I include here books on the normal aspects of medicine — surgery, epidemiology, etc. — as well as more speculative topics like life extension. |
TITLE (Linked to review) |
RATING (0-5) |
Bodmer, Walter | The Book of Man | 5.0 | 6/26/2003 | Pioneering geneticist Dr. Bodmer has penned a thorough and very readable introduction to the history of genetic science and its application to modern problems. |
Bova, Ben | Immortality | 5.0 | 12/22/2001 | Dr. Bova surveys recent biomedical progress that may bring us nearer to this ancient goal. |
Critser, Greg | Eternity Soup | 5.0 | 3/24/2019 | More about the prospects for life extension |
Denworth, Lydia | Toxic Truth | 5.0 | 8/16/2013 | The battle to eradicate lead poisoning in America's children is vividly recounted here by Lydia Denworth. |
Graedon, Joe | Top Screwups Doctors Make and How To Avoid Them | 5.0 | 3/29/2012 | As they've done since 1976 in 18 books, Joe and Terry Graedon clue the public in to the pitfalls of being a medical patient. |
Hall, Stephen S. | Merchants of Immortality | 4.5 | 7/13/2014 | Hall provides a painfully vivid elucidation of America's dysfunctional federal oversight of its biotechnology industry. |
Shah, Sonia | The Fever | 5.0 | 10/30/2013 | Even in the age of gene-splicing and MRIs, malaria defies our every effort at control. Investigative journalist Sonia Shah explains why in this unsparing and readable account. |
Stipp, David | The Youth Pill | 5.0 | 10/20/2011 | Another good report on the progress of gerontology in unraveling the very complex puzzle of human aging. |
Weiner, Jonathan | Long for this World | 5.0 | 7/02/2011 | This profile of Aubrey de Grey brings the vexing questions of the feasiility and the desirability of immortality into sharp focus. |
The books are rated from 0 to 5 in increments of 0.5. Colors represent the following quality ranges: | ||||
4.0 to 5.0 | Quality: | HIGH | (Color = Aqua) | Competent to exceptional; well worth the money |
2.0 to 3.5 | Quality: | FAIR | (Color = Lime) | Useful despite some flaws; may or may not be worth buying. |
0.5 to 1.5 | Quality: | POOR | (Color = Yellow) | Seriously flawed; read it if you wish, but don't buy it. |
0.0 to 0.0 | Quality: | YUCK | (Color = Fuchsia) | Avoid this book at all costs! |