WEAPONS OF MASS DELUSION When the Republican Party Lost its Mind Robert Draper Louie Palu (photographs) New York: Penguin Press, April 2022 |
Rating: 5.0 High |
ISBN-13 978-0-583-30014-5 | ||||
ISBN-10 0-583-30014-9 | 384pp. | HC/BWI | $29.00 |
Page 114: | "He found takers in two Republicans who appreciated the threat posed by domestic terrorists: Dennis Riggleman, a former air force intelligence officer, and Brian Fitzpartick, a former FBI special agent." |
Capitalization: S/B "Air Force". Why capitalize FBI and not "air force"? Each is a specific organization. |
Page 288: | "In the norm-shattering Trump era, this kind of over-the-top, quasi-Malthusian slapstick was now to be expected." |
Word choice: I'm not sure how "Mathusian" fits, since Malthus's doctrine had to do with overpopulation. |
Page 290: | "Subsequently, Gosar's son told his father that he thought the anime was great. Gosar agreed. ('The creativity of my team is off the hook, he enthused on Twitter.)" |
Word choice: S/B "off the scale". (Although, given that Gosar said this, it could be seen as a Freudian slip.) |
Page 310: | "It was a wave that rode Donald Trump to victory in 2016." |
Word order: S/B "Donald Trump rode". |