Reviewed 4/03/2015

The Sky Road, by Ken MacLeod
Cover art by Mark Salwowski
Ken MacLeod
NY: TOR, October 1999




ISBN-13 978-0-312-87335-8
ISBN-10 0-312-87335-2 291pp. HC 24.95


Page 27: "It was personal, it was a personal, a unique configuration of software agents that scanned the world and Myra's responses to the world, and built up from that interaction a shrewd assessment of her needs and interests. It looked out information for her..."
  This may be a Britishism; but I'm thinking it S/B "looked up information".
Page 37: "...and on to friends and workmates in drink-fuelled debates."
  Spelling: S/B "drink-fueled".
Page 37: "The Earth was filled with violence, and God sent an asteroid, Katy Boundary, to destroy it."
  I guess it's just me, but this garbled mingling of science and religion rubs me the wrong way.
Page 61: "I inherited the assets from my predecessors . . . and I never mentioned them because I thought you already knew,or you didn't and you needed to have deniability."

So it was true. The confirmation was less of a shock than Reid's original claim had been. It would take a while for the full enormity of it all to sink in.

Myra nodded, her mouth full. Swallowed, with a shot of whisky. "The latter, actually, I didn't know. I thought they'd all been seized by the Yanks after the war."

"Most of them were. There was one exception, though. A large portfolio of assets that made it through the crackdown, that the US/UN just couldn't get their hands on; one contract that was always renewed. Until the fall Revolution, of course. Then it . . . lapsed, and I was left holding the babies. They were sent back to us in a large consignment of large diplomatic bags, from various locations, all controlled by . . . "

"You can tell me now, I take it?"

Valentina looked around, and shrugged.

"The original ministate, with the original mercenary defence force."

Myra had to think for a moment before she realized just which state was meant.

"Jesus wept!"

  Such artful vagueness! I'll bet the bags were large. I won't say what these "assets" are, though it's not hard to figure out. I also have an idea what "the original ministate" is, but I may be wrong, and it's not very important.
Page 74: "On the Saturday afternoon Merrial had guddled a trout from a dark, deep pool in the Alt na Chuirn glen...."
  A Britishism, or portmanteau word?
Page 78: "The train stopped for five minutes at Dunkeld. A small, old town of stone, still with its Christian cathedral."
  The second sentence is not a sentence: S/B "???".
Page 87: "That's all the files that mention Myra Godwin transferred, from the dark storage to the stane."
  Spelling: S/B "stone".
Page 97: "There it was, scribed on a hull panel from an old McDonnell Douglass SSTO heavy lifter."
  Historical error: McDonnell-Douglas the company vanished long before this novel was written, the parts acquired by Boeing and others. Although it built the Delta Clipper and flew it up to a few thousand feet, it never came close to a true SSTO, more's the pity. A case could be made for alternate history, but that doesn't seem to fit with the author's intent.
Page 151: "They would retain ultimate operational control — there was no way Suleimanyov could expect them to surrender that — but for all public and diplomatic and military purposes, they'd work together under one command."
  Continuity error: S/B "there was no way Suleimanyov could have expected them to surrender that". Page 150 informs us that Suleimanyov was killed. Or did I miss something?
Page 220: "Sauchiehall, Glasgow's main shopping street, had been depedestranised since she'd last been here and it thrummed with through traffic..."
  Spelling: S/B "depedestrianised".
Page 257: "The room's central chandelier, unlit at the moment, looked like a landing craft from an ancient and impressive alien civilization making its presence known."
  Is this an homage to Close Encounters of the Third Kind? ISTR the mother ship in that film being referred to as a "cosmic chandelier."
Page 259: "What they want, presumably, is a passage across or to the north of Kazakhstan, as they make their way west to the Ukraine..."
  Outmoded usage: S/B "Ukraine".
Page 263: "They stalked and lurched about like Martian invaders; but the locals treated them with casual familiarity, like traffic or street-furniture. Perhaps, Myra thought wryly, it was the absence of searing heat-rays and writhing metal tentacles that did the trick."
  More homage: This time to H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds.
Page 267: "Nok-Yung caught the allusion. 'It is not The Terminator. you know! Not — what was it in the films? — Skynet. It is not . . . inimical.' "
  Yet more homage.
Page 267: "More Luddism! The machines will form a benign human environment, a second nature, within which human nature can flourish, truly, for the first time."
  Homage to Jack Williamson's The Humanoids?
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