Why Are We Waiting?, by Nicholas Stern

The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change
Nicholas Stern
Richard Layard, M.P. (Fwd.)
Cambridge: The MIT Press, April 2015




ISBN-13 978-0-262-02918-6
ISBN-10 0-262-02918-9 406pp. HC/GSI $27.95

Tracking the World's Progress on Climate Change Mitigation

Tracking progress on mitigating the effects of climate change begins with tracking the carbon dioxide emissions of nations. This can be a frustrating endeavor. First, not all nations report their data, and those that do may not be accurate. Second, reporting requirements differ from nation to nation and from year to year. And third, some interests (e.g. fossil fuel producers and distributors) have incentives to understate these numbers.

All that said, however, I attempt to provide here some tables of carbon-dioxide-equivalent emissions data by country.

This first table seems to give data for CO2 only.

or Region
GHG Emissions Change in GHG
Emissions (%)
Share of World Total (%)
2005 2018 2005 2018
Source: Annex A to https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/documents/pdf/cesindicators/global-ghg-emissions/2021/global-greehouse-gas-emissions-en.pdf
China 7,194 12,355 71.7 18.6 26.0
United States 6,802 6,024 -11.4 17.6 12.7
European Union (EU27) 4,288 3,567 -16.8 11.1 7.5
India 1,970 3,375 71.3 5.1 7.1
Russian Federation 2,373 2,543 7.2 6.1 5.3
Japan 1,284 1,187 -7.6 3.3 2.5
Brazil 889 1,033 16.0 2.3 2.2
Indonesia 703 970 37.9 1.8 2.0
Iran 613 828 35.1 1.6 1.7
Canada 705 725 2.8 1.8 1.5
Rest of World 11,847 14,946 26.2 30.6 31.4
World 38,669 47,552 23.0 100.0 100.0

This second one gives CO2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent — accounting for CO2 and all other greenhouse gases. It comes from the source Lord Stern cites in his book.

Country Tonnes CO2eq. (Millions)
1990 2000 2010 2018
Source: https://www.climatewatchdata.org/ghg-emissions?end_year=2018&start_year=1990
China 2,874 4,250 9,872 11,706
United States 5,543 6,446 6,042 5,794
India 1,009 1,498 2,577 3,347
Russia 2,885 1,831 1,691 1,992
Indonesia 1,257 1,192 1,125 1,704
Brazil 1,642 1,807 2,105 1,421
Japan 1,109 1,199 1,130 1,155
Iran 241 446 699 828
Germany 1,109 925 863 777
Canada 626 740 976 763
United Kingdom 746 674 584 441
Australia 558 662 601 619
Mexico 417 559 584 695
Congo 435 427 444 682
South Korea 244 469 586 673
Saudi Arabia 191 292 515 638
Italy 457 488 451 387
France 478 484 404 361
Poland 429 359 320 357
Ukraine 874 385 345 262

Third, I reproduce this table from the book as a crosscheck. My point is to illustrate the difficulties in arriving at a uniform set of emissions numbers for all countries, in all years of interest.

Country Tonnes CO2eq. (billions) Share of World Total (%)
Source: Stern, Table 9-1, page 283
China 10.08 21.37%
United States 6.77 14.36%
EU27 4.82 10.22%
Russia 2.32 4.91%
India 2.30 4.88%
Brazil 2.14 4.53%
Japan 1.30 2.75%
Indonesia 1.17 2.48%

Beyond tracking emissions lies the question of allocating reduction targets fairly.

It is clear that reduction on the necessary scale—to cut emissions by a factor of 2.5 in the next four decades (from global emissions of around 50 billion tonnes CO2e in 2010 to below 20 billion tonnes CO2e, and from around 7 tonnes per capita on average in 2010 to around 2 tonnes CO2e per capita)—requires all countries to be involved: it is not a task that any country can do alone.

If, in 2050, 2.5 billion people (the likely population of China, the US, and the EU) of the around 9 billion people were on average emitting 8 tonnes per capita, then the other 6.5 billion would have to be emitting below zero on average. At present, the US emits around 20 tonnes per capita and China is likely around 9 and rising. Looked at from another angle, if India and Africa, likely to be around 3 billion people or more in 2050, were at 7 tonnes per capita, quite likely on current trajectories, the other 6 billion or so of the world's population, including China, the US, and the EU, would have to be at zero or below.

These calculations are not morally or economically prescriptive. They take no account of the history of emissions or of income per capita. They simply illustrate the immensely important quantitative point that the scale of the necessary change is such that all countries must be involved in strong cutbacks of emissions. We shall argue that this can and must be consistent with overcoming poverty and with development and growth. That is the recurrent theme of this book.

– Page 40

Finally, the world faces the problem of which low-carbon technologies to embrace or discard. It is not an easy question to answer.

Embracing a broad range of technologies for the transition makes sense. We cannot predict with certainty how costs will change. Different technologies provide different energy profiles—for example, nuclear provides primarily base load—and contribute to a system in different ways. Ruling out technologies may turn out to raise costs of the transition in the longer run and increase vulnerabilities. A portfolio approach seems wise. But support for some low-carbon technologies can change, as can perception of their risk. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 shifted public perceptions on nuclear power across the world, with major adjustments to energy policy in some countries in the weeks and months following. Public opposition to nuclear energy in Italy and Germany strengthened considerably; Germany decided to close several older nuclear plants immediately and committed to a total phase-out of nuclear by 2022. In Italy, a referendum on nuclear energy was held just months after Fukushima, with 94% of the electorate (in a high voter turnout of around 55%) voting for a ban on construction of new plants.

Evidence suggests that changes in attitudes and perceptions following events like Fukushima may be temporary. Whether opposition proves to be temporary or persistent, rapid policy adjustments caused by such events may have wide-ranging and often unexpected implications. Germany's policy shift has seen greater coal use. And as more nuclear plants shut over the coming years, it is likely that coal will fill a large part of the gap, with 12 new plants planned by 20202. The lesson is that a relatively rapid phasing-out of low-carbon plant (here nuclear) has significant implications, with, in Germany's case, increasing emissions and possible medium- or long-term lock-in to unabated coal.

– Page 124

1 Climategate (more aptly labeled SwiftHack) involved the theft of some 11,000 e-mails from a server at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) a few months before COP15 took place. Carefully chosen snippets from these e-mails were used to assert that the climate scientists involved had fabricated the data showing the planet's mean temperature was rising. Eight separate investigations cleared the scientists of this charge.
2 See: The U.S. natural gas industry is leaking way more methane than previously thought (Science, 4 July 2018)
3 For example, in the U.S. there is much concern on the part of natural gas producers about regulations on methane leakage from their facilities. Methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, is also a salable product. It would seem, then, that the frackers would want to leak as little of it as they could. But, "that has been found not to be the case."
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