Reviewed 4/29/2009

Barack Obama, by Paul Street
And the Future of American Politics
Paul Street
Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, 2008




ISBN-13 978-1-59451-631-3
ISBN-10 1-59451-631-6 280pp. HC $23.95

So, how's he doing?

Seeing that this is President Obama's 100th day in office, I thought it would be useful to assess his accomplishments to date. Thanks to a special feature in the San Jose Mercury News, I have a timeline of those 100 days along with a chart listing the significant achievements of prior presidents. (See table below.) A summary would be that Obama is doing reasonably well with the economic meltdown he inherited, better at reversing the integrity deficits of the Bush years and mending fences with foreign allies. He still faces a tough job and stiff Republican opposition, but I believe he will wind up with a positive record.

In the table, blue cells are for Democrat members, red for Republicans. Vacancies, third parties and independents are not counted in the totals. The approval ratings are for a president's beginning of term — which sometimes is when he replaces a sitting predecessor — and for 100 days in. The original had maps showing how each state swung, but I don't think I will be able to find suitable images.

How Obama stacks up against former presidents
  Affiliations First 100 Days Approvals
President in Congress Achievements 0 Days 100 Days
Source: McClatchy-Tribune via San Jose Mercury News, 29 April 2009
Franklin D. Roosevelt House: 313 117
  • New Deal passes (March 9-June 16)
  • Begins "fireside chats" (March 12) to deliver weekly radio address to the public.
Senate: 59 36
Harry S. Truman

Succeeded Roosevelt on April 12, 1945.

House: 242 191
  • VE Day: Surrender of Nazi Germany (May 7)
  • First successful A-bomb test (July 16)
  • Potsdam Conference (July 12-August 2) planning for postwar Germany and calling for surrender of Japan
87% 82%
Senate: 51 38
Dwight D. Eisenhower House: 213 221
  • Makes good on his campaign promise to help end the Korean War (February-March)
68% 74%
Senate: 47 48
John F. Kennedy House: 263 174
  • Creates the Peace Corps. (March 1)
  • Invades Cuba at Bay of Pigs. (April 17-20)
72% 83%
Senate: 64 26
Lyndon B. Johnson

Succeeded Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963.

House: 243 176
  • First State of the Union message (Jan. 8, 1964) urges Congress to pursue liberal social policies of "The Great Society."
78% 79%
Senate: 66 34
Richard M. Nixon House: 243 192
  • Approves anti-missile system. (March 14)
  • Orders secret bombing of the Viet Cong supply lines in Cambodia. (March 17)
59% 62%
Senate: 57 43
Gerald R. Ford

Succeeded Nixon on August 9, 1974.

House: 242 191
  • Pardons Nixon. (September 8)
  • Orders amnesty for Vietnam War draft evaders and deserters. (September 16)
  • Launches "Whip Inflation Now (WIN) campaign. (October 8)
71% 48%
Senate: 55 42
James E. "Jimmy" Carter House: 292 143
  • Pardons Vietnam War draft evaders. (January 21)
  • Signs Reorganization Act which streamlines federal government. (April 6)
66% 63%
Senate: 61 38
Ronald W. Reagan House: 242 192
  • Begins "Reaganomics: — a broad program of deregulation coupled with tax cuts and budget reductions. (February 5)
  • Survives assassination attempt. (March 30)
51% 68%
Senate: 46 53
George H. W. Bush House: 260 175
  • Proposes multi-billion-dollar bailout of troubled savings and loan industry. (February 6)
  • Senator John Tower, his nominee for defense secretary, is rejected by the Senate. (March 9) This had not happened for 30 years.
51% 56%
Senate: 46 53
William J. "Bill" Clinton House: 258 176
  • Names his wife Hillary Clinton to head health-care task force. (January 25)
  • Institutes "don't ask, don't tell" policy, replacing ban on gays in the military. (January 29)
  • Attorney General Janet Reno orders raid on Peoples Temple cult in Waco, Texas in which 80 people including women and children die. (April 19)
58% 45%
Senate: 57 43
State votes 2000 George W. Bush House: 212 221
  • Unveils $1.6 trillion tax-cut proposal. (February 8)
  • Announces that the U.S. will not implement the Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse-gas emissions. (March 28)
57% 53%
Senate: 50 50
Barack H. Obama House: TBA TBA
  • Busy, busy Barack...
  • Day 2: Puts new restrictions on lobbying in place.
  • Day 3: Orders closing of detention center at Guantánamo Bay.
  • Day 4: Lifts funding restrictions on overseas family planning services.
  • Day 7: Orders EPA to review decision blocking a waiver on stricter California auto-emission rules.
  • Day 23: Signs bill postponing switch to Digital Television.
  • Day 25: Signs $787 billion stimulus package passed by Congress on Day 25.
  • Day 25: orders 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
  • Day 45: Hosts leaders of medical community at White House to launch health care reform drive.
  • Day 49: Relaxes funding caps on stem-cell research.
  • Day 51: Signs $410 billion omnibus spending bill.
  • Day 53: Extends economic sanctions against Iran.
  • Day 84; Loosens rules on family member travel to Cuba.
  • Day 87: Releases Bush-era memos on interrogation of detainees.
67%? 43%?
Senate: 57? 43?
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