Reviewed 6/28/2015

Banned, by Frederick Rowe Davis

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A History of Pesticides and the Science of Toxicology
Frederick Rowe Davis
New Haven: Yale University Press, November 2014




ISBN-13 978-0-300-20517-6
ISBN-10 0-300-20517-1 264pp. HC/BWI $40.00

When I was in high school, my parents took me on vacations in the southern U.S. I remember well being in some North Carolina motel when the DDT foggers came through in the evening. I walked around in the mist as I unpacked the car. Little did I know then, in my early teens, that it was other than an unalloyed boon. (To be clear, I suffered no ill effects myself. But of course I had only a single brief exposure.)

There has been much dispute over the worth of pesticides, primarily over DDT because of its unique history. Developed at Germany's I. G. Farben in 1937, it quickly became popular and — ironically for the Third Reich — proved a great boon to the Allied Powers in World War II, especially in the Italian campaign where it protected the troops from typhus.

"With the advent of World War II there was renewed interest in insecticides that could control the spread of malaria and other insect-borne diseases. DDT was the most promising of these, and its potential effects on target organisms, lab animals, wildlife, and humans underwent extensive analysis. [...] Such scrutiny demonstrated that DDT had opened a new era in insect control and toxicology. No other insecticide killed such a broad spectrum of insects without damaging the crops it was protecting. No other insecticide inspired such extensive investigation."

– Page 91

After the War, DDT was produced in massive amounts by U.S. manufacturers. The manufacturers found ready markets in the agriculture industry, where DDT swiftly controlled all manner of crop pests with little apparent harm to humans or wildlife. But within a few years it became clear that DDT was having major impacts on wildlife populations where it was used. These impacts have been extensively documented. In the same period, medical doctors began to notice harm to humans. Damage to kidneys, liver, and the nervous system were discovered. Such damage required long-term exposure. But that is why DDT and the other insecticides in its class, the chlorinated hydrocarbons, are so insidious: they persist in the environment and collect in fatty tissues. Thus, those who eat fruit with DDT residue over a long period can suffer various kinds of chronic illness. However, getting a DDT preparation on your skin while applying it will do no harm as long as you wash it off promptly.

DDT's other problem is that many pests, including houseflies and mosquitoes, can rapidly become immune to its effects. So can the malaria parasite. Use of DDT was banned in the U.S. in 1972, after contentious congressional hearings where testimony revealed the newly discovered problems. It is still made here, and used in many places overseas. It is a genuine boon if applied properly. Unfortunately, many factors combine to impede proper use.

"Carson published Silent Spring at a critical moment in the history of environmental science. Studying her sources and rereading her careful interpretations of science deepens our appreciation of the achievement of Silent Spring. But an analysis of pesticides policy and usage policy in the decades following the ban on DDT exposes a tragic irony in the worldwide proliferation of the organophosphate pesticides, chemicals that Carson and the toxicologists acknowledged to be far more toxic to wildlife and humans alike."

– Page xi

This ban is doubly unfortunate because it has led to substitution of other, more dangerous pesticides for DDT. Chief among them are the organophosphates1 including parathion and monocrotophos.2 In the long battle with crop pests and vector-borne diseases like malaria, we have often wielded chemical weapons we did not really understand. Tragedies have resulted. But we do learn, in time. The author shows us the work of the toxicologists who gave us that understanding — a knowledge still incomplete, but improving. The declining uses of pesticides, as shown in the tables I provide below, are indications that we are growing wiser about pesticides.

"For the most part, organophosphate insecticides were not associated with carcenogenicity, so they passed through the screen that as the regulatory emphasis on cancer. Since they typically did not bioaccumulate in the environment, they avoided one of the chief drawbacks of the organochlorines. Lost in these toxicological analyses was the damage that organophosphate insecticides wrought to humans and wildlife directly in the form of acute toxicity. As we have seen, with the exception of malathion, organophosphates were moderately to highly toxic to humans and wildlife, especially birds, fish, aquatic organisms, and non-target insects, including bees. To a degree that would have shocked and disappointed Carson, the "road traveled" was flooded with highly toxic organophosphate insecticides, which she had identified as some of the most toxic chemicals known to man."

– Page 209


Numbers are thousands of pounds of active ingredients
    Year of Use
Pesticide Class 1966 1971 1976 1982
Based on Table 3 (Davis, pp. 204-205)
Acephate OP 0 0 588 1,137
Aldicarb CB 0 0 0 2,271
Aldrin OC 14,671 7,928 945 0
Azinphos-methyl OP 1,474 2,654 2,644 2,274
Carbaryl CB 12,392 17,838 15,829 9,984
Carbofuran CB 0 0 11,623 12,300
Chlordane OC 526 1,890 2,116 0
Chlorpyrifos OP 0 0 0 5,412
DDT OC 27,004 14,324 0 0
Diazinon OP 5,605 3,167 2,470 2,114
Dicrotophos OP 1,857 807 0 0
Dieldrin OC 724 0 0 0
Dimethoate OP 0 0 583 1,419
Disulfoton OP 1,952 4,079 6,873 2,443
Endosulfan OC 791 882 1,653 977
Endrin OC 751 1,427 866 0
EPN OP 0 0 6,249 1,373
Ethion OP 2,007 2,326 2,639 1,250
Ethyl Parathion OP 8,452 9,481 9,268 6,384
Ethoprop OP 0 0 0 2,907
Fensulfothion OP 0 0 748 0
Fenvalerate SP 0 0 0 1,273
Fonofos OP 0 0 5,008 5,486
Heptachlor OC 1,536 1,211 1,667 0
Lindane OC 704 650 0 0
Malathion OP 5,218 3,602 3,936 2,521
Methamidophos OP 0 0 0 942
Methomyl CB 0 0 3,417 4,353
Methoxychlor OC 2,578 3,012 4,057 0
Methyl Parathion OP 8,002 27,563 23,350 11,335
Mevinphos OP 0 0 0 1,277
Mexacarbate OC 502 0 0 0
Monocrotophos OP 0 0 1,917 761
Naled OP 0 0 0 745
Oil   N/A 73,950 60,000 50,000
Oxamyl CB 0 0 0 667
Paraffinic Oil   11,419 0 0 0
Permethrin SP 0 0 0 1,475
Phorate OP 0 0 6,957 5,379
Phosmet OP 0 0 523 903
Strobane OC 2,016 0 0 0
Sulprofos OP 0 0 0 749
TDE OC 2,896 0 0 0
Terbufos OP 0 0 2,492 8,632
Toxaphene OC 34,605 37,464 34,178 6,596
Trichlorfon OP 1,060 617 932 0


Numbers are thousands of pounds of active ingredients
    Year of Use
Pesticide Class 1989 1992 1997 2002
Based on Table 4 (Davis, pp. 207-208)
Acephate OP 2,500 3,390 2,462 2,525
Aldicarb CB 5,317 4,022 4,278 3,419
Azinphos-methyl OP 3,000 2,549 2,091 1,224
Carbaryl CB 8,616 4,543 4,858 2,986
Carbofuran CB 7,156 5,101 3,398 1,015
Chlorpyrifos OP 11,300 14,765 13,464 8,481
Cryolite FL 0 4,053 2,560 1,102
Cypermethrin SP 500 0 0 0
Diazinon OP 1,847 1,266 918 858
Dicofol OC 0 1,392 787 0
Dicrotophos OP 550 666 0 0
Dimethoate OP 4,250 2,619 1,897 1,346
Disulfoton OP 2,023 1,807 1,196 0
Endosulfan OC 1,100 1,797 1,601 868
EPN OP 975 0 0 0
Esfenvalerate SP 500 0 0 0
Ethion OP 1,350 991 505 0
Ethoprop OP 2,500 1,450 1,011 0
Ethyl parathion OP 6,030 2,318 529 0
Fenamiphos OP 0 615 727 0
Fenvalerate SP 1,000 0 0 0
Fonofos OP 3,220 3,234 0 0
Kaolin   0 0 0 1,690
Malathion OP 6,327 3,378 5,810 5,132
Methamidophos OP 1,259 1,088 966 0
Methidathion OP 600 0 0 0
Methomyl CB 2,345 2,755 1,997 918
Methyl parathion OP 7,652 5,962 5,917 2,148
Mevinphos OP 757 0 0 0
Monocrotophos OP 550 0 0 0
Naled OP 600 0 605 0
Oil   35,000 51,102 102,337 91,606
Oxamyl OP 0 946 939 748
Permethrin SP 450 1,069 1,066 586
Phorate OP 5,329 4,453 3,218 1,197
Phosalone OP 750 0 0 0
Phosmet OP 1,000 941 1,333 0
Profenofos OP 777 2,063 880 0
Propargite OS 0 3,628 2,539 1,407
Sulfopros OP 0 852 0 0
Tebupirimphos OP 0 0 0 538
Tefluthrin SP 0 0 577 630
Terbufos OP 10,246 8,690 6,516 3,363
Thiodicarb CB 950 1,706 821 0
Trichlorfon OP 568 0 0 0


  Year of Use
Breakdown 1966 1971 1976 1982 1989 1992 1997 2002
Derived from Tables 3 & 4 (Davis, pp. 204-208)
Pesticides in use 24 24 29 31 36 32 31 24
Organochlorines in use 12 9 7 2 1 2 2 1
Organophosphates in use 9 10 18 21 25 22 20 14
Carbamates in use 2 4 3 5 5 4 4 3
Synthetic Pyrethroids in use 0 0 0 2 4 1 2 2


Numbers are thousands of pounds of active ingredients
  Year of Use
Breakdown 1966 1971 1976 1982 1989 1992 1997 2002
Derived from Tables 3 & 4 (Davis, pp. 204-208)
Qty. of Organochlorines in use 88,892 68,788 45,482 7,573 1,100 3,189 2,388 868
Qty. of Organophosphates in use 35,627 58,474 78,325 65,524 72,960 66,798 55,520 30,953
Qty. of Carbamates in use 12,894 25,375 30,869 29,475 24,384 15,372 12,534 7,420
Qty. of Synthetic Pyrethroids in use 0 0 0 2,748 2,450 1,069 1,643 1,216
Qty. of Organosulfonates (Propargite) in use 0 0 0 0 0 3,628 2,539 1,407
Total Qty. of Pesticides in use 137,413 152,637 154,676 105,320 100,894 90,056 74,624 41,864
Qty. of Cryolite in use 0 0 0 0 0 4,053 0 0
Qty. of Kaolin in use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,690
Qty. of oil in use 0 73,950 60,000 50,000 35,000 51,102 102,337 91,606
Qty. of Paraffinic oil in use 11,419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

"As Daniel, Langston, Oreskes and Conway, and Rosner and Markowitz and others have brilliantly demonstrated through numerous incisive examples, industry successfully captured regulatory agencies in the U.S. across the twentieth century to the detriment of the health and wellness of millions of Americans and others worldwide. In the case of pesticides, Daniel argued: "[USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS)] possessed enormous power, for its label approval function licensed pesticide formulations. It garnered enormous power in its multiple roles as clearinghouse, coordinator, regulator, and research center. To have their way, ARS bureaucrats bullied, plotted, lied, and misled. A culture emerged within the service that justified pesticides at all costs, and staffers bent research, reports, and testimony to serve this mission."

– Pages 184-5

1 The organophosphates are derived from nerve gases developed for war. They are cholinesterase inhibitors; in very small amounts, they can penetrate the skin and promptly disrupt the action of the nervous system.
2 The deaths of 23 school children in India in 2013 were traced to the latter. Apparently the cooking oil used to prepare their lunches was stored in containers that had once held the pesticide.
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