Reviewed 10/28/2016

Bravehearts, by Mark Hertsgaard

Whistle-Blowing in the Age of Snowden
Mark Hertsgaard
New York: Hot Books, May 2016




ISBN-13 978-1-5007-0337-7
ISBN 1-5007-0337-3 164pp. HC $21.99


Page 39: " such, his responsibilities included supervising the whistle-blower office at DoD, as well as handling all whistle-blower allegations within the DoD, including from the NSA and other intelligence agencies."
  Perhaps I misunderstand, but I think these intelligence agencies are not part of the Department of Defense.
Page 60: "The organization helped whistle-blowers defeat some of the most powerful bureaucracies (e.g. the US Department of Defense) and politically connected corporations (e.g. Bechtel) on earth..."
  Capitalization: S/B "on Earth".
Page 76: "GAP and Telleen's revelations—especially once amplified by 60 Minutes—led to wholesales changes..."
  Typo: S/B "wholesale changes".
Page 80: "It further advised, in the name of balance, give equal time to both major parties."
  Verb case: S/B "giving".
Page 81: "...Hoffman told me, 'If you went through the paper and stamped every story whether it was 2 degrees, 5 degrees or 360 degrees [off the center of the debate], you would see a lot of 2 degree stories.' "
  Presumably Hoffman is quoted accurately, but he obviously meant "or 180 degrees."
Pages 125-7: Jeffrey Sterling, an African-American case officer, charged the CIA with racial discrimination in 2001 when he was passed over for promotion. A month later, the 9/11 attacks happened and Sterling, a gung-ho type, dropped the charges so he could return to work. "Instead, the agency fired him..." He was sentenced to prison in May 2015 for allegedly passing secrets to James Risen.
  If the CIA fired Sterling in 2001 or 2002, how could he have gotten the secrets they accused him of leaking in 2015?
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