Reviewed 6/19/2016

Dark Money, by Jane Mayer

The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right
Jane Mayer
New York: Doubleday, January 2016




ISBN-13 978-0-385-53559-5
ISBN-10 0-385-53559-7 449pp. HC $29.95


Page 35: " 'I was closer to David because he was better at everything [than the others]', Charles told Fame, bluntly."
  Are the names of the brothers interchanged here? It seems like David, described as a sidekick to Charles, should be praising him this way.
Page 92: " 'If there was a single event that galvanized conservative donors to try to wrest control of higher education in America, it might have been the uprising at Cornell University..."
  Grammar: "wrest" is a transitive verb. S/B "capture control of higher education in America".
Page 95: "In 1954, the company went public and merged with the Mathieson Chemical Corporation, doubling in size, diversifying its operations, and eventually changing its name to the Olin Corporation."
  Wikipedia says, "Olin Industries and Mathieson Chemical merged in 1954 to form the Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation."
Page 145: "Lewis's Investigative Reporting Workshop spent a year in 2013 culling through the Kochs' financial records..."
  Word choice: S/B "combing through".
Page 156: "John David, an economics professor at West Virginia University Tech who witnessed the school's transformation..."
  Word order: S/B "West Virginia Tech University".
Page 210: "It was later revealed that some of the payments for his papers were marked as 'deliverables' by the fossil fuel companies."
  It was the papers that were marked as deliverables, in accordance with aerospace industry practice.
Page 219: "With lethal timing, an unidentified saboteur had hacked expertly into the University of East Anglia's Web site and uploaded thousands of internal e-mails..."
  Terminology: S/B "downloaded".
Page 368: "A longtime associate who declined to be named, exclaimed, 'He has been trying since the 1970s to get his Libertarian Revolution going!' "
  Missing comma: S/B "associate, who".
Page 373: "His call to close the carried-interest tax loophole, and talk of the ultrarich not paying its share, as well as..."
  Number error: S/B "their".
Page 377: "Much as they had achieved by 2015, there was still a major item on the Kochs' shopping list: the White House."
  Missing word: S/B "As much".
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