Reviewed 6/10/2005

Megawatts and Megatons, by Garwin & Charpak

MEGAWATTS AND MEGATONS: A Turning Point in the Nuclear Age?
Richard L. Garwin
Georges Charpak
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001




ISBN-13 978-0-375-40394-1
ISBN 0-375-40394-9 412pp. HC/GSI $30.00

Some Impacts of Nuclear Technology

Technologies tapping the enormous energies churning within the nucleus of the atom have had world-changing impacts. The list includes nuclear medicine, radiography, isotope-dating of pre-historical artifacts, commercial nuclear-power reactors, and of course the atomic bombs unleashed at the end of World War 2 and the subsequent nuclear arms race. But here I am primarily concerned with the impact of radiation on human health. Assessing that impact is a complex task. Typically it requires a graduate degree in health physiology with a specialization in radiation physics. The authors devote several chapters to the topic. I present some aspects of their work here.

They begin by discussing the various units used to measure radioactivity. I summarize these in Table 1. There are many sources of natural radiation, and modern life throws additional exposures at us in forms such as dental x-rays, radiation therapy for cancer, lingering fallout from open-air atom-bomb tests in the 1960s, high-altitude air travel, and more. I attempt to tally these in Table 2.

Table 1. Units to Measure Radioactivity
Name Symbol Definition Notes
The authors propose a unit of human exposure based on the natural radioactivity found within every living person. Called the DARI, it measures the average exposure during 1 year from potassium-40 and carbon-14 — a dose which measures 170 microsieverts.
Becquerel Bq 1 radioactive decay per second Useful in monitoring radioactive contaminants1
Curie Ci The radioactivity of 1 gram of radium:
1 Ci = 3.72x1010 Bq
Used to measure quantity and activity of bulk radioisotopes.
Gray Gy 1 Joule of energy deposited
per kilogram of tissue
A very large unit in terms of human exposure
Roentgen R 1 unit of charge per cc of air
= 80 ergs per gram of air
Becoming obsolete
Rad rad 1 rad = 0.01 Gy Currently the best-known unit of radiation exposure
Biological equivalence factor Q Depends on type of radiation. The less penetrating the rays, the higher their Q. For example,
the Q of alpha rays is 20,
while x-rays have a Q of 1.
Roentgen-equivalent-man rem 1 rem = 1 rad / Q Used more often in medical literature.
Sievert Sv 1 Sv = 100 rem;
1 Gy = Q Sv
Modern measure of biologically effective dose

The natural sources include radioactive forms of potassium and carbon in our own bodies, uranium and thorium found in rocks, and radon gas from the decay of uranium. The thing to remember is that we have grown up amid these exposures, not just as individuals, but as a species. We therefore have a certain amount of radiation tolerance built in. Averaged over the world's population, annual exposure from natural sources is 2.4 millisievert. Keep this baseline level in mind when comparing the exposures given in Table 2. The danger from artificial radiation such as fallout comes when that exposure substantially exceeds the natural radiation levels.

Table 2. Natural and Artificial Sources of Radioactivity
  Where Decay Typical  
Source Found Count Exposure Notes
Internal decay rates and typical exposures based on a body mass of 70 kg (157 lb). Unless otherwise stated, figures are for the USA.
This table is based on data in Chapter 4 of Garwin & Chartak, especially Figure 4.2 and Table 4.1.
Potassium 40 Internal 3850 Bq 165 µSv Pervades all of Earth
Carbon 14 Internal 4140 Bq 12 µSv Found in all living things
Potassium 40 Rocks n/a 460 µSv Soil, masonry, rocks esp. granite
X-rays Medical n/a 140 µSv Dental exam
X-rays Medical n/a 150 µSv Pulmonary diagnosis
X-rays Medical n/a 20 µSv Chest x-ray
X-rays Medical n/a 1000 µSv Mammography
X-rays Medical n/a 3500 µSv Cranial CAT scan
X-rays Medical n/a 9000 µSv Abdominal CAT scan
Radon Th-232, U-235 n/a 1300 µSv Decay product of thorium & uranium; found in all rocks
Cesium 137 Fallout 920 Bq ? µSv Peak value: Belgium, 1965
Cosmic rays The Cosmos n/a 260 µSv Florida or New York City (sea level)
Cosmic rays The Cosmos n/a 500 µSv Denver, CO (1,600m)
Cosmic rays The Cosmos n/a 1250 µSv Leadville, CO (3,100m)
Cosmic rays The Cosmos n/a 2000 µSv La Paz, Bolivia (3,900m)
Cosmic rays The Cosmos n/a 15,000 µSv Air travel at 37k feet (11,200m)

While acknowledging that there is ample reason for public wariness toward nuclear technology, the authors offer this sound advice about radioactive contamination (pages 79-80):

This extraordinary sensitivity of the methods of measuring radioactivity has ironically been turned against them in some of the present debates about the potential harm from low doses of radiation. Instances of radioactive contamination that are in many cases much lower than the natural radioactivity of the human body are vehemently denounced, and presented as a particular hazard resulting from nuclear energy. Effects from other energy sources that are actually more pernicious are ignored simply because these effects are more difficult to measure. This often disserves public understanding of the relative dangers of various human activities—an understanding to which this book is intended to contribute.

The following table shows the principal radioisotopes found in spent fuel rods from a 1 Gigawatt-electric light-water-moderated nuclear power plant. Amounts are expressed as kilograms produced in one year of plant operation. Equivalent in Natural Doses is calculated by dividing the average worldwide annual exposure of 2.4mSv, cited above, into the given values of "Dose per Gram Ingested (Sv)". Some of the half-life values given in the book were corrected as noted.

Table 3. Principal Constituents of Spent Nuclear Fuel
    Annual Dose per gram Equivalent in  
Isotope Half-life (Y) Burden (kg) Ingested (Sv) Natural Doses Notes
Based on data from page 121 and Table 5.1 of Garwin & Charpak.
Minor Actinides
Neptunium-237 2,144,000 10 2.9 1,208 Half-life from NUDAT 2.1
Americium-241 432.2 5 26,000 1.08x107 Decays to Np-237; half-life from NUDAT 2.1
Americium-243 7,370 5 1,500 625,000 Decays to Pu-239; half-life from NUDAT 2.1
Curium-244 18.1 0.5 3.6x105 1.5x108 Half-life from NUDAT 2.1
Curium-245 8,500 0.5 1,300 541,667 Half-life from NUDAT 2.1; authors give 8,532
Fission Products
Technetium-99 211,100 18 0.04 16.7 Half-life from NUDAT 2.1; authors give 2.16MY
Zirconium-93 1,530,000 16 0.10 41.7 Half-life from NUDAT 2.1

One of the best features about this book is its frequent reminders to keep the dangers presented by nuclear power in proper perspective. Examples are Table 7.2, which compares the radiation exposures due to nuclear and coal-fired power plants, and Table 7.3, which gives the 1994 death rates from familiar causes like motor vehicle accidents. To this second table, the authors added the expected deaths due to the nuclear fuel cycle and the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island reactor accidents. (The sound-bite version: Chernobyl 1, coronaries 876.) Noteworthy, too, is this comment from page 200:

We have seen that widespread disease attributed to the Chernobyl disaster could not in fact have been caused by radiation. On the other hand, the nuclear industry's reluctance to take seriously the 24,000 cancer deaths that we expect as a result of Chernobyl is reminiscent of the tobacco firms in their ludicrous and deceptive charade of maintaining, until 1997, that nicotine was not addictive. The nuclear industry and official bodies would benefit from honesty in this matter. For example, in UNSCEAR 1993 (p. 23) we find this candid statement regarding Chernobyl: "The collective effective dose committed by this accident is estimated to have been about 600,000 man-Sv." But, in UNSCEAR 2000 there is no overall collective dose estimated—only (vol. II, p. 486) that the "estimated effective lifetime dose" for Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine totals about 60,000 man-Sv. Ignoring the dose to the rest of the world is not progress.

This last table compares the radiation emission from 1-GWe nuclear power plants using both the once-through (i.e. direct disposal) and recycling fuel cycles against that from a coal-fired plant of equivalent electrical output. According to the authors, exposure values in the table represent "Collective effective dose to the public from effluents of the nuclear fuel cycle. Dose commitment in person-Sv per GWe-yr of operation." I have some concern over whether the numbers are accurate. I also corrected two addition mistakes found in the authors' Table 7.2.

The thing to note is that the concept of nuclear plants exposing the public to radiation while coal-burning plants do not is just simplistic. Note too that such a coal-fired plant burns 2 million tons of coal per year, and releases quantities of carbon dioxide as well as some level of nitrogen oxides (contributors to photochemical smog), sulfur oxide (contributor to acid rain), and mercury (a toxic metal).

Table 4. Exposures Due to Nuclear and Coal-fired Power Plants Compared
  Nuclear Coal  
Phase of Operation Once-Thru Recycle Notes
Adapted from Table 7.2 (page 198). The values are "dose commitment in person-Sv per GWe-yr of operation."
Local & Regional Component
Mining 1.1 0.9 0.002  
Plant Operation 1.3 1.3 20 (atmospheric release during operation)
Total Local & Regional 2.4 2.2 20  
Solid Waste & Global Component
Mine & Mill Tailings 150 120 0 (release over 10,000 years)
Plant Operation, disposal of intermediate waste 0.5 0.5 0  
Reprocessing, solid-waste disposal 0 1.2 125 (5% of fly ash from coal-fired plants used in concrete for buildings)
Reprocessing, globally dispersed radionuclides 0 217 0 (release over 10,000 years)
Total Solid Waste & Global 151 339 125  
Totals for Both Components
Grand Total 153 341 145  


Finding a definitive source for half-life values on the Web proved more difficult than I expected. I initially searched for a list that gave all isotopes in order by name and mass-number, together with the corresponding half-life values. I failed to find that sort of table. I did find some that gave a subset of isotopes, but no one of those had all the isotopes I wanted to know about, and the half-life values they gave for a given isotope were not consistent.

So I turned to the table of nuclides. Quite a few Web-based tables of nuclides exist, but they represent the isotopes as a matrix of tiny squares colored according to activity level. The size of the squares makes it hard to pick the isotope you want; thus these tables are somewhat unwieldy to use. Eventually I discovered Brookhaven Labs' "NUDAT 2.1 Table of Nuclides". This follows a similar format; but when you hover the mouse cursor over any square, a "tooltip" pops up to tell you the element symbol and isotope mass number. With a little practice, I could home in on the ones I wanted very quickly. Also, Brookhaven seems to be the ultimate source for such data. I based my corrections on its table.

For those interested, here's the link, in Brookhaven-approved citation format:

National Nuclear Data Center, information extracted from the NuDat database,

1 Instruments such as a Geiger counter can measure the radioactive disintegration of a single atom. Although single disintegrations have negligible impact on health, the Becquerel is useful for measuring trace concentrations of radioisotopes. For example, the EPA guideline for radon exposure is 148 Bq per cubic meter of air.
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