Reviewed 4/06/2011

The Dispossessed, by Ursula LeGuin
Cover art by Danilo Ducak
Film This!
An Ambiguous Utopia
Ursula K. LeGuin
New York: HarperCollins, December 1994




ISBN-13 978-0-06-105488-4
ISBN 0-06-105488-7 387pp. SC/GSI $7.99

There are very few mistakes of grammar in this novel, and I did not record those. I remember two or three misspelled or mistyped words, probably the result of editing for the paperback reprint. But I did record some production goofs in this edition. Apparently the pages were printed two by two and then folded in the middle; some are folded in the wrong place, so that one side has an extra-large margin and the text on the other side runs up against the edge of the sheet. See pages 233-4 for an example.

There is a more puzzling goof: On certain pages, one line of text occurs in a different, smaller font. This is usually the twelfth line from the top.


Page 128: "How could the diligent stu-dents be distinguished from the dull ones? What was the good in working hard?"
  The highlighted text is printed in a smaller font than the rest of the page.
Page 130: "...all that vital, magnificent, inexhaustible world which he had seen from the windows of his room, his first day on the world. It slipped out of his awkward, for-eign hands, eluded him, and when he looked again..."
  The highlighted text is printed in a smaller font than the rest of the page.
Page 333: "Not even hunger could repress it. The less he had, the more absolute became his need to be."
  The highlighted text (15 lines down) is printed in a smaller font than the rest of the page.
Page 382: "Whatever such a man sees along his way he seems only as reflections of the light."
  The highlighted word should be "sees".
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