Reviewed 1/14/2018

Quakeland, by Kathryn Miles

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San Jose, CA Public Library
On the Road to America's Next Devastating Earthquake
Kathryn Miles
New York: Dutton, August 2017




ISBN-13 978-0-525-95518-4
ISBN-10 525-95518-6 356pp. HC $28.00


Page 23: "...Smith spends most of his time at his ancestral home in Grand Teton National Park, where his forebearers homesteaded for generations."
  Spelling: S/B "forebears".
Pages 24-25: "And what they found excited even the taciturn Smith: Since those benchmarks had been installed, the entire caldera had risen about a meter. In scientific terms, that's a really big deal. Smith still gets excited by it.
'I learned to fly an air force jet in 1963. A year later, I drove a dog team across Antarctica. Neither held a candle to that discovery,' says Smith today."
  Capitalization: S/B "Air Force". Also, I would rate those two activities more exciting than the scientific discovery Smith touts, impressive as it is. Although it's in Montana, it isn't exactly Zephram Cochran's warp drive breakthrough.
Page 32: "...—just like when we hear a sonic boom as a jet flies overhead."
  Of course, the jet has to be supersonic. No passenger planes are these days, and few fighters go supersonic over populated areas.
Page 35: "Ironically, the occupants of the Painters' original campsite were complete unharmed by the catastrophe."
  Grammar: S/B "completely".
Page 39: "An M 6.0 quake is ten times stronger than an M 5.0 quake and releases thirty-one times more energy. In other words, that 5.0 quake will release the energy equivalent of 4 million pounds of dynamite. The 6.0 quake is more like 4 billion pounds—making its energy release on par with the Little Boy nuclear bomb."
  Factual error: Little Boy was the nuclear bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Its yield is imprecisely known, but lies in the range of 15 to 30 kilotons of TNT — far below the 4 billion pounds (or 2 million tons) that the author quotes.
Page 52: "I find a clear sign of a scarp just behind the Kokopelli's Koffee there."
  This reads like the preceding sentence has gone missing.
Page 64: "...each a chapter in the narrative that is our earth's history."
  Capitalization: S/B "our Earth's history".
Page 74: "The nations were still very much at loggerheads when the Hebgen Lake quake ruptured."
  Usage: S/B "the Hebgen Lake quake erupted" (or "occurred", or "took place", or "struck".)
Page 78: "Out at sea, the captain of the brig Alice felt a heavy lurch that threw him and his crew, followed by a shaking that lasted nearly a minute."
  How is this possible in a ship at sea?
Page 80: "Each time that occurred, the land currently known as the Mid-Atlantic underwent an accordion effect..."
  Another discontinuity like the one on page 52. The preceding paragraph gives no clue as to what "that" might be.
Page 118: "And the force of the collision was so traumatic that it created Himalaya-like mountain chains running through what is now the eastern United States."
  Usage: S/B "dramatic" or "forceful" (among other possibilities.) Trauma implies physical or psychological injury.
Page 186: "About 500 years ago, the area that is now Oklahoma was first inundated by a shallow ocean."
  Factual error: S/B "500 million years ago".
Page 209: "And the force of the collision was so traumatic that it created Himalaya-like mountain chains running through what is now the eastern United States."
  Usage: S/B "dramatic" or "forceful" (among other possibilities.) Trauma implies physical or psychological injury.
Page 209: "Halihan also has a seismometer. When I first met him, it was stationed in his backyard, near a pond overflowing with turtles. His son and I fed them one evening. We'd scatter what looked dog kibble over the surface, then wait for the reptiles to arrive."
  Missing word: S/B "what looked like dog kibble".
Page 217: "Collectively, they are the single largest concentration of oil on the planet."
  Larger than the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?.
Page 222: "But Denver wasn't so lucky. The quakes produced by the Rocky Mountain Arsenal continued until 1981—fifteen years after pumping ceased."
  Elsewhere the author says 20 years.
Page 252: "Following the 2016 quake, the Taiwanese government conducted an extensive study of soils on the island."
  Number error: S/B "soil" because the next sentence refers to "soils" with the pronoun "it" in two places.
Page 269: "It also accelerated our orbit that day, shaving 1.8 microseconds off the day."
  Factual error: S/B "Earth's revolution".
Page 274: "We got there in his brand-new Corvette (bloodred)..."
  Missing hyphen: S/B "(blood-red)".
Page 282: "Yamaguchi squeezes into the backseat, rearranging the books and life jackets and things..."
  Missing space: S/B "back seat".
Page 2285: "Atwater kept searching estuaries up and down the coast and found remarkably similar evidence. In between the peaty layers of mud and sediment, they also found sand."
  This looks like the third instance of a missing sentence. Otherwise, who besides Atwater is doing the searching and finding?
Page 289: "Because these waves meet such little resistance in the open ocean, their energy is disbursed such that they can seem hardly noticeable to boaters there."
  Word choice: S/B "dispersed".
Index Errors
Page 351: "Central United States Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC), 123, 125"
  Index error: S/B "123, 125, 144".
Page 351: "Charleston Chamber of Commerce, none"
  Index error: S/B "145" (although Karen Teeter, its executive director, is correctly indexed on this page.)
Page 354: "Northridge quake, CA (1994), 246, 258, 279"
  Index error: S/B "247, 258, 279".
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