Reviewed 11/13/2006

Off Center, by Hacker & Pierson

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The Republican Revolution & the Erosion of American Democracy
Jacob S. Hacker & Paul Pierson
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005




ISBN-13: 978-0-300-10870-5
ISBN-10: 0-300-10870-2 261pp. HC/GSI $25.00

The Most Unkindest Cut of All

The Republican revolution examined in this book is noteworthy for several things: its rightward tilt, which favored neoconservative ideologues and religious fundamentalists; its denigration of science; its contempt for the rule of law; its abrogation of human rights standards and international agreements generally; its deceptiveness and secrecy in policy-making; its concentration of power in fewer and fewer hands; its fiscal irresponsibility; and the passage of tax-cut measures which shifted the bulk of economic gains to the upper echelon: big corporations, upper management, and the super-rich.

Perhaps the worst example of that last injustice is the way the Republicans — effectively an oligarchy, albeit a temporary one — handled tax cuts. Put simply, these were portrayed as lifting large burdens from the poor and middle class, when in fact most of the relief they provided would accrue to those wealthy enough not to need tax relief (but years later, when the matter was "under the radar", so to speak.) And this is nowhere more clear than in the alternative minimum tax (AMT).

Perhaps the most unrealistic of the White House's assertions was the conceit that Congress would not fix the alternative minimum tax (AMT). The AMT may seem arcane and peripheral, but it looms large in the tax-cut saga. Moreover, it provides one of the clearest examples of how Republicans have hidden their radicalism in a thicket of policy detail. The AMT is a feature of the tax code originally inserted in 1969 to ensure that higher-income taxpayers do not use deductions, exemptions and credits to avoid paying income taxes entirely. Because the AMT is not adjusted for inflation, the share of Americans who must pay it will rise dramatically in the decade ahead—from less than 2% of taxpayers in 2002 to roughly one-third in 2010. In 2001 no one believed that politicians would let this rise occur—certainly not key members of the administration, who began to muse about the need for cutting the AMT down to size before the ink had dried on the 2001 tax cut legislation. Yet for the purpose of making budgetary estimates, the administration assumed that all revenues projected from a rapidly expanding AMT would flow into government coffers.

– Page 56

And while a variety of shady characters (Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, Dennis Hastert) played roles in this business, one of the principle architects of tax policy (as so much else) was the man known as "Turd Blossom". (Emphasis added)

We can see how far current elites have moved from past practice in the evident shock and dismay of one of the few policy experts to go on record after having spent time in the Bush White House, John DiIulio. As DiIulio noted in his confessional memo, "In eight months, I heard many, many staff discussions, but not three meaningful, substantive policy discussions. There were no policy white papers on domestic issues. There were, truth be told, only a couple of people in the West Wing who worried at all about policy substance and analysis. . . . Every modern presidency moves on the fly, but, on social policy and related issues, the lack of even basic policy knowledge, and the only casual interest in knowing more, was somewhat breathtaking." But perhaps DiIulio's most revealing revelation was who was in charge of policy design in the Bush White House—not the Office of Management and Budget, not the White House policy staff, and certainly not the executive departments. Rather, all policy ran through one man, Karl Rove. "Little happens on any issue without Karl's okay, and, often, he supplies such policy substance as the administration puts out," wrote DiIulio. The reason? "The Republican base constituencies, including beltway libertarian policy elites and religious right leaders, trust him to keep Bush '43 from behaving like Bush '41 and moving too far to the center or inching at all center-left."

– Page 159

Their handling of the AMT, thus, reveals how the GOP practices deception at both ends of the process: They inflate the revenues expected from it while at the same time promising more cuts to the middle class than it will deliver.

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