I am an atheist. Most of the books I read now, therefore, deal with the intersection of religion, politics, and science (especially climate science) — currently matters of some contention. But the nature of religion holds inherent interest for me, so I may review some works on that subject from time to time.

Lists of available reviews of books on religion

(Linked to review)
Bhutto, Benazir Reconciliation 5.0 3/17/2008 The former prime minister of Pakistan argues persuasively that Western powers should use more "soft power" in their quest to defeat Islamic militants.
Dawkins, Richard Outgrowing God 5.0 10/21/2019 The latest of Dawkins's books arguing against religion is aimed at young readers, and mostly succeeds.
Erickson, Erick You Will Be Made to Care 2.0 7/10/2017 Conservative Christian Erick Erickson goes to bat for the home team, and strikes out.
Findley, Paul Silent No More 3.5 1/12/2002 Mostly succeeds in correcting America's false images of Islam, but poor on terrorism.
Lynn, Barry W. Piety and Politics 5.0 11/28/2011 Another voice, ordained minister Barry Lynn, warns of encroachment on constitutional rights by the Religious Right.
Quality Ranges for Book Reviews
The books are rated from 0 to 5 in increments of 0.5. Colors represent the following quality ranges:
4.0 to 5.0 Quality: HIGH (Color = Aqua) Competent to exceptional; well worth the money
2.0 to 3.5 Quality: FAIR (Color = Lime) Useful despite some flaws; may or may not be worth buying.
0.5 to 1.5 Quality: POOR (Color = Yellow) Seriously flawed; read it if you wish, but don't buy it.
0.0 to 0.0 Quality: YUCK (Color = Fuchsia) Avoid this book at all costs!
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This page was last modified on 10 August 2024.