Reviewed 11/13/2006

Off Center, by Hacker & Pierson

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The Republican Revolution & the Erosion of American Democracy
Jacob S. Hacker & Paul Pierson
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005




ISBN-13: 978-0-300-10870-5
ISBN-10: 0-300-10870-2 261pp. HC/GSI $25.00


Page 53: "By the standards of mass-membership organizations, the club is Lilliputian..."
  Neglect of proper name S/B "the Club", since it refers to a specific club: The Club for Growth.
Page 91: "...Democrats now faced a single moment in the spotlight, standing to say 'Yeah' or 'Nay' on a 'prescription drug bill'..."
  There's a difference between "yeah" and "yea", as I'm sure the authors know; but here they picked the wrong one.
Page 97: "The Bush administration pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement to regulate carbon dioxide emissions to control global warming that Clinton had signed (but which still needed Senate approval.)"
  Not exactly. Since Congress had rejected Kyoto before Bush took office, the U.S. was not a signatory to it; you can't pull out of a treaty your country hasn't signed up to. But Bush certainly was (and is) opposed to any involvement with Kyoto.
Page 105: "The composition of the Court will effect the determination not only of high-profile issues like abortion."
  Although it's arguable. I think this should be "affect".
Page 168: "When control of Congress and the executive branch resides in the hands of different parties, as they did during the Reagan years..."
  Number error: S/B "it did".
Page 174: "In the United States, the media is seen as a crucial watchdog over the political establishment..."
  Number error: S/B "the media are".
Page 177: "The print media performs a little better, but not much."
  Number error: S/B "perform".
Page 210: "Moments in which the scattered attention of mainstream American fixes on reform are likely to be rare and fleeting..."
  Typo: S/B "of mainstream America".
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