Major Cast | |
Gail E. Kennedy | as Herself |
P. Z. Meyers | as Himself |
Peter Nonacs | as Himself |
Craig Stanford | as Himself |
MPAA Rating: | Unrated |
Distributor: | Living Waters Productions |
Production Company: | Living Waters Productions |
Release Date (US): | 7/22/2013 |
Domestic Box Office (Wikipedia): | N/A |
God did it. Comfort believes it. That settles it.
Ray Comfort gives a disgraceful performance in Evolution vs. God. The word "disgraceful" is carefully chosen; for there is very little of the grace of God about Ray Comfort — or any other sort of grace, for that matter.
His performance here consists almost entirely of asking people on the street loaded questions like "Do you believe in evolution?" and "Can you give me a single observable example of a change in kind?" These questions are meant to paint evolution as just as much a matter of faith as religion, and to claim there is no evidence for evolution because his (mostly) randomly chosen victims can't pull the requested "change in kind" out of their pocket and show it to him. Seriously, that is his definition for "change in kind" — it must be something easily seen, such as a crocodile changing into a duck, and it must happen in the present right in front of his eyes. Changes millions of years ago, or elsewhere in space, don't count.
Comfort has included four scientists.
However, they fare no better than the others Comfort interviews. That's the way the scam is intended to work: Ask leading questions in rapid sequence and snatch the microphone away before the answer is complete, or if it proves inconvenient. Here the distortion is compounded by shaky editing, with one person being asked a question and another face often appearing in a hard cut before the person answers.
About halfway through his 34-minute ramble, Comfort switches to sermon mode. First he zeros in on the charge of moral relativism. This is a common dodge for christianists, who like to claim that all morality comes from our Intelligent Designer, or more accurately from Jehovah, the God of the Christian Bible. It is an indefensible claim, but in a presentation like Comfort's, where people are treated like marks,1 that can easily be missed. Indeed, the whole point of sermons like Comfort's is that it should be missed. Only by bamboozling people can the christianists gain converts and the tithing they will cough up.
One of the highlights of the adventure is Comfort asking his victims to identify a famous atheist. They always miss (or we never get to see any correct answers.) He doesn't ask the four scientists, for obvious reasons. Then he shows a sign that claims to feature eight prominent atheists, gleefully pointing out that seven aren't really atheists at all.2 And the eighth? Ernest Hemingway, who blew his own brains out with a shotgun. Oh, my — what a horrible sinner. So much worse than Jared Lee Loughner, the man who tried to blow Congresswoman Gabby Giffords's brains out, or Scott Philip Roeder, the Christian who killed abortion doctor George Tiller in Tiller's church one Sunday.
I hope Ray has his sarcasm detector turned on when he reads this.
My Rating:
1 out of 10
Capsule review: This video has no value as entertainment or even as advocacy for the worth of the Christian religion. It does, however, expose Ray Comfort as the charlatan he is. There's value in that.
IMDB Rating: 3.2 | Raters: 627 |