Reviewed 6/10/2012

Run To Failure, by Abrahm Lustgarten

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BP and the Making of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster
Abrahm Lustgarten
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, March 2012




ISBN-13 978-0-393-08162-6
ISBN 0-393-08162-1 384pp. HC/BWI $27.99


Page x: "With a burst like a canon, pent-up pressure from the oil and gas exploded from the twenty-one-inch pipe..."
  Spelling: S/B "cannon".
Page xv: "(The company called for the protection of walruses, which don't live in the gulf.)"
  Wrong/missing word, capitalization: S/B "plan" (or "company plan") and "Gulf".
Page 4: "It was Browne who had whittled the spreadsheets and made sense of BP America's financial outlook."
  Word choice: S/B... something other than "whittled".
Page 9: "The idea was that diverse and completely unrelated streams of revenue would help balance out the volatility of oil, which at the time seemed likely to remain so."
  Vague wording: S/B "volatile".
Pages 9-10: "...and British Petroleum [...] led the way, buying everything from a pet food maker to coal companies in the hopes that they would act as a shield against anything the market—or the OPEC cartel— could inflict on them."
  Number error: S/B "it".
Page 30: "As they did, he says his vengeance faded and an overriding sense of public justice began to take over."
  Missing comma, missing words: S/B "he says, his thirst for vengeance".
Page 41: "The river appears so broad and shallow that it can seem like..."
  What river? The North Slope contains eight or nine rivers, IIRC.1
Page 60: "At the time is was the Amoco merger that was under way—Browne hadn't yet gotten to ARCO—..."
  Typo: S/B "it was".
Page 73: "...where dozens of networks of pipelines met in a single large stream to be cleaned up and shipped south, pent-up pressure from the oil and gas exploded from the twenty-one-inch pipe..."
  Missing words: S/B "met, funneling the oil into a single large stream to be cleaned up and shipped south".
Page 73: "Each of these facilities were state-of-the-art in their heyday..."
  Number errors: S/B "was" and "its".
Page 74: "...and would one day assume corporate responsibilities far beyond the arctic north."
  Capitalization: S/B "Arctic".
Page 115: "BP, which earned $285 billion in 2004..."
  Wording: I tend to interpret this as meaning profits. It is revenue. I would say "took in".
Page 163: "In Alaska she had affected little change..."
  Word choice: S/B "effected".
Pages 163-4: "If a catastrophe has to occur to get others to belly up to the plate, it's regretful, but it may be necessary..."
  Word choice: S/B "regrettable". (Since this comes from an e-mail, it may be correct as written but only lacking a "sic".)
Page 171: "Future executives—Browne's Turtles, including Tony Hayward—would have to prove themselves in the gulf."
  Capitalization: S/B "in the Gulf".
Page 179: "Since 2001, Jeanne Pascal had pressed for the company to elevate its Health, Safety and Environment leadership so that worker's complaints would register..."
  Apostrophe position: S/B "workers' complaints".
Page 181: "It seemed he had misinterpreted the companies' priorities."
  Arguably a number error: S/B "company's".
Page 235: "...and Marty Anderson's allegations [...] was for a long time unaddressed."
  Number error: S/B "were".
Page 267: "The weak spots are invisible, but they can by anywhere."
  Spelling: S/B "can be".
Page 270: "...a nine-inch-wide main line [...] which runs many miles back to the Gathering Center 1."
  Extra word: S/B "Gathering Center 1".
Page 272: "His response to her was always, 'Screw you, I'll do what I want.'"
  Wrong pronoun: S/B "me" since this is a quote from Jeanne Pascal.
Page 283: "Missing design documents not only prove that equipment was assembled properly but are the instruction manuals workers rely on in emergencies."
  Probably S/B "Design documents". My guess is that another sentence was supposed to describe the impact of their being missing.
Page 301: "The gulf coast states, for example..."
  Capitalization: S/B "Gulf Coast".
Page 301: "The lessons of the gulf demonstrated..."
  Capitalization: S/B "Gulf".
1 The map in the front of Jonathan Waterman's Where Mountains Are Nameless will tell.
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