Reviewed 6/18/2019

How Private Spaceflight, a Resurgent NASA, and International Partners Are Creating a New Space Age
Rod Pyle
Dallas: Benbella Books, February 2019




ISBN-13 978-1-944648-45-9
ISBN 1-944648-45-3 317pp. SC/LF/FCI $21.95


Page 6: "But Constellation, continually over schedule and underbudgeted, was canceled by President Obama in 2010 after a program review by aerospace experts..."
  Wording: S/B "behind schedule and over budget" — the typical way to describe these all too common problems with NASA programs.
Page 23: "But we have made a solid start, and ongoing research in places like the ISS have taught us much."
  Number error: S/B "has".
Page 25: "You probably have some thoughts of your own about why spaceflight and the long-term exploration of the cosmos is important..."
  Number error: S/B "are".
Page 25: "NASA, and those who support its mission, has struggled to convince both the Congress and the broader public why space exploration is important."
  Number error: S/B "have".
Page 27: "At the same time, the agency is running far more complex and wide-ranging programs than they were in the 1960s..."
  Number error: S/B "it was".
Page 49: "Neither the capsule nor the rocket are reusable."
  Number error: S/B "is".
Page 70: "These suits also had to be flexible enough to allow the wearer to perform work while it was pressurized..."
  Number error: S/B "The suit".
Page 111: "...twenty-two square miles of this stunning landscape remains largely undeveloped."
  Number error: S/B "remain".
Page 115: "Musk formed Space Exploration Technologies Corp., better known as SpaceX, in 2002 and the company successfully launched its first Falcon 1 in 2008, after three failed attempts."
  Missing comma: S/B "in 2002, and".
Pages 118-9: "The lawsuit was a risky gamble that paid off, and it probably foreshadows how some business will be conducted in the new space area."
  The preceding discussion leaves the impression that Musk's lawsuit was without precedent. Not so; aerospace contractors have been suing the awarding agency over awards to competitors since before the paint was dry on the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star. See GAO Bid Protests: An Overview of Time Frames and Procedures (24-page PDF.)
Page 130: "In fact, he's been a space-flight dreamer since his childhood—he built his first rocket from scratch when he was twelve years old, after discovering an eighty-year-old case of dynamite in his grandmother's barn."
  Tory Bruno is a steely-eyed missile man indeed!
Page 156: "...the number of business plans that we saw were increasing, and the quality of deals that we saw was increasing."
  Number error: S/B "was" as in the following clause.
Page 180: "There are a number of other small national space agencies, with new ones popping up every few years. Iran, North and South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and even tiny Bangladesh and Luxembourg (with a population of just 535,000) have announced their intentions in spaceflight."
  Word order: S/B "Bangladesh and tiny Luxembourg".
Pages 187-88: "...ULA has used Russian engines for its Atlas V rockets since 2002—but soon will be switching over the rocket engines build by Blue Origin."
  Missing word, verb tense: S/B "switching over to the" and "built".
Page 206: "Martian ice deposits and its atmosphere contain the necessary constituents..."
  Usage: S/B "the planet's atmosphere". Conversely, simply drop the word "its."
Page 227: "Material that is superheated by the impact, including ocean steam and vaporized rock from the seafloor, travel back up that tunnel into the air."
  Number error: S/B "travels".
Page 248: "Pilot Space Settlement: Blue Origin or SpaceX launch elements of a privately funded space colony to low Earth orbit for testing in 2028."
  Number error: S/B "launches".
Page 252: "Former NASA astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz thinks it is destiny, the oldest of trump cards that will drive settlements..."
  Missing comma: S/B "the oldest of trump cards, that will".
Page 259: "Triple sonic booms from each booster, the result of their high-speed transonic reentries, rippled across the landscape."
  Wording: S/B "Triple sonic booms, one from each booster".
Page 260: "Past the Red Planet, the Tesla looped back toward Earth and then return to deep space in an endless oval."
  Verb tense: S/B "loops" and "returns" — going by the overall description of its motion. (Track its motion using the sites mentioned here.)
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