THE PLANET REMADE How Geoengineering Could Change the World Oliver Morton Princeton University Press, November 2015 |
Rating: 5.0 High |
ISBN-13 978-0-691-14825-0 | ||||
ISBN-10 0-691-14825-2 | 428pp. | HC/BWI | $29.95 |
Page 11: | "There are very few precedents for 4 per cent year-on-year emission reductions that don't also involve an economic collapse — and they can only last for so long." |
Except of course if the economic collapse accompanies the collapse of civilization worldwide. |
Page 12: | "A big power station typically runs at a billion watts or so — a gigawatt." |
Unlike the other expansions for the units of power in this paragraph, this one lacks an abbreviation. S/B "a gigawatt (GW)". |
Page 60: | "It was an object for celebration — at the Earth Days that began in America in 1970s — and protection." |
Missing word: S/B "in the 1970s". |
Page 65: | "That is the work that fuels all the living things you have ever seen." |
Since this refers to photosynthesis, I wonder about the life forms around "black smokers". |
Page 68: | "The average temperature of the planet's surface, would seem the simplest of all climatic measurements to obtain." |
Unwanted comma: S/B "surface would". (Probably a dependent clause was removed w/o the comma that preceded it.) |
Page 84: | "The pillar of erupting lava reached 35 kilometres into the sky, its head spreading out like a mushroom cloud 400 kilometres across." |
The author undoubtedly means volcanic gases, or perhaps ash. |
Page 161: | "Risk reduction depends on finding — indeed, designing — approaches that might work and approaches that definitely don't work." |
Maybe I'm being too picky here, but I'd write "indeed, defining". |
Page 206: | "...without disrupting huge amounts of land and incurring all sorts of other of damage." |
Extra word: S/B "of other damage". |
Page 209: | "...the story of a wilderness no longer wild, seen through eyes that can but be civilized..." |
It seem this S/B "eyes that cannot but be civilized". Perhaps a Britishism? |
Page 211: | "Excluding, for the moment, the burning of wood and other biomass,in 1900 the world's total primary energy supply was 33 exajoules, derived almost entirely from wood and fossil fuels." |
Contradictory; I'd remove the highlighted words. |
Page 308: | "Look at it afresh and it can but feel absurd." |
S/B "it cannot but feel absurd". (See also p. 209.) |
Bibiliography errors: