Reviewed 1/02/2016

Our Children Are in Danger
Mary Guay
LaBelle, FL: Big Lake Press, January 2014 |
ISBN-13 978-1-4947-3360-5 |
ISBN-10 1-4947-3360-9 |
322pp. |
$14.95 |
Corrected Bibliography
I added ISBNs to the entries in Mary Guay's Bibliography. I used Amazon, which is not 100% accurate but comes close. Where either the publisher or year published did not match what the printed book shows, I added the publisher Amazon lists that was closest to the year in the print edition. These corrections are shown in red. Where there is a correction, it is the source of the ISBN.
Aebi, Tania (with Bernadette Brennan) |
Maiden Voyage |
New York: Ballantine Books, August 1989 |
ISBN: 0-671-66653-3 |
Barlow, Maude and Tony Clarke |
Blue Gold: The Fight To Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water |
New York: The New Press, April 2002 |
Beavan, Colin |
No-Impact Man: The Adventures of a Guilty Liberal Who Attempts To Save the Planet and the Discoveries He Makes about Himself and our Way of Life in the Process |
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, September 2009 |
ISBN: 0-374-22288-6 |
Begley, Ed Jr. |
Living Like Ed: A Guide To the Eco-Friendly Life |
New York: Clarkson Potter Publishers, February 2008 |
Brower, Kenneth |
One Earth: Photographed by More than 80 of the World's Best Photojournalists |
San Francisco: Collins Publishers, December 1990 |
ISBN: 0-002-15730-6 |
Brown, Lester R. |
Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble |
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, October 2003 |
ISBN: 0-393-32523-7 |
Brown, Lester R. |
Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble |
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, January 2006 |
ISBN: 0-393-32831-7 |
Brown, Lester R. |
Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing To Save Civilization |
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, October 2009 |
ISBN: 0-393-33719-7 |
Brown, Lester R. |
World on the Edge: How To Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse |
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, January 2011 |
ISBN: 0-393-33949-1 |
Brown, Paul (Fwd. by Gerd Leipold) |
Global Warning: The Last Chance for Change |
Pleasantville, NY: Dakini Books (Readers Digest), October 2007 |
ISBN: 0762108762 |
Brune, Michael |
Coming Clean: Breaking America's Addiction to Oil and Coal |
San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 2008 (2nd ed. Nov. 2010) |
ISBN: 1578051908 |
Campbell, T. Colin & Thomas Campbell II |
The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health (The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health) |
Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, May 2006 |
ISBN: 1932100660 |
Casten, Thomas R. |
Turning off the Heat: Why America Must Double Efficiency To Save Money and Reduce Global Warming |
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, September 1998 |
ISBN: 1573922692 |
Charles, HRH The Prince of Wales |
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at our World |
New York: Harper Collins Publishers (Blue Door), October 2010 |
ISBN: 0007348037 |
Cravens, Gwyneth |
Power To Save the World: The Truth about Nuclear Energy |
New York: Random House, 2007 |
ISBN: 0-307-26656-7 |
Crosby, Alfred W. |
Children of the Sun: A History of Humanity's Unappeasable Appetite for Energy |
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, January 2006 |
ISBN: 0-393-05935-9 |
Deffeyes, Kenneth S. |
Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's Peak |
New York: Hill and Wang, 2009 (June 2006) |
ISBN: 080902957X |
DeVilliers, Marq |
Water: The Fate of our Most Precious Resource |
Toronto; Stoddart Publishing Ltd, 2000 (Mariner Books, July 2001) |
ISBN: 0618127445 |
Dobson, Clive & Gregory Gilpin Beck |
Watersheds: A Practical Handbook for Healthy Water |
Altona, Manitoba: Firefly Books, June 1999 |
ISBN: 1552093301 |
Fox, Josh |
Gasland (DVD, 106 minutes) |
International Wow Company, December 2010 |
ISBN: 1-4229-0288-9 |
Fuhrman, Joel, MD |
Eat To Live; The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss (rev. ed.) |
New York: Little, Brown & Company, January 2011 |
ISBN: 031612091X |
Goleman, Daniel |
Ecological Intelligence: How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything |
New York: Broadway Books, April 2009 |
ISBN: 0385527829 |
Goodell, Jeff |
Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future |
New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006 |
ISBN: 0-618-31940-9 |
Gore, Al |
An Inconvenient Truth |
Emmaus, PA: Rodale Publishing, May 2006 (5th ed.) |
ISBN: 1594865671 |
Henson, Robert |
The Rough Guide To Climate Change: The Symptoms, the Science, the Solutions (3rd ed.) |
New York: Penguin Putnam (Rough Guides), May 2011 |
ISBN: 1848365799 |
Klure, Michael T. |
Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy |
New York: Metropolitan Books, 2008 (Holt Paperbacks, March 2009) |
ISBN: 0805089217 |
McGraw, Dr. Phil |
The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom |
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008 (Free Press, November 2013) |
ISBN: 147675764X |
McKibben, Bill |
The Bill McKibben Reader: Pieces from an Active Life |
New York: Henry Holt & Company, 2006 (March 2008) |
ISBN: 0805076271 |
Melville, Greg |
Greasy Rider (Two Dudes, One Fry-Oil-Powered Car, and a Cross-Country Search for a Greener Future) |
Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, October 2008 |
ISBN: 1565125959 |
Ornish, Dean, MD |
Eat More, Weigh less: Dr. Dean Ornish's Life Choice Program for Losing Weight Safely While Eating Abundantly |
New York: Harper Collins, 1993 |
ISBN: 0060168382 |
Pearce, Fred |
Confessions of an Eco-Sinner: Tracking Down the Sources of My Stuff |
Boston: Beacon Press, October 2008 |
ISBN: 080708588X |
Pollan, Michael |
Food Rules: An Eater's Manual |
New York: Penguin Books, December 2009 |
ISBN: 014311638X |
Pope, Carl & Paul Rauber |
Strategic Ignorance; Why the Bush Administration Is Recklessly Destroying a Century of Environmental Progress |
San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 2004 |
ISBN: 1-57805-109-6 |
Powers, William |
Twelve By Twelve: A One Room Cabin Off the Grid and Beyond the American Dream |
Novato, CA: New World Library, May 2010 |
ISBN: 1577318978 |
Rothfeder, Jeffrey |
Every Drop for Sale: Our Desperate Battle over Water in a World About To Run Out |
New York: Penguin Putnam (Jeremy P. Tarcher), January 2001 |
ISBN: 1422352099 |
Schucman, Helen & William Thetford (editor) |
A Course in Miracles |
Tiburon, CA: Foundation for Inner Peace, 1975 (Course in Miracles Society, 2009) |
ISBN: 0976420074 |
St. James, Elaine |
Simplify Your Life: 100 Ways To Slow Down and Enjoy the Things That Really Matter |
New York: Hyperion (Hachette Books), May 1994 |
ISBN: 0786880007 |
Tolle, Eckhart |
The Power of Now |
Vancouver, BC: Namaste Publishing, 1997 (New World Library, September 1999) |
ISBN: 1577311523 |
Walsch, Neale Donald |
The Storm Before the Calm: A New Human Manifesto |
Ashland, OR: Emnin Books, October 2011 |
ISBN: 140193692X |
Willcox, Bradley J., MD; D. Craig Willcox; & Makoto Suzuki, MD |
The Okinawa Program: How the World's Longest-lived People Achieve Everlasting Health — and How You Can Too |
New York: Clarkson Potter Publishers, May 2001 |
ISBN: 0609607472 |

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