Reviewed 12/28/2005

Climate Crash, by John D. Cox

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Santa Clara, CA City Public Library
Abrupt Climate Change and What It Means for Our Future
John D. Cox
Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2005




ISBN-13 978-0-309-09312-5
ISBN 0-309-09312-0 215pp. HC/GSI $22.95


Page 68: "A century later, of course, the close relationship between temperature and greenhouse gases would become critical in the context of another climate puzzle."
  And that other puzzle is ___?
Page 101: "After 20 years, the link between atmospheric CO2 and ice age temperatures still has yet to be explained..."
  It seems Mr. Cox works for the department of redundancy department.
Page 108: "About 11,000 years ago, the retreat of the ice closed off the lake's southern outlet through the Mississippi River basin into the Gulf of Mexico and opened a new channel eastward through the St. Lawrence into the North Atlantic."
  Cox doesn't explain how this happened — until page 151.
Page 128: "You test ideas discard what doesn't seem to work, and move on."
  Missing comma: S/B "test ideas, discard".
Page 130: "It was oceanographers whose discovery in the 1950s of spreading mid-ocean ridges that had sparked the theory of plate tectonics and finally confirmed Alfred Wegener's concept of continental drift."
  Extra word: S/B "had sparked".
Page 178: "He wrote with a Swiss accent, but his work also had a distinctive style and flare, Herman Zimmerman recalled..."
  S/B "flair". (Pesky homonyms!)
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