Reviewed 11/10/2005

Chain of Command, by Seymour Hersh

The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib
Seymour M. Hersh
David Remnick (Intro.)
New York: HarperCollins, 2004




ISBN-13 978-0-06-019591-5
ISBN 0-06-019591-6 416p. HC $25.95
[Rant Warning]

Reasons for My Abu Grief

When (thanks to the efforts of Seymour Hersh and CBS News' 60 Minutes) the truth about U.S. treatment of detainees at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad broke into public view in April 2004, it provoked shame here at home as well as outrage around the world — and not only in Arab countries.

In responding to the scandal, President Bush laid it to the aberrant conduct of a small number of soldiers at the prison. He assured the nation they would be disciplined for their derogation of American values. And so they have been. The truth, however, was more sinister. There was in fact a high-level decision that preventing another terrorist attack on America's home soil outweighed all other considerations. Field commanders in charge of prisoner interrogation rightly understood this as allowing them to be as ruthless as needed to make their prisoners talk. From Chain of Command (page 46):

As the international furor over Abu Ghraib grew, senior military officers, and President Bush, insisted that the actions of a few did not reveal the conduct of the military as a whole. Taguba's report, however, amounted to an unsparing study of collective wrongdoing and the failure of Army leadership at the highest levels. The picture he drew of Abu Ghraib was one in which Army regulations and the Geneva Conventions were routinely violated, and in which much of the day-to-day management of the prisoners was abdicated to Army military intelligence units and civilian contract employees.

No amount of apologetic testimony or political spin could mask the fact that, since the attacks of September 11th, President Bush and his top aides have seen themselves as engaged in a war against terrorism in which the old rules did not apply. Interrogating prisoners and getting intelligence, including by intimidation and torture, was the priority.

As Hersh reports, there were those within the military who objected to the prisoner abuse that resulted. But, until the graphic images hit the Internet, they were treated as whistleblowers typically are: they were ignored. Even General Anthony Taguba, who wrote the report Hersh mentions above, is regarded with disfavor in certain Pentagon circles. And though his report is widely available on the Web (selected links are below), officially it is still classified. There were calls for an independent commission like the one that investigated the failures of intelligence that led to 9/11. Such a commission has not been formed.

As I write this, on the day before Veterans' Day 2005, there is renewed furor over the "Special Operations" that have been and are being conducted to obtain intelligence from prisoners held at "Gitmo" (the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay) in the so-called War on Terror. The Supreme Court has agreed to rule on the question of whether indefinite detainment of prisoners without trial violates the Constitution. The Washington Post recently disclosed that the U.S. operates a number of secret prisons at undisclosed locations in 8 democratic countries.1 There, presumably, "high-value" terrorists are interrogated away from inconvenient scrutiny by the International Red Cross. My reaction to this news was not surprise, but rather puzzlement: Apparently, the much-discussed but officially unacknowledged practice of "extraordinary rendition" is not yielding enough actionable intelligence. Could it be that other countries are not cooperating in this, or have stopped cooperating, fearing terrorist reprisals? Well they might: the cost of making common cause with the U.S. against Al Qaeda can be heavy, as Jordan has just learned.

There is one thing to be said in favor of harsh interrogation methods: They do get prisoners to talk. The question is, how useful is what the prisoners say? First of all, that depends on what they really know. Many prisoners at Gitmo were swept up in groups, and a large percentage of them apparently know nothing about Al Qaeda. Even those that do are mostly low-rankers. It is well known that Al Qaeda, like any halfway competent underground group, is organized in cells precisely to cut its losses due to prisoner interrogation. Second, making a prisoner talk does not guarantee he tells the truth. Indeed, he has every incentive to say whatever his captors want to hear, and a few "trial balloons" will usually suffice to point him in the right direction. It's a safe assumption that the higher his rank in Al Qaeda, the better he will be at providing effective disinformation. Third, while it may take longer, treating prisoners well and convincing them that the U.S. is not the Great Satan, as they've been led to believe, is a better path to reliable intelligence. Fourth, unless they are "disappeared", most prisoners will one day be repatriated. When they are, they will want revenge for harsh treatment. They may even be able to exact some. Even if not, their tales will inflame our enemies and lower our esteem among our allies.

Symbolism, as in the toppling of statues of Saddam Hussein, is an important part of the picture. In discussing Abu Ghraib, President Bush suggested that it might be razed to the ground as partial recompense for the abuses Americans perpetrated there. Hindsight is always keen, of course; but had I been in charge of the CPA I would have suggested razing that symbol of Saddam Hussein's butchery as soon as Baghdad was occupied. I certainly would not have continued its use as a prison by American forces — just as I would never have set up headquarters in Saddam's palaces. There must have been other facilities that would have served; if not we could have rehabilitated them, or constructed new ones. Who knows how much bitterness might have been avoided by these actions?

Civilian casualties are another part of the picture. Of course there will be some civilian casualties in any large-scale military action. The trick is to keep them to an absolute minimum, so as not to embitter the populace you are trying to help. This is where Rumsfeld's policy of going light on ground troops and heavy on air power went wrong. It worked well enough in the conquest phase of the Iraq war (though the JCS would have done many things differently, given the chance.) But where it really fell short was the occupation. If the objective was to capture and punish Saddam Hussein and his Baathist Party henchmen, while maintaining stability in the country, the way to do it was with plenty of well-equipped ground troops. Instead, for over a year, the standard way of handling any military objective was to blast it to smithereens — either from the air or with heavy artillery. An example is the battle that ensued in July 2003 when Uday and Qusay, Hussein's sons, were located in a hideout in Mosul. They were trapped in a house, and (naturally) resisted arrest; the thing to do would have been to throw a solid cordon around the area and starve them out. Instead, for a week, whenever those within resisted, the house was repeatedly attacked with missiles and other heavy weapons. In the end, no one inside survived. Sure, Uday and Qusay were despicable thugs; they deserved death. But would it not have been better to take them alive and exhibit their thuggishness in a trial? (This would also have avoided the charges that the U.S. had really gotten someone else and was calling them Uday and Qusay for a cheap propaganda victory.)

Even worse were the cases where bad intelligence, or simple mistakes, resulted in bombs or shells falling on innocent parties. Just as in Afghanistan, some informants gamed the U.S. into helping them settle old grudges. The extent to which this happened may never be known. Then there were outright mistakes, like the helicopter attack on the wedding party in Al Qaim. Such mistakes win us no friends, and give Al Qaeda propaganda weapons to use against our interests. Relying more on ground troops would not eliminate such mistakes, but would certainly reduce them and limit the damage when they do occur.

There were other bad outcomes flowing from the war plan pushed through by Rumsfeld and his DOD Office of Special Plans, or by Paul Bremer's CPA: The disbanding of the Iraq army, leaving hundreds of thousands of troops unemployed and desperate for money; the lack of attention to physical security by the overstretched occupation forces, which allowed widespread looting and sabotage of infrastructure; and more.

Specific failures and abuses documented by Hersh include:

A dearth of ground truth

One striking fact, evidenced in many separate facets of the Iraqi situation, was the discrepancy between what experienced analysts or the troops in the trenches knew, and what the Pentagon believed. For example, Rumsfeld knew little about the extent of the insurgency, and minimized it as the residual action of "a few dead-enders". Others knew it was a well-organized and well-financed effort by Sunni Baathists. These would pay desperate men such as those from the disbanded Iraqi army to attack U.S. troops, and would learn from the response. (pages 58-59) This fits right in with Pentagon insistence, before the war started, that post-occupation problems would be negligible. (For very good coverage of planning for the post-war phase, and how it failed to get heard at the Pentagon, see James Fallows's article "Blind into Baghdad" in the January/February 2004 issue of The Atlantic.)

The evidence that satisfied

Hersh's account reveals that Rumsfeld and top Pentagon officials deliberately chose to believe the evidence that supported their assessment of Saddam Hussein as an imminent threat, and discounted contrary evidence. Page 218-219: "The former intelligence official went on, "One of the reasons I left was my sense that they were using the intelligence from the C.I.A. and other agencies only when it fit their agenda. They didn't like the intelligence they were getting, and so they brought in people to write the stuff. They were so crazed and so far out and so difficult to reason with—to the point of being bizarre. Dogmatic, as if they were on a mission from God." He added, "If it doesn't fit their theory, they don't want to accept it."

Among the "evidence" on which the Pentagon depended was

Many of these defectors came through Ahmed Chalabi's outfit. The point is that the Pentagon regarded the CIA as untrustworthy, accusing it both of not reasoning beyond the hard facts it uncovered and of missing obvious interpretations carried in documents it possessed. The Pentagon's practice was to leak classified reports such as the yellowcake fake, and when CIA rebuttals, also classified, reached it, to simply sit on them. Thus, the public only heard their side. The core of the distortion was the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, staffed by true believers intent on bypassing the normal checks and balances of the evidence review process. They were aided by John Bolton, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. Hersh reports (p.222) that Bolton became disturbed because his intelligence liaison wasn't telling him what he wanted to hear. The liaison, Greg Thielmann, was soon shut out of Bolton's meetings despite the fact that he had been posted by Colin Powell.

Even the DIA, which was under his direct control, was suspect to Rumsfeld's eyes. As for the CIA, with Tenet in a shaky position, and the analysts pounded day after day to produce the "right" evidence, some caved.

The evidence that should have raised red flags

There is an Iraqi named Jafar Dhia Jafar, a british-trained physicist who was in charge of Iraq's nuclear bomb program in the 1980s. He fled the country before Baghdad fell in 2003, settling in United Arab Emirates. Agreeing to be debriefed by CIA and British intelligence there, he said that there were no nukes, no poisons, no WMD at all. Asked how he could be sure, he said he knew all the scientists, and they had talked about it. The WMD were destroyed, he said, on orders from the Top Man (Saddam) before UN inspections began in 1991, for the very sound reason that Saddam knew they would be worse than useless against the USA. This clearly veers too far in the other direction: the UNSCOM teams uncovered and destroyed quantities of chemical weapons in the mid-1990s. As a physicist, Jafar would have been most "in tune" with Iraq's nuclear programs. Nevertheless, this should have raised concerns.

Fiddling with the "Tip-Fiddle"

In planning for the war in late 2002, Rumsfeld discarded the JCS' carefully prepared TPFDL ("tip-fiddle") setting forth the types of forces to be mobilized and their sequence of deployment. It called for pre-shipping heavy equipment for 3 or 4 divisions, and would ultimately employ 4 or more Army divisions plus other specialized units. Rumsfeld wanted a much smaller deployment, plus overwhelming air power. More, he insisted on controlling the sequence of deployment himself. And in Afghanistan, he used special forces teams and UAVs for manhunts, much like the Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War. At least one mistake was made. In February 2002, a Predator spotted a very tall man assumed to be bin Laden. It fired a missile which killed the man and two others; they turned out to be locals collecting scrap metal. And on Sunday, 11/3/2002, a Hellfire missile killed Qaed Salim Sinam al-Harethi, an Al Qaeda leader, and 5 other men in Yemen, leaading Al Qaeda to retaliate against Yemen. Yemeni officials advised that there had almost been two prior mistakes.

The above incidents, presented in somewhat haphazard order, are the basis of my "Abu grief". I feel there's a very small chance that our excursion into Iraq will turn out well, at least not without more years of troop presence and billions of dollars expended. If not for the Pentagon's intransigence and the CPA's incompetence, we might at this moment be preparing to depart from an Iraq with its infrastructure repaired, its army and police forces functional, and its politics stable and reasonably democratic. Instead, we face an Iraq with a major fraction of its population discontented with our presence, a minor portion actively insurgent, outside agitators operating quite freely, and a small but real possibility that the country might fragment itself in factional disputes. All this can be laid to a small group of leaders who decided they had to abandon American values in order to successfully conduct a war to save American values. When will they ever learn?

1 It was Dana Priest, the Washington Post's national security reporter, who broke the story. The word is that the names of the 8 countries were not disclosed on request of senior White House officials. However, it is known that two of them are Poland and Rumania.
2 The abnormal behavior was not saying he didn't care about takeoff or landing; he never said that.
3 Colin Powell is a black man who came up through the U.S. military to general's rank not too long after Benjamin O. Davis (and so must have faced at least some of the same racial prejudice). Richard Armitage is a former Navy SEAL. What sort of person accuses men like that of losing their nerve? The sorely misguided sort.
4 Much else was wrong with the Niger yellowcake documents. A letter purportedly from Niger's president had a clumsily forged signature and was full of glaring errors. But the main thing is that, as both Joseph Wilson and Elizabeth Burba found during their visits, the organizations named as facilitating the deal were incapable of doing so, and since Niger's output of yellowcake was pre-sold to other companies, diverting 500 tons of it would never have gone unnoticed.

Some references for "Extraordinary rendition"

A link to the Taguba Report (Many more can be found by Googling.)

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