Reviewed 12/20/2014

Justice at Guantánamo, by Kristine A. Huskey
Access to this book courtesy of the
San Jose, CA Public Library
Kristine A. Huskey
with Aleigh Acerni
Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press, June 2009




ISBN-13 978-1-59921-468-9
ISBN-10 1-59921-468-7 285pp. HC $24.95


Page 163: "He relayed that the media was getting blacklisted at White House press conferences if they pressed too hard, or asked difficult questions."
  Number error: S/B "the media were getting blacklisted".
Page 163: "The chain of custody (and the motive for calling someone a terrorist) was starting to look very suspicious."
  Number error: S/B "were starting to look".
Page 174: "If this doesn't make any sense, it's because it doesn't."
  Missing words: S/B "doesn't seem to make any sense".
Page 175: Quoting the Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be . . . compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law [emphasis added]; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
  Probably a publishing error. There is no sign of special emphasis; the entire quotation looks the same.
Page 193: It was not an easy trip, and after several months of visiting Guantánamo numerous times, I was relieved when someone else other than me would make the trip..."
  Redundant: S/B "someone other than me". (OK, that's a nit.)
Page 197: I became a pretty frequent visitor to Guantánamo in the next few months."
  Ha! (No worries; I'm sure the pun was unintended.)
Page 223: In fact, it's just as competitive as getting an associate position at a top law firm, except that there are fewer positions available and relatively no turnover."
  This choice of words is relatively unique. IOW, S/B "relatively little turnover". (Another nit.)
Page 268: The Supreme Court found many of the features of the CSRTs and the DTA problematic; not surprisingly, those features were the same ones we had been touting for years as unjust, unfair, and inadequate."
  Word choice: S/B "had been protesting". To "tout" means to advocate, to advertise, to "hawk", to promote, to try to sell.
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