Reviewed 4/26/2010

Aftermath, by Levar Burton

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San Jose, CA Public Library
Levar Burton
New York: Warner Books, 1997




ISBN-13 978-0-446-51993-9
ISBN-10 0-446-51993-6 274p. HC $22.00


Page 7: "Leon had grown up in the town of Millvat, Pennsylvania, just across the Ohio River from the city of Pittsburgh."
  There is no town named "Millvat" in Pennsylvania. However, there is a "Millvale", and it is just where he places it. This looks like a transcription error or an editor's typo.
Page 8: "Although Leon's work at C4 figuratively put his head in the clouds, his dreams went way beyond that, out past the stratosphere and monosphere, to the great vastness of space."
  As far as I know there is no part of the atmosphere called the "monosphere." Perhaps magnetosphere is what was intended. Google is no help; it only shows me a Redwood City storage-management software firm.
Page 14: "Fortunately, the city of Atlanta considered the Hawkins Neural Institute important enough to give them extra kilowatt hours."
  Missing hyphen: S/B "kilowatt-hours".
Page 14: "What they received from the city went to operate scientific apparatuses and medical equipment."
  "Apparatus" is either singular or plural, depending on context. "Apparatuses" is also valid, but I've seldom seen it used.
Page 261: "The second guard lowered his aim and fired again. The shotgun's deadly pellets clipped one of the table's legs and struck the floor about a foot in front of Leon."
  I would have added a third sentence: "Fortunately, they veered off to one side." Something to indicate more clearly how lucky was his escape.2
1 The cover image shown is that of the paperback, published December 1997. It's much better done than the hardcover.
2 Mr. Burton may recall this similar example from a Star Trek episode: "Fortunately the robot did not detect my presence and de-activate my phaser."
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