Reviewed 10/27/2004

Ambling into History, by Frank Bruni

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The Unlikely Odyssey of George W. Bush
Frank Bruni
New York: HarperCollins, 2002




ISBN-13 978-0-06-621371-2
ISBN 0-06-621371-1 278pp. HC/BWI $23.95


Page 10: "And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."
  I believe this should be "will hear from all of us soon."
Page 23: "This was where he waited out the Democratic National Convention, during which the Republican ticket was guaranteed about as much attention from the news media as a Massapequa dinner-theater production starring Sally Struthers might receive."
  Sally Struthers cannot be called a great actress, so this is not an error. Still, Bruni might have chosen a simile less cruel.
Page 38: "Think of your speech the way you think of meals: at least three a day is best."
  Error of number: S/B "your speeches".
Page 39: "He also believed that the country should pursue free-trade policies that knocked down not just tariffs and barriers but "bariffs and terriers,' and the spaniels and retrievers could only wonder if they would be next."
  Again this is not an error, and clearly was done to let Bruni make a humorous point. But there is a legitimate word "tarriers". An old song has it that, after a premature dynamite blast, one of them is famously docked for the time he is up in the sky.
Page 43: "He added that satellite-type 'dishes will be able to carry enough bandwidth to have two-way communications, hopefully, someday, which will be able to solve part of your problem, whether you can get bandwidth through your telephones and/or cable TVs' Satellites? Bandwidth? Austin, we have a problem."
  Actually, in this case Bruni has the problem. Bush gets it, though he doesn't express it well. With respect to rural communities finding a future through the "information superhighway", access and bandwidth are the major bottlenecks. Wiring all those remote households with DSL or fiber-optics is very expensive; high-bandwidth, two-way communication via satellites looks more cost-effective.
Page 90: "In a nod to Hispanics, Gloria Estefan sang 'Get on Your Feet' and Richie Valens crooned 'La Bamba'."
  Sorry, Frank; Richie Valens' "La Bamba" is as far from crooning as (in your opinion) Sally Struthers' acting is from noteworthy.
Page 182: " interview that I and Allison Mitchell, a Times colleague who also covered the campaign, did with him during the tense, fraught period of the campaign between the conventions and Election Day."
  Grammar: "fraught" requires some allied emotion, as "fraught with anticipation". Or so I've always believed. But the third definition of fraught as an adjective in the on-line Merriam- Webster Dictionary is "causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension ". So Bruni is OK on this point.
Page 192: "One three occasions, several of us lit up only a few yards from the campaign plane—we had just been in the air, and deprived, for two or three hours—and were threatened by airport officials with $10,000 penalties. It was apparently not a good idea to strike matches or play with any kind of fire on a tarmac, around all that jet fuel. Who knew?"
  Well, Frank, almost anyone — even if they don't travel frequently by plane, as you do.
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