Reviewed 9/22/2013

Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, by Eric Asimov

Access to this book courtesy of the
San Jose, CA Public Library
Delbert G. Carlson, D.V.M.
James M. Giffin, M.D.
Liisa Carlson, D.V.M. (Special Contributions)
New York: Howell House, 1995




ISBN-13 978-0-87605-796-4
ISBN 0-87605-796-2 419pp. HC/BWI $24.95


Page xxiv: "At the same time, we have sought to provide guidance for the acute or emergency situations that common sense dictates you should handle on your own. Life-saving procedures such as artificial breathing, heart massage, obstetrical emergencies, poisonings and the like are illustrated and explained step by step."
  The meaning is clear and correct, but it is clumsy wording to describe obstetrical emergencies and poisoning as life-saving procedures.
Page 39: "Pyrantel Pamoate (Nemex) is also safe but has not been approved for use in cats. It is more effective than Piperazine and can be used in nursing kittens."
  These statements cannot both be true.
Page 41: "Pinworms are a common cause of concern to families with cats and children. Cats do not present a source of human pinworm infection as they do not acquire or spread this disease."
  Reading this, I concluded that if the first statement is true, the second cannot be. However, my friend advised me that human pinworm infection is a real disease.1 Thus it seems I was reading it wrong.
1 In fact, humans are the only species which the pinworm is known to infect. The CDC describes it as the most common worm infection in the United States and confirms that cats cannot spread it.
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