Opera." = Use a modern browser. (Nice of them to put the homegrown browser last.)
  • "Se Lofoten nå" = See Lofoten now.
  • "NY!" = NEW!

Europe → Spain CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Sweden CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Switzerland CEDT = UTC-3

Europe → Ukraine CEDT = UTC+2
National flag of Ukraine

At 7 AM PST ON 24 February 2022, Russian fighters and missiles have struck Kyiv and other major cities in Ukraine, causing multiple casualties. Meanwhile, Russian citizens flock to pull money out of banks before sanctions take effect.
As Russia's attacks worsened, many of these webcams have gone "private" or otherwise been taken offline. Others change hands and locations as their operators struggle to provide any video available.
Russian troops have now pulled out of the Kyiv area, leaving evidence of war crimes behind them. They have regrouped in the Donbas region and begun a new attack. Mariupol has been sealed off with several thousand troops and civilians holed up in the Azovstal plant.

One source that gave us four views around Ukraine is gone, leaving several of my links dead.
The list now contains several WebcamTaxi links (most offline) and two different aggregators in the "See also" list.
Also in the "See also" list are links to news bulletins from CNN & "Ukrainecrisis-org", Global Conflict Tracker, Ukraine Observer, maps from the BBC, a timeline of the invasion from Wikipedia, and an array of links to border-crossing checkpoints.

On this day, citizens of Kherson are celebrating that city's liberation from Russian troops. Those troops withdrew to the eastern side of the Dniepro River, blowing up the bridges behind them. The city remains bereft of electricity, but filled with jubilation.

Last update: 8:49 AM on 12 November 2022. (All times are PST.)
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Copyright © 2002-2022 Christopher P. Winter. All rights reserved.
This page was last modified on 12 November 2022.