Reviewed 2/16/2020

Running Against the Devil, by Rick Wilson

A Plot To Save America from Trump — and Democrats from Themselves
Rick Wilson
New York: Crown Forum, January 2020




ISBN-13 978-0-593-13758-1
ISBN-10 0-593-13758-2 326pp. HC $27.00


Page 4: "You didn't repeat the Hillary mistake of not visiting the states Trumpand his Russian allies scored in 2016."
  What was "the Hillary mistake" — not carrying enough crampons for the assault on Everest? Bus seriously, it annoys me when people refer to Mrs. Clinton by her first name.
Page 5: "...but your candidate insisted not only on an assault weapons ban but a ban on semiautomatics as well."
  Straw man: No serious Democrat would touch a ban on all semiautomatic guns. Banning assault weapons is risky enough (as Beto O'Rourke discovered.)
Page 13: "This book is not a value judgment on any particular political philosophy. I'm not telling Democrats that they're wrong on any single economic, social, environmental, of foreign policy question. I mean, they are, but that's not the point."
  Apparently it is the point, or Wilson wouldn't have written this.
Page 26: "Trump makes Nixon look like a rookie, a small-ball piker. He makes the nontroversies of Obama, the Bushes, Clinton, and Reagan feel utterly trivial by comparison."
  I wouldn't write this about Iran-Contra (and probably not about the 2003 invasion of Iraq.)
Page 42: "Democrats can and must use working- and middle-class examples of the foolishness of the Trump economic model to actually communicate that they give a damn instead of proposing some ephemeral and unsaleable 'Yay, free college!' and 'We'll all build solar panels' nonsense that voters no longer buy."
  Why is he dissing solar power? He'd have to go some to convince me voters aren't buying it. As for free college, I expect that's another straw man.
Page 44: "We saw both Clinton and Obama promise to restore jobs, manufacturing, unions, and the rest of the old signifiers of Rust Belt America with a gauzy, hazy 'Well, we'll retrain you to become an organic solar panel installer and holistic home health care aide.'"
  Again with the slur on solar? (He does it elsewhere with windmills.)
Page 57: "Democrats do need to saddle a bit of the blame here."
  Word choice: S/B "bear".
Page 123: "Set aside that the rising price of college is what happens to everything subsidized or guaranteed by the government."
Page 137: "They will send in donations by the billions if you promise to crush Donald Trump, see him driven before you, and hear the lamentations of his women."
  But... McConnell promised us the open steppe on a day of high summer—.
Page 152: "No behavior will stop them from towing Trump's line."
  Word choice: S/B "toeing".
Page 187: "Democrats who think this whole battle will be fought and won on social media have another thing coming."
  Typo: S/B "think".
Page 251: "There is no evidence of the ideological preferences of MS-13. No reference to either gay marriage or socialism could be found on their website."
  Since this responds to bogus claims purportedly by Trump, but made up by Wilson, it has no need to be factual itself. However, I looked for a Web site run by MS-13 and didn't find one. Perhaps it's on the Dark Web?
Page 289: "The Senate will exonerate Trump."
  Word choice: S/B "acquit".
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This page was last modified on 16 February 2020.