Reviewed 6/30/2019

The Enemy of the People, by Jim Acosta

A Dangerous Time To Tell the Truth in America
Jim Acosta
New York: HarperCollins, June 2019




ISBN-13 978-0-06-291612-9
ISBN 0-06-291612-2 352pp. HC/FCI $27.99


Page 17: "I glanced over at my campaign colleague Katy Tur, of NBC News who shot back a look of astonishment."
  Missing comma: S/B "News, who".
Page 59: "In early February 2017, Trump was frustrated. He was being thwarted, not only by a news media that refused to roll over, but also by a U.S. justice system that was flexing its muscles as a coequal branch of the government."
  Extra comma, extra word: S/B "thwarted not only" and "news media".
Pages 70-71: "It's OK, Jim (ph). It's OK, Jim, (ph), you'll have your chance."
  What means "ph" — paraphrase?
Page 81: "One matter that was of particular interest to federal investigators during the 2016 campaign was that the Russians had succeeded in infiltrating Hillary Clinton's private email system..."
  Word choice: S/B "compromising" or "penetrating". "Infiltrate" usually involves moving people surreptitiously past a barrier, or into some protected area or secretive organization.
Page 101: "Frank Sesno, a former CNN White House correspondent and current GWU professor, had invited Sean and me to appear on a panel to discuss news coverage of the Trump presidency."
  If this is a panel, why is Acosta sitting in the audience while Spicer is on stage with Sesno? Perhaps "panel" doesn't mean what I think it means?
Page 219: "More like Close Encounters of the Third Kim, as the dictator was the third man in his family to rule the North Korean regime."
Page 254: "In the year and half since Trump's election, the one constant to his presidency had been his rallies."
  Missing word: S/B "the year and a half". Or is this a reflection of Acosta's Cuban heritage? It would be a literal translation of the Spanish "En el año y media."
Page 346: "But do Democrats really believe Trump will reciprocate with truly bipartisan initiatives to address, say, the epidemic of mass shootings that has ravaged communities from Newton, Connecticut; to Parkland, Florida; to Las Vegas?"
  Semicolons are not appropriate here. I would simply delete them. However, commas could be substituted.
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This page was last modified on 1 October 2019.