Rating: 5.0 High |
ISBN-13 978-0-670-03774-2 | ||||
ISBN 0-670-03774-5 | 246pp. | HC | $25.95 |
In his first chapter, Dean attempts to come up with a workable definition for "conservatism". He presents a number of attempts gleaned from other sources, including scholars Russell Kirk and George Nash. He then quotes the following attempt by conservative icon William F. Buckley, who in fairness was answering a question on live television and is getting on in years. The final score for "definition – conservatism" is zero, and Dean concludes that "Conservatism Cannot Be Meaningfully Defined."
William F. Buckley, founder of the National Review and a major force in modern American conservatism, is almost always articulate to a fault. Yet he, too, has difficulty defining conservatism. When asked to do so by Chris Matthews on NBC's Hardball, Buckley became tongue-tied. "The, the, it's very hard to define, define conservatism," Buckley stammered, before proceeding to offer his favorite but meaningless definition: "A famous professor, University of Chicago, was up against it when somebody said, 'How do you define it?' He didn't want to say, well, he said, he said, 'Conservatism is a paragon of essences toward which the phenomenology of the world is continuing approximation'." National Review editor Jonah Goldberg hinted that Buckley has made a career of looking for a definition of conservatism but has not really succeeded. – Page 3 |
In a footnote on the above, Dean cites E. J. Dionne as identifying the professor Buckley quoted as Richard Weaver. It's pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if Dean took the trouble to present William "Mr. Vocabulary" Buckley in a bad light as payback for some prior slight. Dean, after all, could have cited the primary source directly and omitted any mention of Buckley and his allegedly unsuccessful career as a definer. As I've noted in my review of Worse than Watergate, Dean has some problems using words properly. (However, on page 26 he praises Buckley as "one of the most good-natured men I have ever met—a true American gentleman.")
Conservatives often cite the Constitution and the writings of the Founding Fathers to buttress their policies. Dean shows here one way in which they get that wrong.
In their efforts to present conservatism as an American tradition, conservatives have also reinterpreted the U.S. Constitution. One of the key elements of the Constitution is the establishment of a unique republic, in that a federal system would coexist with state and local governments. Before it was ratified many opponents attacked its progressive and innovative nature, for far from representing the status quo, the Constitution was dramatically liberal. James Madison defended it in The Federalist Papers by explaining that the founders "have not suffered a blind veneration for antiquity, for custom" but rather employed "numerous innovations. . .in favor of private rights and public happiness." Madison said that "precedent could not be discovered," for there was no other government "on the face of the globe" that provided a model. Madison, the father of the Constitution, clearly saw his work as the opposite of conservatism. Far from venerating the principles of the past, or feeling bound by custom, our nation's founders relied on reason, which is anathema for many of today's conservatives. – Pages 15-16 |
For the public, among the most visible exponents of the right wing are its media commentators. Dean skewers the worst of them on pages 24 and 26, giving them about all the attention they deserve. First, he tells how they love talkin' trash — in more ways than one.
Right-wing talk radio could not survive without its endless bloviating about the horrors of liberalism. Trashing liberals is nothing short of a cottage industry for conservative authors. Take the "queen of mean", Ann Coulter, whose titles speak for themselves: Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right (2002); Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terror (2003); and How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter (2004). Slander, for example, contains page after page of scorn, criticism, belittlement, and bemoaning of ideas she believes liberal. Her books have also generated a substantial cottage industry in fact-checking her work, which has amply demonstrated that Coulter apparently considers accuracy as something that needs only be approximated. – Page 24 |
Then he shows us the other side of the coin: They can sure dish it out, but are not very good at taking it.
Not surprisingly, the very conservatives who love to hurl invective against the ranks of their enemies prove to have the thinnest of skins when the same is done to them. Many of the examples are familiar: Ann Coulter, who can trash perceived liberals on national television but has been known to walk offstage when booed, or to start crying when she thinks she is being treated unfairly; Rush Limbaugh, who also makes his living saying unkind things about those with whom he disagrees, thought it unfair, as did his followers, when his addiction to OxyContin was reported, along with the dubious means [by which] he serviced his habit, despite his own attacks on others who use drugs. Similarly, Mr. Virtue, William Bennett, apparently found nothing ironic or contradictory in his preaching (and selling) virtue while being a compulsive gambler himself, and was angry when he was found out. – Page 26 |
The authors and talk-show hosts are mostly bark. But then there's bite: The substantive changes made by Republican politicians that, in various ways, make America less of a truly representative system. One example is redistricting (also called jerrymandering.) This redrawing of district boundaries to give electoral advantage is done by both parties; but perhaps the most notorious case occurred in the Great State, where Tom DeLay engineered redistricting throughout Texas and rammed it through the state legislature. And then the federal DOJ had to approve the changes. That's where the story gets interesting, exposing the extent of conservative machinations.
"By drawing districts that snaked hundreds of miles across various counties," the NAACP reported, "Republicans drained African-American and Latino voters from integrated Democratic districts and replaced them with enough white Republican voters to outnumber remaining white Democratic voters. As a result, DeLay converted a 32-member Texas congressional delegation that had been evenly divided between the parties into one in which Republicans enjoyed a 10-seat advantage after the 2004 election." Under the federal Voting Rights Act, Texas was required to submit any changes in its voting laws to the federal government for approval by the Department of Justice. After it sent its 2003 redistricting plan to Washington, five lawyers and two analysts in the department's Civil Rights Division rejected it in a seventy-three page memorandum highlighting its flaws. But Bush appointees at the Justice Department rejected the findings of their own experts and approved the highly partisan plan. – Pages 134-135 |
My friends, what is conservatism?
Is it chopped con? No; that's neoconservatism! Conservatism is largely just common sense on economic and military matters; but it can be meaningfully defined only in contrast to its opposite number, liberalism. The chart reproduced on page 37 of the book does this well. I reproduce a simplified version of it here, since it does not appear on the Janda-Goldman Web page cited in the book.
The Original Dilemma | ||
← Freedom | Order → | |
Liberalism | Communitarianism | |
Libertarianism | Conservatism | |
Not surprisingly, neoconservatism (being a reductio ad absurdum of conservatism) is somewhat easier to define than its parent. One of the best operational definitions I've seen (pure Gold, in fact) is quoted by Dean on page 77:
One of the more colorful (and accurate) descriptions of the typical neoconservative comes from Philip Gold, who justifiably described himself as having "impeccable conservative credentials and long experience in the national security field," as well as being "a grumpy old Marine (a former intelligence officer), who has grown infuriated with and appalled by the conservative embrace of disaster" served up by neoconservatives. Gold, a former Georgetown University professor, described neoconservative foreign policy wonks as "a new aristocracy of aggression that combines 19-century Prussian pigheadedness with a most un-Prussian inability to read a man or a ledger book, and a near total lack of military—let alone combat—experience. Ask these people to show you their wounds, and they'll probably wave a Washington Post editorial at you." – Page 77 |
It's also not surprising that Bush and Cheney, as the current top of the neoconservative food chain, come in for negative treatment in the book. Dean has a lot to say about the vice president. I'll give you just one line of that.
Bad judgment is Dick Cheney's trademark. – Page 160 |
One of the most valuable aspects of the book is its discussion of the Bush administration's use of fear as a political tool.
Among the most troubling of the authoritarian and radical tactics being employed by Bush and Cheney are their politics of fear. A favorite gambit of Latin American dictators who run sham democracies, fearmongering has generally been frowned upon in American politics. Think of the modern presidents who have governed our nation—Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton—and the crises they confronted... None of these presidents resorted to fear in dealing with these situations... Frightening Americans, nonetheless, has become a standard ploy for Bush, Cheney, and their surrogates. They add a fear factor to every course of action they pursue, whether it is their radical foreign policy of preemptive war, their call for tax cuts, their desire to privatize social security, or their implementation of a radical new health care scheme. – Pages 171-172 |
Dean cites Al Gore and a number of scholars to show the troubling effects of this policy, and finally sums up his argument thus:
In short, fear takes reasoning out of the decision-making process, which our history has shown us often enough can have dangerous and long-lasting consequences. If Americans cannot engage in analytical thinking as a result of Republicans' using fear for their own political purposes, we are all in serious trouble. I am sure I am not alone in worrying about the road that we are now on, and where the current authoritarianism is taking the country. I only wish more people would talk about it. – Page 179 |
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