Reviewed 1/20/2010

Train Wreck, by Bill Press

The End of the Conservative Revolution (and Not a Moment Too Soon)
Bill Press
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2008




ISBN-13 978-0-470-18240-6
ISBN-10 0-470-18240-7 248p. HC $24.95


Page 26: "For Californians, he might as well have proposed building a dam across Yosemite Valley or clear-cutting Redwood National Park."
  There is no "Redwood National Park." Press probably means Sequoia-Kings Canyon.
Page 27: "And, in that case, George W. Bush did not disappoint."
  I just wish this were punchier: "And George W. Bush did not disappoint."
Page 57: "Fortunately, for many Republicans, hypocrisy is not a capital offense."
  Unneeded comma: S/B "Fortunately for many Republicans,".
Page 68: "For each $1 million in government contracts rewarded, a $50,000 'fee' was expected."
  S/B "contracts awarded".
Page 91: "...including a revamping of Nunn-Lugar—for which the Senate later tossed in an additional $100 million."
  Leaves unclear the absolute level of funding.
Page 93: "A lot people who ride the subway don't vote at all."
  Missing word: S/B "lot of people".
Page 94: "Perhaps the worst security nightmare would be a terrorist attack on a nuclear power facility, twenty-one of which are located within five miles of a major airport."
  It's irrelevant how close they are to any airport.
Page 146: "Clinton retaliated against Iraq for attempting to assassinate Bush 41, bombed Milosevic forces in Bosnia and Kosovo, sent marines to Haiti, and launched Cruise missiles at suspe4cted al-Qaeda targets in Sudan and Afghanistan."
  Unwarranted capitalization: S/B "cruise missiles" (unless this was Tom Cruise proving that he can handle the truth in A Few Good Men)./TD>
Page 152: "And what better place to unveil it than West Point."
  Needs a question mark.
Page 163: "It all started out rosy enough on March 5, 2001..."
  Adverb needed: S/B "rosily enough".
Page 163: "Yet just two months later, May 2001, Allbaugh was in front of a congressional committee ridiculing the work of the agency: ..." remainder of paragraph
  It seems there was some testimony omitted from this paragraph.
Page 184: "For all his vaunted conservatism, Bush became the first president since John Quincy Adams never to use his veto pen to kill a spending bill."
  I think this is historically inaccurate. (Or was his veto of S-CHIP overridden on the second pass?)
Page 188: "The former CEO of Alcoa turned out to be the sole truth teller in the entire Bush 43 team, during both terms."
  I know this is wrong. There are too many to list here, but a few are James Hansen, Rick Piltz, Bunnatine Greenhouse, Larry Lindsey, Jami Miscik and Jack Spadaro.
Page 189: "Nobody worries about deficits anymore."
  Missing space: S/B "any more".
Page 196: "The U.S. trade deficit is [...] one more serious problem negatively impacting every American famil..."
  Missing letter: S/B "family".
Page 212: "Did Jefferson realize the impact of his words? Did he realize that the doctrine of "nullification" could—and would, sixty-two years later!—lead to civil war? Yes, he did."
  Clumsy wording. Obviously Jefferson did not realize his actions would cause the Civil War.
Page 223: "Under the Clean Air Extension Act of 1970, states have the right to adopt tougher emission standards than the federal government has, as long as California, the first among the states, receives a waiver from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."
  This seems garbled. Why would California need a waiver for some other state's local regulation? (Also, a nit: there's no need to spell out what "EPA" means in this sentence.)
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