Reviewed 3/03/2011

Climate Wars, by Gwynne Dyer

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San Jose, CA Public Library
The Fight for Survival as the World Overheats
Gwynne Dyer
Oxford: Oneworld Publications, June 2010




ISBN-13 978-1-85168-718-3
ISBN-10 1-85168-718-1 296pp. HC $24.95


Page 43: "Now they, and their urban dependants, account for 99.9 per cent of the human race..."
  Spelling: S/B "dependents".
Page 44: "Only in the past thirty years have some people started to warn that the changes were actually underway..."
  Missing space: S/B "under way".
Page 184: "...the countries in question had agreed to police the trans-Saharan routes in order to staunch the flow of climate refugees from Africa to the EU."
  Vocabulary: S/B "stanch".
Page 211: "Unfortunately, the effort to create a legal framework of rights and responsibilities in international society got underway much later than the same enterprise within national states."
  Missing space: S/B "under way".
Page 256: "...when the deep oceans became completely free of oxygen, the sulfur bacteria came out of the sediments, where they hid from the oxygen and took over."
  This should either lose a comma, or gain one: S/B either "the sulfur bacteria came out of the sediments where they hid from the oxygen and took over" or "the sulfur bacteria came out of the sediments, where they hid from the oxygen, and took over".
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