Reviewed 8/25/2019

Out of Sight, by Erik Loomis

The Long and Disturbing Story of Corporations Outsourcing Catastrophe
Erik Loomis
New York: The New Press, June 2015




ISBN-13 978-1-62097-008-9
ISBN 1-62097-008-2 244pp. HC $25.95


Page 36: "But for the workers it represented, AFL unions created real power on the job."
  Number error: S/B "they".
Page 38: "One of the exported radicals was Emma Goldman..."
  Word choice: S/B "deported".
Page 76: "Neither the chemical companies nor companies buying the Bangladeshi leather takes any responsibility for these conditions."
  Number error: S/B "take".
Page 89: "But in 1970, the media saw it is a radical moment that could rival Vietnam as the center of protest in American life."
  Word choice: S/B "as".
Page 155: "It is impossible to create energy on a large scale without some environmental trade-offs. Hydroelectric dams kill fish and have helped endanger wild salmon stocks in the Pacific Northwest. The deep blackness of solar panels comes through a chemical process with nasty byproducts. Creating solar panel banks in high enough numbers to create a significant amount of our energy will require the environmental degradation of some desert areas. Wind turbines kill birds. Nuclear power has all sorts of problems that make it too dangerous to use. Biofuels lead to widespread deforestation or the planting of enormous monocultures of corn that don't burn cleanly."
  These blanket statements, especially the outright condemnation of nuclear power (which today safely supplies one-fifth of America's electricity), are irresponsible. There are workarounds for many of these problems. Nasty byproducts can be neutralized, recycled, or stored securely. Corn can be replaced as a source of ethanol (Brazil has been making ethanol from sugar cane stalks for years.) Fish ladders preserve salmon; slower turbines preserve birds. This, of course, is not an in-depth rebuttal.
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This page was last modified on 25 August 2019.