Reviewed 8/20/2016

Facebook for Dummies, by Carolyn Abram

Carolyn Abram
David Deutsch (Fwd.)
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2016




ISBN-13 978-1-119-17903-0
ISBN 1-119-17903-3 368pp. SC/GSI $21.99


Page 54: "As you scroll through news feed, videos will begin playing..."
  I've never seen this happen. I always have to start the video manually.
Page 68: "By default, when you become friends with them, you also start following them."
  Since the previous paragraph talks about friends in the singular ("him"), this approaches a number error. But it's easy to fix: just change "them" to "people".
Page 88: "If you delete the URL text from the Share box..."
  This is the first use of "URL" and it is not defined. Newbies may not know what it means.
Page 105: "Your posts, information, friendships, and so on, populate your Friends' News Feeds (assuming that your Friends can see this information), but never the News Feeds of people you're not Friends with (unless you allow followers to see your public posts)."
  By definition, if posts are public they can be seen by anyone.
Page 180: "Make sure the Select All/None box is checked and click Send Invites."
  The screen shot, Figure 8-6, shows no such box.
Page 201: "...there's a chance his account was phished, meaning someone who shouldn't have gained access to it."
  I guess I'm old-school; I have trouble parsing this. I would write "meaning someone who shouldn't have has gained access to it."
Page 205: "This option opens a window with keyboard shortcuts that do . . . nothing. As far as I can tell, it's a practical joke on the part of Facebook."
Page 217: "And if you're a member of a group, you also need to remember that you may not be friends with everyone in the group. In a big group, you may actually be sharing with many people who typically couldn't see the things you post."
  Word choice: I would use "otherwise".
Page 220: "One unique feature of posts to Facebook Groups is that you can see who has read those posts."
  I don't see this. I'm a member of the Folk-Music Group. I looked at a recent post there, about Garrison Keilor. I see the number of likes, the number of shares, and the number of comments. There's no other number showing.
Page 230: "For example, if I'm friends with someone creating a group for our neighborhood association, but he isn't friends with my husband, I can easily add him to the group instead of him searching for my husband, adding him as a friend, and then adding him to the group."
  Vague reference: S/B "my husband". At least, I parse it more easily with this change.
Page 242: "I cover tags in upcoming section."
  Missing article: S/B "in an upcoming".
Page 273: "There are two main types of Pages: Community Pages, which are collectively updated and managed by its fans..."
  Number error: S/B "their".
Page 281: "To make is easier for you to get to your Page..."
  Word choice: S/B "it".
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