Reviewed 8/22/2023

The Climate Book, by Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg
New York: Penguin Press, February 2023




ISBN-13 978-0-593-49230-7
ISBN 0-593-49230-7 446pp. HC/BWI $30.00

Table of Contents

PART ONE   /   image bar
How Climate Works
1.1 "To Solve This Problem, We Need To Understand It" / Greta Thunberg 2
1.2 The Deep History of Carbon Dioxide 6
Peter Brannen / Science journalist, contributing writer at the Atlantic and author of The Ends of the World
1.3 Our Evolutionary Impact 9
Beth Shapiro / Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at University of California, Santa Cruz
and author of Life As We Made It
1.4 Civilization and Extinction 11
Elizabeth Kolbert / Staff writer for the New Yorker and author,
most recently, of Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future
1.5 "The Science Is As Solid As It Gets" / Greta Thunberg 18
1.6 The Discovery of Climate Change 23
Michael Oppenheimer / Atmospheric scientist, Princeton University's Professor of Geosciences
and International Affairs and long-time IPCC author
1.7 Why Didn't They Act? 29
Naomi Oreskes / Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of
Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University
1.8 Tipping Points and Feedback Loops 32
Johan Rockström / Director of the Potsdam Institute for
Climate Impact Research at Potsdam University
1.9 "This Is the Biggest Story in the World" / Greta Thunberg 41
PART TWO   /   image bar
How Our Planet Is Changing
2.1 "The Weather Seems To Be on Steroids" / Greta Thunberg 48
2.2 Heat 50
Katherine Hayhoe / Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor at
Texas Tech University and author of Saving Us
2.3 Methane and Other Gases 53
Zeke Hausfather / Climate Research Lead at Stripe,
Research Scientist at Berkeley Earth
2.4 Air Pollution and Aerosols 57
Bjøn H. Samset / Senior Researcher at CICERO Center for International Climate
Research, and IPCC lead author, and expert on the effects of non-CO2 emissions
2.5 Clouds 60
Paulo Ceppi / Lecturer in climate science at the Grantham Institute
and the Department of Physics at Imperial College London
2.6 Arctic Warming and the Jet Stream 62
Jennifer Francis / Senior scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center and
formerly Research Professor in Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University
2.7 Dangerous Weather 67
Friederike Otto / Senior lecturer in climate science at the Grantham Institute
at Imperial College London and co-lead at World Weather Attribution
2.8 "The Snowball Has Been Set in Motion" / Greta Thunberg 72
2.9 Droughts and Floods 74
Kate Marvel / Climate scientist at the Columbia University Center for
Climate Systems Research and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
2.10 Ice Sheets, Shelves and Glaciers 76
Ricarda Winkelmann / Professor of Climate System Analysis at the
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the University of Potsdam
2.11 Warming Oceans and Rising Seas 79
Stefan Ramstorf / Head of Earth Systems Analysis at the Potsdam Institute
and Professor of Physics of the Oceans at the University of Potsdam
2.12 Acidification and Marine Ecosystems 84
Hans-Otto Pörtner / Climatologist, physiologist, Professor and Head of
the Department of Integrative Ecophysiology at the Alfred Wegener Institute
2.13 Microplastics 86
Karin Kvale / Senior researcher at GNS Science and expert in modeling the
role of marine ecology in global biogeochemical cycles
2.14 Fresh Water 88
Peter H. Gleick / Co-founder and president-emeritus at the Pacific Institute,
member US National Academy of Sciences, hydroclimatologist
2.15 "It is much closer to home than we think" / Greta Thunberg 90
2.16 Wildfires 96
Joëlle Gergis / Senior lecturer in Climate Science at the Australian National
University and lead author on the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
2.17 The Amazon 99
Carlos A. Nobre / Earth System scientist on the Amazon, Chair of the Science Panel
for the Amazon and the convener of the Amazonia 4.0 Project
Julia Arieira / Plant Ecologist and Earth system scientist at Brazil's Federal
University of Espirito Santo
Nathália Nascimento / Geographer and Earth system scientist at
Brazil's Federal University of Espirito Santo
2.18 Boreal and Temperate Forests 102
Beverly E. Law / Professor Emeritus (sic) of of Global Change Biology and
Terrestrial Systems Science at Oregon State University
2.19 Terrestrial Biodiversity 106
Adriana De Palma / World Economic Forum Young Scientist and
senior researcher at the Natural History Museum in London
Andy Purvis / Biodiversity researcher at the Natural History Museum in London; led
a chapter of the first IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services/TD>
2.20 Insects 110
Dave Goulson / Professor of Biology at the University of Sussex; author of over
400 scientific articles on insect ecology and, among other books, Silent Earth
2.21 Nature's Calendar 113
Keith W. Larson / Ecologist researching environmental change in the Arctic
and Director of the Arctic Centre at Umeâ University
2.22 Soil 116
Jennifer L. Soong / Soil carbon scientist at Corteva; affiliate scientist at Colorado
State University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2.23 Permafrost 118
Örjan Gustafsson / Professor in Biogeochemistry at Stockholm University,
and elected Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
2.24 What Happens at 1.5, 2 and 4°C of Warming? 122
Tamsin Edwards / Climate scientist at King's College London, an IPCC lead
author and science communicator specializing in uncertainties in sea-level rise
PART THREE   /   image bar
How It Affects Us
3.1 "The world has a fever" / Greta Thunberg 131
3.2 Health and Climate 134
Tedros Adhamom Ghebreyesus / Director General of the
World Health Organization
3.3 Heat and Illness 137
Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera / Environmental epidemiologist, leader of the
Climate Change and Health research group at the University of Bern
3.4 Air Pollution 140
Drew Shindell / Climate Scientist and Distinguished Professor at Duke University's
Nicholas School of the Environment, author on multiple IPCC Assessments
3.5 Vector-borne Diseases 143
Felipe J. Colón-González / Assistant Professor at the Department of Infectious
Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine
3.6 Antibiotic Resistance 147
John Brownstein / Chief innovation Officer, Boston Children's Hospital;
Professor of Biological Informatics and Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Derek McFadden / Clinician scientist at the Ottawa Hospital; Junior Clinical Research
Chair in Antibiotic Use and Antibiotic Resistance at the University of Ottawa, Canada
Sarah McGough / Infectious disease epidemiologist, Harvard T. H. Chan School of
Public Health
Mauricio Santillana / Professor of Physics, Northeastern University, and
Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
3.7 Food and Nutrition 149
Samuel S. Myers / Principal research scientist, Harvard T. H. Chan School of
Public Health and Director, Planetary Health Alliance
3.8 "We are not all in the same boat" / Greta Thunberg 154
3.9 Life at 1.1°C 158
Saleemul Huq / Director of the International Center for Climate Change
and Development at the Independent University, Bangladesh
3.10 Environmental Racism 162
Jacqueline Patterson / Founder and Executive Director of the Chisholm
Legacy Project, a resource hub for Black front-line climate justice leadership
3.11 Climate Refugees 165
Abrahm Lustgarten / Investigative reporter for ProPublica and the New York Times
Magazine, author of a forthcoming book about climate-driven migration in the US
3.12 Sea-level Rise and Small Islands 169
Michael Taylor / Caribbean climate scientist, IPCC lead author, Professor and dean
of the Faculty of Science and Technology, the University of the West Indies, Mona
3.13 Rain in the Sahel 171
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim / Indigenous woman, geographer and coordinator of
the Association of Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad; UN Sustainable
Development Goals advocate
3.14 Winter in Sápmi 173
Elin Anna Labba / Sámi journalist and writer working with Indigenous literatures
at Tjállgoahte in Jokkmokk, Sweden
3.15 Fighting for the Forest 173
Sônia Guajajara / Brazilian Indigenous activist, environmentalist and
politician, and coordinator of the Association of Indigenous People of Brazil
3.16 "Enormous challenges are waiting" / Greta Thunberg 180
3.17 Warming and Inequality 182
Solomon Hsiang / Scientist and economist, Professor and Director of the
Global Policy Laboratory at UC Berkeley; co-founder of the Climate Impact Lab
3.18 Water Shortages 162
Taikan Oki / Global hydrologist, former Senior Vice-Rector of the
United Nations University, and an IPCC Coordinating Lead Author
3.19 Climate Conflicts 188
Marshall Burke / Associate Professor in the Department of Earth System
Science at Stanford University and co-founder of Atlas AI
3.20 The True Cost of Climate Change 191
Eugene Linden / Journalist and author; his most recent book on climate change
is Fire and Flood. Previously, The Winds of Change won a Grantham Award.
PART FOUR   /   image bar
What We've Done About It
4.1 "How can we undo our failures if we are unable to admit that we have failed?" / Greta Thunberg 200
4.2 The New Denialism 204
Kevin Anderson / Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the Universities of
Manchester, Uppsala, and Bern
4.3 The Truth about Government Climate Targets 210
Alexandra Urisman Otto / Climate reporter at the Swedish newspaper Dagens
Nyheter and co-author of Gretas resa (Greta's Journey)
4.4 "We are not moving in the right direction" / Greta Thunberg 216
4.5 The Persistence of Fossil Fuels 219
Bill McKibben / Founder of the environmental organizations and Third Act
and author of more than a dozen books, including The End of Nature and Eaarth
4.6 The Rise of Renewables 224
Glen Peters / Research Director at the Center for International Climate Research in
Oslo; member of the executive team of the Global Carbon Budget; an IPCC lead author
4.7 How Can Forests Help Us? 230
Karl-Heinz Erb / An IPCC lead author, Director of the Institute of Social Ecology
and Associate Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Simone Gingrich / Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Ecology,
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
4.8 What about Geoengineering? 233
Niclas Hällström / Director of WhatNext?, President of the ETC Group, and senior
affiliate at Centre for Environment and Development Studies, Uppsala University
Jennie C. Stephens / Dean's Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy at
Northeastern University, and author of Diversifying Power
Isak Stoddard / PhD candidate in Natural Resources and Sustainable
Development at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
4.9 Drawdown Technologies 235
Rob Jackson / Earth scientist at Stanford University and Chair of the
Global Carbon Project
4.10 "A whole new way of thinking" / Greta Thunberg 240
4.11 Our Imprint on the Land 244
Alexander Popp / Senior scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research and leader of a research group on land-use management
4.12 The Calorie Question 248
Michael Clark / Environmental scientist at the University of Oxford,
focusing on food systems' contribution to climate, biodiversity and well-being
4.13 Designing New Food Systems 252
Sonja Vermuelen / Director of Programs at CGIAR, and Associate at
Chatham House
4.14 Mapping Emissions in the Industrial World 256
John Barrett / Professor in Energy and Climate Policy, University of Leeds,
government advisor to DEFRA, and an IPCC lead author
Alice Garvey / Research at the Sustainability Research Institute,
University of Leeds
4.15 The Technical Hitch 260
Ketan Joshi / Freelance writer, analyst and communications consultant, who has
previously worked for a variety of Australian and European climate organizations
4.16 The Challenge of Transport 265
Alice Larkin / Vice-Dean and Head of School of Engineering and a Professor of
Climate Science and Energy Policy at the Tyndall Centre, University of Manchester
4.17 Is the Future Electric? 271
Jillian Anable / Co-director of the University of Oxford's CREDS (Centre for
Research in Energy Demand Solutions)
Christian Brand / Co-director of UK Energy Research Centre and Associate
Professor at University of Oxford. Author of Personal Travel and Climate Change.
4.18 "They keep saying one thing while doing another" / Greta Thunberg 278
4.19 The Cost of Consumerism 281
Annie Lowrey / Staff writer at the Atlantic, covering economic policy,
and author of Give People Money
4.20 How (Not) To Buy 285
Mike Berners-Lee / Professor at Lancaster University's Environment Centre,
Director of Small World Consulting Ltd and author of There Is No Planet B
4.21 Waste Around the World 290
Silpa Kaza / Senior urban development specialist in the World Bank's Urban,
Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice
4.22 The Myth of Recycling 295
Nina Schrank / Senior campaigner for the Plastics Team at Greenpeace UK
4.23 "This is where we draw the line" / Greta Thunberg 301
4.24 Emissions and Growth 306
Nicholas Stern / Professor of Economics and Government Chair of
The Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics and Politica Science
4.25 Equity 308
Sunita Narain / Director-General of the Centre for Science and Environment, a
not-for-profit public interest and advocacy organization based in New Delhi
4.26 Degrowth 310
Jason Hickel / Economic anthropologist, author and Professor at the Institute for
Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
4.27 The Perception Gap 313
Amitav Ghosh / Author of sixteen works of fiction and non-fiction, the first
English-language writer to receive India's highest literary honor, the Jnanpith Award
PART FIVE   /   image bar
What We Must Do Now
5.1 "The most effective way to get out of this mess is to educate ourselves" / Greta Thunberg 324
5.2 Individual Action, Social Transformation 328
Stuart Capstick / An environmental social scientist based at Cardiff University
And Deputy Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations
Lorraine Whitemarsh / Professor of Environmental Psychology, University of Bath;
Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations
5.3 Towards 1.5°C Lifestyles 210
Kate Raworth / Co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab and
Senior Associate at Oxford University's Environmental Change Institute
5.4 Overcoming Climate Apathy 337
Per Espen Stoknes / A psychologist, TED Global speaker and Co-director
of the Centre for Sustainability at the Norwegian Business School
5.5 Changing Our Diets 340
Gideon Eshel / Professor of Environmental Physics at Bard College, New York
5.6 Remembering the Ocean 344
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson / Marine biologist, co-founder of the policy think tank
Urban Ocean Lab, co-editor of All We Can Save, and co-creator of How To Save a Planet
Simone Gingrich / Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Ecology,
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
5.7 Rewilding 348
George Monbiot / Writer, filmmaker, and environmental activist; author of a
weekly column for The Guardian as well as various books and videos
Rebeca Wrigley / Founder and Chief Executive of Rewilding Britain, who has
worked in conservatism and community development for thirty years
5.8 "We now have to do the seemingly impossible" / Greta Thunberg 354
5.9 Practical Utopias 360
Margaret Atwood / Booker Prize-inning author of more than fifty
books of fiction, poetry and critical essays
5.10 People Power 364
Erica Chenoweth / Political scientist, Professor at Harvard University
5.11 Changing the Media Narrative 369
George Monbiot / Writer, filmmaker, and environmental activist; author of a
weekly column for The Guardian as well as various books and videos
5.12 Resisting the New Denialism 372
Michael E. Mann / Atmospheric Sciences at Penn State, IPCC contributor,
and author of many books including The New Climate War
5.13 A Genuine Emergency Response 375
Seth Klein / Team lead with the Climate emergency Unit and author of
A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
5.14 Lessons from the Pandemic 378
David Wallace-wells / New York Times opinion writer and magazine columnist;
author of The Uninhabitable Earth
5.15 "Honesty, solidarity, integrity and climate justice" / Greta Thunberg 386
5.16 A Just Transition 390
Naomi Klein / Journalist and bestselling author; UBC Professor of Climate Justice and
Co-director of the Centre for Climate Justice at the University of British Columbia
5.17 What Does Equity Mean To You[?] 396
Nicki Becker / Law student and climate justice advocate from Argentina
Co-founder of Jovenes por clima; active in Fridays for Future MAPA
Disha Ravi / Indian climate and environmental justice activist and writer
Hilda Flavia Nakabuye / Climate and environmental rights activist who founded
Uganda's Fridays for Future movement
Laura Verónica Muñoz / Ecofeminist from the Colombian Andean mountains
involved in Fridays for Future, Pacto X el Clima, and Unite for Climate Action
Ina Maria Shikongo / Mother, climate justice activist and poet active in the
Fridays for Future International movement
Ayisha Siddiqa / Pakistani-American storyteller, climate justice advocate and
Co-founder of Polluters Out and Fossil Free University
Mitzi Jonelle Tan / Full-time climate justice advocate based in the Philippines
involved with Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines and Fridays for Future
5.18 Women and the Climate Crisis 402
Wanjira Mathai / Kenyan environmentalist and activist, and Vice-President
and Regional Director for Africa at the World Resources Institute
5.19 Decarbonization Requires Redistribution 405
Lucas Chancel / Co-director of the World Inequality Lab at the
Paris School of Economics, and Affiliate Professor at Sciences Po
Thomas Piketty / Professor at EHESS and the Paris School of Economics,
and author of Reconsidering Reparations and Elite Capture
5.20 Climate Reparations 410
Olúfémi O. Táwò / Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University,
and author of Reconsidering Reparations and Elite Capture
5.21 Minding Our Relationship with the Earth 415
Robin Wall Kimmerer / SUNY Distinguished Teacher of Environmental Biology,
founder and Director of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment
5.22 "Hope is something you have to learn" / Greta Thunberg 421
  What Next? 424
  Index 437
  Illustration Credits 444
  A Note on the Cover 446
Ed Hawkins / Professor of Meteorology at the University of Reading
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