Reviewed 7/05/2008
Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming
Mark Bowen
New York: Dutton, 2008 |
ISBN-13 978-0-525-95014-1 |
ISBN-10 ? |
324pp. |
$25.95 |
Page 105: |
"Dick Cheney's energy task force quickly produced a plan that promised to carry the temperature increase of the twentieth century on into the next." |
S/B "the rate of temperature increase". |
Page 117: |
Andrew Revkin quote: "...directives, almost always transmitted verbally [sic]..." |
I'm not sure why "transmitted verbally" gets a [sic] in this quotation. It's common usage. Perhaps Bowen feels it ought to be "transmitted orally". |
Pages 125-6: |
"...while greenhouse levels have been growing exponentially since the start of the industrial revolution." |
S/B "greenhouse-gas levels". As for "growing exponentially," I question the accuracy of this. |
Pages 204-5: |
"Thirty years later, George Will would refer to this momentary and minor delusion, which had been shared even in the 1970s by a just small fraction of the relevant science community..." |
Word order: S/B "just a small fraction". |
Page 242: |
"...and Ellsaesser list at the first opportunity. Nineteen ninety set a record in all three data sets." |
There's no need to spell this out: S/B "1990". |
Page 269: |
"Only when parts of this exchange were shared with The New York Times and the diminishing status of our home planet began making headlines did most NASA employees even realize that their agency had taken a major change of course." |
This needs rewording: S/B "the diminishing status of scientific observation of our home planet" or something similar. |
Page 271: |
"By 2007, Jim would be filing grants with private foundations..." |
Missing word: S/B "filing grant applications with". |
Page 313: |
Index error: "Abraham, Spencer 98, 114-15" |
Index error: S/B "Abraham, Spencer 47, 98". |
Page 319: |
Index error: "Koomaroff, Fred, 222" |
Index error: S/B "Koomaroff, Fred, 216, 222, 271". |
Page 321: |
Index error: "Rasool, Ichtiaque, 223" |
Index error: S/B "Rasool, Ichtiaque, 216, 223". |
Names missing from index: Franklin, Golding, Cherry, Crystal Jezierski

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